WEST MIDDLESEX FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY A Member of the Federation of Family History Societies Registered Charity No.291906 INDEX TO JOURNAL 2016, Vol.34 If you would like a copy of any article mentioned in this index, please refer to the Society’s website: west-middlesex-fhs.org.uk In the following lists, the first number of the Journal number, the second number is the page COVER ILLUSTRATIONS Grand Union Canal and Hanwell Asylum Journal No.1 Osterley House Journal No.2 Tudor Court, Castle Way, Hanworth Journal No.3 Chelsea Pensioners Journal No.4 REPORTS OF MONTHLY TALKS Subject Speaker Jo/Pg A History of Education Toni Davis 3/18 Down Our High Street The Reminiscence Road Show 4/25 Film Archives for the Family Historian Kathy Chater 3/21 MacDonald Gill – Maps, Memorials and Murals Caroline Walker 2/26 Members’ Evening: Health Various speakers 4/24 Murder and Mayhem on the Midland Judy and Chris Rouse 2/28 Osterley House and its Families Andrea Cameron 2/30 Otto and the Margarine Factory Peter Hounsell 4/26 Putting on the Ritz Carol Harris 3/24 Sabotage, Security and Sheer Stupidity Chris Hern 1/28 Tracing the History of a Community Kirsty Gray 1/26 BOOK REVIEWS Title Author Jo/Pg Dating Old Photographs 1840-1950 Robert Pols 4/28 London’s Lord Mayors Emma Hatfield 1/23 Methodist Records for Family Historians Richard Ratcliffe 3/28 My Family History Robert Boyd & Terry Walsh 3/28 Researching Adoption Karen Bali 4/28 The America Ground Nathan Dylan Goodwin 1/23 INDEX OF ARTICLES Title Author Jo/Pg 1939 Register Muriel Sprott 3/13 A Criminal Ancestor Aoife O’Connor 3/12 Heathrow – the Lost Hamlet Philip Sherwood 1/6 Henry Bennet, the Earl of (H)Arlington Philip Sherwood 2/16 How Accurate are War Memorials Ann Greene 4/13 Isleworth 390: Researching the Names on the Isleworth War Memorial Mary Marshall 4/10 Joseph and Annie Passmore – an Enigma Margaret Watson 2/4 Mary Bickle Mary Brown 3/16 More on Joseph and Annie Passmore Margaret Watson 3/4 Peterborough and the Great War Dorothy Habron 4/20 Recent Developments on our Website Roland Bostock 4/22 Recent Developments on our Wesbite Roland Bostock 1/17 INDEX OF ARTICLES, cont. Sod Houses or Soddies Joan Scrivener 1/16 The Elusive William John Hills Joan Scrivener 1/12 The Lost Gravestones of Holy Trinity, Hounslow Roland Bostock 3/8 The Short Life and Long Death of John Shaw Susan Coleman 4/6 Website Developments Roland Bostock 2/9 West Middlesex FHS Hits Social Media 4/21 Whitton Bridget Purr 2/12 Wyatt Road Infant School, Staines – Logbook Muriel Sprott 4/16 PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS IN ARTICLES AND TALKS Illustration Jo/Pg Marriage Certificate, Passmore 3/5 1891 Census, Passmore 3/6 Mary Bickle 3/16 A book cover 2/28 Members page on website 1/19 Amelia Bloomer 3/25 Middlesex Chronicle, 1914 4/15 Andrew Bell 3/20 Mildred Barnett 2/4 Anniversary Cake 3/30 Mildred, Muriel and Sylvia Barnett 2/5 Betty Jenks 2/4 Moses Glover’s map 1635 2/32 Birth Certificate, Passmore 3/7 Muriel Sprott and Kirsty Gray 2/3 Brookwood Cemetery, map 3/8 Names on Isleworth War Memorial 4/13 Canal Branch, Southall 4/27 Newspaper Cutting, Isleworth 4/14 Carol Harris and members 3/27 Osterley House 