Werner Heisenberg's Ideas on Particle Physics in the Light of Recent Achievements Konrad Bleuler Institut für Theoretische Kernphysik, Universität Bonn Z. Naturforsch. 45a, 1051-1058 (1990); received December 26, 1989 Dedicated to Hans-Peter Dürr on the occasion of his 60th birthday W. Heisenberg's unconventional - at his time even revolutionary - ideas on "elementary" particles are reviewed - or, better, rediscovered - within the framework of present day gauge- and string- theories. I. Looking back at a period long past, i.e. more than atmosphere and the outer space) by Pacini, Piccioni four decades ago, unforgettable hours of private dis- and Conversi (difficult to pronounce - the third name cussions with Werner Heisenberg come back to my was usually replaced by "Conversly" - and even more mind: I now realize that his then perfectly new physi- difficult to understand) had clearly shown that the cal ideas which, at that time, were not really appreci- then well-known cosmic ray particles (later on called ated, acquire by now, i.e. if re-interpreted in the light muons), whose mass and creation cross sections were of recent and breathtaking developments, a perfectly apparently in accordance with Yukawa's famous pre- new and unexpected physical meaning. In other diction, did, however, not exhibit the expected rela- words: Heisenberg's original principles [1] - if re- tively large absorption cross section as foreseen formulated within the framework of present day new through a most elementary quantum-mechanical and far reaching mathematical concepts and experi- argument. mental achievements - represent, in fact, an intuitive After a few months of questioning and discussions, insight into a future theory long before time was ready Occhialini's wonderful combined photographic plates for its implementation. It thus seems to me that the (exposed to the Bristol cyclotron) definitly showed sixtieth birthday of Hans-Peter Dürr, one of Heisen- that the particles produced in the highest layer of the berg's most devoted collaborators and successors, is the atmosphere by cosmic protons (very much in the same right moment to recall - in particular for a younger way as in a cyclotron) exhibit, in fact, a spontaneous generation - the story of that fascinating period of decay in flight long before they interact with matter on scientific doubts and struggles leading to the creation the earth, i.e. the photographic plates at "Piano of particle physics of our time, e.g. gauge- and string- Cervino". The decay of these new particle, i.e. the true theories, which appears in a way to be guided - as we Yukawa-particles (by now called pions) into the par- will see in these short and imcomplete lines - by ticles observed in cosmic rays (i.e. the muons) with Heisenberg's intuitions, or even visions, if I might be slightly lower mass and (observed) small interaction allowed to say so. cross section, immediately solved all contradictions. Instead of expounding on the (at that time lengthy II. Let me just start with a lecture of Heisenberg discussed and, in fact, evident) solution of this prob- which I occasionally heard as early as 1946 just after lem, Heisenberg took a quite unexpected and, for that the important, even decisive discovery (by Occhialini) time, perfectly new attitude: He nicely drew a vertical of the pion, i.e. the particle theoretically foreseen by line on the blackboard indicating with dots the various Yukawa. It appeared - at that time - to be a real mass values of the then known particles (i.e. electron, relevation, and the solution of an apparently clear-cut muon, proton, etc.) and thereupon frankly decleared: contradiction: The famous experiment at "Piano Cervino" (the laboratories of that time were the high "Look here, there is, by now, another dot, i.e. another mass value (that of the pion) or, much Reprint requests to Prof. K. Bleuler, Institut für Theoretische better, another spectral line of a (most probably) Kernphysik, Nussallee 14-16, D-5300 Bonn. infinite mass-spectrum, which has to be - and this 0932-0784 / 90 / 0800-1051 S 01.30/0. - Please order a reprint rather than making your own copy. Dieses Werk wurde im Jahr 2013 vom Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung This work has been digitalized and published in 2013 by Verlag Zeitschrift in Zusammenarbeit mit der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der für Naturforschung in cooperation with the Max Planck Society for the Wissenschaften e.V. digitalisiert und unter folgender Lizenz veröffentlicht: Advancement of Science under a Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 Lizenz. 4.0 International License. 