,.., ·~.~t~}~ : ~C)DAY: ' BQM81NG ~ Ofi SERBS EDGESC~OSER ; ~ ,NSEEDGES DOWN'·*.'BENFICA SACK "'PREMIER (EA'GUE * r_~ Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.350 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) ' Monday February 141994 2 claim own lives Snake shock ~SA: over the weekend ~ tbe cold, daauny body 01 a International make ID Jour shirt TWO sU,iddes were reported' in pocket wlllle Windhoek over the w~~end. look .... for a pea The Namibian Police confirmed that caa .. Itranle Daniel Nghikelwa, 49, hanged himself tbIap to a perIOD. 11aisw8Itbe lIor­ .' on Friday evening next to his home in rlble experleace the Shitenda section, Ombili, Katutw'a. larRler TIRI he campaigners Nghikelwa left a note in which Trenlbatb bad re­ indicated that he had taken his life cently. Be bad put because of marital problems. ........... tbe In another incident in Katutura, a batllrooaa ftoor the n ....t helore and young woman allegedly committed sui­ was getting out 01 cide in Wanaheda on Saturday. The tbe sbower the next reasons remain unknown at this stage. DIOralal when be ta- . - . -" -~ ~-r--=-" ~g et She apparently left no .note.· ...umeatlJerelt" bls c:eat. OD "',2 Israeli GRAHAM HOPWOOD A WELL-KNOWN international businesses campaigning group has expressed concern about the planned hydro­ on visit electric scheme at Epupa on the All-STRONG Kunene river. 1H~IIY!iness dele- Survival International, a UK-based group which - gat 0;1 ;:as~crtli ' lO campaips for the rights of indigenous peoples, arrive in Windhoek wrote to the Namibian Government last week say­ yesterday for a three­ ing it is "extremely concerned about the effects that day visit. This follows the construction of the proposed hydroelectric dam last Friday's signing will have on the Himba people who live on both of a protocol estab­ sides of the river". lishing diplomatic The letter claims that the economic independence relations with Israel of the up to 5 000 Himba will be destroyed by the proposed flooding of 290 sq miles of essential dry­ which are to be "at season grazing and vegetable gardens to create the ambassadorial level" dam. according to the PROBE TEAM ... The Prime Minister (centre) with the internal committee he has appointed to "There are also concerns about the construction Ministry of Foreign investigate reports that drought relief boreholes were wrongly allocated to a Minister and Deputy work itself, with the influx of outside labour this Affairs. Minister's fai'm. From left: AG Visser, Frieda-Nela Williams, Eddie Amkongo and Willie Brits. See would entail. The effects on the health and social report below. Israel could be a use­ stability of the Himba would certainly be disas­ ful contact for Namibia, trous". espedally in farming, as The letter goes on to point out the Epupa plan it has considerable suc­ would flood the Himba's ancestral burial grounds, cess in using technology PM ria'mes probe team which are of great social and religious significance to make the, desert to them. bloom. The visitors are cont. on Dal!e 2 set to'discuss agriCUlture, GAAtJAM HOpWOOD the boreholes: diamond~; solar energy, - ~ . Geingob said the internal committee would look water development, . .' "'- ~~ . ' . ... at "the possible misuse of funds earmarked for chemicals, drip irriga­ PRIME ~lDl ,~Il~:oem~ob n~ed hiS I~ter- drought assistance to needy rural communal com­ tion, shipping and medi­ nal commIttee: on Fnd~y to mvestlgate al~egatJons munities by Ministers and senior Government offi­ cal co-operation. that top offic~als received. boreholes drilled and cials with regard to boreholes drilled and/or fenced The thaw in relations constructed With drought aid money. in on their private property" and the "issue of afteryearsofenmityfol­ The internal committee consists of Willie Brits, accessibility to such boreholes, if established under lows Israel's historic set­ chairperson of the Public Service Commission; the drought relief project". tlement last year' with the Eddie Amkongo, Acting Secretary to Cabinet; Brits will act as chairperson of the committee, Palestinian Liberation Frieda-Nela WiIliains, permanent secretary in the which does not include any figure outside Govem­ TRULY NAivilBIAN TRAVEL Movement led by YasSer Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication; ment. The Prime Minister could appoint additional Arafat. and AG Visser, the Govefhment's special investi- members ifhe sees fit AGENCY The visitors, who gator. The committee will report back to the Prime Are you planning to travel??? leave on Tuesday, will The setting up of the Internal Committee follows Minister after every two weeks and Geingob said he be led by Israel's ambas­ reports in the media that boreholes were drilled on expected it to finish its work by the end of March. from the warm heat of sador to South Africa, the request of Home Affairs deputy ministerNangolo The committee is only charged with presenting Namibia to the.. •... ' Alon Liel. There will