INDEX Abercrombie, General James, 78, 345 Allison, William H., Inventory ... 0/ Ma- Abington, Mrs., 329 terial for American Religious History Abolition, growth of sentiment for, in • • • » 397 Pennsylvania, 481; memorials to Con- Almanacs, Public Ledger, presented to the gress by advocates of, 490 Society, 367 Abraham, Evelyn, gift to the Society, 258 Alricks, Governor, 103 Acheson, Sam, 35,000 Days in Texas: A Ambassadors, American, change in title of, History of the Dallas News and Its For- 92 bears, reviewed, 477 American Academy of Art, 185 Adamic, Louis, 374 American Agriculturist, in files of Society, Adams, Henry, on teaching history, 88 368 Adams, John, 49, 201, 438~439> 469; American Annual Register, 53 alarmed by equalitarian movement, 385; American Antiquarian Society, Proceed- as a Federalist, 51; opposition to the ings of, 394 Quebec Bill, 73; resolution adopted by American Bar Association, addressed by Congress, 307; on sermon of William Lord Haldane, 388 Smith, 419; Talleyrand and the admin- American Bibliography, by Charles Evans, istration of, 362-363 390, 393, 489 Adams, John Quincy, Henry Clay as Secre- American Catalogue, by James Kelley, 393 tary of State to, 353; supporter of Feder- American Commonwealth, James Bryce, alists, 51 349. Adams, Mrs. John Q., 256 American Council of Learned Societies, Adams, Samuel, and John Adams, 201; ad- 39O, 394, 399 vocate of reimbursement of East India American Frontier, by Elizabeth Peck, re- Company for "Boston Tea Party," 403; viewed, 474 and Peter S. Du Ponceau, 201, 331; oppo- American Historical Association, bibli- sition to the Quebec Bill, 73; statesman- ographical work of, 392, 393, 394, 396, ship of, 74 397, 398, 399 Addison, Joseph, 455 American History. See History, American Admiralty Courts, British, work of, 462 American Law Journal, summary of Day Age of Reason, Thomas Paine, 302—303 vs. Jarvis in, 170 Agriculture, in colonial America: 89; Brit- American Library Association, 392, 394 ish vs. German tradition in, 483-484. American Minerva, 51, 1337*,* account of history of, materials relating to, in files elections of 1794 in, 1397* of the Society, 368 American Nation: A History, 392 Aid Societies established in Philadelphia American Newspapers, 1821-IQ36, by Win- (1760-1790), 60 ifred Gregory, 394 Aitken, James, aliases of , 1, 7; in America, American Opinion of Roman Catholicism 6; attempt on the Bristol shipping, 16; in the Eighteenth Century, by Sister capture of, 19; described by Silas Deane, Mary Augustina Ray, reviewed, 475 2; early life, 1, 6-7; execution, 22-23; American Philosophical Society, 76; ac- infernal machine of, 4, 8; incendiarism count of, by Peter S. Du Ponceau, 1917*; at Bristol, 16-17; incendiarism at Ports- Du Ponceau as President of, 191-192; mouth, 9-11; and Silas Deane, 1—5, 20, Franklin memorial service held by, 61; 23 ; trial of, 21-22; visit to Edward Ban- Franklin portrait owned by, 236; Mar- croft, 14-15 bois a member of, 298; old broadside Alabama, French exiles in, 470 owned by, 146 Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, The Rise of American Political Science Association, New York Port, reviewed, 357-358 399. Albion, ship, 12 American Republican, in files of the So- Alexander, Lady Kitty, at Valley Forge, ciety, 368 209 American Review, in files of the Society, Allegheny College, 346 491 Allen, Nathaniel, instructions of Penn to, American writers. See Writers, American 1557* Americana, of Pacific Northwest, bibli- ography, 399 497 498 INDEX Americana, article in, 251 452-453; Baron von Steuben beloved by, Ames, Fisher, 12771, 143; on the Demo- 219; at Valley Forge, 202, 208-209, 4^6. cratic Societies, 119, 135^/ supporter of See also Military Affairs Federalists, 51 Arne, Thomas, opera by, 336 Ames, John G., Comprehensive Index, 395 Arnold, Benedict, 335; campaign in Vir- Amity, ship, built by William West, 103- ginia, 314, 315, 318; treason of, 311 104 Art, in Colonial America, 75, 344, 381; in Amundson, Hans, 103 New York and Philadelphia in 1801, Anaesthesia, discovery of, 245, 246 185; Pennsylvania German, 89, 270, 476; 4ncient Testimony and Principles of the in Philadelphia in 1785, 178 People called Quakers, The, 306 Art association, first organization of in Anderson, Colonel, and Peter S. Du Pon- America, 179 ceau, 223-224 Art of War and Making Fire Works as Anderson, Alexander, on the Columbian Practiced by the Army of the King of Gallery, 181 France, The, pamphlet, 6 Anderson, Joseph, Comptroller of the Articles of Confederation, 482; lack of Treasury, 2237? executive or judicial powers of Govern- Andre, Major John, 311 ment under, 299 Andres, Simon, 31 Articles, Settlement, and Offices of the Free Andrews, Charles M., Colonial Period of Society of Traders in Pennsylvania . , American History: England's Com- 147, 166 mercial and Colonial Policy, IV, re- Artist