2/31 Charles Barnett 2/5 Oxford Bags 3/25 Cloche Hat 3/24 Passenger List, Etruria 2/7 Committee 2/25 Pathé News 3/21 Dame School 3/18 Paul Kershaw and Kirsty Gray 2/3 Dawley House, late 18C 2/17 Perry Oaks Farm 1935 1/10 Disorganised Stones, Brookwood 3/11 Peterborough East Station 4/20 Dorset FH Open Day 2/3 Plaque on Luffincott Church 1/26 Ealing High Street 4/25 Plot 57A, Brookwood Cemetery 3/10 Eileen Small and Wendy Mott 3/9 Puzzling it Out! 1/31 Elizabeth Woolfoot 1/20 Rob and Bridget Purr & Kirsty Gray 2/3 Family Postcards 1/14 Sarah Sophia, Countess of Jersey 2/33 Fatal Explosion at Hounslow 1/29 Saskatchewan sod house 1/16 Frances M.E. Hills 1/12 Shot Tower in Crane Park 1/28 GPO Steamship Routes 2/28 Sir Godfrey Kneller 2/13 Greta Garbo 3/26 St. Augustine of Canterbury 2/15 Heathrow Hall in 1935 1/8 St. Edmund of Canterbury 2/15 Henry Bennet 2/16 St. Philip and St. James, Whitton 2/15 Industrial School 3/19 Surname Interests page on website 1/18 Isleworth War Memorial 4/10 The Chequers Inn, Isleworth 4/6 Isobel Tamney & Joan Scrivener 1/15 The Earl’s caught! 2/27 Joseph Lancaster 3/20 The Old Magpies 1935 1/7 Judy and Chris Rouse 2/29 The Ritz Cinema, Whitton 2/14 Kirsty Gray 1/4 The Workhouse, Eton 4/8 Kneller Hall 2/13 Twickenham and Teddington Map 2/12 Luffincott Church 1/27 US Census 1900 2/8 MacDonald ‘Max’ Gill 2/26 Whitton Baptist Church 2/15 Map of Heathrow 1935 1/6 Whitton Methodist Church 2/15 Margarine Factory Offices 4/27 Whitton Park in 1757 2/13 Margarine Factory, Southall 4/26 Whitton Park in the 20th Century 2/14 MarleneDietrich 3/26 William John & Betsy Hills 1/13 NAMES FROM ARTICLES AND TALKS Name Jo/Pg Barnett 2/6 Bickley 2/7 Chippendale 2/32 Adam 2/32 Barnett 2/7 Bloomer 3/24 Christie 3/26 Adam 2/33 Barnett 2/8 Bludworth 1/23 Clarke 3/4 Adey 4/16 Bates 4/17 Boldero 1/21 Cook 1/13 Adey 4/18 Bates 4/16 Boot 2/27 Cook 1/13 Adrian 3/26 Bates 4/18 Boyer 3/26 Cook 1/14 Aitkin 4/7 Baugh 2/6 Brown 2/32 Cook 1/15 Aitkin 4/9 Baugh 2/7 Cane 1/8 Cooke 2/13 Astaire 3/26 Bell 3/20 Chambers 2/32 Cowl 4/5 Barbon 2/31 Bennet 2/16 Chanel 3/27 Crawford 3/26 Barnett 2/4 Bennet 2/17 Child 2/31 Cresswell 4/13 Barnett 2/5 Bennett 2/28 Child 2/32 Cross 3/5 Cross 3/7 Holliday 3/10 Passmore 2/6 Shaw 4/6 Davis 1/30 Hooke 1/24 Passmore 2/4 Shaw 4/9 de Haviland 3/26 Jeffs 2/29 Passmore 2/7 Sillifant 1/26 de Osterlee 2/30 Jenks 2/4 Passmore 2/8 Sims 3/4 Dearlove 4/24 Jenner 4/24 Passmore 3/4 Speers 1/13 Dell 2/39 Johnston 2/26 Passmore 3/5 Spencer 1/21 Dicker 2/35 Joy 4/14 Passmore 3/6 Stanhope 2/31 Dietrich 3/26 Joy 4/15 Passmore 3/7 Steggall 1/20 Dior 3/27 Kauffmann 2/32 Passmore 4/4 Steggall 1/22 Dowden 4/14 Kay 3/20 Pathé 3/21 Stopes 3/25 Edison 3/21 Kay- Paulton 2/5 Styles 4/13 Farjeon 2/28 Shuttleworth 3/20 Pearson 4/15 Suckling 2/12 Fields 3/23 King 2/14 Penn 2/5 Thomas 2/30 Firmstone 2/7 2/7Kneller 2/13 Penn 2/7 Thompson 2/30 Firmstone 3/4 3/4Knyff 2/17 Penn 3/4 Tufnell 3/20 Firmstone 4/4 Lamb 2/6 Pepys 2/17 Tuke 3/15 Gable 3/26 Lamb 3/5 Percy 2/30 Turner 1/20 Garbo 3/26 Lambert 2/39 Percy 2/32 Vionnet 3/26 Gates 4/25 Lancaster 3/20 Philp 1/8 Wackerill 4/13 Gathergood 4/14 Lavender 3/4 Pick 2/27 Wackrill 4/13 Gill 2/26 le Prince 3/21 Pick 2/28 Waller 2/31 Gill 2/28 Liddiard 