SGS QUALIFOR Doc. Number: AD 36-A-12 (Associated Document) Doc. Version date: 21 Sept. 2010 Page: 1 of 74 FOREST MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION REPORT IZVEŠTAJ O PROCENI GAZDOVANJA ŠUMOM SECTION A: PUBLIC SUMMARY / DEO A: JAVNI SAŽETAK Project Nr. / Projekat Br : 9949-RS (SM00179-SE, 119/06 SSC) ć Client (full name) / Klijent : Javno preduze e za gazdovanje šumama „Srbijašume“ sa p.o. Beograd Client (short name) / Klijent : JP „Srbijašume“, Beograd WebPage / Web stranica : www.srbijasume.rs Address / Adresa : Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 113, 11000 Beograd Country / Država : Serbia Certificate Type: Certificate Nr. Forest Management SGS-FM/COC-007100 Tip certifikata: Br.certifikata: Gazdovanje šumom Date of Issue / 18 Dec 2009 Date of expiry: 17 Dec 2014 Datum izdavanja: Datum isteka : SGS Generic Forest Stewardship Standard adapted for the Republic of Serbia, version 04 Evaluation Standard of 23.08.2010. SGS Generi čki FSC standard prilago ñeni za Srbija, verzija 4 Forest Zone: Temperate Umereno Total Certified Area 244 533 ha Scope / Polje rada : Forest Management of forests in Serbia managed by JP „Srbijašume“, Beograd, for the production and sales (transfer system) of broadleave and conifer timber and FSC Pure logs, huts, garden furniture and prefabricated buildings. Gazdovanje šumama u šumama Srbije kojim rukovodi JP "Srbijašume" Beograd, za proizvodnju i prodaju drveta (prenosni sistem) liš ćara i četinara i FSC čistih trupaca, ku ćica, baštenskog nameštaja i montažnih objekata Location of the FMUs FMUs are around the cities Beograd, Kraljevo, Užice, Kruševac and Despotovac. included in the scope FMUs su oko grada Beograd, Kraljevo, Užica, Kruševac i Despotovca. Company Contact Person / Mr Zoran Tintor Kontakt osoba kompanije : Address / Adresa: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 113, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3115037 Fax +381 11 3112533 SGS services are rendered in accordance with the applicable SGS General Conditions of Service accessible at http://www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm SGS South Africa (Qualifor Programme) 58 Melville Road, Booysens - PO Box 82582, Southdale 2185 -SouthSouth AAfricafrica Systems and Services Certification Division Contact Programme Director at t. +27 11 681- 2500 [email protected] www.sgs.com/forestry AD 36-A-12 Page 2 of 74 Email: [email protected] Evaluation dates Datum procene: Main Evaluation/ Glavna procena 26.05. – 05.06. 2009 Surveillance 1 / Nadzor 1 17 – 21 May 2010, 4 Oct. 2010 Surveillance 2 / Nadzor 2 23 – 28 May 2011 Surveillance 3 / Nadzor 3 Surveillance 4 / Nadzor 4 Date the current version of the report 01 Nov. 2011 was finalised Copyright: © 2011 SGS South Africa (Pty) Ltd All rights reserved AD 36-A-12 Page 3 of 74 TABLE OF CONTENTS / SADRŽAJ 1. SCOPE OF CERTIFICATE / Podru čje sertifikacije ............................................................................ 6 2. COMPANY BACKGROUND / Opis preduze ća ................................................................................. 12 2.1 Ownership / Vlasništvo ................................................................................................................................12 2.2 Company Key Objectives / Osnovni Ciljevi Preduze ća .................................................................................12 2.3 Company History / Istorijat preduze ća .........................................................................................................13 2.4 Organisational Structure / Organizaciona struktura ......................................................................................14 2.5 Ownership and Use Rights / Vlasništvo i prava koriš ćenja ...........................................................................15 2.6 Other Land Uses / Koriš ćenje zemljišta u druge svrhe .................................................................................16 2.7 Non-certified Forests / Nesertifikovane šume ...............................................................................................17 3. FOREST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / Sistem gazdovanja šumama ................................................. 17 3.1 Bio-physical setting / Bio-fizi čke karakteristike .............................................................................................17 3.2 History of use / Istorijat koriš ćenja ...............................................................................................................18 3.3 Planning process / Proces planiranja ...........................................................................................................18 3.4 Harvest and regeneration / Se ča i obnova ..................................................................................................20 3.5 Monitoring processes / Procesi monitoringa ................................................................................................21 4. