Four caliphs of islam pdf Continue Calligraphic Abe Bakr al-Shiddyk, first caliphstilAmir al-Mu'mininResidens al-Madena al-Munawara (Medina) Macca al-Mukarram (Mecca) al-Kifa (Cuba) Di (Damascus) Baġdād (Baghdad) Samarra (Samarra) zahira (Cairo) Sustanity (Constantinople) or Istanbul Formation8 June 632First holderAbu BakrFinal َﺧﻠﻴﻔﺔ (Wikipedia article list of Khalifa (Khalifa HolderAbdulmejid IIAbolished3 March 1924 This is the list of people, who held the title of caliph, the islamic state's supreme religious and political leader, known as the caliphate, and the title of ruler of the Islamic umma as the political successors of Muhammad. All years according to the common era. Reference main article: The Continuity of Muhammad This section of tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used in Wikipedia. See Wikipedia's guide to writing the best articles for suggestions. (January 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, there was a crisis of succession, because Muhammad did not leave a recognized heir. Ansar (natives of Medina) gathered to decide on a new leader of the Muslim community among themselves. Abu Bakr, a prominent ally of Muhammad, said an attempt to elect a leader outside the Muhammad tribe, Kuraisha, was likely to lead to a split in the community. He presented Umara and Abu Ubaid ibn al-Jarrah as an a potential choice. Another suggestion was that Kuraish and Ansar choose a leader among themselves, who would then rule together. In the end, Umar swore allegiance to Abu Bakr, citing his fame among his comrades. Others soon followed, accepting Abu Bakr almost universally as the first caliph of Islam. Abu Bakr and the three caliphs following him are regarded by Sunni Islam as Rashidun's caliphs (or rightly controlled caliphs). Abu Bakr appointed Umar as his successor on his deathbed. Umar, the second caliph, was killed by a Persian named Piruz Nahavandi. His successor, Usman, was elected by the Electoral Council (Majlis). Usman was killed by members of a disgruntled group. Ali then took control, but was not universally accepted as a caliph by the governors of Egypt, led by Muawiya, who wanted to avenge the murder of Usman. The culmination of this was the Fitna, or the first Islamic civil war. Ali was killed by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam, Hawarij. His son Hassan ibn Ali abdicated in favor of Muawiya, which turned the caliphate into a hereditary position, thus founding the Ash-Siddak 8 июня 632 (03-13-11 г. н.э.) 22 августа 634 Отец Айши, жена(أﺑﻮ ﺑﻜﺮ) Umayyad dynasty. Ecumenical Caliphate Rashidun Caliphate (June 8 632 - January 29, 661) Main articles: Rashidun and Rashidun Caliphate - Calligraphic / Coin Title (and Title) Born from Reigned to Death Relationship with Muhammad Parents House Notes 1 Abe Bakr Аль-Фарук 584 23 августа 634 (06-22-13 г. н.э.) 3 ноября 644 (убит) Отец Хафса, Супруга ﻋﻤﺮ ) اﻟﺨﻄﺎب) Мухаммеда Усман Абу Зухафа Сальма умм-уль-Хаир Бану Тайм Приблизительно четвертый человек, принявшей ислам после начала пророческого пророчества Мухаммеда, начал Риддаские войны в 632 2 ʿUmar ибн аль-Хаттаб Дхун Нурайн 579 1 1 ноября 644 (01-05-24 г. н.э.) 20 июня 656 г. (убит в конце осады его дома) Муж дочерей Мухаммада, Рукайя, а затем Умм Культхум Внук Умм(ﻋﻔﺎن й ( ﻋﺜﻤﺎن) Мухаммеда Хаттаб ибн Нуфаил Хантама бинт Хисям Бану Ади стала мусульманкой примерно на шестом году пророчества Мухаммеда 3 'Усман ибн 'Аффан Амир аль-Му'минхайдарАбу Тураб Аль-Муртаза 15 сентября 601 20 июня 656 (12-21-21-21-Murtaza 35 г. н.