@horse_ebooks Tour Take Two Eminem to Florence PAGE PAGE Double take on the overlords 5 Reimagining a prefrosh visit 7 Scibona lists his top tracks PAGE 9 Middletown, ConneCtiCut VoluMe Cliii, issue 9 Friday, septeMber 27, 2013 Since 1868 PSafe Director Finalists PAGE 9 Visit, Address Campus “Thrones” fans ready for battles By Tess Morgan and Miranda Katz Group, a search and consulting firm News Editors that fills positions in higher edu- cation, serves as an advisor to the Over the past 10 days, three committee. Whaley, who has been Public Safety (PSafe) Director fi- a leader in the search process, dis- nalists have visited campus, par- cussed the three finalists that visited ticipating in open forums with the campus this week. University community. The three “We thought that each of them candidates—Dana Perrin, Joe Kirk, was really interesting and had dif- and Ken Collamore—were selected ferent sorts of qualifications and from a pool of over 160 applicants strengths, and so we wanted to by a search committee formed at the spend more time with them, [have end of last semester when former di- them] visit campus and meet with rector David Meyer announced his more people so that we could see resignation. who fits and who doesn’t,” Whaley Vice President for Student said. Affairs Michael Whaley, two stu- Formerly, the director of PSafe dents, a professor, and a Human reported directly to Vice President Resources representative serve on for Finance and Administration the search committee. A consultant from The Spelman and Johnson PSAFE, page 3 REBECCA KOPPEL/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Rabbi David Leipziger Teva, who proposed the construction of the Sukkah in 2009, began the Jewish Renaissance Fellows program in an effort to foster a stronger Jewish community on campus. Celebrities Thrill at Enriching The Community Renaissance Fellows Build Shared Jewish Experience 65h Emmy Awards By Molly Muoio an amusing tone for the night, yet for By Claire Bradach pus and make underclassmen mester to plan events for the Contributing Writer those of us who have been following Executive Edior feel welcomed and comfortable. New Student Orientation. Teva his awards ceremony hosting career, “The basic challenge I found explained that this part of the This past Sunday, awards show his opening act was a bit of a letdown From a recent brunch in the 11 years ago that holds true year JRF program is especially instru- host Neil Patrick Harris added another after his performance at the 2013 Tony Sukkah to a live-music dance party after year is you have first-year stu- mental in giving students some- formal affair to his résumé. On the Awards. While a few jokes went stale this Friday at the Bayit, the cam- dents who arrive on campus and it’s thing familiar amid the chaos evening of the 65th Annual Primetime on his lips, Harris’ likable personality pus is buzzing with Jewish life. overwhelming, it’s confusing, and and confusion of starting college. Emmy Awards, America waited anx- pulled the show through three long Working enthusiastically to bring it’s hard to find your place,” Teva “First impressions are really iously to see whether “Breaking Bad” hours of slideshows, ballads from ’70s this community together is a group said. “One of the things I learned important,” he said. “Some of would finally win its much-anticipated stars, and awards we’ve never heard of. of students collectively known as the very quickly is the strength of peer them are here for arrival day— “Outstanding Drama Series” award, if However, not even Harris’ up- Jewish Renaissance Fellows (JRF). support groups and peer leadership they give out Lärabars—they “Modern Family” would triumph yet beat hosting could counteract the Rabbi David Leipziger Teva models, which is incredibly strong help newly arrived students again in the “Outstanding Comedy despondency that colored much of started the program 11 years ago at Wesleyan and growing stronger.” know that there’s something fa- Series” category, and, most important- the ceremony. While it is traditional after observing outreach initiatives Fellows apply and go through miliar and welcoming, because ly, if song-and-dance-man NPH would to honor a TV star who died in the at other universities and identify- training during the spring of their for some students everything is dazzle us with a TV-themed musical 12 months prior to the broadcast, ing a similar need at Wesleyan. freshman years. The official com- new, but Shabbat, challah, Jewish number. my entire supply of Kleenex was de- The Fellows, including sopho- mitment is one semester, but Fellows geography, those are things that Only one of these ­­­­­prospects failed pleted during the tributes dedicated mores Stephanie Blumenstock, have the option to continue work- can help people feel welcome.” to align with the expectations of the to no fewer than six deceased stars: Jacob