Top 20 Advertisers, Gross Budgets, Euro Top 10 Product Sectors Top 20 Advertisers, Gross Budgets, Euro Proportions Of Daily Media Consumption Weekly Ratings and Shares Of The Cable TVs In Bulgaria, All 4+, 2014 Top 20 TV Advertisers, Gross Budgets, Euro Top 10 Product Sectors inTV TV Groups’, market shares by gross ad budgets TV market shares by gross ad budgets, 2014 Total Gross Radio Advertising Expenditures, Million Euro Morning Lunchtime Afternoon Prime time Morning Lunchtime Afternoon Prime time Rating% Share % Procter & gamble 3.57% 20 908 269 14.85% 2.11% 12 374 323 100% Out-of-home Vivacom weekday weekend Diema Family 0.63 3.47 Procter & Gamble 4.03% 20 517 444 16.90% Foods 90% Foods Mondelez 2.90% 16 982 142 14.74% Lidl supermarkets 1.80% 10 544 404 Diema 0.39 2.13 Mondelez 3.33% 16 952 377 16.81% bTV Cinema, 2.84% Radio 80% Kino Nova 0.30 1.64 Nestle Blg 3.24% 16 515 626 14.98% BNT1, 2.02% Nestle Bulgaria 2.83% 16 556 140 13.96% Mtel 1.72% 10 060 296 Cosmetics 2.99% 15 224 317 2013 5.9%, Others, 6.2% 2014 News7, 1.75% Cosmetics 70% bTV Comedy 0.29 1.58 Vivacom 14.85% 2.73% 15 992 577 13.94% Cinema 0.8%, BNT1, 2.0% TV Evropa, 1.29% Vivacom Billa supermarkets 1.20% 7 038 287 Disney Channel 0.28 1.56 Zagorka Ad 2.85% 14 500 516 13.84% 60% Bulgaria ON AIR, 1.1% Fikosota Sintez 2.82% 14 362 751 Pharmaceuticals Zagorka 2.49% 14 546 744 13.61% Technopolis, electronics stores 1.01% 5 935 905 bTV Action 0.28 1.52 12.57% 4.6%, Fox International Disney Channel, 1.0% Newspapers Pharmaceuticals 50% bTV Cinema 0.22 1.20 Mobiltel 2.72% 13 842 423 11.99% Channels, 3.6% bTV Lady, 0.99% Mobiltel 2.47% 14 448 167 11.95% Ariana beer 1.00% 5 880 045 13 442 263 Drinks 7 40% Fox Crime 0.21 1.16 L‘Oreal 2.64% 10.03% bTV Media 12.1% bTV Media Piero9 Kino Nova, 2.88% : Ficosota Sintez 2.46% 14 398 406 10.71% 5 524 972 Magazines Beiersdorf 2.11% 10 731 593 Kamenitza beer 0.94% 30% News 7 0.20 1.11 10.58% Group, 44.9% TV7 Group Group, 46.26% 39.50 36.63 27.47 23.08 25.39 1.98% 10 095 922 Telecommunication ource Drinks Reckitt Benckiser S Cartoon Network 0.18 0.99 14.92% 6.2% L'Oreal 2.36% 13 801 854 9.04% Carrefour hypermarket 0.93% 5 462 976 Diema Family, 3.24% 20% G Internet Lidl Bulgaria 1.96% 9 961 827 B I Discovery Channel 0.17 0.94 8.85% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 G T Henkel 1.87% Retail outlets Beiersdorf 1.84% 10 778 787 10.14% 5 167 030 : 9 499 825 Zagorka beer 0.88% 10% TV Evropa 0.15 0.83 7.51% Diema, 3.51% Telecommunications Kamenitsa 1.80% 9 187 513 ource TV Lidl Bulgaria 1.80% 10 544 404 14.52% Walmark food supplements 0.84% 4 936 876 0% S Planeta TV 0.15 0.81 6.95% TV 7, 3.67% bTV, 34.14% 06:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 20:00 23:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 20:00 23:00 Bella Bulgaria 1.61% 8 175 608 Financial services Fox Life 0.14 0.78 6.01% Reckitt Benckiser 1.74% 10 157 169 8.88% www.emag.bg, online store 0.81% 4 755 457 Coca Cola Co. 1.58% 8 065 027 