э.) 29 января 661 (убит во время молитвы в мечети Kufa) First cousin (ﻋﻠﻲ - أﺑﻲ ﻃﺎﻟﺐ) Хаким бинт Абдул Мутталиб , Мать Мухаммеда по отцовской линии 'Аффан ибн Аби аль-'Ас Арва бинт Курайз Бану Уммая 4 'Али ибн Аби Талиб of Muhammad Husband of muhammad Fatima's daughter Husband Umama bint zinab, granddaughter of Muhammad All modern descendants of Muhammad through Ali Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib Fatima bint Asad Banu Hashim Wasborn in Kaaba, Holy Place in Islam The first man to openly convert to Islam Is considered the first successor to Muhammad Ahl al-Baital-Mujtaba 624 661 (six or seven months) 670 Grandson of Muhammad Son Ali ibn Abi Talib Ali ibn Abi-Talib , Fourth Caliph Rashidun(ﻋﻠﻲ Bye muslim Hassan ibn Ali of the caliphate (661) - Calligraphic name (and names) Birth reigned from reigned to death Relationship with Muhammad (or previous caliph) Parents House Notes 5 zasan ibn ʿAli and first imam of Shiite Islam Fatima, Mohammed's daughter and his first wife, Khadija Banu Hashim, are believed to be Mohammed's second successor to Shi'ite Muslims, signed a deal with Muawiya that led to the latter coming to political power, also known as the 5th Caliphate of Caliph Rashidun Umayyad (661 - 6 August 750) Main article: Umayyad of April 29 or May 1, 680 Semi Brother Ramla Bint Abu Sufyan, The wife of Mohammed Abu Sufyan ibn Harb Hind bint 'Utbach worked as one of at least 29 scribes during Muhammad ﻣﻌﺎوﻳﺔ) the Caliphate - Coin / Portrait Of Name (and Names) Born from Ruled to Death Relationship with Muhammad (or previous caliph) Parents Marks 6 Mu'awiyah I (661 602 November 683 684 Son Yazid I Yazid I , Ummayad caliph Last Ummayadh caliph from the line Sufyanid died ﻣﻌﺎوﻳﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ) November 683 Son Mu'awiyah I Mu 'Awiyah i i ummayad caliph maisun bint Bajdal Title Califa also claimed' Abd Allah ibn al-zubair in 680 8 Mu'awiyah II (664 ﻳﺰﻳﺪ) became governor of Syria during the reign of Umar 7 Yazid I (11 647680 May 7 685 Cousin 'Usman ibn 'Affan Hakam ibn Abi al-'How the ascent of Marwan pointed to a shift in the line of the Umayyad dynasty from descendants of Abu Sufyan (Sufyanids) to hakam (Marwanids), both of whom were the grandsons of Umayya (for whom the Umayya dynasty) 10 'Abd al-Malik ibn ﻣﺮوان without children 9 Marwan I (684 626-623 February 674 715 September (ﺳﻠﯿﻤﺎن - ﻋﺒﺪاﻟﻤﻠﮏ) October 705 23 February 715 Son Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan Abd Al-Malik Ummayadh Khalifa Walid bint al-Abbas 12 Suleiman ibn Abd al-Malik اﻟﻮﻟﻴﺪ اﻷول) October 8 705 Son Marwan I Marwan I, Ummayad Khalifa 'Aisha bint Muawiya i ibn al-Muhrair 11 Al-Waleed I (668 ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ) ﻣﺮوان Marwan (8 685 646 November 2 682 September 717 February 720 Grandson marwan I Cousin Al-Waleed I and Suleiman ibn Abd al-Malik great-grandson 'Umar ibn al-Khattab of the women's line 'Abd al-Aziz Marwan (ﻋﻤﺮ - ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻌﺰﻳﺰ) Son Abd al-Malik Younger Brother al-Walid I Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan , Ummayad Caliph Walid bint Al-Abbas 'Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz 717 22 ﻫﺸﺎم - ﻋﺒﺪ) February 720 26 January 26 724 Son Abd al-Malik ibn Marwana Abd al-Malika ibn Marwan Ummayad Caliph Atika bint Yazid 15 Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik ﻳﺰﻳﺪ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ) Umm Asim Leila bint Asim ibn Umar Widely known as the 5th Khalif Rashidun Some call him the sixth caliph of Rashidun, counting 5th Rashidun Hassan