University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska 2001 Grain color stability and classification of hard white wheat in the U.S. C. J. Peterson D. R. Shelton T. J. Martin R. G. Sears E. Williams See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usdaarsfacpub Part of the Agricultural Science Commons Peterson, C. J.; Shelton, D. R.; Martin, T. J.; Sears, R. G.; Williams, E.; and Graybosch, R. A., "Grain color stability and classification of hard white wheat in the U.S." (2001). Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty. 225. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usdaarsfacpub/225 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Authors C. J. Peterson, D. R. Shelton, T. J. Martin, R. G. Sears, E. Williams, and R. A. Graybosch This article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/ usdaarsfacpub/225 Euphytica 119: 101–106, 2001. 101 © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Grain color stability and classification of hard white wheat in the U.S. C.J. Peterson, D.R. Shelton, T.J. Martin, R.G. Sears, E. Williams & R.A. Graybosch 1Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA; Wheat Marketing Center, Portland, OR, USA; Kansas State Uni- versity, Manhattan, KS, USA; 2Agripro Seeds, Inc., Berthoud, CO, USA; USDA-GIPSA, Kansas City, MO, USA; 3USDA-ARS, Lincoln, NE, USA Key words: classification, end-use quality, hard white wheat, stability Abstract Variability in grain color of hard white wheat was investigated in cultivars grown over two years in Nebraska and Kansas and related to variation observed in grain hardness, kernel weight, kernel size, and protein content and to color of ground meal and flour. Grain color was scored subjectively, through visual evaluation, and objectively through use of a colorimeter. Of the 543 hard white wheat samples examined by USDA-GIPSA grain inspectors, 15.5% were scored as visually darker than the 1990 grain color standard established as a minimum for hard white wheat classification. The remaining samples were scored as having grain color essentially equal (28.2%), or visually ‘whiter’ (56.4%), than the color standard. Distributions of colorimeter L, a, and b values suggest that the colorimeter had difficulty in capturing the subtleties of visual ratings. There were significant decreases in kernel hardness and grain protein content among samples that scored visually ‘whiter’ than the color standard. Grain color, measured either visually or by colorimeter, was not a reliable indicator of either ground meal color or flour color. As such, it may provide little indication of grain quality, end-product color, or processing value to the milling and baking industries. Introduction duction origin. The interim procedure was adequate, as there had been limited acreage of hard white wheat, Grain color of hard white wheat cultivars must be grown mostly under identity-preserved marketing ar- sufficiently ‘white’ to readily discriminate grain from rangements. However, with increasing interests in hard red wheats, to consistently meet grain classific- hard white wheat breeding and production, the interim ation standards, and meet domestic and export mar- classification procedure was no longer considered vi- ket demands of end-users. A minimum grain color able for the industry. Industry-wide discussions were standard was first established by the Federal Grain subsequently held to re-implement a color standard. Inspection Service of USDA-GIPSA in 1990, when Although adoption was considered necessary for mar- hard white wheat was officially recognized as a unique keting hard white grain, visual-color remains a highly market class in the U.S. The color standard was based subjective and controversial means of classification. on a grain sample from the hard white wheat variety Rapid, objective test criteria are needed to more ac- ‘Klasic’ produced in California. It provided a simple, curately differentiate among hard red and hard white subjective threshhold for color on which to visually grains, facilitate classification by the industry, and identify and differentiate hard red and white wheat and identify class mixtures throughout market channels. provided a basis for identifying mixtures of red and For many years, U.S. breeders have expressed white grain. However, the color standard was waived concern over the use of a minimum color standard in 1994 when numerous samples of ‘Klasic’ were for hard white wheat classification. Significant vari- found with grain darker than the officially accepted ation for grain color