THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON Quod si cui mortalium cordi et cur~e sit, non tantum inventis h~erere, atque iis uti, sed ad ulteriora penetrare ; atque non disputando adversarium, sed opere naturam vincere : denique non belle et probabiliter opinari, sed certo et ostensive scire; tales, tanquam veri scientiarum filii, nobis (si videbitur) se adjungant.--Novum Organum, Prqfatio. VOLUME LXXXVIII FOR I932 LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. LTD. PARIS " CHARLES KLINCKSIECK~ I I RUE DE LILLE. SOLD ALSO AT THE APARTMENTS OF THE SOCIETY~ BURLINGTON HOUSE~ W.I. I932 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND COUNCIL Elected February 19th, 1932 PRESIDENT Sir Thomas Henry Holland, K.C.S.I.K.C.I.E.D.Se. F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS Prof. Edmund Johnston Garwood, M.A. Herbert Henry Thomas, M.A. Sc.D. Se.D.F.R.S. F.R.S. John Frederick Norman Green, B.A. Prof. Willi.~m Whitehead Watts, LL.D. Walter Campbell Smith, M.C.T.D.M.A. Sc.D.M.Sc. F.R.S. SECRETARIES Prof. William Thomas Gordon, M.A. ] Prof. Percy George Hamnall Boswell, D.Sc. F.R.S.E. [ O.B.E.D.Sc. F.R.S. FOREIGN SECRETARY Sir Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D.F.R.S.F.L.S. TREASURER Frederick Noel Ashcroft, M.A.F.C.S. COUNCIL Frederick Noel Asheroft, M.A.F.C.S. Sir Albert Ernest Kitson, C.M.G.C.B.E. Prof. Percy George Hamnall Boswell, Emil Montag, M.Sc. O.B.E.D.Se. F.R.S. John Brooke Scrivener, I.S.O.M.A. Prof. Charles Gilbert Cullis, D.Sc. Thomas Franklin Sibly, LL.D.D.Se. Sir John Smith Flett, K.]~.E. M.A. Bernard Smith, M.A. Se.D. LL.D.D.Sc. F R.SS.L. & E. Walter Campbell Smith, M.C. T.D. Prof. Edmund Johnston Garwood, M.A. M. A. Se.D.F.R.S. Leonard Frank Spath, D.Sc. Prof. William Thomas Gordon, M.A. Herbert Henry Thomas, M.A. So. D. D.Sc. F.R.S.E. F.R.S. John Frederick Norman Green, B.A. Prof. William Whitehead Watts, LL.D. Charles William Hobley, G.M.G. Se.D.M.Sc. F.R.S. Sir Thomas Henry Holland, K.C.S.I. Leonard Johnston Wills, M.A. Se.D. K.C.I.E.D.Sc. F.R.S. Ph. D. Prof. Owen Thomas Jones, M.A.D.Sc. Lieut..Col. Sir Arnold Talbot Wilson, F.R.S. K.G.I.E.C.S.I.C.M.G.D.S.O. Prof. William Bernard Robinson King, Sir Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D. O.B.E. bI.A. F.R.S.F.L.S. ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND EDITOR Arthur Greig LIBRARIAN Norman Ernest Pettitt, B.Sc. CLERK LIBRARY ASSISTANT Miss M. S. Coke Miss E. D. Eastwood Publication Committee Sir Thomas Henry Holland, President Prof. W. T. Gordon Prof. P. G. H. Boswell ~ Secretaries Mr. F. N. Asheroft, Treasurer Sir John Flett Dr. Bernard Smith Prof. E. J. Garwood Mr. W. Campbell Smith Prof. O. T. Jones Prof. W. W. Watts Sir Albert Kitson Sir Arthur Smith Woodward TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARKELL, WILLIAM JOSCELYN. See DOUGLAS, JAMES ARCHIBALD. BOSWELL, PERCY GEORGE HAMNALL. ~ee GREENLY, EDWARD. BRAMMALL, ALFRED, & HENRY FRANCIS HARWOOD. The Dartmoor Granites : their Genetic Relationships (Plate XIII) .... 171 Cox, LESLIE REGINALD. Lamellibranchia from the Karroo Beds of the Ruhuhu Coalfields, Tanganyika Territony (Plates XXXIX & XL) ..... 623 DEWEY, HENRY. The Paleeolithic Deposits of the Lower Thames Valley 35 DOUGLAS, JAMES ARCHIBALD, & WILLIAMJOSCELYN ARKELL. The Stratigraphical Distribution of the Cornbrash : II. The North-Eastern Area (Plates X-XII) . 