AUGUST 12, 1968 50 CENTS II trill 37TH YEAR Hroadenting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Football broadcast rights rise to $55 million. p23 SPECIAL REPORT: Radio -TV and the GOP. p42 Media specialists seek data cn individual viewing. p54 FCC must decide how to wield its authority over CATV. p58 it CARL 1_1BR°i COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 CITIlEN KPRC1V! "IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT, STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!" Former president Harry Truman wasn't talking about television when he made his familiar comment, but he might have been. The television station manager who could win a popularity contest among his station's viewers is probably doing a lousy job. In fact, a fair measure of how effec- tive a station is in assuming its share of civic responsibilty just might be the angry buzzing from the hornets it stirs up. Not that we intend to wrap ourselves in self -rightousness. Nobody made us get into the television business, and nobody is insisting that we stay in it. We happen to like it, heat and all. And -once in a while- somebody does say something nice to us. SOMETHING NICE LIKE "CITIZEN" KPRC1V NBC ON HOUSTON'S CHANNEL 2 Fdward Patry & en National Renrecanrativec Soundest buy in sight... A Jerrold CATV system Jerrold Total Turnkey CATV is the kind that's put and training of operating personnel. n hó t, there together so it stays together -physically and finan- need be no loose ends. Jerrold delivers a CATV cially. The kind that has turned most potential CATV system that is the best possible beginning for a solid system owners to Jerrold in the last 16 years. business venture. Jerrold Total Turnkey CATV includes everything from If you are interested in Jerrold Total Turnkey CATV the initial request for information to delivery of a services, our representative will be happy to give you a complete operating system. Computerized signal sur- detailed presentation. Write or veys tell you about the area's TV channels. Marketing telephone Mr. Frank Martin, studies of quantity and quality of TV reception, income CATV Systems Division, Jerrold level, and potential demand for CATV back up the Electronics Corporation, 401 Wal- JE R RO LO surveys. Advice on franchise application can be pro- nut St., Phila., Pa. 19105. Phone vided along with complete construction on the system 215 -925 -9870. TWX 710 - 670 -0263. a GENERAI INSTRUMENT company The time is NOW... to firm -up fall and winter schedules. Fact -minded time buyers will find the February/ March Baltimore ratings provide interesting reading for effective planning in this important market. In Maryland Most People Watch COLOR-FULL CHANNEL 2, SUNPAPERS TELEVISION TELEVISION PARK, BALTIMORE, MD. 21212 Represented Nationally by KATZ TELEVISION akutdtwtdto beat! Ask your H -R representative to deal you a winning hand on KRLD -TV in the Dallas -Fort Worth market. represented nationally by KRLD-TV The Dallas Times Herald Station OFT. Wi CLYDE W. REINSERT, President 4 BROADCASTING, August 12, 1968 Counterprograming CLOSED CIRCUIT Look for slicker, tighter scheduling of main events at upcoming Demo- cratic national convention than was Reason for simulcast is that perform- No word is good word in evidence at Republican convention ers involved are said to be biggest last week (see page 42). Closest stu- stars of each network and to avoid Absence of plank on commercial - dents of television coverage of Repub- getting into individual contractual broadcast regulation in Republican licans were Democratic program plan- clearance problems production com- platform adopted last week is all ners -and they are out to avoid pany prefers to put show on both net- right with National Association of tedium that set in during much of works simultaneously. Broadcasters -even though NAB of- Republicans' proceedings. Example: Insiders won't reveal names of per - ficials made presentation to platform If Democratic programers have their formers except to .say that they will committee urging repeal of Section way, there'll be no wave of favorite - include "NBC's biggest and most im- 315. political broadcasting law. NAB son oratory in prime time. portant star and CBS's biggest and executives now say Republicans asked But if television newsmen are most importah:t stars -are chubby them to appear. When plankless plat- cheered by word that Democrats may fellow and a lady" (for which read form came out, NAB was relieved. provide livelier programing, they may Dean Martin. Jackie Gleason and There had been worry that Repub- also object to some other plans now Lucille Ball.) Orson Wells will he of- licans might write in references to jelling in Democratic councils. Exam- fered job of director. with Greg Gar- TV violence or other sensitive issues. ple: Democratic observers were ap- rison, who is executive producer and of palled by extensive use of floor cam- director The Dean Martin Show. Signs of times us