ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2018. № 1 ISSN 0321–3056 IZVESTIYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. SOCIAL SCIENCES. 2018. No. 1 HISTORICAL SCIENCE AND ARCHEOLOGY UDC 930 DOI 10.23683/0321-3056-2018-1-52-70 DON COSSACKS IN THE MODERN SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE: PROBLEMS, SEARCHES, SOLUTIONS A.I. Agafonov а аSouthern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia Anatoly I. Agafonov - Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Special Historical Disciplines and Records Keeping, Institute of History and International Relations, Southern Federal University, Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. Е-mail: [email protected] The Domestic historiography of the don Cossacks, which was formed in modern times, is a reflection of the socio- economic and political changes in the country, it does not represent a single scientific field, disintegrates into various, often opposing scientific schools and directions. Special attention is paid to new topics and subjects in the study of the Don Cossacks by modern scientists that reveals their relationship and continuity with the Soviet and pre-revolutionary stages of the development of national historical science, marked the main historiographical ideas, searches and results. As a result of the historiographical study of the problem, the author came to the conclusion that the history of the Don Cossacks remains an important scientific topic, its relevance increases in connection with the processes of the revival of the Cossacks in the Russian Federation and abroad, increasing its role in the socio-political life of the country. Keywords: Modern Russian historiography, Don Cossacks, scientific schools and directions of modern Russian and regional historical thought, historiographical successes and shortcomings, the revival of the Cossacks. References 5. Markedonov S.M. 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