FREE Thanks to our ADVERTISERS Please Support SOUTH FLORIDA’S MOST READ HAITIAN NEWSPAPER THEM! SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020 | Vol. 20 No. 464 www.lefloridien.com PHONE: 305.610.7481 La justice haïtienne face à ses contradictions Pour le cas Dimitri Vorbe, la justice retrouve bizarrement son efficacité! tatistiquement, vous avez aujourd’hui plus de uleuse. Pour ce faire, les responsables à l’origine de ces chance d’être inquiété par la justice haïtienne abus ont recours à des méthodes bien rodées. Ils mettent S si vous êtes un opposant au régime Jovenel que en place des projets bidon, soi-disant au service des ci- si vous êtes un soutien indéfectible. Ce constat toyens. Ils font ensuite des appels d’offres publics sans a été fait après une compilation de données qui montre respecter les règles liées à de telles procédures qui sont de manière flagrante à quel point les gens proches du pourtant très claires. Le marché est par la suite remporté pouvoir semblent intouchables. Cela met clairement en non pas par le moins-disant, ni par celui qui présente le lumière le deux poids deux mesures des tribunaux haï- meilleur projet, mais bien par celui qui sait arroser les tiens. Nos procureurs s’intéressent d’abord à votre ap- bonnes personnes. partenance politique avant de statuer sur votre cas. Or, sans une justice indépendante et impartiale, on ne peut Le comble est que tous ces projets de développement espérer avoir une démocratie digne de ce nom. voient rarement le jour. Nombreux sont les chantiers abandonnés après seulement quelques coups de pioche, Petro-Caribe, un scandale financier… mais aussi ju- même si l’argent, lui, a bel et bien été décaissé. Il suit diciaire alors un circuit tortueux et finit par se perdre dans les méandres de la paperasse administrative pour ne laiss- Le scandale Petro-Caribe ne cesse de faire couler beau- er aucune trace. En fin de compte, toute cette comédie coup d’encre dans notre pays. Récemment, la Cour des d’appel d’offres, de soumission de candidature et de comptes en a remis une couche en dévoilant de nou- grille de sélection ne sert qu’à duper les Haïtiens pour veaux éléments accablants dans un dossier déjà bien leur montrer que tout se passe de manière claire et trans- garni. D’après son dernier rapport, des centaines de parente. millions de dollars ont été détournés de manière fraud- Suite à la page 11 L’entrepreneur haïtien Dimitri Vorbe Haitian-American female candidates in Florida ÉDITORIAL Primary Elections: the Winners are! L’époque où les Grenadiers jouaient MIAMI – South Flor- out with 25 percent ida’ residents who of registered voters dans la cour didn’t already vote compared to 16.5 per- des grands Page 4 early or by mail, with cent in August 2016. masks on and social distancing in place, The 2020 election is took to the precincts an historic moment HAITIAN-AMERICAN to vote in Tuesday’s for the South Florida WILLBECOME FIRST August 18 primary Haitian community. election. This year’s BLACK WOMAN ON NJ primary election Florida Representative Marie Woodson Judge Phoebee Francois SUPREME COURT Page 4 had a generous turn- Continued on page 5 Dotie Joseph - District 108 Comment expliquer le ‘manque’ de viewers pour What Are the Immi- gration Benefits for la prestation virtuelle de Tabou Combo Foreign Media, vec les mesures prises pour pour détendre les oreilles des mélo- réduire les risques de propaga- manes et leur permettre de se changer Press, and Radio A tion de la pandémie Covid-19 les idées. Professionals? Page 6 qui continue de faire des vic- times, plus particulièrement aux États- Les prestations virtuelles dans le Unis d’Amérique devenus ces derniers monde compas ont officiellement com- Mercato - PSG : Suarez mois l’épicentre de ce fléau, les soirées mencé avec une réunion de la défunte dansantes, concerts et autres activités formation Konpa Kreyol le 11 avril chaud pour rejoindre socioculturelles sont annulés depuis 2020. Le but premier de cet événement Neymar à Paris ? Page 13 un certain temps. Confinement oblige, virtuel était de venir en aide à l’Hôpital quasiment tout le monde est bloqué Bernard Mevs qui faisait face à des dif- chez soi. Cela n’a pas empêché cer- ficultés financières. tains artistes et groupes musicaux de réaliser des performances virtuelles Suite à la page 10 LE FLORIDIEN 2 HAITIAN - CORONAVIRUS SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020 | VOL. 20 NO. 464 Haitian Great-grandmother, 73, released from HAITIAN-AMERICAN WILL treatment 5 months after testing positive BECOME FIRST BLACK WOMAN ON NJ SUPREME COURT for coronavirus in Brooklyn Following a unanimous con- “She was fighting every step firmation by the state Senate this week, Haitian-Ameri- of the way. She was fighting can Fabiana Pierre-Louis is the doctors, she was fighting set to become the first Af- the nurses,” her daughter rican-American female to said. serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court. By Anna Sturla, CNN After being nominated by Gov. Phil Murphy in June, Pierre-Louis’ nomination for associate justice was ap- Marie Delus had not touched her proved 39-0 by the Senate. mother since she took her to a New York City emergency room She will now join the state’s highest court and fill the in March. seat of retiring Associate Justice Walter Timpone. “I’m incredibly proud that the Senate has unanimously con- firmed Fabiana Pierre-Louis as the next Associate Jus- But after more than five months tice to serve on New Jersey’s Supreme Court,” Murphy in a hospital and nursing home, said. Delus’ mother, Marie Jean-Pierre, Marie Jean-Pierre is welcomed back to her home in Brooklyn, New York, on Saturday, was released on Saturday, her Aug. 29, 2020, after spending five months in a hospital and rehab with COVID-19. (Marie “Fabiana is an exceptionally talented attorney, and will family told CNN. Delus via CNN) now have the historic distinction of becoming the first Black woman to be seated on our state’s highest court. Jean-Pierre, 73, was admitted ily members had traveled to Spain Jean-Pierre immigrated from I am honored to have put her name forward, and to see to Maimonides Medical Center in early March on a once-in-a-life- Haiti as a teenager in 1964, she someone with a different set of life experiences and per- in Brooklyn on March 21 with time trip, returning on March 11. told CNN. She has six chil- spectives on our Supreme Court, a judicial body where New Jerseyans from all walks of life turn for justice.” a low-grade fever and difficulty Multiple people who went on the dren, 11 grandchildren, and nine breathing. After testing positive trip became ill with five becoming great-grandchildren, and became a “very sick,” Delus said. citizen in 2018, voting in her first “I would like to congratulate Ms. Pierre-Louis, a first for coronavirus, she was intubat- generation American and the first Black woman to serve ed and later placed on a ventilator, election that year, Delus said. Jean-Pierre was “out of it,” re- on the New Jersey Supreme Court,” Senate President according to her daughter. At some Steve Sweeney said. point, she received a tracheotomy. membering little of almost three CNN reached out to Saints Joa- months in the hospital, she told chim and Anne Nursing and Re- “This is a historical day for our state. Ms. Pierre-Louis “She was fighting every step of the CNN. She was transferred to hab Center, but did not receive a is a New Jersey success story who will bring more di- way. She was fighting the doctors, Brooklyn’s Saints Joachim and response. versity to the highest court of the most diverse state in she was fighting the nurses,” Ma- Anne Nursing and Rehab Center, the country. She will provide a perspective gained by her personal and legal experiences to a Court with the rie Delus said. “She didn’t want to where she had to relearn how to Maimonides Medical Center said ultimate legal responsibility for cases and issues that can be on the ventilator.” walk and talk, and was unable to it could not comment on possible see her family, except from behind patients because of federal privacy have a real-life impact on generations of New Jersey res- idents.” Jean-Pierre, Delus and other fam- glass, Jean-Pierre said. law. Be seen. Be safe. Be well. This isn’t our first pandemic. In fact, Jackson was founded during the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918. And even back then, our doctors and nurses took extraordinary measures to protect and care for the people of this community. Just like we’re taking extraordinary measures to protect and care for you now. So rest assured that there is no reason to delay care for you or your loved ones due to safety concerns. We’re here for you — as we’ve always been — committed to keeping you safe. Learn more about our COVID-19 safety practices at SafeAtJackson.org. BSP Job #: JHSA-20-N066_LeFloridien_Affinity_JUL_v2 Client: JHS-Affinity 4:50PM 06.30.20 GU Description: 1/2 PG Trim: 10" x 7.5" Color: 4c Date: June 30, 2020 4:50 PM Mech Person: GU Issue: JUL LE FLORIDIEN SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020 | VOL. 20 NO. 464 FLORIDA COVID-19 3 Florida reports less than 2,000 new Avi Piblik coronavirus cases for first time Reyinyon Piblik Depatman Transpò ak Travo Piblik Pwojè Renovasyon Drenaj Larchmont sou NW 85 Street rive since June NW 82 Street ant NW 2nd Avenue ak NW 6th Avenue Nimewo Pwojè: 20200163 68 new COVID-19 deaths, the last school district in Central Flor- 85 new patients in hospitals ida to welcome students for the first Nou fè tout moun konnen ke Depatman Transpò ak Travo Piblik Konte Miami- across Florida time since the virus closed campuses Dade (DTPW) te pwograme yon reyinyon piblik vityèl konsènan pwojè ki mansyone across the state.
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