wTESER ENzYKLopAprE WIESER ENCYCLOPAEDIA Sprach en des eur op iiis ch en Westens We st ern Eur op e an L angua ges Erster Band lVolume I A-I Herausseseben von / edited bv fruiA flrir"on & Harald Hotmann lffiexrerl.lfu llnser Duk gilt allcn Institutionen und l-Intcrnchmcn, dic dic Hcrausgabc und Drucklcgung dies Bmdo gcfiirdcrr habcn: Bmdesministcrir:m fur l-Intcrricht, Kunst md Ku.ltu, Ostencich . Ministcrsrso a Kulturo Inha-lt Slovenije / Ministcrium ftir Kultu, Slowenien . Bundeskanzl.emr, Ostcrreich 'Bundcsm.inistcrium -ftir europdischc md internarionale Angelcgenheiten, Ostcrreich . Minisusrvo zz zwnje zad*c Republike Sloveriije ia Urad RS za Slovencc v mejsm in po weru / Min.isrerirm Iiir Auswdrrigc Angelegenheiten der Republik Slowenien und Amr der Republik Slowenicn ftir Auslmdsslowcncn F,rster Band ' Bak Austria UniCredit . Der Stmd*d . Die Griinen . Europcm Jownalists ' Osterreichischc Konuollbmk . Radio Agora . Slovenski rziskovald inititur . SLOR1 Stadt'\Vien ' Einleitung/Foreword Uich Ammon und Harull Haarmafln 7 Anglo-Norma:r (Anglonormannisch) Frisia-o (Vest Frisian, Noth Frisian, Sater Irisian) DaaidTroner 13 (Frie5isch (Vest-, Nord-, Saterfriesisch)) Aranesisch (Aranesian) Otto Winhelmann 19 Durh Gorter 335 fubdresh (Arbresh) Pier Francesco Bellinello 31 Galician (Galicisch, Galizisch) Bable (Asturisch) (Bable (lsturian)) Antrin Sanramaina 349 Joachim Born 39 Gaulish (Irance, Northcrn Italy) Basque (Bskisch) Jasone Cenoz 49 (Gallisch (Franlacich, Norditalien)) Bretonis& @reton) Nelly Bhnchard 63 Paul Rwsell 377 Burgundisch (Burgundian) Cotisch (Gothic) Harald Haarmann 385 Wlfgang Haubichs und Ma-t Pfstcr 73 Greek in Italy (Griechisch in ltalien) Camunisch (Camunic) Stefan Schumacher 87 Mdiaterad Coloxi 397 - Celtiberia:r (Keltoiberisch) Jat,ier lt Hoz 83 Greenlandic (Irki*o) (Granlindisch) Cha-n-nel Islands French Jmoll M. Sadrch 409 (lranzbsisch auf den Kanaiinseln) Hebrew in Vestern Europe (llebriilsch in 'Westeuropa) Mai C. Jones and Glanuilk Pice 91 Ora R Schwarzwald 421 Cornish (KorniscL) Nicholas J. A. Williams 101 lberian (lberisch) Piene Swigers 431 Cynric (.Welsh) (Kymrisch (\Talisisch; Keltisch in Icelandic (Islrindisch) 441 \Tieser Vcrlag ^A:tasuaaarsddxir Irnmigra-nt La-nguages in France A-9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec, Ebentaler Stra8c 34b Wd,es)) Colin H. Williarru lW ;' Tel. +43(0)463 37036,Fx +43(0)463 37635 D:inisch (Danish) Harrmut Haberland l.3t (Immigrantensprachen in Fraalrreich) offi [email protected], com Deuisch (German) Ulicl: Anmon I55 Frangoise Gddrt 459 w.wieser-verlag, com Dutch (Nederl:in&sch) RokndWilkryns 173 Irnmigraat Languages ia the UK English (Englisch) Manrted Gbidch 193 (lmmigrantensprachen in GroBbritannien) 'lf'ieser Sprachen des europdischen Vestens Lexikon der Euuskisch (Etruscan) Giulio M. Faccheni 221 Vtu tdwardr 4/ I 'W'esrern Vieser Encyclopaedia of Europem Lm guages Faroese (Idringisch, Iiirijisch, Fiirisch) Tmmigrant languages in Multicultural Europe: Erster Bmd / Volmc I A_I Helge Sandoy 237 Comparative Perspectives 'lTiese Frinkisch (Frankish) (lmmigrantenspracien im multikulturellen Copyrighr dieser Ausgabe und Zusmenst"ll"ng (c) 2008 by r Verlag 249 Europa: vergleichende