exists among genotypes of hard standard. From 1994 to 1999 an interim classification white wheat. In addition to three major loci con- procedure was used based on variety identity and pro- trolling red seed color, there may be as many as 102 six minor genes influencing grain color (Freed et al., visual evaluation of grain color, and uniformity, in 1976; Reitan, 1980). Of more concern, however, is terms of visually contrasting classes. Grain samples the impact that environment and management prac- were compared individually to the hard white wheat tices may have on grain color. Visual differentiation grain color standard established in 1990 from Califor- of weathered samples of hard red and hard white grain nia production of the hard white variety ‘Klasic’. A can be very difficult. But, even if one considers only subjective scoring system of –2 to +2 was used, where sound, unweathered grain samples, significant color a visual-color score of –2 was considered as a ‘much variation exists in grain from a single variety grown darker’ than the color standard sample; –1 as ‘darker; over diverse production conditions (Wu et al., 1999). +2 as ‘much lighter’; +1 as ‘lighter’; and 0 as ‘es- Environmentally induced variations in grain protein sentially equal’ to the color standard. These subjective content, hardness, vitreousness (translucence), and scores were treated as discrete, rather than continuous, kernel size and shape all may contribute to variation variables in subsequent statistical analyses. in visual grain color. The diversity in growing condi- Grain samples were then evaluated for color us- tions and environmental stresses in the Great Plains, ing a Minolta CR300 Colorimeter1 (Minolta Corp., in particular, may make it difficult to achieve consist- Ramsey, NJ). A white CR-A43 ceramic tile was used ent hard white grain color, even with varieties that are for instrument calibration. Colorimeter L∗ values rep- genetically superior for grain color. resent ‘lightness’, with score of 100 as white and 0 This study was conducted to examine variabil- as black (Morris et al, 2000). Colorimeter a∗ values ity in grain color characteristics of hard white wheat reflect red-green colors with ‘+’ values indicating ‘red- cultivars grown in Nebraska and Kansas. Specific ob- ness’, and ‘–’ values as ‘greenness’. Colorimeter b ∗ jectives included: 1) document variation in hard white values measure yellow to blue colors, with ‘+’ val- grain color over an array of production environments ues indicating ‘yellowness’ and ‘–’ values indicating and cultivars; 2) evaluate use of a colorimeter as means ‘blueness’. Colorimeter scores were taken six times to discriminate visual-color ratings of grain in relation on each sample, which represents two sample loadings to the 1990 USDA-GIPSA color standard; 3) char- and three color measures per loading. acterize variations in grain hardness, kernel weight, Grain samples were evaluated for grain hardness, kernel size, and protein content in relation to grain kernel weight and size using the Perten SKCS 4100 color; 4) examine color of ground meal, and flour to single kernel characterization system (Perten Instru- determine potential impact of hard white wheat grain ments North America, Reno, NV, USA). A subsample color on end-use product applications. of grain was ground on a Udy cyclone mill (Udy Corp., Ft. Collins, CO, USA) to obtain a whole- ground meal. The Minolta CR300 colorimeter was Materials and methods used to score color on the ground meal samples. Col- orimeter scores were taken six times per sample, with Eighteen hard white winter wheat cultivars and ex- two sample loadings and three color measures per perimental lines were grown in yield trials throughout loadings. Remaining grain samples were micro-milled Kansas and Nebraska in 1996 and fourteen cultivars on a Quadromat Jr. (C.W. Brabender Instruments, were grown in 1997. Each trial was grown using three South Hackensack, NJ, USA) to provide flour. Flour replications and agronomic practices common to the color was evaluated, again using the Minolta colori- respective production areas. Grain samples were ob- meter, using the same protocol as for meal samples. tained from trials at Colby, Hays, and Ness County, Grain protein was determined on ground whole grain Kansas and Sidney and McCook Nebraska in 1996; samples using a Foss 6500 scanning NIR (Foss NIR and from trials at Colby, Garden City, Hays, and systems, Silver Spring, MD, USA). The NIR protein Tribune, Kansas, and Lincoln,
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