bTV Comedy, 3.81% Top 18 radio stations 2014, Rating, All 15 - 54 Top 15 Radio Stations – Loyal Listeners, 2014 Super 7 0.14 0.76 5.70% 31.7% Retail outlets 1.57% 7 971 502 7.56% Globul / Telenor Household chemistry Nova Broadcast- Henkel 1.63% 9 510 153 Globul/Telenor 0.79% 4 641 115 National Geographic 0.12 0.64 6.15% Chipita 1.45% 7 367 684 ing Group bTV Action, 4.23% Kamenitza 1.58% 9 216 698 3 803 766 bTV Lady 0.12 0.64 2.76% 35.82% 0.68% 56.64% 6.71% Nescafe instant coffee 0.65% Unilever 1.43% 7 282 138 Motoring Horizont Financial services FOX 0.09 0.52 BG Radio Carlsberg 1.42% 7 226 529 2.60% 0.77% 53.40% Globul / Telenor 1.50% 8 775 470 5.83% 7 Days croissants 0.53% 3 098 525 AXN 0.08 0.46 2.00% 2014 Source: GARB 0.65% Walmark 1.34% 6 836 825 Source: GARB Veselina 45.05% Hobby. Fashion. Sport Nova, 26.09% 0.47% Veselina Bella Bulgaria 1.40% 8 202 442 5.00% Coca Cola 0.49% 2 889 778 TLC 0.08 0.43 Glaxo Smith Kline 1.20% 6 124 490 1.90% 2013 45.90% Household chemistry 0.54% BNT 2 0.08 0.42 Source: GARB Source: GARB N-Joy 46.40% Coca Cola Co. 1.40% 8 161 961 5.39% Pirinsko Pivo, beer 0.46% 2 707 565 0.56% Growth 2014/2013, Proportions Of Yearly Media Consumption Discovery other ch. 0.07 0.41 Darik 0.50% 37.10% Chipita 1.26% 7 367 997 3.18% First Investment Bank, credit 0.46% 2 691 832 Gross Budgets 24 Kitchen 0.06 0.35 Vitosha Cars and motoring, gas stations, 0.45% 46.85% spare parts, etc. Channel 3 0.05 0.30 NJoy Unilever 1.25% 7 308 504 3.09% Jacobs, instant coffee 0.45% 2 644 889 Out-of-home 0.49% 50.20% Online +14.4% NRJ Bulgaria ON AIR 0.05 0.29 0.46% Carlsberg 1.24% 7 072 243 2 327 406 Incl. Mobile +44% 82.1% 83.5% 83.7% 70.9% 83.1% 43.19% 2.89% 2014 Forum Film Bulgaria, movie company 0.40% Source: GARB 0.45% BG Radio Publishing Radio Radio 1 35.60% Out-of-home +21% B Walmark 1.21% 6 141 897 3.00% 2013 Nivea deodorants 0.39% 2 296 389 R 0.45% GA 45.35% , 25.8% 0.40% Source: GARB Source: GARB Radio +10% 7 Radio 1 Source: GARB 33.4% 36.1% 30.0% 22.6% Cinema Z-Rock 5.9% 0.35% 51.30% Press +6.2% 7.6% 6.4% Rating %, National Channels, All 4+, Monday - Sunday, 06:00 - 01:00, 2014 Piero9 4.6% 5.6% 21.1% : 20.3% 19.1% 0.38% 44.36% 25.5% 24.6% 10.2% 7.8% TV Media Groups Fresh! Veronica TV +5.3% ource 11.3% Newspapers Total Gross TV Advertising Expenditures, Million Euro 0.41% S 14.8% 13.7% 16.00 43.50% 49.4% 54.3% bTV Media Group Source: GARB 0.28% 50.2% Horizont BNR 37.94% 40.8% 47.2% bTV, bTV Comedy, bTV Cinema, bTV Action, bTV Lady, Ring.bg 14.00 0.28% Fresh Magazines 32.80% bTV Nova BNT 1 TV 7 0.24% a i 12.00 Nova Broadcasting Group Radio 1 Rok 35.88% gar l 0.29% u Internet Vitosha B Nova, Diema Family, Diema, Kino Nova, Nova Sport I 84.0% 87.5% 87.4% 88.9% 10.00 0.23% 38.60% G 86.7% T : Darik Radio 0.24% 37.44% BNT Group 8.00 Z Rock ource TV S BNT1, BNT2, BNT World, BNT HD 0.20% 37.10% Spring 2010 Spring 2011 Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 6.00 Veronika 0.23% 32.51% TV7 Group 0.15% FM + B 4.00 R The