The Trimmer Family Report The Trimmer Family Report Researched and Prepared By Paul McNeil [email protected] www.timedetectives.co.uk November 2009 © Timedetectives 2009 © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Direct Descendants of William Trimmer William Mary Trimmer Jennings b: 1672 b: 1672 William Sarah Trimmer Seagrove b: 1713 b: 1713 John Mary Trimmer Dittman b: 1749 b: 1749 Henry Dinah Trimmer Sexton b: 1788 b: 1791 m: 21 Jul 1811 Saint George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey Henry William Sarah Trimmer Keeper b: 21 Feb 1819 St. George The Martyr, b: 1820 Southwark, Surrey Chimney Sweep Henry William Trimmer Sarah E Steele Hilliard b: 1834 St George in the East, b: Bet. 1829 - 1832 Haggerstone, Hoxton, d: 1871 Lambeth, Surrey Middlesex 1: Labourer m: 1864 Westham, Essex 2: 1864 Carman d: Abt. 1911 Lambeth, Surrey 3: 1871 Sweep 1: 1861 Bootbinder 2: 1881 Charwoman 3: 1891 Mangle Woman (washerwoman) 4: 1901 Charwoman Henry William Eliza Trimmer Sanders b: 08 Mar 1860 Union Workhouse, b: 12 Apr 1863 6 Cleveland St, Leytonstone, Essex Camberwell, London, UK d: 17 Mar 1916 St George Cottage Hospital, m: 13 Sep 1884 St John's Church, Kogarah, Sydney, Australia Walworth, Surrey 1881 Private RMLI d: 08 Jul 1935 St George District Hospital, 1: Bet. 1887 - 1901 General Labourer Kogarah, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2: Bricklayer 1: 1881 Domestic Servant 3: 1884 Sweep 2: 1883 Laundress 4: Bet. 1889 - 1891 Bricklayers' Labourer 5: 1908 Carman 6: 1916 Labourer Caroline Elizabeth Trimmer b: 04 Sep 1883 98 Picton St, Camberwell, Surrey d: 19 Jan 1974 New Cross Hospital, London 1911 Solderer of Tinware © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report The Trimmer Family Origins of the name The origins of the name are somewhat obscure, and may be one of a number of derivations. The basic word is from the Old English adjective Trum which meant firm, which gave the Old English verb Trymman to set in order, from which we get the verb “to trim”, and so the noun a trimmer for someone who trims. The origins of the noun as a verb probably came from either from the nautical term for someone who managed the course of a boat by “trimming” the sails, or from someone who trimmed hedges or sheep. This term “A Trimmer” was then corrupted into a term for a woman who scolded her husband and thereby kept him in order, and for people who were out to serve their time and survive in a position of employment irrespective of the fluctuations of those around them, as they would “trim their course” between all parties. Given that the Trimmer name in this line was particularly common in central Hampshire, it is very likely that the derivation in this case was for someone who trimmed sheep or wool during the Middle Ages. At some stage leading they left the land for a life in Southwark, which was then part of the Surrey Bank of the Thames South of London, and were working as Chimney Sweeps an occupation that they kept to for nearly 100 years. © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Descendants of William Trimmer Generation No. 1 Descendants of William Trimmer William Mary Trimmer Jennings b: 1672 b: 1672 William Sarah Trimmer Seagrove b: 1713 b: 1713 1. W ILLIAM 1 T RIMMER was born 