3 sheets-Sheet 1. (No Model.) D. S. STEWAR.T. TRACTION ENGINE. No. 484,828, Patented Oct. 25, 1892. (No Model.) 3 sheets-Sheet 2. D.TRACTION s. STEWAR.T. ENGINE. No. 484,828. Patented Oct. 25, l892. S s SS SN as G G e W. st RA alafi SS %6%.O. ass alo, ol% R rWol, IeS 2Ze(49. g (SGS es (No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet, 3. D. S. STEWAR.T. TRACTION ENGINE, No. 484,828. Patented Oct. 25, 1892. oO O O O O 3. O : O O O O O O O &O O 3 O O O O O O O3 O O O UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DAVID s. STEWART, OF MORRIS, WISCONSIN. TRACTION-ENGINE. A. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 484,828, dated October 25, 1892, Application filed December 21, 1891, Serial No. 415,712, (No model.) To all whom it may conceriu: ner. As illustrated in the drawings, each of 55 Be it known that I, DAVID S. STEWART, a the shafts.j of tho front truck is connected at citizen of the United States, and a resident one end by means of a universal joint. I, with of Morris, in the county of Shawano, and in a revoluble shaft extending diagonally be 5 the State of Wisconsin, have invented certain tween the front and rear trucks and similarly new and useful Improvements in Traction engaged with the shafti upon the opposite Engines; and I do hereby declare that the fol side of the rear truck. These revoluble di. lowing is a full, clear, and exact description agonally-extending shafts each comprise an thereof, angular shaft or rod R, having a sliding en To My invention relates to certain new and gagement at its front and rear ends with cor useful improvenents in traction-engines; and respondingly-shapcil tubular sections Is' K', it consists in the matters hereinafter described, as shown more particularly in Fig. 2. To the and pointed out in the appended claims. forward ends of sail shafts on the front The invention relates more particularly to truck are secured by similar universal cou 5 an improved form of traction-engine adapted nections I, I.' revoluble angular shafts MIM, for use in doing heavy hauling, such as for engaged with correspondingly-shaped tubu 70 logging and similar purposes, capable of be lar sections AM", which are in turn engaged ing used in all kinds of weather and upon all by universal joints in in with suitable crank kinds of roads, or driving shafts N N, driven by suitable en 20 In the accompanying drawings, illustrating gines () (), preferably located upon a plat my. invention, Figuro 1 is a side elevation, for in S at the front end of the boiler and sup- 75 partly in section, of a traction-engine embody plied with steam from the builer by a pipelo. ing my invention. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal At convenient points on the crank-shafts horizontal section of the same, taken on line isN suitablyN are located supported wheels a sliding 1, between bar or rodwhich R, as 22 of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a transverse vertical carrying brake-shoes adapted to engage with section of Iny improved traction-engine, taken the peripheries of said wheels 1’, and adapt through one of the trucks. Fig. 4 is a dotail cd to be moved by a lever Q, so as to bring view of one portion of my improved appa either of said shoes into opeative ongagement ratus.In saic drawings, A represents- the boiler with one of the wheels 1. 30 of my improved traction-engine; A, the fire As shown in the drawings, the wheels G (; 85 man's cab; B B, the truck-frames; C C, the upon each truck are actuated by the driving axles of the traction-wheols, and DI) supports mechanism to drive the traction-chains F F, for the boiler A, pivotally engaged with the the wheels EE running loosely upon the ends central portions of the axles CC. of the axles C ( and the wheels G. G' being 35 EE are the traction-wheels, and F aro arranged to run as idlers and simply serving go traction-chains trained over said wheels EE to hold the chains FF in proper position ani and wheels G and G', respectively. Each of sufficiently taut to secure the proper opera tion of said chains. the trucks is provided with one of the axles. Any convenient form of traction-chains 40 C, a traction-wheel E, located upon each end may be employed; but I prefer to construct 95 of said axle, a chain F, trained over said trac these chairis with suitable traction-teeth and tion-wheel, and wheels G and G', over which with links adapted to engage with teeth upon said chains are also trained. pon the innor the wheels (; G and G' G'. If desired, the end of the shaft g of each of the wheels G is wheels E E may also be provided with teeth; 45 located a suitable gear-wheel II, which is op but I prefer to provide said wheels with OO eratively engaged in any desired manner with groovese e in their peripheries, in which said suitable driving mechauism. In tho partic chains lie. The idler-gears G'G' are prefer ular form illustrated in the drawings this ably mounted on stud-shafts g'g', which are gear-wheel II is arranged to mesh with a pin journaled in sliding boxes , which are so ion h, located upon the outer end of a shaft pressed away from the other wheels G G by I, upon the inner end of which is provided a springs or cushions gig. bevel-gear I, meshing in turn with a beyel : Any suitable means may be provided for pinionwhich powerJ, which is appliedis located in anyupon, desired a shafti, man to preventing vertical play, or oscillation of the 2 484,828 trucks beneath the boiler A-as, for instance, as illustrated in the drawings, in which a the platform S may be provided, that illus stirrup or support T is arranged to depend trated in the drawings and herein described from the lower side of the boiler and is en being a simple form of brake mechanism gaged at its lower side with an eye or loop t adapted to be thrown into engagement with 7o upon the frame of the truck. The stirrup or either one of the wheels PP upon the crank support T, at its lower side where it engages shafts of said engines, as may be desired. with the eye or loop t, is formed into an arc By my construction of the traction nech concentric with the pivotal supports D of the -anism, as before described, the toothed chains 75 o boiler upon the axle C, so as to permit a lat FF are adapted to engage very firmly with the eral oscillation of the truck beneath the surface of the ground, and any accumulation boiler. ... " 4. of dirt or of snow and ice which may adhere The operation of my improved.device is as to the chains will be pushed out of the links follows: The operator upon the front plat by the teeth of the wheels G. G. G. and G' G' form S runs the engines OO so as to rotate as the chains pass over said wheels, the trac the crankshafts N N in opposite directions, tion-chains being thereby kept clean and pre as shown by the arrqws in Figs. 2 and 4, and vented from clogging, this clogging or filling motion is communicated thrg the univer up of the traction-teeth being a very great sal connections m m, shafts MM and M'M, defect found in devices of this nature as here 2C and universal connections L'L' to the shafts tofore constructed. - jj of the front truck. The pinions JJ, car My improved form of traction-engine is ried by said shaftsii, are thereby actuated, very easily operated, and, by the arrangement. and they drive the bevel-gears II' and the of the driving-chains and the traction mech shafts II, carrying the pinions h h, which in anism for actuating the same, is adapted to turn drive the wheels Hupon the axles of the be used upon roads where devices of ordinary .90 s wheels G. G. This operation transmits mo construction could not be used, while by the tion to each of the traction-chains FF upon arrangement of the power-transmitting mech the front truck over gears G, G', and E. By amism the machine is particularly adapted the diagonally-arranged shafts KK and K for turning in very small spaces. - 30 K', together with their universal-joint con If desired, but one of the trucks may be pro 95 nections with the shafts if upon opposite vided with traction mechanism and the other sides of the front and rear trucks, motion is truck arranged to trail after it. transmitted from the gearing upon each side Many of the details of construction may be of the front truck to the gearing upon the variously modified without in any way affect CO 35 opposite side of the rear truck, the arrange ing the merits of my invention, and I there ment of the wheels G, G', and E being the fore do not desire to limit myself to the ex same upon both front and rear trucks. A act form of construction shown and described.
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