

I RAXGA LIN t Publishodby lh6 Plblicand Prival€ Sec1o6 ConveBenc€ forSolid Wesl6 Co-govemanc6in udan Poor Communiiies Proiod - Dep8dm€ntofEnvkonnEnl and Nafuial Resouross DENR,Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon Ci9, PhiliooinBs Allrights l€s€wed No eproducton, copy or t|ansmi$ion otlhis p{biio€tion may be madewilhoul witlan p€mi6sion, orcopt und* th€ tefilg s€t out b€low Thl6publicatlon iscopyrighted, butmay bo rsprodlced byaiy mohodwilholl foo or priorpgmi$ion lof loachlng purposBs, butnot lor sale. For coping in any othor oircumstanogs,piloiMillgn p6misslon must be obtaingd fom lho publishor ISBN:971-8986-51-0 Edlt€dard doslgnsd by Atono M. de yera Coverillusiration bvLgUo, Ouz The Socioeconomic Feasibility Study of a Gluster-Barangay MRF System in Barangays Palingon, Lingga, & Sampiruhan, Calamba City, Province of Laguna, Philippines I Public& PrlvateSectors Conv6rgence tor SolidWasto Co.GovEmance in Urban Poor Communities IPPPUE.SWMIProjocl PHI/0ZG58 Foreword a)u)ca the PPPUE-SWMProject is a Herculeantask, lt aimsto put up the first-ever rfuliyTmplemetrtitrg ftnctional oluster-barangayMaterials Recovery Facility (MRF), ald ostablishthe ftst fomal public-privatepartne$hip on solid waste maoagement.The project vas launchedin August 2002 in three urban poor barangaysin CalambaCity, narnely, BarengaysPalingoq Lingga"and Sampiruhan.Collectively, they are known as paliSam, whichcoincidentally its root wordpalrj meansXo clean up completgly, Closeto the projectfinale, March 2004, w€ aren€ar to completingwhat we havecorunitted to deliver,We are able to facilitat€the olusteringof three barangaysto cooperatefor the esiablishmentof a single MRF. We are also able to comeup with a model on how the govemment,jl this casethe tt[ee barangays,can unite with the privateseoior in addressing a social problem,such as solid waste.In this project,pdvate sectorrefers to all entities and people's otganization! outside the gov€mmenlae.g., business,nongovemmental women'sgrcup, eto. Thisfeasibilitystudy}vasthebasisofthePalisam,spublic-privatepartnershipmodelIt meetingsandjoint studieswith the local wasa productof morethan a yearof consultations' calledPaLiSam Community MRF residents.To date,a nonstocknonprofit corporation the public andprivat€ seotors oolvergence Ircorporsted is oflicially r€gisteredto l€galize to provideecological wastg management in CalambaCify. The corporalionprimaily aims t'o the communitythe proceedsfrom its systemfor lhe three barangaysand plow back as'medicol' livelihood and school assistanca' operationsin the form of publicservioes' suoh will be ableto put up tunctionalcluster- it is ho;ed that drough this study,oth€r barangays 'Eoological otherwiseknow! as tlre Solid barangayMRFs in compliancewith the RA 9003 wasteManagementActof2000'',sndatthesamgtimeelhanc€public-privatepsrticipation andcommunity enterprise. I Preface B)t)C€ BAcKcRoUND , for tlis study firsl emeBed afttr the approvalof tbe ljnpleme ing Rules alrd T he concept r Regulationsof RA 9OO3in Dec€mber2001. Particuladyon ib provisionsencouraging the clusteringof bamngaysto put up MRFSand private s€ctor'sparticipation to addrss solid wast€ conc€ms.As therewas no modelon how thesecan b€ done,the Dep$trnentdeveloped a project proposalthst would comeup with a hodel on how two or morc bs.rangayscan cooperateand how thcy oer enterinto joint venturevith theh privatesector oounterpart. Thus drc birth of the Public and Privale S€ctoft Convcrgenoefor Solid Waste Co_Sovernanoein urban poor oommuniti€s IPPPUE-SWMIProject i! August2002 thot spe$headed lhe conductoftbis feasibilitystudy CoNrRsuroRs A t€arnof.xp€rts conductedthe study:A. Allan Poncr, tc.m leader,Dr. Ma. LourdesRebullids' consultantfor sooialoompon€n! and Mr, Bgrt Guevara,oonsultart for teahnicalaspecl. The Prcicct Manegemert Office providedthe ovemll supervisionand res€arch:Alb€rt Mtga@- Arlere de Vera Gilda Yurtas,Juvinia S€rdfr\ Albeno P€cho,and Rebecoa Villaiueva' Mr. Joey Sta. Ana, a codsultantfrofl anothersolid wastemanagement project of th€ NSWMC_ Secretarial,help€d the PMO in conduclingthe wastechamcterization survey. The Project Trsk Force, a group composedonly of local paxln€rs,spearheaded the community coosultations.validatioDs and coordination: Ba$ngayPalingon: Capt. Narciso Gillaco, Luis Mirand4 andJerry Gotengco BarangayLingga: Capt. Erlsn Retusto,Nicalor Paner,and Joel Tsfiala BarongsySarnpiruhan: capt JirDmylrpez, EmadiBaldonado, and Remedios David city Govemlltent:Mayor Seleriio Lajsr4 Coun.Ramil Hemandez, Loida HumarangRuby Arenas, andJulie Latip OInc€ oflhe Congr€ssionalltepr€sedative, 2d Disnid ofI-aguin: Cong!€ssmanJoaquin Chipeco,.tr.,Mario Marcial snd FloretrtinoSarfos PugadLawiD - calamba:Jose Alihan SPoNSoRS The Urtted NttloG DevelopmetrtPmgmmE€ lManila] andPublie-P.lvot Plrtnershlps for thc Urbrn ErvlroDment lBangkok]supporf€d the Depar[nentin carying out a process-orientedeffort to co$e up with the PhilippinePublic PdvatePartnenhip model: Amelia Dulce Sup€tran,Aimee Manal Moriio FraDciscr,and Tsutomu Nishimura Acknowledsment e)tDC€ wish to acknowledgethe persons,groups, \^/re and insritutjonswho at c€rhin points in the developrdentofthis feasibilitystudy contributed their ideas, time alld resources. The goodpeople ofBarangays Palingon, Lingga, and Sampiruhan who patientlyparricipaied in our seriesof oonsoltationsand validations,particularly, the membersof the BarangaySolid Waste ManagementCofimittees, Solid WasteManage6ent purck coordinators,members ofthe bar&ngEy councilsand .targerrridng l(dbaraar, junkshop ownerc, a'lrd solid waste collectors, We would like also io extend ou. deepestappreciation to the nongove.dm€nbllnd people's organizationsin dre projeotsite that haveunselfishly shored with us theif experiences,and views, Their oouragein voicingout th.ir opinionson bow this MRF prcjectshould be |an in palisam K€pr the PMO gluedto the b€stinterest ofthe conununity. TbeProJect Mrnsgement Omco CoNrsNrs caa)g) ExecutiveSummary CHAPTERI PRoJEcrBAcKcRot ,ID& STLDIFRALGWoRK,1 CHAPTER2 TIrsPnoncr Locr.noN, 15 CHAPTER3 TfrEPRoPosED MRF Svsrau, 34 CHAPTER4 Pwsrc,rrF.lcnrv, .55 CHAPTER5 Onc,Ll,rzartotnplet, dy' CHAITER6 CAPAcrryDEvELopMEN r ytm, 7 7 CHAITER7 Co.co'TiTRNANcE& Co-MANAcrlcNr Nu,r,lces, 84 CHAPTER8 Il,nmrsNunoNscurouLe, 94 CHA?TER9 FrNANcrAr,EcoNoMrc, & SocroEcolocrcAl AN,Lt_vsrs, 9 Z CMPTERl0 corclusiou,1 ./ 0 t.xecullve bummary a)F)c€ DESCRIPTION tTrhe proposedc'usler-ba$ngay