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT / Društveno-ekonomski kontekst i kontekst životne sredine .................................................................................................................. 22 4.1 Social aspects / Društveni aspekti ...............................................................................................................22 4.2 Environmental aspects / Aspekti životne sredine ..........................................................................................22 4.3 Administration, Legislation and Guidelines / Administracija, legislativa i uputstva ........................................23 5. CHANGES IN MANAGEMENT, HARVESTING, SILVICULTURE AND MONITORING / Izmene u gazdovanju, se či, uzgoju i monitoringu ......................................................................................... 24 6. PREPARATION FOR THE EVALUATION / Pripreme za procenu ................................................... 24 6.1 Schedule / Raspored/plan rada ...................................................................................................................24 6.2 Team / Tim .................................................................................................................................................24 6.3 Checklist Preparation / Priprema liste provere .............................................................................................25 6.4 Stakeholder notification / Obaveštenja interesnim grupama .........................................................................26 7. THE EVALUATION / Procena ........................................................................................................... 26 7.1 Opening meeting / Uvodni sastanak ............................................................................................................26 7.2 Document review / Pregled dokumentacije ..................................................................................................26 7.3 Sampling and Evaluation Approach / Pristup proceni i izbor uzorka .............................................................26 7.4 Field assessments / Terenska procena ........................................................................................................27 7.5 Stakeholder interviews / Razgovori sa interesnim grupama..........................................................................27 7.6 Summing up and closing meeting / Zaklju čci i završni sastanak ..................................................................28 8. EVALUATION RESULTS / Rezultati procene .................................................................................. 29 8.1 Findings related to the general QUALIFOR Programme / Saznanja vezana za QUALIFOR Programme .......29 PRINCIPLE 1: Compliance with law and FSC Principles / Poštovanje zakona i FSC Principa .......................29 PRINCIPLE 2: Tenure and use rights and responsibilities / Prava i odgovornosti vlasništva i koriš ćenja........31 AD 36-A-12 Page 4 of 74 PRINCIPLE 3: Indigenous peoples’ rights / Prava autohtonog stanovništva ..................................................33 PRINCIPLE 4: Community relations and workers rights / Odnosi sa zajednicom i prava radnika ...................33 PRINCIPLE 5: Benefits from the forest / Koristi od šume .............................................................................36 PRINCIPLE 6: Environmental impact / Uticaj na okolinu ..............................................................................40 PRINCIPLE 7: Management plan / Šumska osnova (plan gazdovanja) .........................................................44 PRINCIPLE 8: Monitoring and evaluation / Monitoring i procena ....................................................................47 PRINCIPLE 9: High Conservation Value Forests / Šume visoke vrednosti o čuvanja ......................................50 PRINCIPLE 10: Plantations / Plantaže ............................................................................................................52 9. CERTIFICATION DECISION / Odluka o sertifikaciji ........................................................................ 54 10. MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION / Održavanje sertifikata........................................................ 55 11. RECORD OF CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUESTS (CARs) / Zapisnik zahteva za korektivnim merama (CAR) ............................................................................ 57 12. RECORD OF OBSERVATIONS / Zapisnik o zapažanjima............................................................... 66 13. RECORD OF STAKEHOLDER COMMENTS AND INTERVIEWS / Zapisnik komentara i razgovora sa interesnim grupama ..............................................................
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