p P MUNICIPAL DISTRICT ' OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 p REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 9411 10 9:30 a.m. p MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 94 1110 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: MJ>. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS p Page No. Call to Order Present 1. Addition to the Agenda pj 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Adoption ofMinutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting of94 10 26. Pi 4. EmergentItems 5. Appointments/Delegations 1 (a) 9:30 a.m. - StaffSargeant Doug Bangle -R.C.M.P. 2-6 (b) 10:00 a.m. Public Hearing 0) Request to Permit Undeveloped Road Allowance NorthBoundary ofNW 1/423-49-7-W5M Jerry and Rose Greiner (ii) Request forUndeveloped Road Allowance fora Portion oftheNorthBoundary Pt. ofNE1/432-47-4-W5M f BobMacDonald 7"25 (c) 10:15 a.m.-Drayton Valley GolfCourse-Re: Hwy. 22 Campground Proposal 26-59 (d) 10:30 a.m. -Metis Association Local 888 -Re: Hwy. 22 Campground Proposal P! (e) 11:00 a.m. - Ratepayers Concerns 6. Planning, Development andLandsMatters (a) In-Camera - Enforcement ofSetback Regulations 60"87 (b) Proposal For New Alberta Planning Act - Report attached. 88"103 (c) Summary ofOptions Available to the Municipality in the Performance of its Planning Services - Report and recommendation attached. AGENDA -2- 941110 pi 7. General Matters 104-108 (a) Duplication ofPayment onMobile Home -Scott and Terry Graham - Report and recommendation attached. 109 (b) Utility Accounts - Report and recommendation attached. 110*111 (c) Assessment Proposals - Report attached. pi 112-120 (d) Community Foundation p - Report and recommendation attached. * 121 (e) Edmonton Waste Management Proposal W> - Report attached. 8. Correspondence/Items for Information 122-123 (a) Correspondence dated 94 10 18 from Alberta Energy r regarding a report titled Enhancing theAlberta Advantage: AComprehensive Approach to theElectric Industry. 124 (b) Correspondence dated 94 1019from Alberta Economic P Development and Tourism regarding Report Card onthe RuralDevelopmentInitiative. p 125-132 (c) Correspondence dated 9410 21 from the Village ofBreton regarding members of theFundraising Committee forthe Breton Centra-Plex. r133-134 (d) Correspondence dated 94 10 19 from the Town ofDrayton Valley regarding the appointment to the Pembina Valley Regional Ambulance Authority. P 135-136 (e) Correspondence dated 94 10 19 from the Town ofDrayton I Valley regarding the appointments to standing boards and committees. 137-138 (0 Future Focus Newsletter dated 94 10 26 regarding the Proposed Alberta Tourism Corporation. 139 (g) Correspondence dated 94 10 31 from the Drayton Valley r Chamber of Commerce regarding theannual feeforservice. AGENDA 94 1110 P) 140 (h) Correspondence dated 94 10 26 from the County of Parkland regarding theorganizational meeting appointments. 141 (i) Correspondence dated 94 10 24 from the Safety Codes Council regarding SafetyCodesAct - A.A. M. D.& C. Convention. 142 0) Correspondence dated 94 10 20 from Alberta Community Development regarding the D.V. Highland Dancing Association. 143 (k) Correspondence from Alberta Municipal Affairs regarding Alberta Lung Association. 144 (1) Correspondence dated 94 10 18 from Regional Health Authority #9 regarding the location ofthe Regional Health p> Office. 145 (m) Correspondence dated 94 10 25 from Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services regarding confirmation ofmeeting with Mr. Thurber and Mr.Trynchy. 146-181 (n) Correspondence dated 94 10 26 from A.A. MJ). &C. regarding the Fall Convention. jP 182-183 (o) A.A.M.D. &C. News Highlights dated 94 10 19. 184-185 89 (p) A. A.M.D &CNews Highlights dated 94 10 26. 9. Question Period 10. Councillors Reports Addendum Adjournment p MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE MJ>. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON WEDNESDAY, 94 10 26. CALL TO ORDER Reeve E. Lambert called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. PRESENT Present PI E. Lambert, Reeve J. Coombes, Deputy Reeve W. Tweedle, Councillor L. Coward, Councillor W) B. Guyon, Councillor L. Johnson, MunicipalManager K. Robinson, Recording Secretary JP Also in Attendance T. Trudeau, Western Review ADDITIONS TO Additions to and Adoption ofthe Agenda AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 461-94 Moved by B. Guyon to adopt the agenda with the following additions: 9. (m) News Release re: Premier Announces Changes in CabinetResponsibilities (n) letter from Minister Steve West regarding Subdivision Approving Authority CARRIED R. Matthews arrivedat the meeting at 9:40 a.m. P) A. Heinrich arrived at the meeting at 9:50 a.m. ADOPTION OF Adoption ofMinutes MINUTES B. Guyon statedthat the minutes required an amendment. A statement made by J. Coombes had not been recorded. After some discussion, the decision