UNIVERSITE D’ANTANANARIVO FACULTE DES LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES DEPARTEMENT D’ ETUDES ANGLOPHONES Mémoire de Maîtrise Option Sociolinguistique The discourse around the presidential campaigns of Ratsiraka and Ravalomanana as seen in Midi Madagasikara (2001) présenté par Heidi Harivelo Ranaivo Rabehaja Président: Pr Lucien Razanadrakoto, Université d’Antananarivo Juge : Dr Régis Manoro, Université d’Antananarivo Directeur de recherches : Pr Irène Rabenoro, Université d’Antananarivo Date de soutenance : 01 août 2006 ‘Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.’ James Madison (1751-1836) 2 ABSTRACT Our research project deals with political discourse analysis. It mainly works on the 65 articles produced by Midi Madagasikara , published during the 2001 presidential campaign. Our objective consists in identifying the possible reasons why the electorate has voted for either Ratsiraka or Ravalomanana. To attain our objective, we have determined the main themes contained in the reported discourse of the candidates and in that of the partisans. We have also detected Midi Madagasikara’ s views which enable us to fish out its position with regards to the two candidates. The discourses of Ratsiraka and his partisans focus particularly on national unity, autonomous provinces, social peace and economic growth. Those of Ravalomanana and his staff lay stress on poverty, respect, and change. As for Midi Madagasikara ’s views, the paper was in favour of Ravalomanana. Keywords: discourse analysis, electoral campaign, Ratsiraka, Ravalomanana 3 FAMINTINANA Famakafakana vokatra eo amin’ny sehatra politika no votoatin’ity asa- pikarohana ity. Lahatsoratra 65 izay novokarin’i Midi Madagasikara nandritra ny fampielezan-kevitra hifidianana filoham-pirenena tamin’ny taona 2001 no niaingana. Firaisankinam-pirenena, faritany mizaka tena, filaminana ary fitomboan’ny arin-karena no lohahevitra novoizin’i Ratsiraka sy ireo mpanohana azy. Ady amin’ny fahantrana, fifanajana ary fiovana no lohahevitra naroson’i Ravalomanana sy ireo mpiaradia aminy. Nilaina nofantarina koa anefa ny fomba fijerin’i Midi Madagasikara izay nentina namantarana ny toerana misy azy mihoatra amin’ ireo kandida roa ireo. Rehefa novakiana mantsy ireo lahatsoratra dia tsapa fa toa niandany tamin’i Ravalomanana ny gazety Midi . Voaporofo fa mitombona ny fanohanana tamin’ny alalan’ity asa-pikarohana ity. Voateny iaingana: famakafakana vokatra, fampielezan-kevitra, Ratsiraka, Ravalomanana 4 RESUME Ce projet de recherche consiste en une analyse de discours politique. Il traite les 65 articles relevés dans le quotidien Midi Madagasikara , parus pendant la campagne électorale dans le cadre de l’élection présidentielle du 16 décembre 2001. Notre objectif était de déceler les éventuelles raisons pour lesquelles l’électorat a voté pour l’un ou l’autre des candidats Ratsiraka ou Ravalomanana. Notre approche consiste à identifier les thèmes majeurs des discours des candidats et de leurs partisans tels qu’ils ont été rapportés par le journal. Par ailleurs, nous avons procédé à l’analyse du point de vue du quotidien à travers les mêmes articles afin de déterminer la position du journal par rapport aux deux candidats. Les discours de Ratsiraka et ses partisans sont essentiellement axés sur l’unité nationale et les provinces autonomes, la paix sociale et la croissance économique. Ceux de Ravalomanana et ses supporters mettent l’accent sur la lutte contre la pauvreté et prônent le respect et le changement. Le point de vue de Midi Madagasikara se penche plutôt pour Ravalomanana. Mots clés : analyse de discours, campagne électorale, Ratsiraka, Ravalomanana 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………1 1. Ratsiraka’s and Ravalomanana’s discourse………………………………………………8 1.1 The candidates’ discourse as reported in Midi ………………………………8 1.1.1 Research methodology……………………………………………………..8 1.1.2 Corpus processing…………………………………………………………..11 1.1.3 Selected keywords………………………………………………………….13 1.2. The major topics in Ratsiraka’s discourse…………………………………16 1.2.1 National unity………………………………………………………………… 18 1.2.2 Autonomous provinces……………………………………………………20 1.3. The major topics in Ravalomanana’s discourse………………………. 