73 COMPUTIST Canada & Mexico $7 U.S. $3.75 Big Sale! ~--- ~ J , , The Book of Softkeys (volume 1-3) ....... '" 11 n n :>- z mWC') ~W'i' ~ 8 ~. 0. ~ • I -'::l a "... ~ il Q)Wo l::o.;; .. '" .. • O~i: • ~C (J . :::J~"tJ I ~~ ~ • foronly $1 each* <_. m c: I ;:~ • "'plus postage & handling =0'"- I 0 OE;- I CD '"'len O~~ • ~~ • 3: :3 ::l ):11=.... I ~ ~g • (0 :::I'. C • CD • (J) en en (X):D Technical Reference Books WQ. I -4[~ I N ~ (X) I g.'. • • ~!~ • for only each* • mg~ • $5 I ~ ~ ~ • "'plus postage & handling (limited copies) I ma== 0 ...~ • :::tI~Oo • I a. 8 ~ Applesoft Tutorial w/disk by Apple (1) • m" t • Apple II Instant Pascal Reference Manual by Apple (2) I• ~ ~S il~ I • • i ;;. • Apple' IIc Technical Reference Manual by Apple (3) I ~ ~ i • Inside the Apple IIc by Gary B. Little (1) • ~ ; j • Programming the 65816 by William Labiak (2) I ~ ~ I• Ie» ~ I• Apple IIgs Hardware Reference by Apple (49) Apple IIgs ProDOS 16 Reference wi disk by Apple (31) iIi ~ I i I g: ! fl2 • The Snapshot (NMI) Copycard for only $25 • ~ $ • : i II : I g ~ Ii • ..._------------_... \...•............, Otherspecialcombinationkeypresses include Typing Source Code your name (or pseudonym) and address (if you ctrl reset and open-apple ctrl reset. In the for­ The source code is printed to help explain a want to receive mail). Don't reformat any pro­ mer, press and hold down the ctrl key then press program's operation. To enter it, you need an grams or include them in the text of your letter. the reset key. In the latter, press and hold down "Assembler". Most of the source code in older Send Applesoft programs as normal Applesoft both ctrl and open-apple then press reset. files and machine language programs as normal Charles R. Haight Editor issues is in SoC Assembler format. Ifyou use a Tom Acree Associate Editor Software recommendations different assembler, you will have to translate binary files. We have programs to convert them to the proper fonnat for printing. If you are Karen Fitzpatrick Circulation The Starter Kit contains most ofthe programs portions of the source code into something your sending source code files, and you are not using Jeff Hurlburt Reviews that you need to "Get started". In addition, we assembler will understand. the SOC Assembler, send them as normal'text recommend that you acquire the following: Computing checksums COMPUTIST is published by SoftKey files. Publishing. Address all advertising inquiries o Applesoft program editor such as "Global Checksums are 4-digit hexadecimalnumbers When to include a printed letter to: Program Line Editor (GPLE)". which tell if you typed a program correctly and helpyoulocate any errors. There are two types of Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: COMPUTIST oAssembler such as "Merlin/Big Mac". checksums: one created by the CHECKBIN a. You are writing about a bug or other printing Advertising Department oBit-copy program such as "Copy II Plus", program (for machine language programs) and error. 33821 East Orville Road "Locksmith" or "Essential Data Duplicator". the other created by the CHECKSOFT program EatonviIIe, WA 98328 b. You are writing to ask for help. oWord-processor (such as AppleWorks). (for BASIC programs). Both are on the "Starter (206) 832-3055 c. You are answering another readers help re­ o"COPYA", "FID" and "MUFFIN" from the Kit". quest. Mail all RDEX letters to: DOS 3.3 System Master disk. Ifyourchecksums do notmatchthe published checksums then the line where thefirst checksum d. You are writing about your subscription or COMPUTIST Super lOB and Controllers differs is incorrect. sending an order for back issues or software. Apple-RDEX or IBM-RDEX This powerful deprotection utility (in the Bugs, requests for help and answers to re­ 33821 East OrvlIIe Road COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con- . CHECKSOFTinstructions: InstallChecksoft (BRUN CHECKSOFT) then LOAD your pro­ quests for help are bumped to the head ofthe line EatonviIIe, WA 98328 trollers are used in many softkeys. (It is also on gram. Press & to get the checksums. Correct the and go in the very next issue. All other letters are oCOMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial each Super lOB Collection disk.) program line where the checksums first differ. printed in the order that we receive them. material. The entire editorial content consists Reset into the Monitor CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor Writing to get help of information submitted to COMPUTIST Softkeys occasionally require the user to stop (CALL -151), install Checkbin atsome outofthe When writing to request help, be sure to for publication in the shared interests of all the execution of a copy-protected program and way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, AS6000), and include ALL reIevent information. The more in­ COMPUTISTs. directly enter the Apple'ssystem monitor. Check then LOADyourprograrn. Getthe