I S S N 1 3 9 2 - 7 3 7 X I S B N 3-447-09312-9 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 1 2 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS ARCHIVUM Lithuanicum 5 HARRASSOWITZ VERLAG WIESBADEN 2003 3 Redaktoriø kolegija / Editorial Board: HABIL. DR. Giedrius Subaèius (filologija / philology), (vyriausiasis redaktorius / editor), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO DR. Ona Aleknavièienë (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS HABIL. DR. Saulius Ambrazas (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DR. Roma Bonèkutë (filologija / philology), KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS PROF. DR. Pietro U. Dini (kalbotyra / linguistics), UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA DR. Jolanta Gelumbeckaitë (filologija / philology), HERZOG AUGUST BIBLIOTHEK, WOLFENBÜTTEL LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DR. Birutë Kabaðinskaitë (filologija / philology), VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS HABIL. DR. DOC. Rûta Marcinkevièienë (filologija / philology), VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS DR. Bronius Maskuliûnas (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS MGR. Jurgis Pakerys (filologija / philology), VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS PROF. HABIL. DR. Jochen D. Range (kalbotyra / linguistics), ERNST-MORITZ-ARNDT-UNIVERSITÄT GREIFSWALD DR. Christiane Schiller (kalbotyra / linguistics), MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG, FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG PROF. DR. William R. Schmalstieg (kalbotyra / linguistics), PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY DOC. DR. Janina Ðvambarytë (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS © Lietuviø kalbos institutas 4 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 This year (2003) the second Archivum Lithuanicum scholarship was awarded to Ðiauliai University doctoral student Robertas Gedrimas. This scholarship was es- tablished in 2002 by Mr. Robin Neumann of Chicago. It is awarded to a graduate student, either a masters or a doctoral student, engaged in research on the external history of some language. The current recipient, Robertas Gedrimas, is focusing his research mostly on the linguistic attitudes of Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrëþa (1771- 1849) and on Pabrëþas derivational theory for new geographical, botanical, and other scientific terms. The first recipient of the Archivum Lithuanicum scholarship (2002) was Vilma Zubaitienë, who is publishing an article in this volume about the manner in which Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus edited, corrected and enlarged (1800) a dictionary by Pilypas Ruigys (Lithuanian-German Dictionary, 1747), and about Milkus attempts to improve the lexicographic method of Ruigys. Briefly the contents of the fifth volume can be described in this way: linguistic discussions, dictionary editorship, lexical purism, the usage of some type-face characters, the origin of a language, archival data, sources of translations and chronicles, personal relationships of cultural activists, new dates, books, and con- ferences. Discussed in this volume are Antanas Baranauskas, Jonas Basanavièius, Jonas Bylaukis, Jonas Bretkûnas, Dominikas Cezarijus Chodzka, Simonas Daukan- tas, Kristijonas Donelaitis, Albertas Goðtautas, Kazimieras Jaunius, Philipp Me- lanchthon, Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus, Petras Gotlybas Milkus, Michael Mörlin, Gotfrydas Ostermejeris, Jokûbas Perkûnas, Kasparas Peuceris, Martynas Liudvikas Rëza, Pilypas Ruigys, Mykolas Sapûnas, Jonas Ðulcas, Motiejus Valanèius, Patrok- las Velveris. In the fifth volume of Archivum Lithuanicum topics on East Prussian (Lithuania Minor) texts and German Lithuanistic studies predominate again as in the fourth volume. Every year authors make important discoveries of unknown documents and sources, especially in the archives and libraries of Germany. For instance, last year Ona Aleknavièienë and Christiane Schiller found and published a letter by Jonas Berentas (March 20, 1729); they also described a recently found copy (the second one) of the treatise Principium primarium in Lingva Lithvanica (1706) by Michael Mörlin. This year the same authors introduce one more discovery, a printed polemical treatise by Jokûbas Perkûnas that was directed against the prescriptive ideas of Mörlin (also against those of Jonas Ðulcas, Pilypas Ruigys), and which was unknown to scholars since the eighteenth century: Wolgegr÷ndetes Bedencken Uber die 5 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 Ins Litthauµche Uberµet¸te ¸ehen Fabeln Ƶopi, Und derµelben pasµionirte ¨uµchrifft (1706). Þavinta Sidabraitë also publishes two so far unknown letters of Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus (December 2, 1779; and March 26, 1800) and some new archival material about