1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2813 to insert •• or in the hands of any owner or holder or of the The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the agent or representative of any such owner or holder " · and in amendments were concurred in. line 7, after the figures "$1,000" to strike out the c~~ma and The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading read " or imprisoned for a period of not exceeding one year, or both the third time, and passed. ' so fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court" ; so as Mr. JONES of Washington rose. to make the bill read : Mr. BROUSSARD. Before the Senator moves to adjourn I Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of Agriculture be, and he is would like !o inquire whether when we next take up the cal­ hereby, authorized a.nd directed to collect and publish annually, on endar we Will start where we leave off to-night? dates to be announced by him, statistics or estimates concerning the Mr. JONES of Washington. It is my judgment that we ' grades and staple le.ngth of stocks of cotton, known as the carry-over, ought to do that, and I have no doubt that such an arrange­ on hand op. the 1st of August of each year in warehouses and other ment will be sought to be made, at any rate when we take up establishments of every character in the continental United States; the calendar again. and following such publication each year, to publish, at intervals in Mr. BROUSSARD. I am interested in a bill which we have his discretion, his estimate of the grades and staple lenoooth of cotton nearly reached on the calendar. of the then current crop: Provided, That not less than three such . Mr: JONES of Washington. I am interested in a couple of es~ates shall be published with respect to each crop. In a.ny such bills JUSt beyond the last one considered. statil>tics or estimates published, the cotton which on the date for ADJOURNMENT which such statistics are published may be recognized as tenderable on contracts of sale of cotton for future delivery under the United Mr. JONES of Washington. I move that the Senate adjourn States cotton futures act of August 11, 1916, as amended, shall be The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 11 o'clock stated separately from that which may be untenderable under said p. m.) adjourned until to-morrow, Thursday February 3 1927 act as amended. at 12 o'clock meridian. ' ' ' SEC. 2. That the information furnished by any individual establish- ment under the provisions of this act shall be considered as strictly confidential and shall be used only for the statistical purpose' for which HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it is supplied. Any employee of the Department of Agriculture who, WEDNESDAY, February Je, 1927 without the written authority of the Secretary of Agriculture, shall publish or communicate any information given into his possession by The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was called to order by reason of his employment under the provisions of this act shall be the Speaker. guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined The Ch~plain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered not less than $300 or more than $1,000, or imprisoned for a period of the followmg prayer : not exceeding one year, or both so fined and imprisoned, at the dis­ Almighty God, the day is Thine; it is full of light and hope· cretion of the court. it wears the smile of Thy love and bears the seal of Thy Smc. 3. That it shall be the duty of every owner, president, treasurer, p~esence; therefore deliver us from the custody of all fear. secretary, director, or other officer or agent of any cotton warehouse, "'e are the people of Thy hand and the sheep of Thy pasture. cotton ginnery, cotton mill, or other place or establishment where Enrich all our lives with higher purposes. Speak to hearts cotton is stored, whether conducted as a corporation, firm, limited that can. not tell their woe. Fill our minds with light, our p~rtnership, or individual, and of any Qwner or bolder of any cotton hea~·ts With peace, and our souls with purity. Keep, 0 keep us and of the agents and representatives of any such owner or holder, until we can not work any more and be there when we fall. when requested by the Secretary of Agriculture or by any special Amen. agent or other employee of the Department of Agriculture acting under the instructions of said Secretary, to furnish completely and correctly, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and to the best of his knowledge, all of the information concerning the approved. grades and staple length of cotton on hand, and when requested to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE permit such agent or employee of the Department of Agriculture to examine and classify samples of all such cotton on hand. The request A message from the Senate, by l\Ir. Craven, one of its clerks, of the Secretary of Agriculture for such information may 00 made in a~nounced that ~~e Senate ha!-1 passed without amendment the writing or by a visiting representative and if made in writin" shall l bill H. R. 15011, An act grantmg the consent of Congress to the be forwarded by registered mail, and the registry receipt of th"'e Post 1 Paragould-Hopkins bridge road improvement district, of Greene Office Department shall be accepted as evidence of such demand. Any C?untr,, Ark., to construct a bridge across the St. Francis owner, president, treasurer, secretary, director, or other officer or agent River. of any cotton warehouse, cotton ginnery, cotton mill, or other place The m_essage also announced that the Senate had passed or establishment where cotton is stored, or any owner or holder of ~enat~ bill and Senate joint resolution of the following titles, any cotton or the agent or representative of any such owner or holder m Which the concurrence of the House is requested: who, under the conditions, hereinbefore stated, shall refuse or wil~ S. 4553. An ~ct granting the consent of Congress to the Chesa­ fully neglect to furnish any information herein provided for or shall peake Bay Bndge Co. to construct a bridge across the Cheaa­ wilfully give answers that are false or shall refuse to allow agents or l peake B~y from a point in Baltimore County to a point in Kent employees of the Department of Agriculture to examine or classify , County, m the State of Maryland; and any cotton in store in any such establishment, or in the bands of any j S. J. Res .. 152. Joint re~olut~on t? amend subdivisions (b) and owner or holder or of the agent or representative of any such owner or (e) of section 11 of the rmmigration act of 1924, as amended. holder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, The message alRo announced that the Senate had passed with shall be fined not less than $300 or more than $1,000. amendments House bill of the following title, in which the con- SEc. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture may coopera-te with any depart- currence of the House is requested : ment or agency of the Government, any State, Tenitory, District, or H. R. 15641. An act making appropriations for the Navy De­ possession, or department, agency, or political subdivision thereof, or partment and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June any person ; and shall have the power to appoint, remove, and fix the 30, 1928, and for other purposes. compensation of such officers and employees, not in conflict with exist­ STATEMENT OF HON. MARTIN B. MADPEN, OF ILLINOIS ing law, and ma.ke such expenditures for the purchase of samples of cotton, for rent outside the District of Columbia, printing, telegrams, Mr. WHEELER. Mr. Speaker, on January 31 my colleague telephones, books of reference, periodicals, furniture, stationery, office from Illinois [Mr. MADDEN] appeared before the Committee on equipment, travel, and other supplies and expenses as shall be neces­ Military Affairs and made a very interesting statement in re­ sary to the administration of this act in the District of Columbia and gard to the Muscle Shoals proposition. I ask unanimous con­ elsewhere, and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of sent that that statement of his be inserted in the RECORD. any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as The SPEAKER. Is there objection? may be necessary for such purposes. There was no objection. l\fr. WHEELER. Mr. Speaker, under the leave to exteml 1\Ir. KING. Is not that a bill similar to one that was con­ my remarks in the RECORD, I include the ~ollowing : sidered several days ago? Mr. MAYFIELD. It is along the same lines, but this bill HOUSE OF REPRESEXTA.TIVES, confers power on the Secretary of Agriculture to make these COMMITTE\ OY MILITARY .AFFAIRS, reports, and it was introduced by me long before the other bill Monday, Janttary 31, 1927. was !Jrought in. I want to have this bill passed. It is practi­ The committee met at 10.30 o'clock a. m., Ron. JoHx M. MoruN cally the same as the other bill. (chairman) presiding. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to The CHAIRMA~, The committee will come to order. There is not a the committee amendments.
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