Voice 21.40% TV7, Super 7 и News 7 0.16% GA 2014 : 2.00 42.03% 331.40 359.32 409.75 483.64 509.09 0.13% Radio 1 Rock ource City TOTAL MEDIA MARKET S Fox International Channels 0.15% 41.10% 6:307:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 0:00 1:00 FoxLife, FoxCrime, FOX, National Geographic, 24 Kitchen 0.12% 49.92% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 FM+ NRJ 0.11% 41.60% 0.07% Star FM 40.70% Total Gross Advertising Expenditures By Media, Euro 0.13% City 38.40% 0.06% Bravo 2014 2014 0.04% 32.91% Growth 2014 Rating and Share of main TVs, all 4+, mon – sun, 06:00 – 01:00 RTG & Share - Prime Time (18:00h - 24:00h) , All 4+, Average for the week, 2014 TV Media groups By Minutes per Viewer, Bulgaria, All 4+, 2014 TV Media Groups Audience By Residence, National Tvs, 2014 The Voice 2013 20.22 38.28 23.33 46.27 0.04% 2013 40.70% Hristo Botev, BNR Total Net Advertising Expenditures, Million Euro 0.03% Source: TGI Bulgaria Online Rating% Share % Rating% Share % Weekend Weekday Week Sofia Big town Small town 18.96 21.80 23.33 37.31 27.47 23.08 70.78 25.39 75.15 Source: GARB bTV 5.89 32.18 bTV Media Group 11.31 39.75 bTV Media Group 72.61 85.89 82.1 bTV Media Group 34.43 35.37 39.12 39.50 37.88 36.63 35.98 77.14 Out-of-home Nova 3.36 18.34 Nova Broadcasting Group 7.38 25.93 Nova Broadcasting Group 59.06 56.22 57.03 Nova Broadcasting Group 26.05 24.06 26.41 National Radio Programmes Radio Horizont (Bulgarian National Radio) BNT1 1.29 7.07 BNT Group 2.65 9.30 BNT Group 19.74 16.77 17.61 BNT Group 8.92 8.61 7.04 80.54 77.32 -13.9% -6% -1.3% -0.7% +0.7% Hristo Botev (Bulgarian National Radio) Radio TV7 0.69 3.74 TV7 Group 1.46 5.12 TV7 Group 16.13 10.96 12.43 TV7 Group 6.62 6.53 5.08 Darik Radio B B Source: GARB 5.42 5 2.93 R R Fox International Channels 0.85 2.97 Fox International Channels 9.66 7.67 8.23 Fox International Channels GA GA Radio Groups , , Source: GARB Source: GARB Source: GARB 7 Press 7 TV CommuniCorp: BG radio, Radio 1, Radio 1 Rok, Radio Citi, Radio NRJ, Radio Veronika, Radio Nova, Antenna Piero9 Piero9 : : 331.40 359.32 409.75 483.64 509.09 TV 168.31 158.42 156.15 155.11 156.22 ource ource BSS Media S S Radio Veselina, The Voice, Radio Vitosha, Magic FM; 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cable Tvs, Audience By Residence, 2014 BNT1 Most Viewed Programs, 2014 bTV Most Viewed Programs, 2014 Nova Most Viewed Programs, 2014 TV7 Most Viewed Programs, 2014 Balkan Broadcasting Sofia big town small town Rating% Rating% Rating% Rating% Radio Fresh, Radio StarFM, Radio FM+; FIFA WC Brazil 2014: Germany - Argentina Diema Family 15,49 Survivor: Cambodia 15.88 Klichko vs Pulev (WBC Heavyweight Title) 20.42 Football: Levski - CSKA 7.63 bTV Radio Group Diema Junior Eurovision 13.72 Kuzey Guney 15.83 Transporter 3 8.36 Football: Botev Plovdiv - Ludogoretz Razgrad 6.15 N-JOY, bTV Radio, Z Rock, Melody, JazzFM, ClassicFM; BG on Air, Radio Focus.
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