Dottorato di ricerca in Formazione della persona e mercato del lavoro PhD in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations INDUSTRY 4.0: TRIGGERING FACTORS AND ENABLING SKILLS International Conference organised by the PhD in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations Università degli Studi di Bergamo, ADAPT VIII Edition #Skills40 Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 1-2 December 2017 via Pignolo n. 123 – piazzale S. Agostino n. 2 C/o Università degli Studi di Bergamo, piazzale S. Agostino n. 2, studio 17, 24129 – Bergamo [email protected] • www.unibg.it/ricerca/dottorati-di-ricerca/dottorati-di-ricerca-dal-xxix-ciclo/formazione-della- persona-e-mercato • www.adapt.it Trombinoscope TABLE OF CONTENTS Conference Promoters ............................................................................................................. 1 Giuseppe Bertagna • Michele Tiraboschi Plenary Speakers ....................................................................................................................... 2 Federico Butera • Lilli Casano • Wolfgang Däubler • José Luis Gil y Gil • Paolo Gubitta • Andreas Korne- lakis • Emmanuele Massagli • Tatiana Mazali • Lourdes Mella Méndez • Mario Mezzanzanica • Annemarie Muntz • Ivana Pais • Luciano Pero • Elena Prodi • Juan Raso Delgue • Francesco Seghezzi • Paolo To- massetti • Teresina Torre • Lucia Valente Workshops Speakers ................................................................................................................ 8 Lena Abrahamsson • Akeem Ayofe Akinwale • Giuditta Alessandrini • Alketa Aliaj • Ilaria Armaroli • Mat- teo Avogaro • Francisco José Barba Ramos • Yves Blanchet • Samuele Bozzoni • Pepa Burriel Rodríguez • Simone Caroli • Esther Carrizosa Prieto • Gerardo Cedrola • Massimo Cermelli • Silvia Fareri • Manuel García Muñoz • József Golovics • Alessandro Guadagni • Esther Guerrero Vizuete • Stefano Iacobucci • Valeria Iadevaia • Maiedah Jalil Naji • Jan Johansson • Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo • Aida Llamosas Trá- paga • Emmanuel López Pérez • Ángela Martín-Pozuelo López • Gabriela Mendizábal Bermúdez • Martha Elisa Monsalve Cuéllar • João Moreira Dias • Juan Manuel Moreno Díaz • Giovanni Piglialarmi • Andrea Potestio • Ligia Ramia Munerati • Massimo Resce • Michela Riminucci • Osvaldo Segovia Zúñiga • Espe- ranza Macarena Sierra Benítez • Claudio Tagliaferro • Edurne Terradillos • Adrián Todolí Signes • Aneta Tyc • Tatsiana Ushakova • Antonio Valenti II Conference Promoters GIUSEPPE BERTAGNA is Full MICHELE TIRABOSCHI is Full Professor of General and Social Professor of Labour Law at the Pedagogy and he has been Di- Università degli Studi di Modena rector of the Human and Social e Reggio Emilia. He is Director of Sciences Department at the Uni- the Centre for International and versity of Bergamo since 2012. Comparative Studies on Law, His research activity focuses mainly on the follow- Economics, Environment and Work (DEAL – Dirit- ing three areas. The first one is, broadly speaking, to, Economia, Ambiente, Lavoro) at the Università theoretical. In this perspective, he is especially in- degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Marco Bia- terested in educational anthropology and episte- gi Department of Economics. He is Scientific Co- mology. As far as educational anthropology is con- ordinator of ADAPT, association for labour studies cerned, he has dedicated his most demanding founded in 2000 by Professor Marco Biagi. He is works to identify those factors that can make edu- Scientific Coordinator of the legal major of the Doc- cation specifically different from other aspects that toral School in Human Capital Formation and La- it contains, though never reducing to them, such as bour Relations promoted by the Università degli care, communication, teaching, training, shaping, Studi di Bergamo and ADAPT. He is author of autopoietic behaviour regulation, evolutionary au- many papers and articles in Italian and interna- tomatisms. The second line of research is peda- tional peer-reviewed reviews. gogy of labour, a subject that he teaches in the Master's Degree courses in Pedagogical Sciences and, from 2015 to 2018, in the initiatives organized by a Jean Monnet Chair on “European policies on education and training”, at the Human and Social Sciences Department, University of Bergamo. In this thematic and methodological direction, he co- ordinates the Doctoral School in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations set up in 2009 through an agreement between the University of Bergamo, ADAPT and the Italian Ministry for Edu- cation, University and Research. The third area of research concerns pedagogy of school. For more than thirty years, he has been studying the main issues of Italian national school system and, in par- ticular, the difficulties related to the different at- tempts to reform the current system. 