Betrachtung) KlagenfurrJCelovec, Vien, Ljubljma Wlfgang Haubichs und Max lfster Frankoprovenzalisch (Irancoprovengal) Gaw Extra 489 Lekrorar: Josef G. Pichler All.e Rechte vorbchaltcn, insbesondcrc dic auvugsweise Jean-Baptiste Martin and Dominique Sich 275 lmmigantensprachen in Deutschland \Ficdergabe in Prinr- odcr elcktronischen Medicn Franziisisch (Frcnch) Christian Schnitt 287 (Immigrant languages in Gcrmany) isBN 13 9783851297959 Iriaulisch/Friulaaisch (Friulian) Roknd Bauer 327 Haru H. Rtich 519 Im m i grantensprachen in Italien Italienisch (haliar) Edgar Radtfu 569 (Immigrant Languages in Italy) Italische Sprachen Qtalic l^anguagcs) Gerall Benhard 533 Diaer H. Steinbauer 597 Irish (Irisch) Pddraig 6 Riagriin 555 Zweiter Band Roland'Willemyns Jiddisch triddish) Jirgen Biehl 7 Olaitanisch (Oititrn) Georg Krtmri* 307 Judeo-Spanish (ludeo-Sparisch) Orlney and Shedand Norn Dutch (Niederld.ndisch) Traq K Harris 21 (Orkney- und Schettland-Nom) Katalanisch (Catalan) Jent l.ildthe 35 Gunnel Mehhers 321 Korsisch (Corsican) Ghjac-nrnu Thiers 67 Pahosardisch (Palaeo-Sardinian) Iarl in isch (Dolomitcniadinisch) HaraU Haarmann 329 1. The language and its speakers (Dolomitic La&n) Johannes lGamer 75 Paliosizfi sch (Palaeo-Sicilian) La:rgobardisch (Lombard) Diaer H. Steinbauer 333 1.1 The language territory Maia Giouanna Arcamone )) ?iurd (?ikardisch) Piene Suigers 339 In Europc, Dutch is the official language of 6 million Belgians and 16 million Dutch. In America, Dutch Lateiaisch (Latin) Harald Haarmann 705 Pictish (Piktisch) Gruham R Isaac 349 is one of the official langurges of the Dutch Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and three smaller islands Lepontic (Leponrisch) Peter Schijaer 123 Pomrgiesisch (?omrguese) Alf Morjour 355 in rhe Canibbean viz. Saba, St. Eustacius and St. Maarten). All enjoy ar autonomous starus since i954, LEtzebuergesch (Luxembourgian) R:itisch (Raetic) Stefan Schumacht 373 yet are still part of *re Kingdom of th" N.th.rlands, Also, Dutch is the (sole) officirl language of Surinam, Nico'Weber f ljl Ritoromanisch (Rhaeto-Romance) a former Dutch colony (having bccome indcpcndent in 1975) siruated in thc nonh castcrn palt o[South Ligutisch (Ligurian) Attilio Giuscppe Boano 145 DaniclTclli 377 America. For most of the almost 4 million French speakcrs in Belgium with any bilingual skills at all ard Lingua Fra-oca (Iralian Pidgin) (Lingua franca) Russenorsk (Russenorsk) Inguill Broch 391 for thc speakcrs of Frisian inThc Netlierlands Dutch is thc sccond lrngurg. or the first forc.ign languagc- I^aara Mineruini 157 Sardisch (Sardinian) Eduardl Blasco Fcrrer 399 Lusitaaisch, Siidlusitanisch (Lusitanian, Soulh Schottisch-Gilisch (Sconish Gaelic) 1.2 Migration of speakers Lusitanian) Ji)rgen Untermann 159 WolfgangWerech 413 Expcditions in tlc 17th cenrur7 brought the Dutch to the 'East" and to the "Vest". In the former part Maltese (Maltesisch) Gcoffry Hull 165 Sch,rift entwicklung, Schdftgebrauch und Dutch wm introduced in what is now Indonesia and it was its laaguage of administration unti.l the inde- M,nv Gaelic (Marx-Gilisch) Scbuiftlichlceit i-n'Westeuropa pendence in 1946. In the '\[est", i.e. the Dutch Anti]les Dutch still is one of the ofEcial languages. In