Gujarat Pollution Control Board Regional Office, Belgium Square, Silver Plaza Complex, Opp. Linear Bus Stand, Ring Road, Surat -395 003 Website: www.gpcb.gov.in ISO9001 and ISO 14001 certified organization PUBLIC HEARING PROCEEDINGS It is hereby informed that as per the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi vide its notification no. S.O. 1533 dated 14/09/2006 and its subsequent amendment S.O. 3067 (E) dated 01/1212009, Public Hearing is arranged for MIs. Rajhans Fila Textile Park (CETP), for proposed Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) - Total Capacity 2.5 MLD, located at Block No. 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 96, 99 & 294, Viii : Lindiyad, Ta. Mangrol, Dis!. Surat (Gujarat) covered under category "B" as mentioned in their request application. A copy of the draft Environment Impact Assessment Report and the Summary of Environment Impact Assessment Report was sent to the following authorities or offices to make available the draft EIA report for inspection to the public during normal office hours, till the Public Hearing is over. 1. The District Collector Office, Surat 2. District Development Office, Surat 3. District Industry Centre, Surat 4. Taluka Development Office, Tal: Mangrol, Dist.: Surat 5. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Environment and Forest, GOI, Regional Office 0Nest Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E-5, Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Ravisankar Colony, Bhopal- 462016. 6. Regional Office, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Belgium Square, Silver Plaza Complex, Opp. Linear Bus Stand, Ring Road, Surat - 395 003. Other concerned persons having plausible stake in environmental aspects were requested to send their responses in writing to the concerned regulatory authorities. The Public Hearing was held on 25/07/2017 at 11:00 hrs. at Project site, MIs. Rajhans Fila Textile Parik (CETP), Block No. 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 96, 99 & 294, ViII: Lindiyad, Ta. Mangrol, Dis!. Surat (Gujarat). An advertisement in English was published in "The Times of India" on 19/05/2017 and in Gujarati in "Gujarat Samachar" dated 19/05/2017 initially for conducting the said public hearing on 20-06-2017 which was postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. The advertisements for postponement of public hearing and intimation about new date was published in "The Times of India" on 19/06/2017 and in Gujarati in "Gujarat sarnachar' dated 19/06/2017. Gujarat Pollution Control Board Regional Office. Belgium Square. Silver Plaza Complex, Opp. Linear Bus Stand, Ring Road, Surat -395 003 Website: www.gocb.gov.in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organization Shri S.D.Vasava (GAS), Resident Additional District & Additional District Magistrate, Surat supervised and presided over the entire public hearing process. A statement showing participants present during the public hearing is enclosed as Annexure A. A statement highlighting issues raised by the participants and responded to by the representative of the applicant during the public hearing in English and GUjarati Languages is enclosed as Annexure Band B1 respectively. A copies of responses received in writing from other persons having plausible stake and written representation received during Public Hearing in environmental aspects are enclosed herewith collectively as Annexure C-1 and C-5, the replies by applicant to the same are enclosed herewith collectively as Annexure 0-1 and 0-5. ~.,/I"'" ~ ~~ Place: Lindiyad, T. B. SHAH S. D. VASAVA (GAS) Ta: Mangrol Regional Officer, Resident Additional Collector Dis\.: Surat GPCB, Surat, and Date: 25/07/2017 Committee Member, Additional District Magistrate, Representative of the Surat Member Secretary, GPCB Encl: 1 Annexure A, S, S1, C-1 to C-5, 0-1 to 0-5 and E as above. 