producer. eras in Miami as TV newsmen per- Two automotive advertis- sistently interviewed delegation lead- ers are said to be interested in picking Registrations are said to be pouring ers in midst of informal caucusing and up entire show. Special will be taped into New York headquarters of Na- other party business. Chances are next March or early April for pres- tional Association of Television and Democrats will try to restrict floor entation in September 1969 as in!ro- Radio Announcers for Miami conven- access and couple that with more ac- (Melion of /970 line of automobiles. tion this week despite news of racial tion un main platform to keep TV disturbances there. and expectation focused on official events. Dry night Friday was for record attendance of well over 1,500, Spokesman for Negro New business Anybody want to throw cocktail broadcaster group said: "We are not partly for maybe 5.000 delegates to cancelling under any circumstances." North American Rockwell Corp.. in next National Association of Broad- Miami public safety officials were con- manufacture and sales of aircraft. casters convention? There may be date fident racial problems will be cooled atomic energy, missiles, electronics. open for one on March 23, 1969. in well before Thursday convention start space vehicles, rocket propulsion and Washington, convention site. That's (story page 66). NATRA hotels in related product lines. is set to an- Sunday at start of convention, and in any event are not near disturbance nounce sponsorship of series of spe- recent years it's been scheduled for areas. cials on ABC -TV. This will be un- bash given by Television Film Exhibit NATRA long has worked to im- usual choice of network television as (TFE) members. But word is that prove black disk jockey's financial advertising vehicle for company with TFE won't be host next year, feeling position as well as professional recog- so sophisticated and selective a prod- site and times unsuitable. Program nition but isn't very keen on assuming uct line. Network buy would he placed firms will make individual arrange- any "union" type role. NATRA, how- through BBDO. ments for exhibits, entertainment. ever, has been on receiving end of "serious pitches" by American Fed- Reward Early look eration of Television and Radio Art- ists recently. NATRA seems to feel It hasn't been announced yet, but Though show won't go on air for though that AFTRA first would have Lionel Kestenbaum, leader of Depart- another year. CBS -TV officials are al- to prove good faith regarding Negroes ment of Justice antitrust team that ready predicting 95% station clear- since "we are not happy with their successfully derailed ABC -ITT merger, ance for late -night Mery Griffin show, past record in terms of black broad- has been promoted. He's now director announced last week (see page 64). casters" and A FTRA "is still white at of policy planning in office of Edwin Network claims affiliate reaction so the top." M. Zimmerman. new assistant attor- far to word of Griffin contract has ney general in charge of antitrust di- been enthusiastic, without dissent. Tightening up vision. Mr. Kestenbaum moved up from chief of evaluation section of Concentration Public Broadcast Laboratory will antitrust division. reduce length of its interconnected Another television- station rep is PBL Sunday -night program next sea- Simulblast about to divide sales staff into teams son. National Educational Television specializing in geographical groupings (NET) with which PBL is becoming Newly formed Greg Garrison -Don of stations, in pattern already set by more integrated in its operation, over Van Atta Productions owns TV rights Petry, Katz and Blair. Avery -Knodel weekend wired its affiliates some ad- to "Guys and Dolls" and plans 90- is expected to announce reorganiza- vance details on scheduling. Next sea- minute or two -hour special adaptation tion this week, along with expansion son's PBL will average 90 minutes. of great stage musical for simulcast of space and staff at its New York thus cutting back from two hours fed on CBS -TV and NBC -TV next year. headquarters. last season. BROADCASTING. August 12, 1968, Vol. 75, No. 7. Published every Monday by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC., 1735 DeSales Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. and additional offices. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING. Washington, D. C. 20036. EXPANDING MEDIA SERVICE IN THE SOUTHEAST Lr I ri I FR Consolidating a group of long established, well managed and successful daily newspapers, radio and television stations in four southeastern states, Multimedia, Inc., gives new strength financially to each of the connected communications media. Each company is an integral part of the regional area it serves. Each will continue to be locally managed, and will now strive with greater vigor for the best interests of its own region and for the Southeast.
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