1891. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3463 .James H. Riggs, to be postmaster at O'Neill, in the county of Holt Second Lieut. C. ~Iarr3St Perkins, United s·tates Marine Corps, to and State of Nebraska, in place of Edwin Hershiser, resigned. be a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps. John G. Jewett, to be postmaster at Laconia, in the county of Bel­ Maj. :UcLane Tilton, United States Marine Corps, to be a lieuten­ knap andStateof New Hampshire, in the place of Nathaniel J. Edgerly, ant colonelin the Marine Corps. whose commission expired February 22, 1891. Capt. Percival C. Pope, United States Marine Corps, to be a major John Harvey, to be postmaster at Irvington, in the county of 'Vest­ in the Marine Corps. chester and State of New York, in the place of Samuel T. Kilpatrick, First Lieut. Benjamin R. Russell, United States :tlfarine Corps, to be removed. a captain in the Marine Corps. Francis N. Mann, to be postmaster at Troy, in the county of Rens­ Second Lieut. Thomas C. Prince, United States Marine Corps, to be selaer and State of New York, in the place of James F. Ashley, de­ a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps. ceased. Lieut. Charles C. Rogers, junior grade, to be a lieutenant in the Navy. Charles L. Dirlam, to be postmaster at Clyde, in the county of San­ Ensign Harry S. Chase, to be a lieutenant, junior grade. dusky and State of Ohio, in the place of Lewis Hock, whose commis­ Ensign John Hood, to be a lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy. sion expires March 3, 1891. ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND 1\IINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. l\'larquis D. Townsend, to be postmaster at Conneaut, in the ~ounty of Ashtabula and State of Ohio, in the place of Stephen B. Atwood, Henry ,V, Blair, of New Hampshire, to be en>oy extmordinary and , "'.hose commission expired February 14, 1891. minister plenipotentiary of the United States at China. Benjamin F. Mann, to be postmaster at Bedford, in the county of UNITED STATES CONSULS. Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania., in the place of George A. Rush, EU.round Shaw, of Indian Territory, to be consul at Asuncion. whose commission expired February 26, 189L J . A. Anderson, of Kansas, to be consul at. Cairo. John A. Nash, to be postmaster at Jfuntingdon, in the county of Henry M. Hard, of New York, to be consul at Clifton, Ont-ario. Huntingdon, and State of Pennsy1 van fa, in the place of SamuelE. :Flem­ James V. Long, of Pennsylvania, to be consul at Florence. ing, whose commission expires February 28, 18D1. Selah :M:errill, of Massachusetts, to be consul at Jerusalem. Calvin G. Smith,-to be postmaster at Wrightsville, in the county of Philip C. Hanna, to 1.Je consul at La Guayra. York, and State of Pennsylvania; the appointment of a postmaster for William S. Stanley, of Wisconsin, to be consul at Picton, Nova the said office having, by law, become vested in the President on and Scotia. after January 1, 1891. Samuel H. M. Byers, of Iowa, to be consul at St. Gall. Samuel H. Cross, to be postmaster at Westerly, in the county of Albert Neil, of Calais, Me., to be consul at St. Stephen, New Bruns­ Washington, and State of Rhode Island, in the place of Frank E. Rich, wick. whose commission expired February 26, 1891. ,V, ,V, Apperson, of Kansas, to be consul at Vera Cruz. Marion F. Campbell, to be postmaster at Beaufort, in the county of l\IINISTER RESIDENT AND CONSUL GENERAL. Beaufort and State of South Carolina, in the place of Nathaniel Brady, whose commission expired February 26, 1891. Truxton Beale, of California, to be minister resident and consul gen­ Charles B. McDonald, to be postmaster at De Smet, in the county of eral of the United States to Persia. Kingsbury and State of South Dakota, in the place of Ambrose W. Mul- POSTMASTERS. len, removed. • Wilson A. Bartlett, to be postm:a.ster at Stoneham, Mass. • George B. Blake, to be postmaster at Swanton, in the county of Theron H. Chesley, to be postmaster at Kewanee, Ill. Franklin and State of Vermont, in the place of Charles II. Reynolds, William M. Haney, to be postmaster at Bellevue, Iowa. whoso commission expired Febr~ry 26, 1891. Jesse S. Carpenter, -to be postmaster at St. Mary's, Kans. James ~1. McL:rnghlfo, to be postmaster at Lynchburgh, in the Houston G. Co1son, to be postmaster at Middleborough, Ky. county of Campbell and State of Virginia, in the place of Tipton D. F. Edwin Dwinal, to be postmaster at Mechanic Falls, Me. .Jennings, whose commission expired January 20, 1891. Cyrus Knox, to be postmaster at Palmer, Mass. William C. Kenedy, to be postmaster at Palouse, in the county of C. W. Bennett, to be postmaster at Quincy, Mich. W.hi tman and State of Washington, in the place of Thomas Smith, re­ John B. Gorton, to