1052 K. Bleuler • Werner Heisenberg's Ideas on Particle Physics 1052 was the decisive point - re-interpreted as a spec- early period) which might have led Heisenberg to trum of energy eigenvalues of a still unknown these general ideas which intuitively foreshadowed 'Hamiltonian' or, better, unknown quantum- the future: Having worked in almost all important mechanical system." domains (as easily seen from the enormous list of his publications), he might have realized that practically This fundamental assumption [1] exhibits, first of all physical domains of research (molecules, atoms, all, according to Einstein's well-known principle, the nuclei, etc.) appear to be characterized by a system of unification of the two different - but equivalent - spectra, however, spectra of very different magnitudes forms of energy, namely mass- and field-energies. As and different physical significancies. On the other seen from a more physical, i.e. empirical viewpoint, hand, they definitely exhibit very similar general prop- this principle immediately explains naturally the ap- erties (e.g. their general characterisation through the parent irregularly or, better, non-triviality of this underlying symmetry group with the corresponding mass-spectrum in perfect analogy to all well-known representations) and are, from the physical side, based examples of eigenvalue-spectra. The same holds for - in each case - on a characteristic and more or less the characteristic assignments of spin, isospin, etc. basic interaction or, better, interacting field, between which are, in principle, perfectly analogous in the two the elementary constituents (e.g. phonon exchange be- cases, i.e. particles and eigenstates. On the other side, tween the (conduction-) electrons in normal supercon- this new - by now perhaps evident - viewpoint leads ductors; chemical forces (i.e. exchange-terms) in to the elimination (at least to a large extent) of the molecular band spectra; the electromagnetic force "beloved" concept of elementarity in particle physics (i.e. photon exchange) in the case of atomic spectra which, however, was still to survive - especially in the and, finally, the so-called nuclear forces (e.g. meson- perfectly unjustified case of hadrons - for many years. exchange) in nuclear spectra. III. The major aim of this (by far too short) contri- It thus seemed natural that a perfectly new and bution is, in fact, to show that this principle, stated by basic (so far unknown) field was definitely needed for Heisenberg at a period too early to be fully imple- generating this new particle spectrum, a quest appear- mented, mainly because of lack of a few decisive em- ing, however, strange to most physicists of that time. pirical facts, represents in retroperspective the guide- In view of our analogy one should have introduced, line of all later research up to our days and might, in fact, two fields describing a new kind of basic parti- therefore, righteously be called a scientific vision. On cles interacting in turn through another new field. the other side, its explicit realization through later Heisenberg, oversimplifying things, introduced, or, research looked rather different, i.e. by far more com- better, "invented" one single spinorial field endowed, plex or, better, by far more spectacular (and, in a way, however, with a self-interaction, i.e. in field theoretical not to be foreseen nor expected) than Heisenberg orig- terms, a field satisfying a non-linear field equation [2]. inally might have assumed [2]. As fas as the special choice of this field equation was In fact, present-day non-abelian gauge theories [3], concerned, he invoked general invariance principles as in particular QCD, fulfill - as we will see - Heisen- well as simplicity. In order to describe special massless berg^ principle in an enlarged sense, and I would like particles, he suggested (this, again, was new and un- to maintain that even latest theoretical attempts to- conventional !) the possibility of degenerate vacuum wards an all englobing basic theory, i.e. the so-called states (by now this idea is well established; but it was strings [4], should be seen under this same aspect. If we terribly criticized at his time) and the corresponding include, for the time being, this - rather problematic - massless Goldstone particles. second step, it may be realized that Heisenberg's quest for a complete elimination of the conventional particle V. Without going (for this moment) into further concept (to be replaced by "geometry", i.e. an enor- details, e.g. the unfortunate German expression mously enlarged Eigenvalue problem!) appears to be "Urfeld" (for the new field) with its philosophical satisfied (cp. the Appendix). touch and a definitely too simplifying single (but non- linear) field equation, let us jump over two, maybe IV. Before engaging, however, into these far-reach- three decades of misunderstandings (with even tragic ing and basic questions, let us try to reconstruct the consequences) and state at once the present-day arguments (within the scientific framework of that achievements: As a first step, we thus describe the K. Bleuler • Werner Heisenberg's Ideas on Particle Physics 1053 theory of hadrons, by now based on QCD: It exempli- which appears to be a typical consequence of the non- fies in a most striking form Heisenberg's general prin- linearity, again corresponds, in a way, to one of ciples mentioned above: Heisenberg's general hypotheses, which states that these new basic fields might no longer be interpreted 1.
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