112 FITCH, ALBERT ALFRED. Contact Metamorphism in South- Eastern Dartmoor (Plates XXXVI & XXXVII) 576 FOWLER, the Rev. JOSEPH. The 'One Hundred Foot' Raised Beach between Arundel and Chichester, Sussex (Plates VIII & IX) . 84 GARDINER, CHARLES IRVING, & SIDNEY HUGH REYNOLDS. The Loch Doon' Granite' Area, Galloway (Plates I-IV) 1 GEORGE, THOMAS NEVILLE. The British Carboniferous Reticulate Spiriferidm (Plates XXXI-XXXV) . 516 GREENLY, EDWARD, & I~F~CY GEORGE HAMNALL BOSWELL. An Ordovician Grit from Anglesey, with its bearing on Palseogeography and on the Tectonics of the Mona Complex . 297 HARWOOD, HENRY FRANCIS. See BRAMMALL, ALFRED, (~ HOLMES, ARTHUR. HAUGHTON, SIDNEY HENRY. On a Collection of Karroo Vertebrates from Tanganyika Territory . 634 HILLS, EDWIN SHERBON. Upper Devonian Fishes from New South Wales (Plates LVI & LVII) . 850 HOLMES, ARTHUR, & HENRY FRANCIS HARWOOD. Petrology of the Volcanic Fields East and South-East of Ruwen- zori, Uganda (Plates XXV & XXVI) . 370 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE JACKSON, GERALD CHRISTOPHER ARDEN. The Geology of the N'Changa District, Northern Rhodesia (Plates XXu . 443 KING, WILLIAM BERNARD ROBINSON. A Fossiliferous Limestone associated with Ingletonian Beds at Horton- in-Ribblesdale, Yorkshire 100 MADIGAN,CECIL THOMAS. The Geology of the Western Mac- Donnell Ranges, Central Australia (Plates XLI-XLVI) 672 MATLEY, CHARLES ALFRED. The Geology of the Country around Mynydd Rhiw and Sarn, South-Western Lleyn, Carnarvonshire (Plate XIV) . 238 REYNOLDS, SIDNEY HUGH. See GARDINER, CHARLES IRVING. RICHEY, JAMES ERNEST. The Tertiary Ring Complex of Slieve Gullion (Ireland), with Petrological Notes by H~RBERT HENRY THOMAS. (Plates LI-LV) . 776 SEWARD, ALBERT CHARLES. Carboniferous Plants from Sinai (Plates XXI & XXII) . 350 Fossil Plants from the Bokkeveld and Witteberg i~eds of South Africa (Plates XXIII & XXIV) . 358 SMITH, BERNARD. The Glacier-Lakes of Eskdale, Miterdale, and Wasdale, Cumberland; and the Retreat of the Ice during the Main Glaciation (Plates V-VII) . 57 SMITH, WALTER CAMPBELL. See THOMAS, HERBERT HENRY. STOCKLEY, GORDON MURRAY. The Geology of the Ruhuhu Coalfields, Tanganyika Territory (Plate XXXVIII) . 610 THOMAS, HERBERT HENRY, & WALTER CAMPBELL SMITH. Xenoliths of Igneous Origin in the Tr~gastel-Plou- manac'h Granite, C6tes du Nord, France (Plates XV- XVIII) . 274 See also RICHEr, JAMES ERNEST. TIDMARSH, WILFRED GEORGE. The Permian Lavas of Devon (Plates XLVII-L) . 712 WHITTARD, WALTER FREDERICK. The Stratigraphy of the Valentian Rocks of Shropshire. The Longmynd- Shelve and Breidden Outcrops (Plates LVIII-LXII) . 859 WISEMAN, JOHN DUGDALE HOLT (communicated by Dr. Alfred Harker). A Contribution to the Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks of East Greenland (Plates XIX & XX) . 