ibn Ali 14 Yazidi II (10 687 April 744 3/4 October 744 Son al-Waleed i al-Waleed I ﻳﺰﻳﺪ اﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ) February 743 17 April 744 (killed) Son of Yazid II Nephew hisham ibn Abd al-Malik Yazid II, Ummayadh Caliph 17 Yazid III (17 701 اﻟﻮﻟﻴﺪ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ) January 26 724 6 February 743 Son Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan Abd al-Malik ibn , Ummayad Khalif Fatima bint Hee 16 Al-Waleed II (6 709 اﻟﻤﻠﻚ) 691 August 750 (killed) Grandson marwan I Muhammad ibn Marwan Abbasid caliphate (January 25 750 - February 20, 1258) Main article: Abbasid Caliphate ﻣﺮوان ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ) several weeks) January 25 750 (executed) Son of Al-Walid I al-I Walid, Ummayadh Caliph 19 Marwan II (6 4) اﺑﺮاﻫﻴﻢ اﻟﻮﻟﻴﺪ ) Ummayad Caliph Persian Princess 18 Ibrahim ibn al-Waleed (744 , Image / Coin Regnal name Personal name Born from the king until then until the death of Parents Marks 20 Al-Saffa 'Abdallah Abul-Abbes 721 750 June 10 754 Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah Al-Harsia Descendant of Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib , Uncle Muhammad 21 Al-Mansour Abu Jafar 'Abdallah 714 10 June 754 775 Muhammad ibn ibn Ali Abdullah Al- Abdallah who was a descendant of Muhammad, the sixth Shiite imam and a major figure in Sunni jurisprudence 22 Al-Mahdi Abu Abdullah Muhammad 744/745 775 August 4 785 Al-Mansour , Abbasid caliph named al-Mahdi al-Mansour to turn his subjects from the family 'Alid to the family ' Abbas) 23 Al-Hadi Abu Muhammad Musa 764 August 785 14 September 786 Al-Mahdi, Abbasid Caliph al-Haizuran bint 'Atta 24 Al-Rashid Haroun 763/766 September 786 24 March 809 Al-Mahdi, Abbasid Caliph al-Haizuran bint 'Atta 25 Al-Amin Muhammad 787 March 809 24/25 September 813 Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid caliph zubaydah bint Jafar, granddaughter of Al-Mansour, Abbasid Caliph 26 Al-Mamoun Abu Jaʿfar 'Abdallah 13/14 September 786 September 813 9 August 833 Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid Caliph Marajil 27 Al-Mutasim Abe Ishak Muhammad 796 83 August 833 January 842 Harun al-Rashid, Abbas Khalidh Marida 28 Al-Watik Abu Jafar Haroun 811-813 5 January 842 10 August 847 Al-Mutasim, Abbasid Caliph zaratis 29 Al-Mutawakkil Jafar February/March 822 10 August 847 11 December 861 (killed) Al-Mutasim , Abbasid Caliph Shuja 30 Al-Muntasir Abu Ja'far Muhammad November 837 861 7 or 8 June 862 Al-Mutawakkil, Abbasid Caliph Reigned during the Anarchy at Samarra (861–870) 31 Al-Musta'in Ahmad 836 862 866 (executed) Muhammad, son of Al-Mu'tasim, Abbasid Caliph 32 Al- Mu'tazz – 847 866 869 Al-Mutawakkil, Abbasid Caliph 33 Al-Muhtadi Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad 869 21 June 870 Al-Wathiq, Abbasid Caliph Greek concubine 34 Al-Mu'tamid Abu'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad 842 21 June 870 15 October 892 Al-Mutawakkil, Abbasid Caliph 35 Al-Mu'tadid Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad 854/861 October 892 5 April 902 Al-Muwaffaq, regent of the Abbasid Caliphate Dirar Grandson of Al-Mutawakkil, Abbasid Caliph 36 Al-Muktafi Abu Ahmad ʿAlî 877/878 5 April 902 13 August 908 Al-Mu'tadid, Abbasid Caliph 37 Al-Muqtadir Abu al-Fadl Ja'far 895 13 August 908 929 31 October 932(killed) Al-Mu'tadid , Abbasid caliph Name caliph also claimed al-Mahdi Billah Fatimid in 909 (not accepted Muslim possessions in Umayyad-ruled Iberian Peninsula).
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