1 Plenary Speakers FEDERICO BUTERA Emeritus LILLI CASANO is researcher Professor of Sciences of Organi- and Professor for the European zation, is an Italian scientist, an Policies on Education and Train- organization scholar and an ar- ing course at the Università degli chitect of complex organizations. Studi di Bergamo. Since February He has developed a multifaceted 2012, she is Senior Research career as a researcher and lecturer, as an organi- Fellow at ADAPT and she is engaged in research- zation designer and management consultant, en- ing and developing projects in the field of continu- trepreneur and, in the past, as a business execu- ing education, school to work transition and em- tive. The themes that have crossed his paths are ployment transitions. In 2012 she received her PhD those related to the analysis and design of work in European Labour Law from the Università degli and organizations, to the training, to the quality of Studi di Catania, Faculty of Law. In 2011 she was working life. He was Director of the Sociological a visiting student at the Institut des Sciences So- Research Service and Studies at the Olivetti Or- ciales du Travail (ISST), Université Paris 1 Pan- ganization in 1974 where he coordinated change théon-Sorbonne. Specialist Degree in Sociology at management that accompanied the transition from the Università degli Studi di Catania. Since 2012 mechanical to electronics and led to the birth of she is member of the College of Professors at the production islands. He has “signed” a large num- Università degli Studi di Bergamo. From 2011 she ber of organization and job design projects in busi- is lecturer in the field of relations and labour policy nesses and public administrations. He has per- at the Università degli Studi di Catania, Depart- formed an intense management education busi- ment of Political and Social Sciences, where she is ness. He is President of the Fondazione Irso, an also a Contractor for teaching Human Resources institute of research interventions on organizational Training and Development. systems, which he founded and chaired continu- ously since 1974. From 1988 to 2013 he was Ordi- nary of Sociology of the Organization at the Uni- versità di Roma Sapienza, Ordinary and Founder of the Degree Course in the Sciences of the Or- ganization at the Università di Milano-Bicocca, Vis- iting Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management. He is Director of the magazine Studi Organizzativi since 1998. He is author of 34 monographs and a large number of scientific articles in Italy and abroad. 2 WOLFGANG DÄUBLER JOSÉ LUIS GIL Y GIL holds a Professor of German and Euro- Doctorate in Law (1991) and won pean Labour Law, Civil Law and the special thesis award from the Economic Law at the Universität Universidad de Alcalá and the Bremen. Publication of numerous Trabajo y Seguridad Social award books and articles, especially on from the Ministry of Labour and labour law; experience as mediator in conflicts be- Social Security for the best doctoral thesis pre- tween works councils and management; handling sented in 1990-1991. Since September 2011 he of lawsuits at the German Constitutional Court and has been Professor of Labour Law at the Universi- other courts; consulting works councils and man- dad de Alcalá. He has spent extensive periods of agement in labour law matters; Guest Professor in time for research at the Università Cattolica del Paris (1987 and 1990), Antwerp (1994), Bordeaux Sacro Cuore di Milano, the Université Montes- (1995), Trento (2006 and 2007), at the China-EU quieu-Bordeaux-IV, the KU Leuven and the School of Law (2010-2014) and at the Beijing For- Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main and the eign Studies University (2017); Advisory Professor Penn State. In addition, he has been Visiting Pro- at the Tongji University (2006-2008); Guest lec- fessor at the Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux-IV tures and consulting in Latin America from 1989 to (1995, 1997, 2003-2007 and 2011-2012), at the date; consulting labour ministries in the elaboration Université de Nantes (1995, 1999 and 2008) and of new labour law rules in Kirgizstan (1994 and at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (2009- 1995), Slovenia (1998-2002), Vietnam (since 2010 and 2013). His research focuses on the prin- 2004), Mongolia (2010-2015) and China (2005- ciples of employment contracts and on European 2007). and international labour law. His main monographs to be highlighted are: La prescripción de las faltas laborales (1993), Autotutela privada y poder disciplinario en la empresa (1994), La prescripción y la caducidad en el contrato de trabajo (2000) and Principio de la buena fe y poderes del empresario (2003). PAOLO GUBITTA is Full Pro- ANDREAS KORNELAKIS
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