Research articles NAT. NAT. HIST. B汎L. SIAM Soc. 47: 27 -fJ 2 ,1999 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST AND IDENTIFICATION KEY TO THE WHALES ,DOLPHINS ,AND PORPOISES (ORDER CETACEA) OF THAILAND AND ADJACENT WATERS Michael Andersen and Carl Chr. Kinze 1 ABSTRACT Based Based on a critical review on the existing literature and an examination of scientific ections ∞lI ections and specimens , 17 species of cetaceans are confirmed for Th ailand. Twenty-seven cetaαans cetaαans are recorded or expected to occur in 百 ai waters and are listed with an identification key ,colour plates and localities. The only baleen whale so far recorded from τ'h ailand is B. edeni edeni (Sittang whale). INTRODUCTION Our knowledge of the whales ,dolphins , and po 中 oises of Thailand and adjacent waters is is scarce. SUVATTI (1 950) and MENASVETA (1980) listed only three cetacean species for Thailand Thailand whilst PILLERI (1973) reported on 7 species. LEKAGUL & McN 即日 (1977) , seemingly seemingly overlooking the work of Pi lleri ,reported on 12 nominal species , but only 10 of these these are considered as valid (Table 1). Two species listed by these authors , the sei whale (Balaenoptera (Balaenoptera borealis) and the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) , were based on material belonging to yet a third species: the Bryde's or Sittang whale (Balaenoptera eden i), erroneously regarded as a junior synonym of the minke whale or conspecific with the the sei whale (ANDERSEN & KINZE , 1993b). YENBUTRA (1988) , mostly following LEKAGUL & McNEELY (1977) , changed the nameofthe ‘Malayan dolphin' from Stenella malayana to Stenella attenuata , the pan 佐opical spotted spotted dolphin. However ,it cannot be established with certainty from LEKAGUL & Mc NEELY'S description whether Stenella attenuata or the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) longirostris) was treated. Both species have been recorded for 百lailand. PILLE 阻(1 973) provided evidence evidence provided for both species ,al ぬough provisionally assigning them to the Stenella dubia サ'O ntalis-attenz ωta group. MIY AZA 阻 (1986) gave information on specimens of both species species from the Gulf of Thailand and PERR 町 ET AL. (1 989) described a dwarf form of the spinner spinner dolphin 仕om the Gulf of Th ailand. In In a prelimin 紅 y draft we reported the false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) from Thailand Thailand (ANDERSEN & K 町 ZE ,1991). CHANTRAPORNSYL ET AL (1 99 1) provide information on the first Th ai record of the dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus) from Phuket Island and adjacent adjacent waters. Zoological IZoological Museum ,University of Copenhagen ,Universitetsparken 15 , DK-2100 Copenhagen ,Oenmark E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]@zmuc.ku.dk Received Received 16 September 1996; accepted 19 April 1999. 27 27 28 28 MICHAEL ANDERSEN AND CARL CHR. KlNZE Table Table 1. Cetaceans occurring in 百1ai waters according to earlier records. Suvatti Suvatti Pilleri Le kagu1 & McNee1y Yenbutra Species Species 百1is paper 1950 1950 1973 1977 1988 Physeter Physeter macrocephal 附, X X X X Kogia Kogia simus X Mesoplodon Mesoplodon gingkodens X Steno Steno bredanensis xl X Sousa Sousa chinensis X x2 X Tursiops Tursiops aduncus X x3 X Delphinus Delphinus capensis x4 x4 X Stenella Stenella longirostris x5 X Stenella Stenella attenuata ~ x7 X Stenella Stenella coeruleoalba X Peponocephala Peponocephala electra X X Globicephala Globicephala macrorhynchus Expected to occur X Pseudorca Pseudorca crassidens X Orcinus Orcinus orca X Orcaella Orcaella brevirostris X X X X X Neophocaena Neophocaena phocaenoides X X X X Balaenoptera Balaenoptera edeni X X x8 x8 X specimen 1 No specimen 10 verify; 2 Given as three nominal species; 3 Given ぉ T. truncat 凶;, 4 Confused wi 由 S. longirostris; 5 Given 悩 S. malayana; ・ 6 Pre liminary identification; 7 Based on S. malayana; 8 Given as B. acu ωrostrata and B. borealis τ'h e taxonomic and nomenclatorial confusion ぽ ising 企om earlier works and the new information information collected demands a revised up-to ・date checklis t. Thi s paper lists 27 cetaceans recorded recorded or expected to occur in Thai waters and provides an identification key with distributions distributions maps. MATERIALS AND METHODS This This paper is based on a critical review of relevant papers as well as an examination scientific of scientific collections and specimens on display at temples ,釘my c創 nps and hotels all over over Thailand. Interview surveys were conducted in 1991 along the Eastern Seaboard (ANDERSEN & K 町 ZE ,1991) , and in 1993 along the western Gulf and An daman Sea coastline coastline (ANDERSEN & KINZE ,1993a ,1993b). Unpublished information was kindly made available available to us at several scientific institutions. In addition ,several specimens were dissected. Th e list covers all known records from Thailand through 1993. CETACEA OF THAILAND AND ADJACENT WATERS 29 The identification key was based on general information on the species and on experiences experiences gained during dissection. For each species Thai records 紅 e listed 出 far as possible possible in chronological order. For some species a geographical subdivision has been applied. 