Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(3):3245-3255 www.ijcep.com /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP0021009 Original Article Expression of cell-cycle regulators is associated with invasive behavior and poor prognosis in prolactinomas Chunhui Liu1,2*, Weiyan Xie1,2*, Dan Wu3, Zhenye Li2, Chuzhong Li1,2, Yazhuo Zhang1,2 1Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; 2Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; 3Department of Neurology, Beijing Renhe Hospital, Beijing, China. *Equal con- tributors. Received December 2, 2015; Accepted February 13, 2016; Epub March 1, 2016; Published March 15, 2016 Abstract: Prolactinomas are the most common pituitary tumors. The mechanisms of cell-cycle regulators underlying their invasive biological behavior and poor prognosis have not yet been fully clarified. We classified 48 human pro- lactinomas as invasive or non-invasive and determined cyclin D1, cyclin E1, p16, p27, Cdk2 and Cdk4 expression by immunohistochemistry analysis of tissue microarray constructs. Then we determined the diagnostic and prognostic value of the cell-cycle regulators expression in human prolactinomas. In this proof of principle study we found that nuclear p16 and p27 expression levels were much lower in invasive prolactinomas compared with non-invasive prolactinomas. Meanwhile, significantly higher cyclin D1 and cyclin E1 expression in invasive prolactinomas com- pared with normal pituitary or non-invasive prolactinomas. No difference was found in Cdk2 or Cdk4 protein levels in invasive or non-invasive prolactinomas. Regarding clinical outcome, the expression ratios of cyclin D1/p16 and cyclin E1/p27 were significantly positively correlated with clinically inferior outcome (P<0.001), while Cdk2 or Cdk4 expression showed no relationship with clinical outcome. Our findings indicate that the expression ratios of cyclin D1/p16 and cyclin E1/p27 are associated with invasion and clinic outcome of prolactinomas. We demonstrate the utility of combined histological analyses of prolactinomas for reliable prediction of tumor invasiveness and recur- rence potential. Keywords: Cell cycle, prolactinomas, neoplasm invasiveness, tissue array analysis Introduction mas. However, these markers have not yet been correlated with clinical outcome [9-15]. Pituitary tumors, which arise from adenohy- pophyseal cells, are one of the most com- In cancer, the most common mutations occur in mon intracranial tumors with a prevalence of cell cycle regulatory genes, potentially leading 1/1,500, with prolactinomas being the most to uncontrolled tumor growth and progression. common hormone-secreting pituitary adeno- Elucidation of cell cycle pathways involved in mas [1-4]. Pituitary tumors are invariably be- carcinogenesis may aid cancer management by nign, but cause significant morbidity through increasing diagnostic and prognostic accuracy. Several studies have reported the prognostic mass effects and/or inappropriate secretion of value of cell cycle regulators in patients with pituitary hormones. Further, pituitary tumors urothelial, breast and adrenal cancers [16-20]. often invade the sphenoid, cavernous sinus, or the dura mater, and can be aggressive, with a Furthermore, recent molecular analyses of hu- high proliferation rate and short time to postop- man pituitary neoplasias have revealed deregu- erative recurrence [1-4]. Predicting pituitary lation of the cell cycle during pituitary tumori- tumor behavior remains a challenge [6-8]. In genesis, as indicated by altered cyclin-depen- pathological studies, increased levels of Ki-67 dent kinase (CDK) regulation and suppression and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), of Cdk inhibitory mechanisms [21]. Cyclin D1 P53 and pituitary transforming tumor gene and cyclin E1 are often overexpressed in pitu- (PTTG) have been found in invasive prolactino- itary tumors and exhibit allelic imbalance in Prolactinomas and cell-cycle some tumor samples [22, 23]. Cyclin-dependent published [32]. The medical therapy was inter- kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A or p16INK4a) and rupted at least 2 months before surgery. This cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (CDKN1B study were reviewed and approved by ethics or p27) are members of a protein family that committee of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated specifically inhibits cyclin D-dependent kinas- to Capital Medical University (KY2013-015- es. Cyclin D1-induced activation of CDKs (and 02). Tumor size was determined by MRI before in particular Cdk4) causes phosphorylation of surgery. Tumors were classified as microadeno- retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and subsequent mas (diameter, <1 cm), macroadenomas (>1 release of E2F transcription factors, which in- cm and <4 cm), and giant adenomas (>4 cm). duces expression of genes