Bordoley, Rachel Fox, and ing in the spring. The first major The Fellows plan a variety of masses, and barely so. NPH did offer Jonathan Winters, Jean Stapleton, Matthew Stein, plan events to en- requirement of the job is to come a musical number, but as a halfway Liberace, Cory Monteith, Gary David rich Jewish student life on cam- back to campus early in the fall se- RENAISSANCE, page 6 marker rather than as a hook to reel in the audience from the onset. He set EMMY, page 9 WEconSent Educates Students Taking on Western Conn. on Sexual Violence Awareness By Matthew Shelley-Reade cluding community organizing as a conversations,” Warren wrote. Contributing Writer prevention strategy, intimate partner “I spoke with Rachel Verner… violence, stalking, bystander inter- and a number of other students Wednesday, Sept. 26 marked vention, survivors from tradition- to gauge interest and gather feed- the beginning of WEconSent, a ally marginalized communities, best back. I received overwhelming seven-part sexual violence aware- practice in sexual violence educa- support for the series. I’m very ness and prevention series taught tion, and how to facilitate challeng- excited to offer it this semester by Counseling and Psychological ing discussions.” and can’t wait to see where it goes Services Therapist and Sexual Warren decided to incorporate in the future.” Violence Resource Coordinator student input into the organization As the SART intern, Verner Alysha Warren. Warren will take on of the series. She worked with Sexual acts as a liaison between students the bulk of the training and teach- Assault Response Team (SART) in- and resources for sexual violence, ing, but other students, faculty, and tern Rachel Verner ’15 to gain a stu- both on and off campus. She un- administrators are welcome to con- dent’s perspective on the program. derscored the importance of the tribute their own expertise on par- “After speaking with a num- WEconSent series. ticular topics. ber of students last semester about “This series is important be- “The first session provided an sexual violence programming on cause it will train students to ad- overview of sexual assault and ex- campus, I developed the idea for the dress the issue of sexual violence plored rape culture on Wesleyan’s series to provide a venue where stu- on a broader scale,” Verner wrote campus, specifically, and in society,” dents could learn more about the is- in an email to The Argus. “The Warren wrote in an email to The sue of sexual violence, best practices focus on preparing students to SHANNON WELCH/PHOTO EDITOR Argus. “A number of topics will be in sexual violence education, and Kim Farris ’14 led the Cardinals with 18 kills and tacked on three discussed throughout the series in- learn skills to facilitate challenging WECONSENT, page 2 aces against Western Connecticut. For the full story see page 10. www.wesleyanargus.com 2 THE WESLEYAN ARGUS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 The news Wesleyan Argus Fraterniy Promotes established in 1868 WEconSent: Series Editors-in-Chief Lily Baggott Christina Norris Aims to Combat October Blood Drive Production Manager By Emma Davis the drive, which is only a small time Michelle Woodcock Conributing Writer commitment, maybe an hour, and that’ll be just signing people in or giv- Executive Editors Sexual Violence In an effort to raise awareness ing out food or something,” Laidley Claire Bradach Continued from front page about the upcoming blood drive in said. “I think once people find out why Olivia Horton on campus through bystander in- October, Phi Beta Sigma and Wesleyan [donating blood] is important and why Abbey Francis run and organize programming will tervention. Blood Drives co-hosted a Blood Drive it could impact even their own lives, News Editors Miranda Katz hopefully help to break down rape “The program will hopefully Information Session on Thursday, then they’ll be more compelled to give.” Tess Morgan culture on campus and in the broader leave students with strong by- Sept. 26, in Usdan 108. This week’s During the information session, Asst. News Editor Stephanie Ling community.” stander intervention skills, and all info session was a part of Sigma Week, American Red Cross representatives Features Editors Rebecca Seidel Combating rape culture and students that participate will lead a series of events hosted by Phi Beta Joyce Ramsey and Kimberly Moreland Adam Keller sexual violence on campus is what and develop programming over Sigma to promote the fraternity and discussed the constant demand for Asst. Features Editor Gabe Rosenberg drew Chloe Jeng ’15 to the program. the course of the semester,” Verner to encourage community and service blood, but more specifically the need Opinion Editors Josh Cohen Jeng has signed up for the series and wrote. “The goal is to create a learning on campus.
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