m> THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY - V"^ ' . V PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PASADENA, CALIFORNIA MAY 18-24, 1911 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 E. WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO, ILL. 1911 IZ- CONTENTS General sessions: PAGE Addresses of welcome and response 51 President's address: What the community owes the library James I. Wyer. Jr 55 Is library censorship desirable? Willard Huntington Wright 59 Exploitation of the public library Arthur E. Bostwlck 60 Secretary's report George B. Utley 65 Treasurer's report Carl B. Roden 82 Reports of boards and committees; Co-ordination Charles H. Gould 71 Co-ordination among college libraries William C. Lane 75 Co-operation with the National Education Association Mary Eileen Ahem 75 Bookbinding A. L. Bailey 7fl Library training A. S. Root 77 Brussels Congresses N. D. C. Hodges 79 Federal and state relations B. C. Stelner 79 Trustees of endowment funds W. C. Kimball 80 A. L. A. Publishing Board Henry E. Legler 83 Finance C. W. Andrews 90 Public documents G. S. Godard 90 Library administration H. W. Graver 91 Library work with the blind Emma N. Delflno 97 Effect of the commission plan of city govern- ment on public libraries Alice S. Tyler 98 Limitations of the branch librarian's Initiative. .C. H. Brown 105 Branch library and Its relation to the district. .Clara E. Howard 109 Eternal "Or" of the librarian Francis F. Browne 112 Municipal civil service as affecting libraries J. T. Jennings 119 Humors and horrors of municipal civil service. .Jessie F. Hume 127 Administrative units in library extension M. S. Dudgeon 130 California county free libraries Harriet G. Eddy 138 County libraries In Oregon Mary F. Isom 144 An Ohio county library Corlnne A. Metz 146 Basis of support of organizations for public li- brary work F. F. Hopper 148 Increasing the educational efficiency of the library A. H. Chamberlain 154 Materials and methods in bookbinding Cedrlc Chlvers 164 Books and the efficient life J. A. B. Scherer 179 Report of resolutions committee G. S. Godard 188 Report of Executive board 192 Report of the Council 193 Report of tellers of election 195 Social side of the Conference 195 Travel side of the Conference 197 PAGE PAGE Aftlliated organizations: Sections—continued American association of law libraries.... 204 College and reference 251 League of library commissions 206 Professional training 263 National association of state libraries.... 21.^ Trustees' 271 Special libraries association 217 Public documents round table 272 Sections: Attendance summaries 274 Catalog 21S Attendance register 275 Children's librarians' 240 PASADENA CONFERENCE MAY J8-24, I9tl PRELIMINARY SESSION Mr. L, W. Ripley, president of the Cal- ifornia library association, was next intro- (Thursday, May 18, 1911, 8:15 p. m.. duced and in a few cordial words expressed Hotel Maryland) the welcome of the state association. Mr. Ripley said that the influence left by the The preliminary session of the Thirty- Association's visit of twenty years ago had third annual conference of the American not yet died away and that Californians library association was called to order by anticipated from this visit even more bene- Mr. E. L. Conger, of Pasadena, who spoke fit and uplift to their state. a few words of welcome and introduced Dr. FOX: There is unusual Joy and the Rev. Dr. D. F. Fox, of Pasadena, who, in pleasure in connection with the appearance the absence of the mayor, welcomed the of the next speaker. The response to the conference to the city in a brief, witty and greeting, in behalf of the president of the pleasing address. American library association, in the ab- Dr. Fox said he was sure that all the sence of your president, is to be made by members were going to like Pasadena and Mr. Samuel Swett Green, of Worcester, feel that the Crown City was the real Massachusetts, who, when your Associa- crowing glory in the realm of God's won- tion met in San Francisco twenty years derful out-of-doors; that all were sure to ago, was the president of the American be favorably impressed with the spirit of library association. I have the distinguished progress there displayed, and would be well honor, ladies and gentlemen, of presenting repaid by a visit to some of the education- to you Mr. Green. al institutions In the neighborhood as well Mr. GREIEN: Angels' visits, Mr. Presi- as to the famous scenic attractions which dent, are generally far between. It is with he hoped all the delegates would see be- the heartiest gratitude that the members fore they departed; and that