2 Video CO of public hearing GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD REGIONAL OFFICE, SURAT 338, Belgium Square, Typkal l" Floor, Opp. Linear Bus Stand, Ring Road, Surat. ANNEXURE-A A statement showing participants present during the public hearing As per the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi vide its notification number S.O. 1533 dated 14 September 2006 and subsequent amendment S.O. 3067(E) dated 1st December 2009, Public Hearing was fixed for MIS Rajhans Fila Textile Park (CETP) for proposed establish Common Effluent treatment plant (CETP) capacity - 2.5 MLD at Block No. 78,79,80,85,88,96,99 & 294, Village: Lindiyad, Ta: Mangrol, Dist-5urat. The statement showing participants present during the public hearing held on 25.07.2017 at 11 :00 hrs at project site Block No. 78,79,80,85,88,96,99 & 294, Village: Lindiyad, Ta: Mangrol, Dist-Surat is as under. QU<ct ~<8l<atl Clat ~~ ~21\Cl<~l l-(?l.lC-i.21, atcl1. (k-6l.atl "lfl~<atll-ll 5sl-li8: ~RW.'l4.33, ctl.'ll(/O~/<OOC; ~~ <1atl ~t§latl ~Ul<l s-us ~~.w. 30c;~ W), ctl.O'll'lV<OO~ QI'1~Ul~ i:l.. <l"6~~ $lC-i.l eatw)(-i. ~l§ ~eilcU). UC-tl8 at. ec. ee, GO, <:4., a, ~C;, ee QI~ Wt, Jlll-l @Sl21lE., ctlCj& l-liJl~l.c-i., ~ ~<ct . ~~ct &l-lat e~j~oe ~Gi:l.oe l.({loe (illeilcU) 4~ ~~c-i.Sl atl-lctl l-lle aD."lfl~< C-tl8~atlCl~o.oj ~lm"6at ctl. <4./0~/<0'l~ atl ~"6 w.oo 8C-i.l8, 'Yl06&e WUl ~<, (,{{l8 at. -9<:, -9~, GO, <:4., a, ~S, ~~ ~~ <~¥, Jlll-l ~Sl21lE., ctlCj& l-liJl~C-i., ~~<ct . lIU<1 <l1l\Clll-li QllQC-i.. "lfl~< C-tl8~atlCl~o. E.<~lat el"6< <~c-i.i C-tl&aD. 2ll~ aD.~ 1;\"6"l ~. Sr. No. Name and Designation OrganizationI Village Name Signature s l-llS alll-l ~~ ~El ~Nll/Jlll-l oj aUl-l ~~, ~8'\£~~ ~) ~ Cl ~~ .n~1<-~ .---.. J~> ~ Su-nl' s . tJ;b~ ~ 'Y..?":"":'- ' \ ~t~1, Jit,'ff~~9 JjM' :;7" -l.1' 3 I -c ~r(JNO . t: (--t; 1 }J./'0 ~ - GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD REGIONAL OFFICE, SURAT 338, 8elgium Square, Typleal l " Floor, Opp. Linear BusStand, Ring Road, Surat. Sr. No. Name and Designation Organization I Village Name Signature €Il{Lli a1.ll{ ~;;), ~at ~~l/Jlll{ oj a1.ll{ tl~ w~v1'av ~~ .- ~~'eN s..~ e: s-: o' .,.{"'~'Ill'&1.\ ~ t,l1~ «' «,j/ W1II~ Ohd ),JP f:. S 1).'1l<.Li ~ ~ ... .....,....,..., '" \- '~.j- r ' "-"IV: 1.'" <, ~j 'IV\~ ~""Y1....<... 'Y t\ '-' "'""'\,... S 1. 1\. f\ A.. CD~eJJ, ~i5+r, ~ ot:s:»; ~- 0 \ ~Cb\l \G\ f\l\j "--<\" I L -e , ~~'fJUI~ ~ Cf-P- i11~t0 'f"f'~ st.J,~ - rep JCl( h POYl~'utt i\ , ~WV\. L'4\,'(\, ~ b~ . ~ s'"'Cl-I.-f. ~~~ ~-rn~ vislt.~ !(\ ~. 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Sr. No. Name and Designation Organization I Village Name Signature zl{l!i "HI{ ~~ ~~ ~~l/;)lll{ oj a1.ll{ ~~ qr£':lJ <.'"11 \S' ~I H '{'i7? 33, "-'l~1 I'=d d~" ~~~ ~,~~~I.v ~l. 0''''1(...... , tf q,:a.f'W C4S1Q4 1T1 c;I? .,.D 3~ r~ ,..s <t2..~".2.! all .-e.ll'"&1 'e.l1o;1 .J?/~rm' r; <:-lI~lM' r- &'j~ ~t-rva.~", ss ~""c:..1\ <1. 1 ;),.\ "f'fY\) <f' ..l-..'"'" '" ~ H ,crr "r''"'"7t.:t , ~\~ ~ '-tl- 3" l) *~f"\.-tV ~~~ ~'-~-<.' Yr 2Jt:n~'-\~ ~ 38 a. _,.J t1,JI /1'111 r7A"" ";-r ~?/~4: 1 ./"A?7 M~sA 3~ EfSJ..' 'n 'n'1~"'n~ ~clll ~lt\ l , ttl) ~"'-i11 J~a.u.J. s~ ~(,.,' 1.A':: 41 setrtl.:r nJ= lu_Tcf leS h Pc.P?S,'t,\'J.-III '/ l.I~ ~,~«vl ~(l r- '"d-I ~\.T ~ 1 l~ :;;. c:23~ ,,~ ~,~~. tj3 ;5, .Jr11J"\{ , 01.1>~ \l kh.tn A~ ~rn(1 ~~ ""tel C-f7..fllf I n !L/ , 1 .. <;L\ lot(n 61<'1 'V 5>'1. 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