of the Revolution: the Early Life of viewed, 462-464 Charles Willson Peale, The, by Charles Andrews, E. A., gift to Society, 259 Coleman Sellers, reviewed, 344 Anglicans. See Church of England Artists in Philadelphia in 18th century, Anne, Queen of England, "His Majesty's 178-180 Chapel of the Mohawks" named by, 81 Arts of Design, by William Dunlap, 177, Anthracite industry, songs and stories of, 180 478. See also Coal Ashhurst, Richard Lewis, military papers Apan, a tailor, 30, 31 of, in files of Society, 258 Aphong, a tailor, 32 Ashton, Dr., member of the Bray Asso- Appey, Elizabeth Naden (Mrs. John), 78 ciates, 2877? Appy, John, account books of (1756—1761), Asia, ship, 108 77; biographical sketch of, 78—79 Associates of the Late Dr. Bray, founding Aptheker, Herbert, The Negro in the Civil of, 283; and Benjamin Franklin, 282- War, reviewed, 477 293 ; land in Philadelphia owned by, 289- Archbishop of Canterbury, similar office 290, 291; work among Negroes, 283, not found in the U. S., 382 285-293 Architecture, American, 479-480; Colonial, Atherton, Lewis E., article by, 361 469-470; Dutch, transference to New Atkinson, Mrs. J. Clarence, gift to the So- World, 74; in 18th century Pennsylvania, ciety, 368 75, j6; B. H. Latrobe and, 249; naval, Atwater Kent Museum, gift to Society, 495 Philadelphia preeminent in, 109; photo- graphs of Buildings of Germantown and Auchmuty, Reverend Mr., 286 Philadelphia, 495; Von Steuben's com- Audubon, John James, and Lucien Bona- ment on Mount Vernon, 312-313 parte, 47°~47i Archivist, 396 Aurora, 56; advertisement of Pratt, Rutter Ark and the Dove: The Beginning of Civil and Co. in, 180; Bache as editor of, 48- and Religious Liberties in America, by 49; and the election of Jefferson to presi- J. Moss Ives, reviewed, 475 dency, 56; engravings of Jefferson ad- Armbruester, Anthony, 242 vertised in, 173, 174; excerpt from, 1377*; Armstrong, Alida Livingston (Mrs. John), Freeman's essays published in, 42?*, 55; 432 as leading Democratic-Republican paper, Armstrong, Edward, 194ft 56; radical policies of, 56; subscription Armstrong, General John (1717-1795), list, 56 letters of, acquired by the Society, 256 Aurora and Pennsylvania Gazette, in files Armstrong, John (1758-1843), 297, 432; of the Society, 368 papers of, acquired by the Society, 495 Aus Pennsylfavjnia: An Anthology of Army, Continental, animosity against for- Translations Into the Pennsylvania Ger- eign adventurers in, 2o6«; deplorable man Dialect, edited by Wm. S. Troxell, state of in 1780, 311—312; origin of color reviewed, 478 of buff and blue regimentals worn by, Austin, Benjamin, 50 INDEX 499 Austin, Benjamin Jr., member of the Mas- Barton, Thomas, S. P. G. missionary, 429; sachusetts Constitutional Society, 124/* imprisonment and banishment, 410; plea Ayres, Mrs. , mistress of Negro for exemption of S. P. G. missionaries school of Bray Associates, 288 from colonial oath of allegiance, 405— 406; refusal to omit prayers for King Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 42W, 48, 50; from service, 408; sketch of, 430; on the death by yellow fever, 56 work of S. P. G. missionaries, 411 Baer, George F., on the Pennsylvania Ger- Barton, William A., 247 mans, 2777* Bathe, Greville, An Engineer's Miscellany, Baesly, Elizabeth. See Robbinson, Elizabeth reviewed, 358-359 Baesly Batter, Mrs., 330, 341 Bailey, Francis, friendship with Philip Fre- Batwell, Daniel, hardships suffered as neau, 42-43, 44 S. P. G. missionary, 412; sketch of, 430 Bailey, Margaret Lee, review by, 81-82 Bayou, Blanche, 221 Bailey and Willis, letters of, in files of So- Beal family, 361 ciety, 364 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, Baker, Elizabeth Feaster, Henry Wheaton, 194, 199, 201; aid to the United States, 1785-1848, reviewed, 475 216; claims on Congress for the "lost" Baker, Gardner, 171/z million, 218; letters to Congress, Du Balch, Thomas, The French in America, Ponceau on, 217 I777-I7S3, 451 n Beaumont, Gustave de, mission to America, Baldwin, John, and John the Painter, $n, 348 20, 21, 22 Beaumont, William, 245; medical work of, Baldwin, Matthias, 101; locomotives of, 246 117 Beaurepaire, Chevalier Quesnay de, at- Baldwin and Co., of New York, papers of, tempt to found Academy of Fine Arts in in files of the Society, 364—365 Richmond, 1797* Balloons, early military use of, 87 Beck, Harvey, receipt books of, presented Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, to Society, 365 papers of, in files of Society, 256 Becker, Carl L., "Benjamin Franklin," 2927* Bancroft, Edward, excerpts from letters of Becker, Hilarius, a member of the German Silas Deane to, 2, 3, 5; and John the Lutheran Aid Society, 65 Painter, 5, 14-15, 20-21; intrigues of, Beckett, Mrs. Henry, miniature of, ac- 14; and Silas Deane, 15, 21 quired
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