map Editorfal Section: THE MI1WEAF0 MS^JOTONAL. Sunday, March 4, 1906/ 15 •*• Friday, March 9, at the ©Mtropolitan *i operahouse. Tile prices are very rea- THEATERS Bohable and Hie sale opens Monday, March 5y at the Metropolitan opera* house. « - « v js&is. f$ ," , ^Sontinued From Pajje Fottrteen* jgMnrafcto ^fr&x* BE satoisT,# company itt **Th«-Diflce- • t)£- -Baln-tV' Sfcaoul Pugnn-is the next, of the great^ which cornea tortile Bijou in the near pianists of the worlds to be heard here. His appearance will be as soloist* for the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, at Ernest -Began, the popmarScbloreSl its closing concert of the present *se#^ eomediaif, -* portray^ ^Hre title role in son, to be given in* the- Auditorium/ neatt "Eufus -Bastus," which is underliaed Friday evening. For a number of years for appearaaice at the Bijou/ '^ <, '* J Pugno has been reTWgni2etr tar France and on the continent as a musician of rare attainments and the highest rank, Orpiieam?— j , ?\ *>** *,. but it is only recently that he has be­ A largely Wusical bill, alxmsdifcg Sn come known as such in tids country. sketches, ia booked for the^ Orpheuni control. In addition he sings with fine any Norwegian artist* been received Thre,e years ago he visited America for theater for the week of March 11. MUSICAL EVENTS dramatic instinct, splendid enunciation with such enthusiasm as was accorded the first time and astonished: the musi­ "Watson, Hutchids) Edwards and com­ and "the utmost good taste. cal world with MB wonderful playing. f pany, in "The tVaudeville Exchange*" OF THE WEEK His rare qualities of voice have been On his next visit to Chicago the Unfortunately his stay was necessarily head the bill. The vehicle is cleverly recognized both in America and Eng­ curtailed, and his earty return to Paris designed to' give Messrs, Watson and MONDAY EVENING—Glareace Scandinavians tWe are planning to en­ land, where he sang with great success gage the Auditorium with a seating prevented his being heard outside of Edwards and Miss Alice Hutcbins am­ Eddy, organ recital, Herbert Witfa- the eastern cities. a portion of last season. In London capacity 6?f over 4,000. In New York ple opportunity for varied character erspoon basso, soloist; Auditorium. the most extravagant encomiums were Yielding to an earnest desire on the work. Sydney Deane and company in TUESDAY EVENING—Knights Mr. Heide played at one of the famous heaped upon him, and he was recog­ "jmusieales'^ at the Waldorf-Astoria part of many music lovers, Pugno re­ "Christmas on Blackwell Island" are of Pythias band concert; Miss nized as one of the world's coming turned to America this season, and his the second headliners.' Mr. Deane has Frances Vincent, soloist; Auditor­ and received very favorable mention in singers. With such splendid artists as the musical papers. v tour thru the United States, has thus given his singing" sketch a -novel set­ ium. Clarence Eddy and Herbert Wither­ far been a succession of triumphs._ He ting and each of his assistants has a WEDNESDAY EVENING—Re­ spoon, tomorrow evening's recital can­ ROSE WAGNER'S SUCCESS. *., combines great strength and virility splendid voice as has h«. Chris Bruno cital of pupils of Miss Edith Abell, not fail to be an especially grateful of­ with a wonderfully perfect and fluent and Mabel Russell, former musical studio Arcade hall, 804 Nicollet fering. The program embraces a wide Word lias been received in thie city technique, and he has the French deli­ comedy stars, will appear,, while anothe1 avenue. t - » selection of both vocal and organ by the frieft'd^ of Miss Rose Wagner df cacy and sense of refinement which form of music will be furnished by the WEDNESDAY" "EVENING— music, and has been arranged with Southeast . Minneapolis, that she has make his work so thoroly enjoyable. five Vernons, xylophone artists. v Piano recital, Miss Bessie Marie great care. It is as follows: been accepted' , jas a private pupil of The orchestra will close its season "Wynne Wmslow, soprano, was heard Carl Halir,, tfie famous violinist of Ber­ here last year and ner well-achooled Lum; Miss Frances Vincent, soprano Overture in O minor Alfred Holllns with the best program it has yet given. and Miss Margaret 'Drew, pianist^ a. "The Curfew" (new)... .Edward I. Horsman lin. Miss Wagner's account of her vis­ Mr. Oberhoffer and his men are de­ voice and fine personality left, her well b. "Wedding Chimes" (new).. Lucien G. Chaffin. its to the virtuoso is amusing. Having Temembered. Completing the bill will assisting; First Unitarian church. Clarence Eddy. termined to make this the most notable hert him ,playi ai * concert there, she concert of the year, and no pains or be Mary Dupont and company in FRIDAY AFTERNOON—Lect­ Aria, "0 tu Palermo" (Slcilllan reapers)...Verdi decided to study" wifch him, and having "Left at the