Valuable Coupons Inside! Gratis! www.laprensatoledo.com Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Taquería El Nacimiento March/marzo 2, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 36, No. 25 Mexican Next Week: Union Venceremos Update Restaurant Grupo Vida has Welcome! DENTRO: vida, LSU también More Latinos living Hours: Carry-Out By Rico de La Prensa outside barrios.............2 Mon-Thur: 9AM-12AM Phone: 313.554.1790 Tejano music sensation, Grupo Fri & Sat: 9AM-3AM 7400 W. Vernor Hwy. Port Authority Vida, will be the headliner at this Sun: 9AM-12AM Detroit MI 48209 advances year’s Latino Student Union (LSU) Marina District............3 • Jugos/Tepache • Carne a la Parrilla annual scholarship dance at the Uni- • Tacos • Burritos versity of Toledo’s Student Union Mono o Monigote?......5 Auditorium, scheduled for Saturday, • Aguas • Pollo Dorado March 5. TMA Nominees............6 • Mojarra Frita • Licuados According to LSU president Elisea • Tortas • Quesadillas Alvarado O’Donnell, “We wanted to Deportes..........................8 • Tostadas • Pozole bring them back after a successful Lottery Results.............8 • Caldos • Carne de Puerco en salsa verde performance at last year’s dance. Some •Mariscos • Breakfast Super Burro were not able to hear Vida since we Horoscope......................9 had to turn people away at 9:30PM ¡Bienvenidos I-75 because the auditorium was filled to Events.....................12-13 capacity.” Mija Magazine...........14 Livernois Elisea is a junior, majoring in edu- Raza! W. Vernor Springwells cation. She is very appreciative of all Cocinando Con the efforts by the members of LSU. Mami.............................15 LSU vice-president Cristina Alvarado, a junior, concurs and adds Classifieds.............15-19 Art Tijerina & Sunny Sauceda that, “Vida is better than ever.” of Vida perform at UT I’m sure Cristina was referring to 3011 Council St. Toledo, OH 43606 (Continued on Page 7) Breves: Habla Por Equipo de Restaurante, Nuevo Y Usado Nuevas restricciones de For All Your Restaurant Equipment Needs The Promise EEUU ponen en peligro ventas Habla a Keeper: Por ANITA SNOW Amador Reyna Jr. Mayor Jack LA HABANA (AP), 25 de 419-242-7377 x103 feb: Las nuevas restricciones 800.828.8564 x103 Ford’s de Washington, que 419.245.3482 fax estipulan el pago en efectivo advocacy por adelantado de los makes his re- productos alimenticios y agrícolas vendidos a Cuba, election vital ponen en peligro el comercio bilateral, aunque por ahora for Latinos éste no será interrumpido, Part Two in a Two- sostuvo el viernes el gobierno Part Series de la isla. By Alan Abrams “A pesar de la reconocida La Prensa Senior Correspondent calidad de los productos y la eficiencia de los proveedores Introduction: Politicians dent, and displaying his wit Garza of Joe’s Roofing, and norte-americanos, esta run on their records. Mayor and sharply honed sense of Victor López of C & L Inc.,” medida hace totalmente Jack Ford’s record of con- humor, Ford talked about what said Ford, who conducted insegura las compras a los cern, compassion, and advo- he has done during his first business site visits with 36 Estados Unidos, al poner en cacy for Toledo’s Latino term. Latino businesses. peligro la alimentación community has been consis- Economic Development Ford scheduled a Latino directa de la población Best Mexican Food in Town! tently surpassing the goals Focusing upon economic community roundtable cubana”, dijo Pedro Alvárez, Lunch & Dinner Specials Every Day! he set forth during his cam- development, Mayor Jack withJim Hartung, the chair- director de la firma estatal Carry Out & Gift Certificates Available! paign in 2000. Arguably, Ford said he has consistently man of the Toledo-Lucas Alimport, encargada de las Toledo Latinos have never “tried to open city departments County Port Authority, and operaciones. Now Open at OREGON! had a better friend in high to Latino entrepreneurs who campaigned for Issue 37 last No obstante, el places than Ford. And to have been cut off in the past. I year. The mayor also par- (Continua en la p. 3) paraphrase a long-ago ad- assisted the Economic & Com- ticipated in the Port Oregon,OH Ashland, OH Vermilion, OH vertising slogan, Toledo munity Development Depart- Authority’s study on Eco- 1705 S. Wheeling 1202 East Main St. Coming Soon! needs to keep a Ford in its ment in recruiting prospective nomic Development’s im- (419) 691.6728 (419) 281-3919 future. Latino businesses to the ‘Cut- pact in Toledo neighbor- Tinta Bellevue, OH Mayor Ford, a Democrat, hoods. Norwalk, OH Sandusky, OH El Caporal ting the Red Tape’ Business 196 Milan Ave. 1007 W. Perkins Ave. 238 Castalia St. sat down with La Prensa sev- Seminar last July. At that time, The mayor also co-spon- con (419) 660-8085 (419) 609-0875 (419) 483.2538 eral weeks ago to review his a Toledo SBA loan for sored the successful record. [The first part of this $21,500 was awarded to par- Latino’s Candidate’s Night sabor interview appeared last ticipant Jorge Zapata of for last October 6 at the East Hours: Happy Hour: Mon. - Thurs. 