checksums by formation you include, the easier it is to find a the following list to see what hardware you will oUnsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to typing the Starting address, a period and the solution. There's an old saying that goes "A need to obtain this ability. the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, Ending address of the file followed by a ctrl Y. properly framed question includes 90% of the questions, etc.) are assumed to be submitted Laser 128: Your ROM includes a forced SSSS.EEEE ctrl Y answer". as letters-to-the-RDEX-editorfor publication jump to the monitor. Press ctrl return reset. Correct the lines where the checksums differ. How to get mall with all and exclusive rights belonging to Apple 11+. lie, compatibles: 1) Place an Inte­ If you are interested in receiving mail from COMPUTIST. ger BASIC ROM card in one ofthe Apple slots. Writing to the RDEX editor other readers, be sure that we have a current 2)Use anon-maskable interrupt(NMI)cardsuch RDEX (are-decks) stands for: Reader's Data oEntire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey address. If you use a pen name and want to as Replay or Wildcard. EXchange. We print what you write. When you Publishing. Allrightsreserved. Copyingdone receive mail, we need to have your address. Our send inarticles, softkeys, APTs, etc., youaresub­ for other than personal or internal reference Apple 11+, compatibles: 1) Install an F8 readers privacy is important, so we will notprint milling them for free publication in this maga­ (without express written permission from the ROM with a modified reset-vector on the your address unless you specifically say too. publisher) is prohibited. computer's motherboard as detailed in the zine. RDEX does not purchase submissions nor do we verify data submitted by readers. If you How to write to RDEX authors o The editorial staff assume no liability or "Modified ROM's" article (COMPUTIST #6 or Book Of Softkeys III ) or the "Dual ROM's" discover any errors, please letus know so that we When writing to one of the RDEX authors. responsibility for the products advertised in Write your letter and seal it in an envelope. Put article (COMPUTIST #19). may inform our other readers. this newsletter. Any opinions expressed by Remember that your letters or parts of them your return address, the authors name (as it the authors are not necessarily those of· Apple lie, lie: Install a modified CDROM on maybeusedinRDEXeven ifnotaddressed to the appears in RDEX) and the correctpostageon the COMPUTIST magazine, its staffor SoftKey the computer's motherboard that changes the RDEX editor. Correspondence that gets pub­ envelope. Putthis envelope intoanother and send Publishing. open-apple'Ctrl reset vector to point to the moni­ lished may be edited for clarity, grammar and it to RDEX. We will put the correct address on tor. (This will void an Apple Ilc warranty since SUBSCRIYfIONS: Rates (for 8 issues): space requirements. your letter and mail it for you. Check to the right you must open the case to install iJ.) Because of the great number of letters we ofthe authors name to see ifthe author is writing U.S $24 Canadah.1exico $34 Apple Ilgs: Ifyou have the 2.x ROM, there is receive and the ephemeral and unpredictable from a foreign country and includ the proper U.S. 1st Class $34 Other Foreign $54 a hidden Classic Desk Accessory (CDA) that al­ appearance of our volunteer staff, any response postage. oSend subscription inquiries to: lows you to enter the monitor. In order to install to your queries will appear only in RDEX, so it Help Line the new CDA, you should enter the monitor would be more appropriate for you to present COMPUTIST These readers have volunteered their time to (CALL -151) before running any pro~ted pro­ technical questions to the readers and ask for Subscription Department help you. Please call only within the given time grams and press# return. This will tum on two their responses which will then be placed in the 33821 East Orville Road frames (correctedfor yourtime zone). No collect hidden CDAs, Memory Peeker and Visit Moni­ Apple-RDEX. Eatonville, WA 98328 calls. tor. Thereafter press openapple ctrl esc to go to How to get a free library disk ' oDomestic Dealerrates: Call (206) 832-3055 the Desk Accessories menu. Select VisitMonitor Jack Nissel (Disk Protection, 7-10PM EST) Wheneverpossible, sendeverythingonApple (215) 365-8160 for more information. and there you are. Use ctrl Y to exit. format (5.25" - DOS!ProDOS or3.5" - ProDOS) Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) oChange Of Address: Please allow 4 weeks Recommended literature or IBM format (3.5") disks. Other formats are Dave Goforth is the sysop for the Computist for change ofaddress to take effect Onpostal .Apple IT Reference Manual (or lIe, lIe, etc.) acceptable but there may be some delay as we BBS.
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