EXTINCT & THREATENED confirm whether it occurs in Tanzania. Possibly known Distribution: West AMARANTHACEAE only from the type. Grows in Brachystegia woodland and edges of dry Brachystegia boehmii margins. Celosia richardsiae C.C.Towns. Erythrocephalum albiflorum Wild Status: VU D2 Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic? Endemism: Endemic? CAMPANULACEAE Distribution: North Distribution: West Type is from Mweru Wantipa. Known from a steep area In Brachystegia and mixed deciduous woodland. Type is Wahlenbergia ramossima (Hemsl.) Thulin subsp. near moisture. Collected at an altitude of 1,000 m. from Solwezi. Known only from western Zambia and richardsiae Thulin possibly from Malawi. Very conspicuous. Is an erect Status: VU D2 suffrutex. Endemism: Endemic ANNONACEAE Distribution: North Gutenbergia mweroensis Wild & G.V.Pope Damp grassland or sandy soil. Type from Mbala by Uvaria edulis N.Robson Status: VU D2 Richards. Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic Distribution: West Distribution: North Type from Zambezi River north of Kaleni Hill Mission. In a sandy area on the lake foreshore in swampy and CAPPARACEAE Possibly known only from the type. rocky places. Maerua paniculata Wild Gutenbergia spermacoceoides Wild Status: VU B1B2cD2 APIACEAE Status: VU D2 Distribution: North Distribution: North Type is from Itigi thicket, Chishela Chikuku. Aframmi longiradiatum (H.Wolff) Cannon Type is from Mungwi (Kasama District). Sandy soils Status: VU D2 often in pan-like depressions. Known only from the Endemism: Near-endemic? northern region of Zambia. One specimen from western COLCHICACEAE Distribution: North Tanzania in the same habitat. Type from DRC. Gloriosa sessiliflora Nordal & Bingham Gutenbergia trifolia Wild & G.V.Pope Status: VU D2 Frommia ceratophylloides H.Wolff Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic? Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic Distribution: Barotseland Distribution: East Distribution: West Known from a single population at the type locality. High montane endemic. Very characteristic looking Collected in shallow peaty soil near a waterhole. Known Many individuals are reported to be known from this plant. Stands 1 m tall. only from the type. locality. Found on floodplain termite mounds and sandbanks with riverine forest. Difficult to find, under Pleiotaxis oxylepis Jeffrey Syzygium forest. Apparently also a site photo from APOCYNACEAE Status: VU D2 Namibia, presumably from Caprivi, in the linear dune Endemism: Near-endemic systems of the Kalahari dunes. Found on elevated parts Adenium multiflorum Klotzsch Distribution: North of the Balozi Plain. Status: VU D1D2 Miombo woodland often on steep slopes. Type is from Occurs northwards to East Africa. Sometimes varietal Kalambo Falls, collected there twice. Also known from status is used, but this is not the case in Zambia. Tanzania. Narrow distribution range. COMBRETACEAE Strophanthus eminii Aschers. & Pax Vernonia isoetifolia Wild Combretum mweroense Baker Status: VU D2 Status: VU D2 Status: VU D2 Distribution: North Endemism: Endemic Endemism: Near-endemic? Endemic to the Itigi thicket. Type is from Tanzania. Has Distribution: North Distribution: North very large conspicuous leaves. Moist sandy grassland. Type from Kambole-Mbala Road. Semi-deciduous thicket in Chipya thicket (degraded Itigi Known only from around Mbala. that has been burnt). Scrambler in scrub. Possibly occurs in Tanzania and DRC. ARALIACEAE Vernonia mutimushii Wild Status: VU D2 Meiostemon tetrandrus (Exell) Exell & Stace Schefflera abyssinica (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Harms Endemism: Endemic subsp. australis Exell Status: VU D2 Distribution: North Status: VU B1B2c Distribution: North Slightly moist dambos. Type is from Manchele. Distribution: South Habitat is near waterfall sprays. It is an epiphyte Dense, low altitude deciduous thicket where Acacia is occurring in small localities. Species has the potential Vernonia najas Wild dominant. In Zambia, known from game ranches and to be exploited because it is a popular horticultural Status: VU D2 National Parks where it is said to be threatened by plant. Well-represented in East Africa. Endemism: Endemic? elephants. Also recorded from Mozambique and Distribution: West Zimbabwe. Sandy watershed grassland. Type from Mwinilunga, 18 ASPHODELACEAE km east of Kaleni Hill. Possibly known only from Meiostemon tetrandrus (Exell) Exell & Stace Zambia. subsp. tetrandrus Aloe excelsa Berger Status: VU B1B2c Status: VU D2 Vernonia zambiana G.V.Pope Distribution: North ZAMBIA ZAMBIA Distribution: South Status: VU D2 In Itigi thicket, probably as widespread as Itigi thicket. Only one disjunct locality in Zambia (from a rocky Endemism: Endemic? Shallow sand covering granite. Extremely leached and gorge), but widespread in Zimbabwe. Well-represented Distribution: North infertile sands. Type is from Allan in Mwera Antipa. outside Zambia. Brachystegia woodland often in sandy soil. Type from Apparently also recorded in East Africa. Chishimba Falls in Kasama District. Possibly a Zambian endemic. ASTERACEAE CONNARACEAE Ageratinastrum palustre Wild & G.V.Pope BORAGINACEAE Burttia prunoides Baker f. & Exell Status: VU D2 Status: VU B1B2c Endemism: Endemic? Cystostemon hispidissimus (S.Moore) Miller & Endemism: Near-endemic? Distribution: North Riedl subsp. zambiensis Miller & Riedl Distribution: North Swampy or dambo areas with tall grasses. Altitude of Status: VU D2 An endemic to Itigi thicket in northern Zambia. 