11 am - 9:30 pm week in La Prensa.] His ac- Northside Customs. Toledo Family Center, mod- Proudly Serving Monday-Friday Fri. - Sat. 11 am - 11 pm complishments on behalf of “I’ve helped to secure con- erated by his appointment, Our Readers Sun. 11 am - 9 pm 2:30 - 6:30 Latinos are nothing short of tracts for Andy Vargas of Robert Torres, director www.casafiestarestaurant.com staggering. Relaxed, confi- Andy’s Excavating; Joseph (Continued on Page 4) since 1989 La Prensa Radio! Escuche WCWA, 1230AM, cada domingo 8:00 PM HD Charlys Family Restaurant, 3312 Glendale Ave., Toledo • 419-382-1115 • Try our Mexican Breakfast! Página 2 La Prensa March/marzo 2, 2005 Auto Loan Markups: Hidden markups cost More Latinos are living outside Latino borrowers millions barrios en EEUU By ANGELA DELLI SANTI (AP): From 1990 to 2000, English-speakers, with higher Associated Press Writer payments on financing gen- report,” she said. “We’ll re- a majority of Latinos nation- incomes and lower poverty TRENTON, N.J. (AP): erated by lenders for Nissan, view it and take any appro- wide choose to live outside rates than Latinos living in When consumer advocate Ford, and General Motors, priate action.” Latino-concentrated neigh- ethnic enclaves. The percent- Phyllis Salowe-Kaye left a which together represent 20 National research com- borhoods, according to a new age for 1990 was unavailable. New Jersey car dealership percent of the state’s auto piled by Mark Cohen of national study by the Pew Arizona’s growing 500,000 Latinos moved to having no idea what loan loan market. Vanderbilt University Hispanic Center. economy has generated jobs Arizona from 1990 to 2000. rate she had just agreed to State-specific data from shows that loans for Latinos More than 20 million, or and opportunity for many En el norte, numerous cit- pay for her new vehicle, she other finance companies and and other minority custom- 57 percent, of the nation’s Latinos, which is partly driv- ies have been invigorated felt as if she’d been taken banks doing business in New ers are marked up more of- native-born and immigrant ing the dispersal, researchers with foreign-born Latinos in for a ride. Jersey is not available, ac- ten than for whites and that Latinos live in areas where said. barrios, such as in Chicago, But it wasn’t until cording to Robert Brandon, the markups can be twice as they are not the majority. “It’s clear that people who Detroit, Minneapolis, Grand Salowe-Kaye began hear- a consultant with the Con- steep, regardless of credit That’s up from 39 percent in are better off are more likely to Rapids, and Toledo. Even ing about others who had sumer Federation of America, rating. 1990, according to the Pew live scattered,” said Roberto Puerto Rican barrios in north- been hosed on auto loans a national consumer advo- That data has been used analysis. Suro, director of Washington’s ern cities have seen an influx that the executive director cacy group. in more than a dozen federal The study contradicts a Pew. “There are fewer upscale of foreign-born nationals— of the watchdog agency He said the New Jersey class-action discrimination commonly held notion that opportunities to live in the primarily Mexican Nation- New Jersey Citizen Action data mirrors national trends. lawsuits, according to Latinos tend to cluster in barrio.” als—such as in Lorain and launched a formal inquiry Stuart Rossman, litiga- Rossman, including one Latino neighborhoods, hold- It’s easier to establish new Cleveland, Ohio. into auto financing mark- tion director at the National against Daimler-Chrysler ing on to language, culture lives among people who un- Lorain, for example, ups. Consumer Law Center, said pending in federal court in and political beliefs, re- derstand Spanish dialects, the which is over 23 percent The agency found that no state has outlawed dealer Newark. Among the suits searchers said. significance of the Virgin of Latino with the majority be- New Jersey car buyers are markups. Arkansas has a con- that have been settled, lend- It shows Latinos are more Guadalupe and fixations with ing of Puerto Rican descent, gouged by hidden loan stitutional limit on consumer ers have agreed to cap mark- likely to have non-Latino telenovelas. boasts two Mexican grocery markups that cost them loan interest rates, and Loui- ups at 3 percent or less or to neighbors and speak only Of Arizona Latinos who stores, one taquería, and four millions in overpayments, siana caps markups at 3 per- offer reduced-interest loans English if they live outside live in Latino-dominant ar- Mexican-owned and oper- and that Latino and other cent.
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