Kinotavr Рѕрє-2Var.Qxd

Kinotavr Рѕрє-2Var.Qxd

ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ŒÚ ËÏÂÌË ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Mass ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË Ò‰˜ÌÓ Communications of the Russian Federation ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ÌÚÓ‚ Ë „ÓÒÚÂÈ XVII I warmly welcome the competitors and visitors of ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ the 17th Open Russian Film Festival ìKinotavrî. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª! For the seventeenth time a creative competition ¬ ÒÂÏ̇‰ˆ‡Ú˚È ‡Á ‚ „ÓӉ —Ó˜Ë ÒÓÒÚÓËÚÒˇ will be held in Sochi, a competition among the Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡ÌË ÎÛ˜¯Ëı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ strongest representatives of Russian cinema, ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÏ Ì‡ where award-winning and established directors ‡‚Ì˚ı ·Û‰ÛÚ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ Í‡Í ÔËÁ̇ÌÌ˚Â, will compete on a par with debutants. They are ÚËÚÛÎÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚, Ú‡Í Ë ‰Â·˛Ú‡ÌÚ˚. united by their love of cinema, their talent and ¬ÒÂı Ëı Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÂÚ Î˛·Ó‚¸ Í ÍËÌÓ, ڇ·ÌÚ Ë their desire to share this with the audience. Ê·ÌË ÔÓ‰ÂÎËÚ¸Òˇ ˝ÚËÏ ÒÓ ÁËÚÂΡÏË. It is in many respects thanks to ìKinotavrî that ¬Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚Ûª ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ Russian cinema continues to be full of creativity, ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÊËÚ¸ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓÈ to develop, and to discover new names. I am Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓÈ ÊËÁ̸˛, ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸Òˇ Ë ÓÚÍ˚‚‡Ú¸ confident that this year, too, there will be many ÌÓ‚˚ ËÏÂ̇. ”‚ÂÂÌ, ˜ÚÓ Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û Ú‡ÍËı such discoveries, and the festival will once again ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÈ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÌÂχÎÓ, Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‚ meet the expectations of the film fans! Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á Ì ӷχÌÂÚ ÓÊˉ‡ÌËÈ ‚ÒÂı β·ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡! Wishing you great inspiration and success, 1 Minister of Culture and Mass Communications — ÔÓÊ·ÌˡÏË Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó of the Russian Federation ‚‰ÓıÌÓ‚ÂÌËˇË Û‰‡˜Ë, A. S. Sokolov ÏËÌËÒÚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË ¿. —. —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë ÔÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛ ‚ÒÂı Ò ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂÏ I congratulate everybody wholeheartedly on the XVII ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. «‡ ‰Ó΄Ë „Ó‰˚ opening of the 17th ìKinotavrî festival. For the Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Á‡‚Ó‚‡Î many years of its existence ìKinotavrî has ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ „·‚ÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ achieved the status of the countryís main ÒÚ‡Ì˚ Ë ÔÓ˜Ì˚È ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚ ‚ ÏËÓ‚ÓÏ national film festival and gained a strong ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Â. ¬Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ position in the community of world cinema. In ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î˛ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÁËÚÂÎË many respects it is thanks to the festival that ËÏÂ˛Ú ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÁ̇ÍÓÏËÚ¸Òˇ Ò Ò‡Ï˚ÏË Russian audiences have an opportunity to get ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ÏË ÍËÌÓÌÓ‚ËÌ͇ÏË. ¬ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û acquainted with the most interesting new films. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÔÂÂÊËÎ ‚ÚÓÓ ÓʉÂÌËÂ Ë Last year the festival underwent a phase of ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ ‚˚·‡ÌÌÓÏ regeneration and now continues to develop in its ̇ԇ‚ÎÂÌËË. ”‚ÂÂÌ, ˜ÚÓ Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û chosen direction. I am confident that the Ó·ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌÌ˚È ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓ‡‰ÛÂÚ Ò‚ÓËı updated ìKinotavrî this year will impress its „ÓÒÚÂÈ ÌÓ‚˚ÏË ÓÚÍ˚ÚˡÏË, ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ÏË visitors with new discoveries, talented films and ͇ÚË̇ÏË Ë ÌÂËÁÏÂÌÌ˚Ï Ô‡Á‰Ì˘Ì˚Ï a celebratory atmosphere. I sincerely wish all ̇ÒÚÓÂÌËÂÏ. »ÒÍÂÌÌ Ê·˛ ‚ÒÂÏ participants of ìKinotavrî that they enjoy Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó productive, creative and professional dialogues; Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ë ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ó·˘ÂÌˡ, ‡ may the festival have grateful spectators and a Ò‡ÏÓÏÛ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î˛ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡Ì˚ı ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ë long life full of interesting events. ‰Ó΄Ëı ÎÂÚ ÊËÁÌË, ̇ÔÓÎÌÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ı ÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ. M. E. Shvydkoi Head of the Federal Agency for Culture and Ã. ≈. ÿ‚˚‰ÍÓÈ Cinematography –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ”‚‡Ê‡ÂÏ˚ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË Ë „ÓÒÚË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ! Dear participants and visitors of the festival! ≈Ê„ӉÌÓ Ò Ë˛Ìˇ ÔÓ ÌÓˇ·¸ ̇¯ Í‡È ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ Every year from June until November our region ‚ÌËχÌË ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇ÎÓ‚ Ë Î˛·ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÍËÌÓ. üÛ- draws the attention of film professionals and fans. ·‡Ì¸, ÊËÚÌˈ‡ Ë Á‰‡‚Ìˈ‡ –ÓÒÒËË, Òڇ· Â˘Â Ë The Kuban region, Russiaís granary and health ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓÈ. –‡‰, ˜ÚÓ Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ resort, becomes even more festive. I am glad that ÒÌÓ‚‡ Ô˯ÂÎ Í Ì‡Ï. the holiday of cinema is with us once again. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, ÒÓÎ̘Ì˚È „ÓÒÚÂÔËËÏÌ˚È —Ó˜Ë Ë ìKinotavrî, the sunny and hospitable Sochi, and ÚÂÔÎÓ ÏÓ ‚ Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á ÒÓ·‡ÎË ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ the warm sea have once again attracted those Ô˘‡ÒÚÂÌ Í ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˲ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ- involved in modern national cinema, as well as „Ó ÍËÌÓ. » ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ ÔË‰Ë˜Ë‚Ó ÓˆÂÌË‚‡ÂÚ Ëı those who loyally esteem its output: the Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó ó ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ. spectators. üÛ·‡Ìˆ˚ β·ˇÚ ÍËÌÓ Ë Ê‰ÛÚ, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î The people from Kuban love cinema and expect the ÔÓ ÒÎÓÊË‚¯ÂÈÒˇ Ú‡‰ËˆËË Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ·Û‰ÛÚ ·ÎËÒ- festival, according to tradition, not only to show Ú‡Ú¸ ÎÛ˜¯Ë Á‚ÂÁ‰˚ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡- them the stars of national cinema but also light up Ù‡, ÌÓ Ë Á‡Ê„ÛÚÒˇ ÌÓ‚˚Â. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ¯Ì ̇¯Â ÍË- new stars. Our contemporary cinema continues the ÌÓ ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÎÛ˜¯Ë ڇ‰ËˆËË ÓÒ- best traditions of Russian and Soviet cinema. ìThe ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó, ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ´¬ÂÎËÍÓÎÂÔ- Great Illusionî still helps us to love, to sympathize, ̇ˇ ËÎβÁˡª ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ ÔÓÏÓ„‡ÂÚ Ì‡Ï Î˛- and to empathize. Values of spirituality, morality ·ËÚ¸, ÒÓ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸, ÒÓÔÂÂÊË‚‡Ú¸. ¬ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË and optimism, which were lost in the period of ÙËθÏ˚ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓÒÚ¸, ̇‚ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- transition, now return to Russian cinema. 