312 PROCEEDINGS PAGE Proceedings of the Meetings i, cxix Annual Report of the Council ix List of Donors to the Library xvii List of the Officers and Council xxvii .,. List of Foreign Members XXVlll List of Foreign Correspondents xxix List of Wollaston Medallists xxx List of Murchison Medallists xxxi List of Lyell Medallists xxxii ,., List of Bigsby Medallists . XXXlll Applications of the Prestwich Bequest and Barlow- Jameson Fund . xxxiv Awards of the Daniel-Pidgeon Fund . xxxv Estimates for 1932 xxxvi Accounts for 1931 xxxviii Awards of the Medals and Proceeds of Funds 1 Anniversary Address of the President (Speculation and Research in Alpine Glaciology: an Historical Review), prefaced by obituary notices of Fellows deceased lxiv BONE, WILLIAM ARTHUR Some Recent Investigations on the Maturing and Chemical Constitution of Coal cxxi DOUGLAS, GEORGE VIBERT. The General Geology of a Portion of Northern Rhodesia cxix HUME, WILLIAM FRASER. The Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Egypt" their Nature, Classification, and Cor- relation iii SHAND, S. JAMES. The Reaction between Granitic Magma and Limestone at Palabora, Transvaal . vii WAGER,LAWRENCE RICKARD. Geological Work in East Greenland during the British Arctic Air-Route Expedition, 1930-31 . cxxiii WAYLAND, EDWARD JAMES. The Katwe Crater-Lake, Uganda . i DATES OF ISSUE OF VOL. LXXXVIII Part 1 : pages 1-111, plates I-IX February 25th, 1932. Part 2 : pages 112-311, plates X-XVIII May 25th, 1932. Part 3 : pages 312-515, i--cxxv, plates XIX-XXX August 29th, 1932. Part 4 (first half) : pages516-711, plates XXXI-XLVI . November 25th, 1932. Part 4 (second half): pages 712-916, plates XLVII-LXII, title- page & index . December 29th, 1932. LIST OF THE FOSSILS FIGURED AND DESCRIBED IN THIS VOLUME I m SPECIES AGE LOCALITY I PLATE IPAGE BRACHIOPODA. Dictyothyris bournensis Rollier Y Upper Hanthorpe (Lines.) X, Sa & b 149 Cornbrash elegans sp. nov. do. Nr. Peterborough, & X, 4a & b, 5 149 Islip (Northants.) Tegulithyris bentleyi (Davidson) do. Quarrington (Lines.) X, lad, 2 150 & nr. Peterborough Cererithyriz sp. Lower Corn- Barnwell (North- XI, 10 & 10a 151 brash ants.) Ornithella [ObovothyrisJ stilton- ? Upper Scarborough XI, 8 152 ensis (Walker) Gornbrash KaUirhynchia sp. Lower Corn- Thrapston (North- X, 10a & b 152 brash ants.) -- yaxleyensis (Davidson) do. Corscombe (Dorset) X, 11 ]54 Kutchirhynchia morierei ( David- ? Beds below Rushden (North- X, 9a & b 154 son) Cornbrash ants.) Burmirhynehia leedaii (David-' Cornbrash Scarborough X, 6 154 --fusca sp. nov. Upper Newton Dale X, 7a& b 155 Cornbrash (Vorks.) Rhynchonelloidea in flata sp. nov. do. Thrapston (North- X, 8a-e 156 ants.) & Quarring- ton (Lines.) Phrivodothyris eriviu$ gen. et sp. Carbonifer- High Blantyre XXXIII, 2a-d 541 nov. ous (Lanarksh.) -- insolita sp. nov. do. Settle (Yorks.) XXXV, 5a-d 542 -- lineata (Martin) do. Treak Cliff (Derby- XXXV, la-d 543 shire) -- lucerna sp. nov. do. Lowick (l~orthumb.) XXXV, 2a~ 546 --. paricosta sp. nov, do. do. XXXV, 4a-d 548 -- periculosa sp. nov. do. Elbolton knoll, Lin- XXXIV, Sad 549 ton (Yorks.) -- vereeunda sp. nov, do. Chrome Hill (Derby- XXXV, Sad 55O shire) Reticularia acutiloba sp. nov. do. Scaleber, Settle XXXIV, 2a-d 551 (rorks.) alexandri sp. nov. do. do. XXXII, 2a~l 553 --- bellmanensis sp. nov. do. Clitheroe (Lancs.) XXXII, 3a-d 554 -- elliptica (Phillips) do. ' Bolland ' XXXIII, la-d 555 -- imbricata (Sowerby) do. Settle (Y'orks.) XXXI, lad 558 -- lobata Muir-Wood do. ' Bolland ' text-fig. ] 2 56O -- mesotoba (Phillips) do. do. XXXIV, lad 561 -- obtusa (Sowerby) do. Scaleber, Settle XXXI, 2a-d 563 (Yorks.) -- profeeta sp. nov. do. Whitewell (Lanes.) XXXII, la-d 565 -- sp.
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