be postmaster at Crawford, Nebr. signed. James H. Riggs, to be postmaster at O'Neil, Nebr. 1UINISTER .RESIDENT AND CONSUL GENERAL. John J. Jewett, to be postmaster at Laconia, .N. H. Truxton Beale, of Galifornia, to be minister resident and consul John Harney, to be postmaster at Irvington, N. Y. general of the United States to Persia, 'Vice E. Spencer Pratt, recalled. Francis N. Mann, to be postmaster at Troy, N. Y. Charles L. Dirlam, to be postmaster at Clyde, Ohio. E~VOY EXTRAORDINARY AND l\[JNISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. Samuel H. Cross, to be postmaster at Westerly, R. I. Henry W. Blair, of New IIampshire, to be envoy extra.ordinary and :Marquis D. Townsend, to be postmaster at Conneaut, Ohio. minister plenipotentiary of the United States to China, vice Charles George B. Blake, to be postmaster at Swanton, Vt. Denby, resigned. William C. Kenedy, to be postmaster at Palouse, Wash. LIEUT EN ANT OF INFANTRY. John B. Collins, to be postmnster at Mount Holly, in the county of James H. McBlair, formerly a first lieutenant in the Fifteenth In­ Burlington and State of New Jffi'sey. fantry, to be first lieutenant of infantry, to rank from May 14, 1861. Richard Jobes, to be postmaster at Suffield, in the county of Hart­ ford and State of Connecticut. CONFIRMATIONS. Executive 1wrninations confirmed by the Senate February 27, 1891. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. INTERSTATE COMMERCE CO:\Il\llSSIONER. Martin A. Knapp, of New York, to be an Interstate Commerce Com­ FRIDAY, February 21, 18!Jl. missioner. The House met at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. GEORGE ELLI­ COLLECTOR OF CUSTOl\IS. OTT, of Washington, D. C. Nelson E. Nelson, of North Dakota, to be collector of customs for The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday. the district of North Dakota and South Dakota, in the States of North Ur. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to dis­ D~kota and South Dakota. pense with the reading of the remainder of the Journal, and that it be APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY. approved. John H. McBlair, to be a first lieutenant of infantry. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection/' PROMOTIONS L~ Til.E NA VY. DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL. Lieut. John T. Newton, junior grade, to be a lieutenant in the Navy. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to call the attention of the Honse Ensign Le Roy M. Garrett, to be a lieutenant, junior grade. to the following communication from the Clerk of the House, which Ensign John H. Shipley, to be a lieutenant, junior grade, in the explains itself. Navy. The Clerk read as follows: Medical Inspector Grove S. Beardsley, to be a medical director in 0LE RK1S OFFICE, IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, . the Navy. Washington, D. 0., FtbruaTJJ 21, 189L Sorg. Edward Kershner, to be a medical inspector in the Navy. Sm: In the deficiency bill passed Inst night the total, on page 62, of $857,48-1.37 Passed Asst. Surg. David 0. Lewis, to be a surgeon. should be changed to ~2,276.74. Maj. James Forney, United States Marine Corps, to be a lieutenant This change is required because of the action of the House in striking out two clauses of appropriation!! on page 56. There was an omission to change colonel in the Marine Corps. the total to correspond with this action. Capt. Henry A. Bartlett, United States Marine Corps, to be a. major Very respectfully, in the Marine Corps. EDWD. McPHERSON, Clerk House of Representatives. First Lieut. Richard Wallach, United States Marine Corps, to be a Hon. TIIOMAS B. REED, captain in the Marine Corps. Speaker of the House of Representatives United Stales. 3464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 27, J The SPEAKER. If there be no objection, this correction will be last section of the bill, to which the gent1eman from Kentucky refers, made. if be will examine it, will be found to relate only to those cases in which Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky. · It ought to be done. there are exces'ses of land in fractional townships, in which case indem­ Mr. SPHINGER. I hope there will be no objection to that. nity is given by this section for a proper proportion of the fractional The SPEAKER. In the absence of objection, the Clerk will be di­ township. • I I rected to make the proper change. The bill simply covers that condition which has been found to·exist ; There was no objection,and it was so ordered. in the Department by which certain of the States or Territories suffer L~DS FOR EDuCATIONAL PURPOSES. the loss of these lands which happen to be in fractional townships and where no adequate provision for indemnity selection is made in their Ur.
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