IOC Post free— Ireland & Abroad; 8/- per annum- 4/- 6 months. 2/.- 3 months. WriteEditor. Depot, The Buffs, Canterbury. Telephone; 513. ____ I O I' J) JUCieb "gleg intents. ©ueen’s ^IlifCes of §ctna&a. ^I?e ^ancouoetr Regiment. 3r6 ^SaffaCion (^etrvitoa gfnfantr#) JUtsf rattan IJ&itttart? forces. No. 431. October, 1935. Price Sixpence. Personalia. TOURING September, the Colonel of the The book contains photographs of the Band, Regiment visited the Depot on the 4th The Drums, The Signallers, The Athletic Tug and introduced four newly gazetted officers, of War, Football, Hockey, Cross Country and Messrs. Walker, Anderson, Bell and Fullerton : Cricket Teams, etc., and is a veryjjijelightful gift. on the 14th attended the Association Meeting at Ashford : on the 21st, the London Branch Meeting and on the 26th the meeting of the We are sure all our readers will be very Kent Territorial Army Association in London. sorry to Lear that that great friend of our. Regiment, The Very Rev. Harry Blackburne, Dean of Bristol, has been critically ill after a Everyone in . Kent and many thousands very severe operation. We are glad, however, outside our county are suffering from th e. to be able to say that he is now doing very well shock of a most terrible and grievous loss. and that the doctors think that after a lon g; Lord Cornwallis, rightly described as “the rest, he wilt be quite fit again. greatest and most beloved of Kent's sons,”, has passed on, leaving us to sorrow over a blank which can never be filled. Many tributes have been paid in the Press to Lord Cornwallis' Colonel J. V. R. Jackson has' received a ; truly wonderful public work. We ask to be very kind letter from Lieut.-Colonel Parsons, allowed to add our humble but heartfelt tribute Commanding 3rd Battalion Australian Infantry, to the memory of one who loved our Regiment containing thanks for “ very kind gifts to the and whose many kindnesses to Buffs can never Battalion and to myself ”—another paragraph be forgotten. The Colonel of the Regiment reads “ Your visit to us has had a, most marked has written offering the deepest sympathy of effect on the Unit . recruitiiig has stimulated the Regiment to Lord Cornwallis' family, . to such an extent that I am now over strength.” and on behalf of the Regiment sent a wreath inscribed “ In profound sorrow and with deepest affection from The Buffs.” Mr. W. K. Whigham, High Sheriff for Kent* has accepted the Colonel of the Regiment's invitation to become a patron of our Past, and .• - The Colonel of the Regiment acknowledges Present Association. with grateful thanks the receipt of a charming book of photographs sent him by Major Howe from the Headquarter Wing of the 1st Battalion, We understand that Major George winners of the Harris Shield, 1934—1935. Hamilton’s wedding will take place in January. 37Q , . ^ THE DRAGON Captain E. Foster, Hall who has just arrived J We have; no hesitation in saying that it was home via Vancouver and Canada - received ’ one of the finestmeetings in the history of the wonderful welcomes' :and hospitality from our branch. ■ allied "Regiments both - & Vancouver and : • Toronto . .• ; Mrs. I): E. Spinner visited Ashford on the i We hope in our next, number to give a fnil- ■: 14th ultimo and inaugurated a branch of the. • Account of his visits and his journey home. Badies’Guild in that town,' ; . We .very much dojibtl whether Mrs. Spinner I The Vancouver Regiment is working hard when she established the Badies’ Guild in to establish a drum and bugle band and would Bondon, visualised its subsequent- growth be most grateful for any surplus gear which our throughout Kent. We congratulate her. Battalions can spare. Our sincere sympathy is. extended to the widow and family of the late Mr. F. J. West, We hear that Captain H. P. P. Robertson a splendid member , of the Association. has been posted to the 3rd Nigerian Battalion’ at Calabar. Freddie West, as we called him, joined the 1st Battalion from Kilkenny and served with the 1897 and 1898 N.W. Frontier expedition: Miss Vera Bynden-Bell is presenting “ Bet’s Over 150 of his work friends of the South call it a Day,” at the Corn Exchange, Maidstone, Metropolitan Gas Company attended the on Friday, October 11th, at 8.30 p.m. The performance is in aid of the Kent County funeral; Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. Tickets, 5/- and 2/6, from Messrs. Murdock, It is regretted that owing to his continued, Murdock, and Co., 7 High Street, Maidstone. • ill health, that. Captain E. Smith, Chairman of the Bondon Branch, was unable to be present at the meeting on the 21st ultimo. We have to thank Bieut. P. Bynden-Bell We feel sure