1,350 m. Type from Ndunda Swamp, Mbala. Cannot Endemism: Endemic 140 EXTINCT & THREATENED Miombo woodland, very inconspicuous, easily that forms almost monospecific stands. Is used in the CONVOLVULACEAE overlooked. Occurs in a variety of habitats. Also on building industry. limestone areas not likely to be cultivated. Is endemic Ipomoea richardsiae Verdc. to a small area in Lusaka and Chisamba, where it is Baikiaea plurijuga Harms Status: VU D2 fairly common (60 km north of Lusaka). Status: VU A1acd Endemism: Endemic Wide distribution but threatened due to heavy logging Distribution: West Monadenium hirsutum Bally of the species. In woodland on rock outcrops. Altitude of 1,200– Status: VU D2 1,300 m. Type is from Kalenda Village in Mwinilunga. In miombo woodland. Baphia speciosa Gillett & Brumm. Apparently not known from elsewhere. Status: VU D2 Monadenium pseudoracemosum Bally var. Endemism: Endemic lorifolium Bally Distribution: North CUCURBITACEAE Status: VU D2 Conspicuous 7 m tall tree. Itigi thicket mosaic of Source: IUCN TPC (1981). grassland and scrub. Cucumis humifructus Stent Status: VU D2 Monadenium pudibundum Bally var. pudibundum Bussea massaiensis (Taub.) Harms subsp. Distribution: North, Barotseland Bally rhodesica Brenan In swamp forests but also reported on Kalahari sands Monadenium simplex-Pax var. pudibundum (P.R.O.Bally) Status: VU B1B2c which needs verification. P.R.O.Bally Endemism: Near-endemic? Status: VU D2 An endemic to Itigi thicket in northern Zambia. Endemism: Endemic EUPHORBIACEAE Distribution: West Crotalaria criniramea Bakerf. ex Polhill Type from Mwinilunga. Status: VU D2 Clutia whytei Hutch. var. monticoloides Radcl.-Sm. Endemism: Endemic Status: VU D2 Tragia micromeres Radcl.-Sm. Distribution: West Endemism: Endemic Status: VU From a well-collected area. Altitude 1,300–1,500 m Distribution: North Distribution: North Known only from this area. Higher rainfall plateau Disturbed by human settlements. Type from Lake Crotalaria simoma Polhill grassland. Bangweulu on fixed dunes. Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic? Croton scheffleri Pax Tragia prostrata Radcl.-Sm. Distribution: North Status: VU D2 Status: VU D2 It was collected twice at the same locality. This is not a Distribution: North Endemism: Endemic well-collected species. Distribution: North Euphorbia debilispina L.C.Leach Known only from the type locality. Higher rainfall Crotalaria trinervia Polhill Status: EN B1B2C miombo, chipya and tall grassland. Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic Endemism: Endemic Distribution: Central Tragiella friesiana (Prain) Pax & Hoffm. Distribution: North,West Known only from limestone outcrops (small area of Status: VU D2 First collected in Mwinilunga, a well-collected area. endemism). Quarrying and urban expansion have Endemism: Endemic Brachystegia woodland. resulted in habitat loss. Distribution: North Type from Mporokoso. Higher rainfall miombo Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. Euphorbia distinctissima L.C.Leach woodland. Status: VU A1d Status: VU D2 Distribution: Central/East Endemism: Endemic Widespread in Zambia. Unhealthy populations in Distribution: North FABACEAE Luangwa. Also recorded from Angola, Botswana, Central African Republic, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Euphorbia fanshawei L.C.Leach Aeschynomene lateriticola Verdc. Mozambique, Namibia and others. Status: VU Status: VU D2 Endemism: Endemic Endemism: Endemic Daniellia alsteeniana Duvign. Distribution: North Distribution: West Status: EN A1acd Reported to be rare. Known only from the type in Mwinilunga (collected in Distribution: North 1938 by Milne-Redhead). Is a perennial prostrate herb. Grows in dry evergreen forest and high quality miombo Euphorbia perplexa L.C.Leach var. kasamana Found in open grassland, overlaying lateritic soil. woodland (deep soil miombo woodland). Used for L.C.Leach canoes. Large numbers are being cut down in Status: VU D2 Aeschynomene stipulosa Verdc. Mporokoso. Many sites have been extirpated. Endemism: Endemic? Status: VU D2 Distribution: North Endemism: Endemic Droogmansia pteropus (Baker) De Wild. var. Distribution: West axillaris Verdc. Euphorbia speciosa L.C.Leach Is a perennial
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