1672. He married M ARY J ENNINGS . She was born 1672. Child of W ILLIAM T RIMMER and M ARY J ENNINGS is: 2. i. WILLIAM 2 T RIMMER , b. 1713. Generation No. 2 Descendants of William Trimmer William Sarah Trimmer Seagrove b: 1713 b: 1713 John Mary Trimmer Dittman b: 1749 b: 1749 2. W ILLIAM 2 T RIMMER (W ILLIAM 1) was born 1713. He married S ARAH S EAGROVE . She was born 1713. Child of W ILLIAM T RIMMER and S ARAH S EAGROVE is: 3. i. JOHN 3 T RIMMER , b. 1749. © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Generation No. 3 Descendants of John Trimmer John Mary Trimmer Dittman b: 1749 b: 1749 Henry Dinah Trimmer Sexton b: 1788 b: 1791 m: 21 Jul 1811 Saint George The Marty r, Southwark, Surrey 3. J OHN 3 TRIMMER (W ILLIAM 2, W ILLIAM 1) was born 1749. He married M ARY DITTMAN . She was born 1749. Child of J OHN T RIMMER and M ARY D ITTMAN is: 4. i. HENRY 4 T RIMMER , b. 1788. Generation No. 4 Descendants of Henry Trimmer Henry Dinah Trimmer Sexton b: 1788 b: 1791 m: 21 Jul 1811 Saint George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey Henry William Sarah Trimmer Keeper b: 21 Feb 1819 St. George The b: 1820 Martyr, Southwark, Surrey Chimney Sweep 4. H ENRY 4 T RIMMER (J OHN 3, W ILLIAM 2, W ILLIAM 1) was born 1788. He married DINAH S EXTON 21 Jul 1811 in Saint George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey. She was born 1791. More About H ENRY T RIMMER and D INAH S EXTON : Marriage: 21 Jul 1811, Saint George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey Child of H ENRY T RIMMER and D INAH S EXTON is: 5. i. HENRY W ILLIAM 5 T RIMMER , b. 21 Feb 1819, St. George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey. © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Generation No. 5 Descendants of Henry William Trimmer Henry William Sarah Trimmer Keeper b: 21 Feb 1819 St. George The Martyr, b: 1820 Southwark, Surrey Chimney Sweep Henry William Trimmer Sarah E Steele Hilliard b: 1834 St George in the East, b: Bet. 1829 - 1832 Haggerstone, Hoxton, d: 1871 Lambeth, Surrey Middlesex 1: Labourer m: 1864 Westham, Essex 2: 1864 Carman d: Abt. 1911 Lambeth, Surrey 3: 1871 Sweep 1: 1861 Bootbinder 2: 1881 Charwoman 3: 1891 Mangle Woman (washerwoman) 4: 1901 Charwoman 5. H ENRY W ILLIAM 5 T RIMMER (H ENRY 4, J OHN 3, W ILLIAM 2, W ILLIAM 1) was born 21 Feb 1819 in St. George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey. He married S ARAH K EEPER . She was born 1820. More About H ENRY W ILLIAM T RIMMER : Occupation: Chimney Sweep Child of H ENRY T RIMMER and S ARAH K EEPER is: 6. i. HENRY W ILLIAM TRIMMER 6 S TEELE , b. 1834, St George in the East,; d. 1871, Lambeth, Surrey. © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Generation No. 6 Direct Descendants of Henry William Trimmer Steele Henry William Trimmer Sarah E Steele Hilliard b: 1834 St George in the East, b: Bet. 1829 - 1832 Haggerstone, Hoxton, d: 1871 Lambeth, Surrey Middlesex 1: Labourer m: 1864 Westham, Essex 2: 1864 Carman d: Abt. 1911 Lambeth, Surrey 3: 1871 Sweep 1: 1861 Bootbinder 2: 1881 Charwoman 3: 1891 Mangle Woman (washerwoman) 4: 1901 Charwoman Sarah E Henry William Mary Trimmer Ellen Trimmer Maria Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Steel Steel Steel b: 1858 Bethnal Green b: 08 Mar 1860 Union Workhouse, b: 