that every member of our for his well-written-account of the broadcast, Association will wish' Captain Smith an early published .on page 386, entitled “ GSG—G for restoration' to his former self. • We regret that the 1st Battalion notes The 6th (S) Battalion’s first reunion dinner despatched'by air mail on September 7th have was broadcast on the Wireless on the 20th iiot arrived.: : September last. A big muster is expected. Tickets for the dinner to be held at the Northumberland Rooms, Charing Cross, may In brief the arrangements in connexion with be obtained from Captain E. A. Carter, M.C., the visit of The Queen’s Own Rifles, four The Bodge, Welham Road, S.W.17- Date officers and eleven other ranks, are as follows :■— .October 12th. , ’ Arrive Tilbury per S.S. Alaunia, October 20th ; to Depot untii 23rd ; battlefield tour to-26th ; Bondon • to.:27th, • attending Bondon Branch We are sorry to hear that Mr. A. F. Flavell, Meeting.-26th.,* . Bordon, 27th-f-November 2nd, late 2/5th and 7th Battalions^ is not so well as embarking that day at Southampton. we anticipated and regret his ailment does riot yield to treatment as we should like. The Medway Branch Dinner will take place Mr. W. (Billy) Everitt, late 2nd Battalion, at the Town Hall, Chatham, on Saturday, has been away from Bondon most of this year. November 16th, and riot'’18th as stated in our last issue. • ■ - He sends his greetings -to all • friends and particularly the o ffice r’s servants of his time. London Branch. The Bondon Branch Dinner will be held in The Colonel of the Regiment, also Colonels . 1936 on the 9th May, at the Thames House H. Findlay, R. Grove Raines and J. V. R. Restaurant, which has seating accommodation Jackson attended the Bondon Branch meeting for nearly 450! Please enter up your diary on the 21st ultimo. NOW. t h e : d r a g o n We hope.:' to jsee .on l&is/iocca&on some past GENERAL, SIR FENTON AYLMER, V.C. absent faces, e.g., Henry Bizley, Jack Port, Weary Ingram, Darky Warchus, Norman The Colonel of the Regiment writes :— j Dinwood, Alf Scragg, Wally Kesby, Jock Izard, "Buffs who took part in the Chitral Expedition will have heard, with great regret, of the death of George Boon, Jim Slattery* and many others. General Sir Fenton Aylmer, V.C. During the Chitral Expedition he was Captain Aylmer, R.E. He was a wonderful engineer, and during the expedition there was ample scope for his marvellous skill. The physical On October 26th, we hope to receive a visit and apparently insurmountable obstacles we encountered from the Q u een ’s Own Rifles of Canada and were all overcome by Aylmer,. ■ . , the meeting night has been specially postponed “ As the 1st Battalion were the leading troops in the last stages of the march to Chitral; we saw a great to that date for this purpose. deal of this gallant soldier and super-skilful engineer, who was always inventing some means of helping us to cross a river or some difficult mountain pass. He had an intimate knowledge of all fankd of the 1st Battalion. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Joe Benson, "A few months ago he' wrote td me : *T often late 8th Battalion, is a patient in the Royal think with deep affection of those grand Buffs of all ranks with whom I was associated' in the Chitral Chest Hospital, City Road. He wishes to be Expedition. Their efficiency and their cheeriness in remembered to all old friends, particularly all circumstances have left an abiding impression Messrs. C. Trower and A. Debling. with me. What we. should have done without them I don’t know.’ I replied: ‘ The Buffs don’t know what they would have done without you.’ ’’ HISTORICAL RECORDS OF Births, Marriages and Deaths. THE BUFFS, 1704— 1914. (By Captain C. R. B. knight.) . M a r r ia g e s . To BE PUBLISHED, - AT 42/-, ON OCTOBER 8TH. Addison—Bennett.—6285005 Pte. J. Addison, Our readers are reminded that copies o'rdered “C,” married to Mary Alice Bennett at before the date of publication will,,be charged Bermondsey, on 7/8/35. only 31/-(including postage): - Boyington — U s h e r ; —6285013 Pte. G. Orders should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Boyipgton, married to Ethel Mary Buffs History, Major F. W. Tomlinson, Old Usher at the Parish Church, Hythe, on Cottage, Sandwich, Kent. 2/12/34. Groves—Raines—Forster.—On September 18th, 1935, at Crowthorne Parish Church, by the Rev. T. Lemmey, M.A., D.D., Julius Augustus Robert, elder son of Lt.-Col. R. D. G. Groves-Raines, D.S.O., Souvenirs of The Regiment. and Mrs. Groves-Raines, of Ardview House, VyiTH the gift season so near it is interesting to note Killinchy, Co.
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