when they of the American library association thank returned to their homes they would carry you for the offers of hospitality which you with them the best memories of delightful have made. days spent in their beautiful valley. It is with extreme regret that we have Following Dr. Fox, Mr. J. W. Wood wel- met in the absence of our presidentj but comed the members of the Association in perhaps it was wise for him to select, in behalf of the board of trustees of the Pasa- naming him who should respond, one who dena public library. He referred with pride had already realized how fully you carried to the fact that the people of the city had out your promises and how much better built their own library building, had bought a time we had when here before than we its books and ably supported it, and that had any anticipation of. Twenty years ago the character of the books read showed representatives of your state met us at Pasadena to be an exceptional center of the borders of the state. We received a study and culture. The speaker said that dispatch as we were crossing Nevada, tell- the one note of sadness was the illness ing us that representatives of libraries and of the librarian. Miss N. M. Russ, who had of those interested in libraries, would meet planned and worked for two years for this us at Truckee, on the way to Sacramento. Conference and now most unfortunately Those representatives reached Truckee be- was sick and could only send her message fore we did and were there to receive us. of greeting with the hope that the visit They brought us fresh salmon they had would be pleasant and enjoyable to all. caught the day before in the Sacramento ^~^r^t^,e^Yj^fi^\y 52 PASADENA CONFERENCE River. They brought a hamper of quail and here but sage brush." No such story, I a great abundance of the luscious grapes believe, could be told of the state to-day. which are in such profusion in this state My interest in California is a deep and in the autumn and quantities of the rare binding one. I first became acquainted and beautiful chrysanthemums which this with this locality when I landed here after state has the greatest reason to be proud serving two years before the mast, when, of. in 1S49, I became quite excited over the Our cook took the provisions that were sudden discovery of gold, and I have brought and served breakfast in the dining watched the progress and growth of the car to the members of the Association and state with great Interest ever since. I the representatives from Sacramento. We am afraid we shall find many changes, were then taken down to that beautiful immense changes, but whatever those city and carried to the capitol, where we changes may be, they cannot alter the were received by one of the officials of the beautiful surroundings of Pasadena. They state, and there we found representatives cannot change its delightful climate, and from San Francisco, where the conference we are finding here, and are sure we shall was to be held, waiting to escort us from find while we stay here, that there is no Sacramento to San Francisco. change in the hospitality and hearts of its After receiving profuse hospitality in the people. greatest city of the state, we started on a Dr. FOX: Secretary Utley has a letter journey south. I well remember that sun- which he will read you at this time. shiny morning that we came to Pasadena, The SECRETARY: You will notice on and that before we had finished our your programs that the Rev. Dr. Robert J. breakfast your representatives were at our Burdette was to have been with us to-night. sides with a profusion of the fruits and 1 wish to read you a note from Dr. Bur- flowers of the season, and with carriages dette, who is in the East, to Mr. Wyer, the in which you took us on a most interesting president. drive and then brought us to your beautiful Boston, May 6, 1911. public library building, where we met the My dear Mr. Wyer: assembled representatives of the refine- I am sorry as a boy who has played ment of the city, who gave us another cor- hookey and is facing the consequences. dial welcome. But I will not be at home to welcome the We find, of course, immense changes In A. L. A. to our city. I had planned to re- California. We have just come here, but turn home May 10th, but the Fates, re- we know that we are to expect great morseless old girls, have crossed my wires changes. Twenty years ago, Pasadena had and opened my switches and marooned me only a few inhabitants. To-day you have, in Boston, this state. I am studying the as has been stated to-night, 30,000 people.
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