21 1.3.1 Poverty…………………………………………………………………………….26 1.3.2 Respect…………………………………………………………………………...27 2. The discourse of the candidates’ supporters as reported in Midi ………….30 2.1 The main participants………………………………………………………………….30 2.1.1 Political figures and forces backing Ratsiraka……………….30 2.1.2 Political figures and forces backing Ravalomanana………40 2.2 The major topics in the discourse of Ratsiraka’s partisans……….48 2.2.1 Social peace…………………………………………………………………….50 2.2.2 Economic growth…………………………………………………………….52 2.3 The major topics in the discourse of Ravalomanana’s supporters .56 2.3.1 Denigration……………………………………………………………………..57 2.3.2 Change…………………………………………………………………………….58 3. Midi ’s views on Ratsiraka and Ravalomanana ………………………………………63 3.1 Midi ’s discourse related to Ratsiraka………………………………………….64 3.1.1 Corruption……………………………………………………………………….68 3.1.2 Irresponsibility………………………………………………………………..70 3.2 Midi ’s discourse related to Ravalomanana………………………………….80 3.2.1 New face………………………………………………………………………….91 6 3.2.2 Victim………………………………………………………………………………93 3.3 Midi ‘s discourse related to both candidates……………………………….94 3.3.1 The similarities……………………………………………………………..109 3.3.2 The differences……………………………………………………………..110 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….……113 Bibliograhic references………………………………………………………………………………117 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………………………126 7 INTRODUCTION Presentation of the subject and its interest Despite a few research projects, Madagascar’s political life remains poorly explored. As Roubaud (Roubaud 22) states: ‘La morphologie politique de Madagascar est encore largement inexploitée.’ (Madagascar’s political morphology is still poorly explored). Thus, we have thought it interesting to conduct a research work on part of Madagascar’s political history by working on the output of an act of communication produced in the 2001 presidential campaign as reported in Midi Madagasikara 1. Hence the title of this dissertation: The discourse around the presidential campaigns of Ratsiraka and Ravalomanana as seen in Midi Madagasikara (2001) . To look upon the scope 2 of our work, we have consulted several works such as the research projects 3 that have been recently achieved 4. Compared with these, the originality of ours lies in its way of conducting a discourse analysis which, according to Maingueneau 5, is at the crossroads of human sciences. We have to be aware of Madagascar’s political history 1 The first national daily newspaper was created in 1983 by Marthe Andriambelo: Midi Madagasikara : Midi en quelques mots , http://www.midi-madagasikara.mg/ --> , 26 June 2004. 2 We can have a look at our bibliographic references to find out the works that we were able to consult. 3 Lovasoa Michelle Bodovoahangy Rabary, dissertation ‘Maîtrise’ of Journalism entitled L’Express de Madagascar et les élections présidentielles du 16 décembre 2001, defended on January 2004, University of Antananarivo. 4 Hajanirina Tolojanahary Rakotozafy, dissertation ‘Maîtrise’ of Public law and Political sciences entitled La vie politique malgache sous la troisième république, defended on Octobre 2002, Catholic Instutite of Madagascar (Institut Catholique de Madagascar). 5 Dominique Maingueneau, L’analyse du discours , Paris : Hachette, 1991, cover page : l’analyse de discours politique est un ‘Véritable carrefour des sciences humaines…’. 1 which enables us to undertake the political discourse analysis under consideration. None of the previously consulted works is based on a discourse analysis. Indeed, analysts of political discourse in Madagascar are scarce, as Rakotozafy (Rakotozafy 64) asserts : ‘Il est à déplorer que les analystes de discours politiques sont infiniment rares à Madagascar.’ (We deplore the fact that political discourse analysts are extremely scarce in Madagascar). Second, our research is original in that it concerns the discourse on the discourse of the two main contenders of the presidentials, Didier Ratsiraka 6 and Marc Ravalomanana, whereas the above-mentioned dissertations deal with political events in Madagascar. However, our dissertation is also a contribution to Madagascar’s political history. Six candidates 7 - all males - had registered for the 16 December 2001 election, but we are interested only in the two frontrunners. They are our targets as the former was an incumbent president and the latter became president in 2002. To be more precise, Ratsiraka was the only President of the second Republic (1975-1992). He was re-elected in 1996 although he was not expected to be so once ousted by the 1991 popular movement 8. In other words, the political atmosphere was tense as people had enough of Ratsiraka. Thus, Ratsiraka was president for the second time for he was 6 From now on, we will refer to Didier Ratsiraka and Marc Ravalomanana as Ratsiraka and Ravalomanana. 7 Daniel Rajakoba, Patrick Rajaonary, Didier Ratsiraka, Marc Ravalomanana, Herizo Razafimahaleo and Albert Zafy were the candidates that ran for the 2001 presidency according to Midi Madagasikara of 22 November 2001. 8 ‘Les gens en avaient assez de la gabegie, du népotisme, (…) Devant le phénomène de décadence et de dictature, une soif de changement et de renouveau se faisait sentir profondément au sein de la majorité
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