百le records provide the following information as completely as possible: record number ,da 旬, locality ,sex ,total length (TL) ,information on specimen ,institution and references. references. Th e locality is given as district and province wherever possible. For some specimens specimens the exact locality of origin is not known , but only the harbour where the specimen specimen was landed. If available ,出 is information is given in parentheses. Th e numbers given given on the distribution maps follows numbers given in the r,回 ord lis t. Th e totallength is given as the distance from the tip of the head to the notch in straight line line parallel to 由e body axis (NOR 則 S, 1961). Le ngth measurements taken in a different or or unknown way are given as 可'eported len 脚"官 le 胸 scribed names in square brackets follows follows the Romanization Guide of 官 le Royal Institute , 1982. The following abbreviations 釘 'e used for the scientific collections: BIMS ,Bang Saen Institute Institute of Marine Science; NHCU , Natural History Museum Chulalongkorn University; KUMF ,Ka setsart U 凶versity Museum of Fisheries (former college of fisheries); FSKU , Faculty Faculty of Science ,Kasetsart U 凶versity; NICA ,National Institute of Coastal Aquaculture , Songkhla; Songkhla; PMBC , Phuket Marine Biological Center; NRC ,National Reference Collection , Bangkok; Bangkok; EMDEC ,Eastern Marine Fisheries Development Center ,Ban Phe; OFD , Oceanic Fisheries Fisheries Division ,Samut Prakarn. LIST OF SPECIES FAMILY PHYSETERIDAE (sperm whales) 1. 1. Physeter macrocephalus ,sperm whale 百凶 name: 由判明前明 [plawan hua 出ui] Pilleri Pilleri (1 973): Physeter catodon Lekagul Lekagul & McNeely (1 977): Physeter catodon Records Records (see map 1) 1.1. 1.1. Un 也ted (b efore 1973). Phuket Island , Phuket Pr ov. Sex and τL not known. According to to PILLE 阻(1 973) kept in the (old) Phuket Fishery Station; apparently los t. Photographs in PILLE 阻(1 973) and PILLERI & GIHR (1974). 1. 2. Undated (before 1987). Lower jaws seen in Phuket Harbour , Phuket Prov. Sex and τL not known. Photograph in ZMUC files. 1. 3. 7 June 1993. Surin Beach , Phuket Island , Phuket Pr ov. Skeleton and cast of female , 300 cm. PMBC. Unconfirmed records: Teeth of sperm whales believed to be from Th ai waters are in the National National Museum (LEKAGUL & McNEELY , 1977). ANDERSEN & KINZE (1 991) listed a sperm whale from Cha Am Dis 凶ct from their interview survey. No specimen has been identified identified and the record remains doubtfu l. 30 M ICHAEL ANDERSEN AN D C ARL CHR. KINZE 1 Physete r m a croceph;Jius 4 Steno bre danensis 2 Kogia slmus 7 De lphinus c a p e ns is 3 M esoplodon glnkgode11s 9 Sten e /la a tte nua ta 10 Stene /la c oe rule oalba Map 1 Map 2 6 Tursiops a dunCus '' .... j ("' ' ' -~ - .... - ' !' \ Map 4 Maps l-4. Distribution of records for P. macrocephalus, K. sim.us, M. ginkgodens, S. bredanensis, D. capensis, S. attenuata, S. coeruleoalba, S. chinensis and T. aduncus. CETACEA OF THAILAND AND ADJACENT WATERS 31 2. 2. Kogia simus ,dwarf sperm whale 百四 name: t.l~1'l哨前明比例す:; [plawan hua thui khrae] Records Records (see map 1) 2. 1. July 1987. Patong Beach , Phuket Island , Phuket Prov. Male skeleton ,227 cm. PMBC. CHANTRAPORNSYL ET A L. 1991. FAMILY ZIPHIIDAE (beaked whales) 3. 3. Mesoplodon ginkgode !, s, ginkgo-toothed beaked whale 百1ai name: t.l ~1引判河'U~Ð 'I者 [plawan fan song si] Records Records (see map 1) 3. 1. 7 June 1989. Patong Beach , Phuket Island , Phuket Prov. Photographs of female ,208 cm. cm. ZMUC files (Fig. 1). Note: Note: Only skull characters provide a safe identification of juvenile and female individuals of of most species of Mesoplodon. The extemal features ,especially of juvenile individuals , are are poorly known. The species identification therefore has to be considered tentative ,until more material becomes available. The identification key lists two further species of Mesoplodon Mesoplodon likely to occur in Thai waters. FAM 且Y DELPHINIDAE (oceanic or true dolphins) 4. 4. Steno bredanensis , roughtoothed dolphin Thai Thai name: t.l ~11~ lJ1刊'lll.h 'l [plaloma fan hang] Records Records (see map 2) 4. 1. 30 August 1993. Chalong Bay , Phuket Island , Phuket Prov. Skeleton of female ,220 cm. cm. PMB C. Unconfmned records: THIEMMEDH (1 968) , quoted as Jinda (1968) by LEKAGUL & Mc NEEL Y (1 977) , reported the species to occur in the Gulf of Thailand based on a skull in the the Kasetsart collection identified by T. Kasuya. LEKAGUL & McNEELY (1977) were unable unable to trace the skull. 5. 5. Sousa chinensis , Indopaciflc humpback dolphin (Fig. 2) Th ai name: 由吋1~ lJ 1LëlÐfl 'VI iD t.l ~11~ lJ 1 'V1~'11'V1'U fl [plaloma phuak , plaloma langnok] SUVATTI (1950): Sotalia sinensis PILLE 阻&' GIHR (1 974): Sousa plumbea SMYTH (1898): D.
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