required for G1/S Tumor invasion was evaluated from the pre- phase transition [24]. During normal pituitary operative MRI for all patients. Postoperative development, progenitor cell cycle exit is con- follow-up time ranged from 2.5 to 7 years trolled by p27Kip1 in differentiated cells [25]. (mean: 4.8 years). Patients showing no clinical Recent molecular analysis shows that compo- or hormonal (PRL<30 ng/ml) symptoms and no nents of the p16/cyclin D1/Cdk4 or p27/cyclin radiological remnant were considered in remis- E1/Cdk2 pathway are frequently altered in pitu- sion. Persistent disease was defined as incre- itary adenomas [26-28]. Despite the critical ased plasma levels of prolactin with or without role of cell-cycle deregulation during pituitary a mass visible by radiology. Tumoral recurrence tumorigenesis, the prognostic value of cell- was defined as radiological evidence of tumor cycle regulators and proliferative markers in regrowth. Tumor grade was based on the fol- terms of prolactinomas aggressiveness and lowing criteria: Invasion was defined as histo- recurrence potential remains unclear. logical and/or radiological (MRI) signs of cav- ernous or sphenoid sinus invasion. Proliferation The objective of the present study was to id- was considered positive based on the presence entify potentially useful markers of biological of at least two of the following three criteria: behavior in prolactinomas. To identify markers Ki-67 (≥3%); Mitoses: n>2/10 HPF; P53: posi- of invasion and clinical outcome in pituitary tive (>10 strongly positive nuclei/10 HPF). The tumors, we used 48 human prolactinomas five tumor grades were: Grade 1a: non-invasi- carefully classified into invasive and non-inva- ve tumor; Grade 1b: non-invasive proliferative sive through radiology using magnetic reso- tumor; Grade 2a: invasive tumor; Grade 2b: nance imaging (MRI) and histology alongside invasive and proliferative tumor. the post-surgical outcome of the 48 patients [29-31]. Patient characteristics (age, sex, pre- Tumor samples and tissue microarray con- operative plasma prolactin levels), tumor char- struction acteristics (size, invasion, pathological classifi- cation), and clinical outcome were assessed Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blo- from retrospective data with postsurgical fol- cks were sliced and haematoxylin and eosin low-up. We selected cell cycle regulators includ- stained (H&E) slides were produced. Three core ing cyclin D1, cyclin E1, p21, p27, Cdk2 and biopsies with a 2.0-mm diameter were selected Cdk4, in an attempt to establish correlations from the paraffin-embedded tissue. The cores and/or associations with clinical post-surgical were transferred to TMAs using the Minico- outcome. re tissue-arraying instrument (Mitogen, UK). Samples were randomly ordered and anony- Patients and methods mized on the TMA slides. Tissue microarrays were cut into 4 µm sections using a serial Patients microtome. To minimize loss of antigenicity, the microarray slide was processed within one We selected 48 patients who underwent pitu- week of cutting. itary surgery at Beijing Tiantan Hospital from 2008 to 2012 with plasma PRL levels >200 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques and ng/ml and only PRL immunostaining (plurihor- antibodies monal prolactin tumors being excluded). Pa- tients include that: 1) Resistant to dopamine; All TMA slides were evaluated in advance using 2) who can’t tolerate dopamine therapy. The an H&E stain to assess tumor content and qual- dopamine resistance was defined as previously ity. The TMAs were placed in the Leica BOND-III 3246 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(3):3245-3255 Prolactinomas and cell-cycle Table 1. Patient clinical and pathological characteristics arrayer (Leica Biosystems, Age at Preoperative Follow-up time Germany), which is a fully No of Tumor Surgery Sex plasma prolactin Grades from surgery automated, random and con- patients size (years) levels (g/liter) (years)/outcome tinuous access slide-staining 1 48 M 256 Giant 2b 7/persistence system that processes IHC TM 2 30 M 359 Macro 2a 7/recurrence tests simultaneously. Bond 3 51 M 187 Giant 2a 7/recurrence Polymer Refine Detection HE 4 31 M 320 Giant 2a 6.5/persistence (Leica Biosystems, Germany) was used for detection of 5 44 F 200 Giant 2a 6/recurrence primary antibodies. Immu- 6 23 M 330 Giant 2a 6/persistence nostains were standardized 7 41 F 258 Giant 2b 4.5/recurrence using appropriate positive 8 45 M 320 Giant 2a 6/persistence and negative controls for 9 45 M 5361 Giant 2a 5.5/persistence each antibody. All TMAs were 10 46 M 252 Macro 2a 4.5/persistence stained in the same run for 11 31 M 975 Giant 2a 5/persistence each antibody to avoid inter- 12 18 M 3193 Giant 2a 4.5/persistence assay variability. The slides 13 48 M 928 Giant 2b 4.5/recurrence
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