2 ÌÓÒÚ¸ Ë ÓÔÚËÏËÁÏ, ÔÓÚ¡ÌÌ˚ ‚ „Ó‰˚ ÔÂÂÏÂÌ. I believe that this ìKinotavrî will serve as a fine ¬Â˛, ˜ÚÓ Ì˚̯ÌËÈ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÚ ÔÂ- occasion for the expansion of creative contacts. ͇ÒÌ˚Ï ÔÓ‚Ó‰ÓÏ ‰Îˇ ‡Ò¯ËÂÌˡ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı ÍÓÌ- Our visitors will remember the time spent on the Ú‡ÍÚÓ‚, ‡ ‚ÂÏˇ, Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌÓ ̇ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ÚÌÓÈ ÍÛ·‡Ì- fertile Kuban land for a long time. ÒÍÓÈ ÁÂÏÎÂ, Á‡ÔÓÏÌËÚÒˇ ̇¯ËÏ „ÓÒÚˇÏ Ì‡‰Ó΄Ó. From the bottom of my heart I wish the ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë Ê·˛ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï XVII ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó participants of the 17th Open Russian festival ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓÈ ìKinotavrî fruitful business, interesting ‡·ÓÚ˚, ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ı Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı ‚ÒÚ˜ Ë ÔˡÚ- meetings and a pleasant stay! ÌÓ„Ó ÓÚ‰˚ı‡! Have a good journey, dear festival! ¬ ‰Ó·˚È ÔÛÚ¸, ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸! ¿.Õ. “͇˜Â‚ A. N.Tkachiov √·‚‡ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË Head of the Krasnodar Regional Administration ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ˇ ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ– –ŒƒÕflÕ—ü»… ALEXANDER RODNYANSKY œÂÁˉÂÌÚ ıÓΉËÌ„‡ ´—“— ɡª President of the Media Holding CTC œÂ‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ ÔÓÔ˜ËÚÂθÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª: Festival ìKinotavrî: ´...œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ·ÓΠ100 ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‚ 2005 „Ó- ´...The production of over 100 films in 2005 for ‰Û ‰Îˇ ÍËÌÓÚ‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ÔÓ͇ڇ. ”‚Â΢Â- theatrical release; an increase in the number of ÌË ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍËÌÓÚ‡ÚÓ‚, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÒÍËı cinemas, production companies, and investors ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ, ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚, ËÌÚÂÂÒÛ- with an interest in a cinema as an attractive ˛˘ËıÒˇ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙÓÏ Í‡Í ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÚÂθ- area with potential for growth; the key role of ÌÓÈ ÁÓÌÓÈ ÔÓÚÂ̈ˇθÌÓ„Ó ÓÒÚ‡. üβ˜Â‚‡ˇ television channels in the production and Óθ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚ı ͇̇ÎÓ‚ ‚ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Â Ë promotion of Russian films ñ all this makes it ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌËË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚. ¬Ò ˝ÚÓ possible to say that interesting times have begun ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡÂÚ „Ó‚ÓËÚ¸ Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÏ for Russian cinema. In my opinion, therefore, ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ÒÚÛÔËÎË ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ ‚ÂÏÂ̇. œÓÚÓ- ìKinotavrî ñ as the main festival event of ÏÛ, ̇ ÏÓÈ ‚Á„Ρ‰, Ú‡Í ‚‡ÊÂÌ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, ÔÓ- national cinema ñ is so important. The above ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ „·‚ÌÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓ ÒÓ·˚ÚË ̇- changes also define the main task of ìKinotavrî: ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ›ÚËÏË ÔÂÂÏÂ̇- to offer all participants of Russian cinema, ÏË Ë ÓÔ‰ÂΡÂÚÒˇ „·‚̇ˇ Á‡‰‡˜‡ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚- without exception, an opportunity to look at their ‡ª ó Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ÒÂÏ ·ÂÁ ËÒ- own collective self-portrait by providing a Íβ˜ÂÌˡ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒ- platform for professional discussion. ìKinotavrî Ò‡ ÔÓÒÏÓÚÂÚ¸ ̇ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ´ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚- can reflect both promising developments and Ì˚È ÔÓÚÂÚª, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÛ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ- trends that give rise to concern. ìKinotavrî will ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËË. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÂÌ ÓÚÂ- help develop a system of coordinates and criteria ÙÎÂÍÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÒÚÓθ ÏÌÓ„Óӷ¢‡˛˘ËÂ, ÌÓ Ë that correspond to the new historical context.

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