wasmadethatadoption ofthe minuteswilltake place after Administration hashadanopportunityto reviewthe previous meeting detailsduringthe noon recess. H Wynne andF. Dumontarrived at the meetingat 9:55 a.m. A. Sutherland arrived at the meeting at 10:00 am APPOINTMENTS/ Appointments/Delegations DELEGATIONS Dr. H. Wynne andF. Dumont attended the Council meeting and reported thattheirconsulting firm hasbeenretained by LandsandForests Services to examine the procedures currentlyused forthe dispositionofpublic lands, formulate conclusions, andproviderecommendations with respect to procedural changes that may be necessary. Given the recentmajorchanges proposed by government in localgovernancestructureandauthority, it was w> deemed essential thatthe existingprocessofgreenareadisposition be reviewed, especially asit relates to the M.D.'s sincemuch ofthe provincial greenarea is locatedin these jurisdictions. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES .2- 9410 26 They stated that in consultation with the Lands and Forests Services SteeringCommittee, the M.D. ofBrazeau was identified as one that could assistWynne Resources in exploringnew strategies for involving local authorities and other government departmentsin a preferred future green areadisposition process. Dr. Wynne andF. Dumont conducted a focus group sessionthat concentrated on the presentand preferredfuture green areaplanning, development controlandlanddisposition process. The purposeofthis reviewwas two-fold, namely(1) to undertakeanindependentreviewof planning, development control, andcommercial-recreational leasing issues in the designated "greenarea" ofAlberta, and (2) to formulate conclusions andprovide recommendations to LandandForest Serviceforanychanges in the green area planning process, especially asthese relate to the newly established MD.'s. J. Coombes left the meeting at 10:55a.m. J. Coombes returned to the meeting at 10:58 a.m. p J. Starling arrivedat 11:00a.m. Some ofthe concernsdiscussed duringthis sessionwere: - the lengthy delaysin the process ofacquiringlands - ideally the M.D. should havecontrol or initial contactwith any majordevelopment - Council hasn't hadenoughinput forthe peoplethey represent - Weyerhauserwas given the timber, the mill was built in town, but the M. D. must maintain the road systems with no revenue from the mill Y. Champagnearrivedat the meeting at 11:07a.m. T. Fleming arrivedat the meeting at 11:10am Dr. Wynne and F. Dumont thanked Council for their time and initial positiveresponseandleft the meeting at 11:30am R. Matthews and T. Flemingleft the meeting at 11:30 am IP) Mr. Getzingerarrived at the meeting at 11:30 am. Mr. Booth arrivedat the meeting at 11:35 am RATEPAYERS Ratepayers Concerns CONCERNS Reeve Lambert askediftherewere anyratepayers in attendance who had concerns they wished to discuss. SI Y. Champagne stated that shewas a resident ofthe ringroad area on a 3 acreparcel andthat they had previouslyowned a residence in Town. She andher family madethe decision to move into the M.D. fully aware ofthe services out there. She statedthat she was concernedwith paymentof funds to study services. Residentsbroughtallother services in themselves andarethey studyingthe servicesin relationto the Town for later annexation. She complemented the publicworks roadcrew, stating that the roads arebetterout thereon the ringroadthanthey were in Town. She statedthat they didn'twant lights, naturetrails or curbsandwould like things leftthewaytheyare. If it isnt broken, dont fixit - letus enjoy the life we chose out there. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -3- 9410 26 E. Lambert stated that Councilwill support the wishes ofthe residentsand the reason for the studies were because ofthe number ofsubdivision applications coming in and Council wants to make sure allinfrastructure needs are met. Y. Champagne asked why the Town was spendingmoney for studiesto be done on M.D. lands. p E. Lambert answeredthat because their landboardersM.D. boundaries, they have a right to discuss infrastructureneeds and assuredMrs. r Champagne that the ringroad residents could trust this Councilandthat she shouldn't worry. Mr.Booth thanked Council fortheircomments andstatedthathewas glad p to hearme word planning insteadofannexation. He thanked Council for respecting the residents feelings andforbeinga responsible Council. A. Sutherland left the meetingat 12:10p.m. p J. Starling statedthathe was confusedaboutplanning andannexation. He statedthat he thought alldevelopers had plans in place. He statedthat Infrastructure SystemsLtd. were studyinghis land andtold himhe needed | three lift stations and he didn't know why they were there. L. Johnson explained thatISL wascommissioned by the Town andthe m MD. to do the infrastmrture study at a sharedcost of$7700 andthat Lovatt Planning Consultants hadcompleted aninitial
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