1/24 Porter 3/5 Whittington 1/10 Goldsmith 4/16 Long 4/16 Pounds 3/18 Whittington 1/23 Gostling 2/14 Longhurst 1/9 Povy 2/17 Wilberforce 3/18 Gresham 2/31 Lovett 2/39 Pratt 4/17 Wild 1/9 Gurney 1/23 Lutyens 2/26 Pugh 2/8 Wild 1/11 Haddock 3/6 Lutyens 227 Remsbery 1/13 Willis 4/14 Haigh 1/21 Maddocks 4/6 Risker 3/4 Willis 4/15 Hammond 4/7 Maddox 4/6 Roberson 2/39 Wiseman 4/14 Hansen 4/26 Maxwell 1/7 Roy 1//8 Wiseman 4/15 Harlow 3/26 McGill 2/26 Sadler 3/4 Woolfoot 1/20 Hicks 4/17 Monstead 4/26 Scrivener 1/12 Woolfoot 1/21 Hicks 4/18 More 3/18 Seares 4/8 Worsley 3/15 Hill 1/15 Mott 4/17 Sewell 4/16 Hills 1/12 Mott 4/16 Shakespeare 1/24 Hills 1/13 Nobland 4/7 Sharpe 3/23 More names can be found in Vol.4, p.19, the staff list of Wyatt Road Infant School, Staines. Also: New Members and Members Interests in Vol.2, p.38; Vol.3 p.30; Vol.4 p.31. PLACES MENTIONED IN ARTICLES AND TALKS Place Jo/Pg Berkhamsted 3/22 Bristol 3/18 Clapham 1/22 Aberdeen 3/21 Birkenhead 4/27 Brookwood 1/25 Clapham 4/5 Acton 4/5 Birmingham 2/30 Brookwood 3/9 Clerkenwell 1/29 Afghanistan 4/25 Bishopsgate 2/31 Brookwood 3/10 Cranford 4/12 Albrighton, Sal 2/4 Bognor 2/26 Brookwood 3/11 Dartford 4/24 Aldbourne, Wlt 1/24 Brentford 2/39 Brosna 1/5 Dawley 2/16 Ammanford, Car 3/17 Brentford 4/6 Burton/Trent 2/30 Dawley 2/17 Ascot 4/19 Brentford 4/9 Bushy Park 3/25 Denmark 4/26 Ashford, Mdx 4/12 Brentford 4/12 Cambridge 2/28 Denmark 4/27 Barnstaple 3/17 Brentford 4/25 Carmarthen 3/17 Dublin 3/12 Battersea 3/20 Brierley Hill, Stf 2/7 Chelsea 2/28 Dudley 2/6 Battersea 4/24 Brierley Hill, Stf 3/4 Chichester 2/26 Dudley 3/4 Bedfont 4/12 Brighton 2/26 China 4/26 Dudley 3/5 Durham 2/6 Feltham 4/12 Hammersmith 2/16 Hanworth 4/12 Ealing 4/6 Fulham 4/24 Hampton 2/16 Harlington 1/11 Ealing 4/25 Germany 4/26 Hampton 4/3 Harlington 2/17 Earls Court 2/27 Gipping, Sfk 1/20 Hampton 4/12 Harlington 4/12 Epping Forest 3/25 Gloucester 3/17 Hampton Hill 2/16 Harmondsworth 1/6 Eton 4/6 Godley, Hampton Wick 2/16 Harmondsworth 1/10 Eton 4/7 Manchester 4/26 Hanwell 1/14 Harmondsworth 1/11 Eton 4/9 Greenwich 1/22 Hanwell 2/16 Harmondsworth 1/17 Exeter 1/26 Halliford 4/12 Hanwell 3/30 Harmondsworth 2/16 Exeter 3/17 Hammersmith 1/13 Hanwell 4/27 Hastings 1/23 Faversham, Ken 1/29 Hammersmith 2/10 Hanworth 2/16 Hatton 1/11 Hatton 2/16 Kew 2/13 Paris 3/21 Sutton 4/12 Hatton 4/12 Kew 4/12 Paris 3/26 Sydney, Aus 1/25 Hayes 2/16 Kilburn 1/22 Paris 4/26 Teddington 4/3 Hayes 2/27 Kings Cross 2/27 Pasadena, USA 4/27 Teddington 4/12 Heathrow 1/6 Kingston- Perry Oaks 1/7 Tooting Bec 1/22 Heathrow 1/7 upon-Thames 1/25 Perry Oaks 1/10 Twickenham 2/12 Heathrow 1/8 Laleham 4/12 Peterborough 4/20 Twickenham 2/14 Heathrow 1/10 Lampton 4/12 Poole 2/3 Twickenham 2/15 Heathrow 1/11 Leeds 1/21 Port Philip, Aus 1/25 Twickenham 3/16 Heathrow 2/16 Leeds 1/22 Richmond 1/28 Twickenham 4/3 Heston 2/16 Leeds 3/21 Richmond 2/15 Twickenham 4/11 Heston 2/33 Leighton 2/39 Richmond 3/16 Twickenham 4/12 Heston 4/6 Buzzard Rothwell, Yks 1/21 Twofold Bay, 1/25 Heston 4/12 Lindisfarne 2/26 Salt Lake City, Aus Hillingdon 2/16 Littleton 4/12 USA 4/25 USA 4/26 Holland 4/26 Liverpool 2/7 Saltley 2/30 Uxbridge 2/39 Hounslow 1/28 Liverpool
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