MRF systemshall be refe ed to as the Palisamcommunity MRF, In_ I corporated.It shallbe a sustainablesystem of managingthe solidwaste of BarangaysPalingon, Lingga,and Sampinrhanin CalambaCity, It aimsto transformmunicipal wastes into useableand market- ableresources qhile effectivelycontibuting !o the overall processof reducingpollution, conserving en_ ergy, creatingjobs andbusiness opportunities, building competitivemanufacturing industries, improving the h€althoonditions ofthe community,and defieasing the localgovemment's overall disposal needs and expenses. LocATION The MR.Fshall be locatedin BarangayPalingon, Cslambs City. The servicearea is BarsngaysPalingon, Lingga,and Sampiflihan. l ts)i (' srARr-uPpArr I rbep.risamcomEunitv*'."":Tj,T;J#'ffjJ,TJJ'irTf.l;T;ffi,l-'"Hf seeFgaD( l ,$$".ffiH,:i*l'ffi2004.By that time' the fi-barangay ffi:Tin":fill'llx:trffi ffi;:r#! STAKEHOLDERS ,l 1"fr?ffiStilfrffi::lJH;:"*''so*Linss&ardsa"'pi'uh-| I : tr:'#,:1ffi#:#il11"'**i""ro"quiochipeoo'rr"2dcons'essionsrDistict'Fovir nonprolitotgsoization co oty ohspterof I nstiolalnonstoolq .- frffT"1""'c*t-os [$e calaoba andentsepreneursl ""i* "to*"*t*rsons CowoNENTS fourEajo! operationalcomponents: MRF'lncorporated shall have Thcproposed Polisao Co$Eunity t r€duotior/s€gr€Etionat soulc€ . catlectionand bansport . reooYoryand Ptooesgmg . matketingand sales B) ii Ofer'tlontlFloucft.n Housoholds,coi lEdel Bbbqshmenb& ot$r lmttltto|B E€gFlaton3l Souma F t F F CdnrunltySold F I I I I I I contofl€d,Eartbry I lai(nl I tl t| l ;l ; A)v I Pt{YSlcALFActr-lrY shell houseth€ main tipping floor' rccycla pbysioalfacility is a oncstor€y sltucturetlnt the rtraia adminishatile rcsidualholding ohambers' as well 8sfte stotrgeareas, cohpostiog anil curingroom' palisam MRF' Inoorpontsd' *r*lriog om"u" of$" community easilyoonsfirck modularly Additionalvrorkspace oanbe The MRF is a one-stoleybuilding designed theneedariscsandasthebudg€tallowsitAtthesto4theMRFshallconsistoftlree[3]modules """i."*"0*rr""followingsize:3.60.E.widthx6.00-6:l€ngth,andaheightofstle$t30 tcrs. six pa its Barangaychairperso& has rDade 'voilablQ The barangaygovemnlent ofPalingoi' though to serv€as th€ siteofthe MRF' 160 sq m', sdjacentto the mai! road' "if-i "oft, "f,"*, Sch.ndctloor Pl.n hor b I nonprofit The Palisan CommunityMRF, Incorporatedshall be orga,rizedand registercdas a nonstock, corporationwiti a corporatelile of50 yea6. Hbe cdbmftv*RF lidxDdtld PROJEC] TASKfORCE r| I of personnelat stafi_up' I It shallrequire rhe follovr'ingnumber and tlpes I gtrd.up Stafiio! R€quhlm6nt ; ; tl ; t :l :l r| t I t Fr\A\"crAL ANALYSEs Tle inv€stmentrequirenenl of t|€ proposedpalisam CommunityMRF, Incorporatedwas computed r|I PhP3,482,800,brokeD down asfotlows: ' Registrationarld Construflion costs PhP1,580,000 ' AcquisitionofEqBiprnent, Fumiture& Fixtures _ 830,400 ll . OperdringCapiEl lfirstsix monrhsl 1,072,200 Thecashflow analysis indicates tiat witl a positiveending cash balance all throughout I parisam thefirst five fars ofoperation,the comftunityMRF, rncorporated is a pfofitabre,susl.ainabre, and viable under.uk_ ! ing. TheProjected CashflowStatemeft indicates also the tbllowing;

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