Post," and Ferry Cor- ure, "Valkyries," by Elliott Herbert Witherspoon. effort Fill be spared to accomplish that "Allegro Maestoso" J. Victor Bergquist secured the services, of a chaperone, result. wey, the musical clown^ who made a Schenck, conductor; Metropolitan From the Sonata in C Minor. "bearded the lion in hia den." The hit at the New York hippodrome. opera house. a. "By the Sea" ..Schubert conversation was,e»rried on in German : to. "Pilgrim's Chorus" .......Wagner THE K. OF P. BAND CONCERT. FRIDAY EVENING--- Mtatteapo- Clarence Eddy. "between the music master and the MISS ttJM'S RECITAL. lis Symphony orchestra, Raoul a. "Droop Not Young Lover" ......Handel duenna, Which Miss Wagner was not The Knights^of Pythias band concert A piano recital will be given by Pugno, pianist, soloist; Auditorium. b. "Gruppe Aus Dem Tartarus Schubert supposed t# understand, but which for­ at the Auditorium next Tuesday night, c. "Xiockruf" .J. Buckauf will bring before the public one, of the Miss Bessie Marie Lumr,at the First FRIDAY EVENING—Harald d. "Helle Nacnt" * .Hermann tunately she did.: Halir was explain­ Unitarian church next Wednesday Heidev violinist, ^assisted by Miss e> * The Three Comrades''......: .v *« .. Hermann ing to the lady* that he did not take finest amateur musical organizations in, evening. Miss Lum will be assisted Clara Williams and Eugen Skaden; Herbert Witherspoon. young pupils who were' evidently un­ the city. This is its first attempt to HERBERT WITHERSPOON, a.-Prelude in D minor .-... „* .Cterambault put on a first-class program, at a first- The New York Basso Whe Witt Sttm at tb* Auditorium Monday Evan by Miss Frances Vincent. A charming Swedish Tabernacle. b Fugue in D major .....Bach prepared, and referred her to the Sery- ices of one of h|| own .pupils as in­ class playhouse, at popular prices, and program has been arranged at which -§> Lamentation, op. 45 .,.*...Gattmant pletion of twenty-five years oof un­ <S> — Clarence Eddy* * structor. the band deserves great credit for its from St, Paul, and tnis win be Itjieir Miss Margaret Drew, whose pupil Miss a. "Mother o' Mine"..... ..........Tours perseverance. broken musical activity in Minneapolis first concert appearance in Min*ia*.po- Lum is, will assist. The program is as ENT has its musical consolations Miss Wagner 'hereupon, with true b. *'Love is a Bubble" ,.....• Parry Too much cannot be said of Byron for it was in the spring of 188^ that he lis for those who. perforce, are doing c. "Meet Me by Moonlight Alone (old Eng­ American pluck, djecflned to be turned * * fi follows: H. Ayers. the director, and the master­ commenced his permanent, work here L penance, and these consolations lish) _ «..<»...... .VWade over to a pupil, and requested permis­ MISS CrJEBTSEirS SUOOBSf Concerto op. 87 ("Reinecke Cadenza). .Beethoven d. "Black Sheela 01 the Silver Bye - (old ful way in which he has held the band and this recital will therefore he a sort Mies Lum and Miss Drew. sion to play the"M%delss0bn "Con­ Miss Beatrice Gjertsen, daughter of are to commence this week and con­ Irish) •. ..Harty certo" for Halir. AK %Jt he would not together thru thick and thin. Thif man of silver jubilee recital. During his Serenade Neldllnger e. **Scots Wha Hae" Old Scotch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry'J. Gjertsen of'this "LOT* IS a Rose" Sans SoucI tinue thru next with almost ceaseless consent to this, buf^bwng informed of has worked hard to bring the band to long residence in this city Mr. Johnson Herbert Witherspoon, ( has appeared in some forty or more re­ city, has been selected as. the soloist for Miss Vincent. round. Beginning • with Clarence Toccata in P major ....*....^..iWldor the course of study-and preparation, its present high standing. He first or­ Impromtn op. 29 Chopin citals besides numerous concerts, his the concert tour thru' Norway by the Etude op 10, No 7 ... Chopin Eddy's organ recital at the Auditorium r i (From the Fifth Organ Symphony.) permitted her to pmy^t. The result ganized the band in .1900 with ten men, Clarence Eddy.' eight of whom still remain. Today he first public appearance being Dec. 4, military band of St. Olaf college, North- Walts from Gounod's "Faust," op. 12S ...Jaell tomorrow evening, in which he will be was what she had~|ropee>. Delighted field. The band will sail from New Miss I/iun. assisted by Herbert Witherspoon, (may HARALD HEIDE NEXT FRIDAY. with her proficiency h^ accepted her at has complete control over forty-five 1881, in the old Academy of Music as "The Nightingale's Sqng" Nevin York next June and will visit attj the his shadow never grow less), the week Harald Heide, the noted young Nor­ once, and arranged witlt her to take up musicians, who love their leader as a soloist of the Mendelsohn club, at which Miss Vincent.
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