1865 Lambeth, Surrey b: 1867 Lambeth, Surrey b: 1869 Lambeth, Surrey Leytonstone, Essex 1881 Boxmaker d: 1868 Lambeth, Surrey d: 17 Mar 1916 St George Cottage Hospital, Kogarah, Sydney, Australia 1881 Private RMLI 1: Bet. 1887 - 1901 General Labourer 2: Bricklayer 3: 1884 Sweep 4: Bet. 1889 - 1891 Bricklayers' Labourer 5: 1908 Carman 6: 1916 Labourer 6. H ENRY W ILLIAM TRIMMER 6 S TEELE (H ENRY W ILLIAM 5 T RIMMER , H ENRY 4, J OHN 3, WILLIAM 2, W ILLIAM 1) was born 1834 in St George in the East,, and died 1871 in Lambeth, Surrey. He married S ARAH E H ILLIARD 1864 in Westham, Essex, daughter of F REDERICK H ILLIARD and E LIZABETH . She was born Bet. 1829 - 1832 in Haggerstone, Hoxton, Middlesex, and died Abt. 1911 in Lambeth, Surrey. More About H ENRY W ILLIAM TRIMMER S TEELE : Occupation 1: Labourer Occupation 2: 1864, Carman Occupation 3: 1871, Sweep Residence 1: 1871, 13 Bond Place, Lambeth, Surrey Residence 2: 1864, 6 Salutation Place, Lambeth, Surrey More About S ARAH E H ILLIARD : Occupation 1: 1861, Bootbinder Occupation 2: 1881, Charwoman Occupation 3: 1891, Mangle Woman (washerwoman) Occupation 4: 1901, Charwoman Residence 1: Bet. 1891 - 1901, 3 Salutation Place, Lambeth, Surrey Residence 2: Bet. 1860 - 1861, Leytonstone Workhouse, Essex Residence 3: 1881, 14 Salutation Place, Lambeth, Surrey More About H ENRY S TEELE and S ARAH H ILLIARD : Marriage: 1864, West Ham, Essex © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Children of H ENRY S TEELE and S ARAH H ILLIARD are: i. SARAH E 7 T RIMMER , b. 1858, Bethnal Green. 7. ii. HENRY W ILLIAM T RIMMER , b. 08 Mar 1860, Union Workhouse, Leytonstone, Essex; d. 17 Mar 1916, St George Cottage Hospital, Kogarah, Sydney, Australia. 8. iii. MARY T RIMMER S TEEL , b. 1865, Lambeth, Surrey. iv. ELLEN T RIMMER S TEEL , b. 1867, Lambeth, Surrey; d. 1868, Lambeth, Surrey. 9. v. MARIA T RIMMER S TEEL , b. 1869, Lambeth, Surrey. © Timedetectives 2009 The Trimmer Family Report Generation No. 7 Direct Descendants of Henry William Trimmer Henry William Eliza Trimmer Sanders b: 08 Mar 1860 Union b: 12 Apr 1863 6 Workhouse, Leytonstone, Cleveland St, Essex Camberwell, London, UK d: 17 Mar 1916 St George m: 13 Sep 1884 St John's Cottage Hospital, Church, Walworth, Kogarah, Sydney, Surrey Australia d: 08 Jul 1935 St George 1881 Private RMLI District Hospital, 1: Bet. 1887 - 1901 Kogarah, Sydney, NSW, General Labourer Australia 2: Bricklayer 1: 1881 Domestic Servant 3: 1884 Sweep 2: 1883 Laundress 4: Bet. 1889 - 1891 Bricklayers' Labourer 5: 1908 Carman 6: 1916 Labourer Caroline Elizabeth Henry William Albert Edward Sarah Ann Joseph Eliza Nelly Florence Maud Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer b: 04 Sep 1883 98 Picton b: 12 Mar 1887 38 b: 23 Jun 1889 83 Penton b: 18 May 1891 42 b: 15 Oct 1893 30 Dartnall b: 30 Oct 1895 30 b: 01 Mar 1898 30 b: 28 Apr 1900 16a St, Camberwell, Surrey Graylands Rd, Peckham, Place, Newington, London Pitman St., Vauxhall, Road, Camberwell, Dartnall Road, Dartnall Road, Diamond d: 19 Jan 1974 New Surrey 1: 1940 Private, 3 Lambeth, London London Camberwell, London Camberwell, London Street,Camberwell, Cross Hospital, London d: 1969 Randwick, Garrison Battalion, d: 1937 Newtown, NSW, 1: Bet.
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