Ithete for a private ostrich farm run by him and findings and facts to the Prime Minister and not also be two senior offi­ Justice Minister Ngarikutuke Tjiriange. recommendations for action. Don't hesitate to Call cials of the Ministry of The Department of Water Affairs has confirmed Members of the committee can enter any Govern- [Ju 239828/9 Foreign Affairs and the that two boreholes costing N$80 000 each were ment building to examine, acquire, copy or take Israeli commercial drilled with drought relief funds, following a writ- extracts from any official document after consulta­ WE ARE AT 57 attache in Johannesburg. ten request from Ithete. The request made it clear tion with the relevant Minister or political office­ INDEPENDENCE AVENUE The protocol on diplo­ that the boreholes were for the Etosha Domesti- bearer. All government officials are instructed to matic relations was due cated Ostriches farm run by Ithete and Tjiriange. co-operate with the investigation. The committee The National Team with an · According to local villagers and EDO workers the members can also gather information from people cont. on page 2 International Touch!!! I local community is denied access to at least one of outside Government. I .... _________________ - I MIJJlday( F~;1J 4: a~1. r1~NMI'M~ 1 Israel visit ITshirumbu's post i , ST ATE House have confirmed the tobcsignedinNewYark appolntmentofPeterTshlrumbuasaSpedaI at the United Nations Advisor OD national security. headquarters at IOhOO Tshirumbu's appointment is of "a temporary na­ New Yark time which ture" and will focus 6600 the restJUCturing. reorgani­ was 16hOOinNamibiaby sadon and modernisation of the Namibia Intclli­ the two permanent resi- gence Service Agency". dents to the UN. Tunguru Tshirumbu was previously deputy minister for Huaraka for Namibiaand State Security in the Office of the President. Israel's Gad Yaacobi. It is expected that he will be withdrawn as a The signing follows a member of the National AsSembly this, week to January 11 Cabinet deci- make way for Stan Webster. the recently appointed China Grand Restaurant sion to establish full dip- Deputy Minister of Agriculture. -Set Menu For lomatic relations with Is- Webster was appointed outside the terms of the raet. Practical aspects constitution and when this was realised last week a Valentine Couples· such as accrediting am- space-had to be made for him in the National Starl.,.: bassadors to each other. Assembly. and rIDding areas to co- Klaus Dierks. deputy minister of Works. Trans­ Spring RoIs operate will be estab- port and Communication, will move up within the }foin Course: Iished through normal Assembly to take Tshirumbu's seat and Webster diplomaticchannelsatthe will slot into Diertcs' former seat. Sweet & Sovr Port< UN. Moses G&roeb, Swapo Secretary-General said ChiIi ~I<en with green peppers & peanuts The business visitors last week that Tshirumbu's move had been planned Fried ric:e will go to various indus- for some time and was not a panic measure in tries around Windhoek response to the unconstitutional appointment of Desert: and are scheduled to meet Webster. Ic:e Cream with Fruit SalCIId or Fresh .Cream officials including the G&roeb added that it was unlikely that a new N$58 per Valentine Coupe Ministers of Trade and deputy minister for State Security will be appointed. Industry. ofForeisn Af- ~~~:::::.;.;.;,;...:..:.....:..:...--~--....:..;:.....- Prize given to best dressed c:oupe fairs, ofAgriculture. Wa­ Dress in Red & White ter and Rural Develop­ Snake shock ment. of Works. Trans­ Bcr O'\falable port and Communication FROM PAGE 1 - - I nisht adder had been de­ and of Hcalth and Social posited there by his cat. Next to M~, Kenya House 8UIding ~I Services. They will also WQ still in his shirt The few choice words BooI<ings: T_225751 meet the Namibia Na­ pocket. FumblingllDOlll uttered in the shower tiOOal Ownber of C0m­ the clothes. he found to were Rot iicordecl for Dne and Danc:e merce Ind Industry. his horror that a dead Co.... and enjoy yovr ..... Iing in CNna with yovr Valentine- Concem·over Epupa plan " Enjoy the meal aNI ~ome and· enjoy ovr KareoI<. as weI as Disc:o ing the lint public COII­ Ministry ofWildlife said sultation on Epupa. the plans for the £pupa SwaWek chicfexecutive scheme would proceed Polla Brand admitted if\Sllict accordance with his MiniSII)"s policy of -been-__ rutty ~W invOlved~ at carrying out environ­ NAMmIA CONTRACT HAULAGE Hangala, calls for coo- all" in the planning of mental impact studies. sultation withtheHimba. the £pupa scheme. This would detect if Half price return tickets to Walvis Bay Festivities an independent assess- However. he said a Jhere were going to be FROM NORTHERN NAMIBIA ment of the scheme's meeting will be held in any major negative en­ economic viability. and the vicinity of £pupa to vironmental or social Jlestinlllion ~_; DIde~ 'I1me~ 'I1me~ Prke a social impact study on · consult local people.
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