the Milkus (Mielcke) family. She corrects the birth date of the father Petras Gotlybas (1693) and of his son Kristijonas Gotlybas (1733) and supplies their family biographies with new details. Discoveries may also be made in the archives and libraries of Lithuania. Reda Griðkaitë tracked down two so far unknown (unidentified) letters of Simonas Daukantas (to Dominikas Cezarijus Chodzka [after 1844] and to Adomas Zavadzkis [October 28, 1844]). She proved that a member of the Vilnius intellectual elite, Chodzka, and the famous Lithuanian historian Daukantas had a close and even very friendly relationship, and that they had known each other ever since high school days in Vilnius. Jolanta Gelumbeckaitë and Eglë Bukantytë research texts that were created in East Prussia (Lithuania Minor) as well. Gelumbeckaitë presents and describes the principles of critical commentary of an edition and the strategy of research of the so-called Lithuanian Postilla of Wolfenbüttel (1573) that she is presently preparing for publication in Germany: paper, ink, watermarks, pagination, binding, the nature of corrections and commentaries, particularities of transcription, correctors, dating, etc. (so far nobody has described these principles in Lithuania so elaborately while preparing a manuscript or an edition of a printed text). Bukantytë proves that when Jonas Bretkûnas was writing the first part of his Postilla (1591) he did not use earlier sources (not even his own translation of the New Testament, nor the Lithuanian Postilla of Wolfenbüttel [1573]). Bretkûnas translated Bible texts anew; he did not try to repeat former Bible texts or establish a Lithuanian canonical text of the Bible. Pietro U. Dini introduces reflections on the origin of the Baltic languages during the Renaissance period in Western Europe. According to the Valachian variant of the theory the Lithuanian and the Old Prussian languages are considered to be the result of a twice corrupted Latin language: the first corruption was produced by the Valachian language and the second corruption by the Baltic (Lithuanian and Old Prussian) languages. Kæstutis Gudmantas attempts to prove historically that the oldest Polish translation (1510) of the Alexander romance (Historia Alexandri Magni regis Macedoniae de proeliis) was the source for the so-called legendary part of the Lithuanian chronicles. Giedrius Subaèius and Jurgita Girèienë devote their contributions to certain historical realia of the Lithuanian language. Subaèius attempts to demonstrate the usage of the capital letters <I> and <J> in Lithuania Major. Printers had set a strict standard (complimentary distribution) for those letters to denote the sounds [i] (as in image) and [y] (as in yawn) by the middle of the eighteenth century. Still more than one century later the preponderant majority of manuscript authors did not adjust to such a distinction, they often left their writings to the printers judgment and wrote either only <I>, or only <J>, or both <I> and <J> without any phonetic difference. Girèienë overviews the tendencies and traditions for purifying the 6 Archivum Lithuanicum 5 Lithuanian lexicon since the very first Lithuanian book by Martynas Maþvydas in 1547 (variation èiûdasstebuklas miracle) up to the present (variation brauseris narðyklë browser); equivalents for loanwords substitution either were selected from traditional vocabulary or neologisms were produced. Janina Ðvambarytë surveys linguistic purification in Jonas Basanavièius (1851-1927) texts. The review section of this volume contains texts on Kristijonas Donelaitis (Liucija Citavièiûtë and Dalia Dilytë review books edited by Leonas Gineitis and Mikas Vaicekauskas); on Bretkûnas (Jolanta Gelumbeckaitë and Janina Ðvambarytë write about the books by Friedrich Scholz and Gelumbeckaitë respectively); on Liudvikas Martynas Rëza (Christiane Schiller analyses Citavièiûtës booklet); on Gotfrydas Ostermejeris (Gertrud Bense evaluates the publication of archival docu- ments by Vilija Gerulaitienë). Reviewers also present and evaluate Zigmas Zinkevièius Selected Articles (Bronius Maskuliûnas), Norbertas Vëlius posthumous edition containing all the 16th century historical sources of information about the Baltic religion and mythology (William R. Schmalstieg); Konrad Schröders biblio- graphic description of historical sources for teaching and learning (1500-1800) Scandinavian and Baltic, also Yiddish and argot languages (Christiane Schiller). In addition, three reviews of doctoral dissertations are published. Saulius Ambrazas reviews Erdvilas Jakulis (tekbti, tdka type verbs and their history) and Alma Ragauskaitës (Kaunas region Lithuanian anthroponomy of the sixteenth to eigh- teenth centuries) works. Ona Aleknavièienë analyses Jovita Erichsmeiers disserta- tion on clauses of purpose, condition, and concession in Lithuanian texts of Lithuania Minor of the sixteenth
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