George Brofuich 195 (History and use of writing in Vestern Surinam it remained the official language until thc present day. Messapisch (Messapic) Dieter H. Steinbauer 227 Eo,rope) Harall Haarmann 429 .As a consequcnce of the Dutch United East Indian Companyt having provision posts in SouthernA-ftica, Mira-ndesisch (Mirandesish) Scots (Schodsch) Manfred Giirhch 451r Durch became an ofilcia.l la.nguage in the lour Republics o[what is now SouthAfrica. Afterwards ir has Jiirgen Sc hmidt-Ralefeldt 233 Spaaisch (Spanish) Harald Thun 463 been replaced by the domestic variery o[Dutch, ca.lledAfrikaans. This daughter lrngr"ge of Dutch still is Moliseslawisch (Slawisch in Si.iditalien) Special Languages: Sheita, Jenish,IYeniche, Polari one of tic official lmguages of Sourh Afrim (Ponelis 1993). (Molise Slavic (Slavic in Southern ltaly)) (Sondersprachen: Shelta, jcnisch, Polui) In the Congo, Belgian administrators hav. used ,lmo.t exclusively lrench. Airhough there used to be many 'Valter Brea 241 I'eter bakktf ,l)') Dutch schools and even a universiry during the fina.l decades of Belgian rule, Dutch almo.t completeiy Mozarabic (Mozarabisch) Suebisch (Swabian) Harald Haainann 523 disappeared from the Congo after its independence in 1960 ALuaro Galmcs fu Fuentes 251 Swedish (Schwedisch) Phil Holmes 525 Considerable emigration of Netherlanders and Flemings in the 19th arrd early 20th century I"d to the axist- Niederdeutsch (Low German) Venetisch (Venetic) Dieter H. Steinbauer 543 ence of Dutch speaking communities in Canada, the USA, Austra.lia, and other countries. Although somc Dieter Stellmacher 261 Walloon $7a1lonisch) Piene Swigers 551 of t-hem may have survived, Dutch has losr whateve r official funcrion it may ever have had there. .Wanda.lisch, Nordic, Arcient and Medie,/al Va:rdalisch (Vandalic) (Nor&sch (Alt-, Minelnordisch)) HaraZ Haarmann 565 1.3 Historical development Od.d Einar Haugen 279 Zimbrisch (Norditalicn) (Cimbriar (Northcrn Dutch is a \Mest Germmic languagc and we usua.lly differentiate between Oid, Middlc and Ncw Dutch. Norwegiaa (Norwcgisch) l^ars Vihsr 293 Iraly)) Barbara Stefan 56) Low Franconian is thc basic componcnr of OId Dutch ard it is gcncrally agrccd upon that Ingvaconic clcmcnts playcd an important part as wel1, but there is no certainty as to its amount or rcal impact. ductivc linguistic innovator ofhis agc was Simon Stcvin (1J48-1620) &om Brugge, an all round scicntisr Unfortunatcly, therc arc not many written rccords of Dutch prior to *rc 12th ccntury Onc of thc bcst who invented many Dutch words for scientific tcrrninolory which prcviously existcd onJy in Larin, many (Hagen known texr. is a psaim transladon called De Wachtendonchsc Psalmen (De Grauwc 1979).h is supposcd of which arc still in usc as of to&y 1999). At the same tirnc scorcs of Eraakkonstmazn (grammar- to havc bccn wrirten in the 9-10th cenrury in the Rhine,Meuse region in arr castcrly flavorcd varicrT of ians) were struggling with spelling and grammar, considered by most to be one and t}lc same thing. The Old Dutch. Although we have somi othcr texts as well (Gysseling1977 is an amotated edition of all texts very samc Joos Lmbre cht
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