AN ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE POACEAE OF ALBERTA Compiled and writen by Linda Kershaw & Lorna Allen April 2019 © Linda J. Kershaw & Lorna Allen This key was compiled using informaton primarily from Moss (1983), Packer & Gould (2018), Douglas et. al. (2001) and Barkworth et. al. (2007). Taxonomy follows VASCAN (Brouillet, 2015). Please let us know if there are ways to improve the key. The 2015 S-ranks of rare species (S1; S1S2; S2; S2S3; SU, according to ACIMS, 2017) are noted in superscript (S1;S2;SU) afer the species names. For more details go to the ACIMS web site. Similarly, exotc species are followed by a superscript X, XX if noxious and XXX if prohibited noxious (X; XX; XXX) in the Alberta Weed Control Act (2016). POACEAE Grass Family Key to Genera 01a Spikelets with 2 fowers (→), one ♂+♀ foret at the tip and a sterile or ♂ foret below, spikelets detaching below the glumes (these shed with the forets), ± fattened on the back (at least when mature); a few species, mostly introduced ..........................02 → 01b Spikelets not as above, 1- to many-fowered, → with sterile forets (if any) above the ♂+♀ forets or 3-fowered, the upper foret ♂+♀, the lower (side) two ♂ or sterile, usually (not always) breaking apart above the glumes (glumes left behind), usually fattened sideways; most AB species ............................03 2a 02a Spikelets in pairs, one stalkless and ♂+♀, the other stalked and sterile; glumes leathery; palea thin and ± translucent .............. 1a ............. Schizachyrium scoparium 02b Spikelets not in pairs; glumes thin and ± translucent; palea thick, hardened . .Group 1 03a Spikelets with 2 ♂ or 2 sterile forets below a single ♂+♀ foret .....................04 03b Spikelets not as above ................05 04a Plants 10-60 cm tall; forets brown, the lower ones ♂ and ≥ in length to the upper (central) 4a ♂+♀ foret; moist to dry, open areas in lowland to alpine elevations ..................... ............ Anthoxanthum [Hierochloe] 04b Plants 30-150 cm tall; forets green or pale, the lower ones small sterile lemmas ≤2/3 as 4b long as the upper ♂+♀ foret; marshy ground, shorelines, roadsides and disturbed areas ... .............................Phalaris 05a Plants aquatic, annual, 100-300 cm tall; spikelets 1-fowered, either ♂ or ♀, with ♂ spikelets on lower branches and ♀on upper branches; stamens 6; glumes absent . Zizania 05b Plants and spikelets not as above .......06 06a Stem leaf sheaths closed for ≥½ their length; glumes usually shorter than upper forets . .07 06b Stem leaf sheaths closed for <½ their length; glumes shorter than to longer than the upper forets .............................13 07a Spikelets 5-80 mm long, not producing bulbils; lemmas usually awned, often 2-lobed/toothed and with veins converging at the tip; ovary/ 5a grain tips hairy ................. Bromus 07b Spikelets 0.6-60 mm long, sometimes producing bulbils; lemmas usually unawned, 7a not both 2-lobed/toothed and with veins converging at the tip; ovary/grain tips usually hairless ............................08 3 08a Lemma veins (4)5-15, usually prominent, parallel towards the tip; spikelets 2.5-60 mm long, not producing bulbils .............09 08b Lemma veins 1-9, often inconspicuous, converging towards the tip; spikelets 0.7- 9a 18(20) mm long, sometimes with bulbils. .11 8a 18b 09a Floret bases (calluses) long-hairy; lemma awns 8-15 mm long, twisted, spreading to abruptly bent ... Schizachne purpurascens 09b Floret bases hairless; lemma awns 0-12 mm long, straight (when present) ...........10 → 10a Lower glume (→) 1-veined, 0.3-4.5 mm long; forets breaking off above the glumes; lemmas unawned, with hairs 0-1 mm long; stems never → bulbous at the base; plants of wet meadows and shorelines .................Glyceria 10b Lower glume (→) 1- to 9-veined, 1-16 mm long; forets breaking off above or below the glumes; 10a 10b lemmas sometimes awned, sometimes with hairs >1 mm long; stems sometimes bulbous at the base; plants of drier, well-drained sites ..............................Melica 11a 11a Flower clusters loose, turned to one side (secund), with 1-10 cm long main branches bearing compact clumps of strongly overlapping, ± stalkless spikelets near their 12b tips; leaf tips fat .....Dactylis glomerata X 11b Flower clusters not turned to one side, with widely spaced to slightly overlapping, usually stalked spikelets; leaf tips mostly keeled (like the prow of a boat) ...................12 12a 12a Lemmas prominently 3-nerved, squared and irregularly jagged-toothed at the tip; spikelets (1)2-fowered; plants 10-40(70) cm tall, in water or on very wet soil Catabrosa aquatica 12b Lemmas with 5-many, sometimes obscure nerves, ± pointed at the tip; spikelets 2- to several-fowered; plants of various habitats . .........................Poa (in part) 13a Spikelets ± stalkless, in spikes or elongating, spike-like clusters (racemes) ......Group 2 13b Spikelets stalked, in open or compact, 13a 13b branched clusters (panicles), sometimes spike-like with spikelets arising all around the central stalk (neither obviously from one side nor in 2 opposite rows) ................14 14a Spikelets 1-fowered .............Group 3 14b Spikelets 2- to many-fowered ..........15 15a Glumes as long as the lowest foret, usually as long as the spikelet ..............Group 4 15a 15b Glumes shorter than the frst foret . .Group 5 14a 15b 4 GROUP 1 Spikelets 2-fowered, detaching below thin and ± translucent glumes; palea thick and hardened → 01a Spikelets with several long bristles (→) at the base ..........................Setaria 01b Spikelets without bristles at the base .....02 02a Glumes and sterile lemmas awned or awn- pointed ................... Echinochloa 1a 02b Glumes and sterile lemmas awnless .....03 2a 3a 03a Spikelets short stalked, in slender spike- like clusters (racemes); ligules thin and ± translucent ................... Digitaria 4a 03b Spikelets long-stalked, in open, branched clusters (panicles); ligules rings of hairs ...04 04a Basal leaves different from stem leaves, forming a winter rosette; second glume and sterile lemmas sparsely soft hairy. .......................Dichanthelium 04b Basal leaves similar to stem leaves, not in 4b rosettes; second glume and sterile lemmas minutely stiff-hairy ..............Panicum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GROUP 2 Spikelets ± stalkless, in spikes 01a Spikelets on 1 side of the central stalk (secund); spikes usually >1 ............02 01b Spikelets or spikelet clusters alternate or on opposite sides of the central stalk; spikes solitary ............................05 02a Spikes comb-like, >4 mm long; perennial . .03 3a 02b Spikes not comb-like, ≤4 mm long; annual . 04 1a 1b 3b 03a Stems 20-40(50) cm tall; spikes 1-2(3); leaf- blades 1-2 mm wide; plants tufted with short rootstocks ................... Bouteloua 03b Stems (30)40-150 cm tall; spikes ≥4; leaf- blades 2-15 mm wide; plants spreading via long, strong creeping rootstocks (rhizomes) . .................Sporobolus [Spartina] 04a Spikelets round, ± 3 mm long; leaf-blades fat, 4b 5-10 mm wide, fresh green; stems stout, 30- 100 cm tall, green; marshy wetlands ....... 4a ............... Beckmannia syzigachne 04b Spikelets lance-shaped, ± 4 mm long; leaf- blades twisted, 1-2 mm wide, blue-green; stems slender, 20-40 cm tall, rose-colored with age; dry plains Muhlenbergia paniculata S2 [Schedonnardus paniculatus] 05a Spikelets 1 per joint on the central stalk (sometimes 2 in part of the spike in generic hybrids) ............................06 05b Spikelets >1 per joint on the central stalk 5b (sometimes 1 in part of the spike in generic 5a hybrids) ............................14 5 06a Spikelets attached edgewise to the central stalk; frst glume absent except in the tip spikelet .................Lolium (in part) 06b Spikelets attached fatwise to the central stalk; glumes various ......................07 07a Plants perennial (often with remnants from previous years at the base), mostly native, 8a usually with well-developed roots and/or rootstocks ..........................08 07b Plants annual, introduced, often weedy 6a 6b (including wheat and rye), usually with weak, fbrous roots ........................12 08a Spikelets widely spreading from the central stalk, often almost horizontal, strongly overlapping, with segments between joints 9a usually <3 mm long ........... Agropyron 08b Spikelets not markedly spreading, usually ± erect or somewhat angled from the main stalk/ axis, not strongly overlapping, with segments 10a between joints 4-15+ mm ..............09 09a Glumes lance-shaped, tapering from at or below the middle to a slender point, slightly curved to 1 side at the tip, 1- to 3-veined at mid-length,; plants with creeping rootstocks . Pascopyrum smithii [Agropyron smithii] 09b Glumes various, tapering from above the 11a middle to the tip, not curved to 1 side, 1- to 9-veined at mid-length; plants tufted or with creeping rootstocks. .10 11b 12a 10a Glumes lance-shaped to rectangular, stiff, hard or leathery, smooth at the base of the keel, usually stiff-hairy at the tip, not awned . .........................Thinopyrum 10b Glumes sharply to long, slender pointed, fexible, usually smooth or stiff-hairy for the entire length of the keel, sometimes awned 11 11a Spikelets distant, not or scarcely reaching the base of the next spikelet above on the same side of the stalk; anthers 4-8 mm . ..............Pseudoroegneria spicata [Agropyron spicatum] 11b Spikelets usually close, overlapping, reaching mid-length on the next spikelet above on the
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