F L ~ftgin M 0 ~~4 sL WINGS OF EAGLES '89 0 Different strokes for different folks Needless to say, no two airplanes So no matterwhich airplane you are alike. Even similar makes are own- or plan to own- you'll find often cal led on to perform different there's an Enya with specs that are functions- aerobatics, pattern perfectly suited to get the most out flying, sport flying, etc. of your plane Which is exactly why Enya makes And each is backed by Enya's all these different engines for all Pledge of Performance - your these different planes ... and more. guarantee that each engine you buy Each Enya engine on this chart will perform equal to or better than was designed to balance a specific the published specs ... oryour level of performance with a high money back. degree of economy Along with a Enya engines It's the stroke of ~ ;I Enya Model Engines measure of reliability that is second genius you've been looking for. P.O. Box391 to none. See them at your hobby dealer. MARKETING Edison , NJ 08818 .--------------------· ''Cut out andsave .'' --------------------., TOP FLITE JESTER-45CX, SS40 , AERO-SP ORT 40- SS30 , BALSA U.S .A KADET MK II-SS25 , SS40BB , SS45 , 60XF-4 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB , ELDER 20-15TV, SS25 , STICK 40TRAINER- SS30 , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , 80-4C , 90-4C SS30TV, SS25BB , SS30BB SS45 , 40CX , 45CX , 46-4C , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB , 40CX , SS40 53-4C, 60- 4C ELDER 40- 40CX , 45CX , CESSNA- SS25 , SS25BB, SS45, 40CX , 45CX KOMANDER-40CX, 45CX , SS30,SS30BB , SS40 , AERO-SP ORT 60- 45CX , SS40 , SS45 , 46-4C , 53-4C , PIPE R CUB J-3- 60TV G8 , SS40 , SS40 BB , SS45 SS40BB, 40CX , 46-4C, SS45 , 60- TV G8 , 60XF-4 , 60-4C 60 XF-4 KAVALIER -SS30, SS30BB , 53-4C 90-4C ELDER Biplane- 45CX , PHAE TO 90 - 1. 20-4C , SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , 40CX JAVELIN- 19TV, SS25 , 60XF4 , SS45 , 60-4C , 80-4C , R120-4C KOUGAR -40CX , 45CX , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , STERLING 90-4C SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 SS40 , SS40BB , 40CX PIPER TR I-PAC ER - 19TV, ENFORCER - 90-4C HEADMASTER (Super Trainer) ASTRO- HOG- SS45 , 45CX , SKY SCOOTER -19TV, SS25 , SS25BB , SS30 , -40CX, SS40TV, SS40BB , DYNAFLITE 60TV G8 , 60XF-4 , 60-4 C, SS25 , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB SS45TV 80-4C SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB , CESSNA 180 - 19TV, SS25 , FUN SCALE4 0 P-51 MUSTANG HEADMASTER SPORT 40- 40CX SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , - SS25 , SS30 , SS40 , 40CX , 45CX , 60XF-4 , 40CX . 45CX, 46-4C , 53-4C PICA LASER- 45CX , SS45 , SS40 , SS40BB SS40TV, SS40BB , SS45TV WAC0-90-4C, 1.20-4 C, 60XG-4 , 60-4C , 80-4C , PIPER CUB 180-19TV, FOK ERD-7 - 19TV, 21CX , HOLY-SMOKE 40- SS25TV, 120-4C 90-4C , 1.20 4-C SS25 , SS25BB , SS30 , SS25 , SS25BB,SS30, SS25BB , SS30TV, SS30 BB , SS30BB , SS 40 , SS40BB SS30 BB , 46-4C T-28-1 .20-4C , R 20 -4 C SS40TV, SS40BB , SS45 , ltNADER-40CX, 45CX , SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , STEARMAN PT 17-60TV RU -4-SS30, SS40 , 40CX , 40CX , 45CX ACE 60XF-4 GB , 60XF-4 45CX, 46-4C , 53-4C , 60-4C F-BFBEAR CAT- 60XF-4 , 4-120 BIPE-1 .20-4C , SEABIRD-40CX , 45CX , FOKKERD- VII - 60TV G8 , REAR WIN SPEED STER - 80-4C , 90-4C R120-4C SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , 60X F-4 SS30 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS45 , P-51 B MUSTANG- 60XF-4 46-4C , 53-4 C, 60-4C 4- 20 - 20-4 C, R120-4C 60XF-4 , 60-4C , 80-4C CITABR IA - SS25 , SS25 BB , J3 CUB-40CX , 45CX , SS40 , REBEL-45CX , SS45 , SS30 , SS30BB . SS40 , BUTIER FLY- 11CXTV. 5TV, 4-60 - SS40 , SS40 BB , 40CX , SS45, SS40BB , 46-4C , 60XF-4 , 80-4C , 90-4C SS40BB, 40CX 21CXTV. SS30 . SS30B B, 60-4C , 80-4C , 90-4 C 53-4C , 60-4C SS25 , 46-4C SEAMASTER 40 - SS40 , KITIIWAKE - 19TV, SS25 , DART -40CX, 45CX, SS40 , STI NSON RELlA T- SS25 , BUSHWACKER - 15TV, SS40BB , SS45 , 40CX , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB SS40BB , SS45 , 60XF-4 SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , 21CX,SS25,SS25BB 45CX , 60-4C CONTENDER 40- 40CX , SLO COMET -40CX, 45CX , SS40 , SS40BB , 40CX SS40TV, SS40BB SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , FLEDGLING- SS25 , ME-109-SS25, SS25BB , 4-40- SS25 , SS25BB , SS30 , CONTENDER- 40CX , 60XF-4 , 46-4C , 53-4C , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , SS30,SS30BB , SS40 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB , SS40TV, SS40BB , 60XF-4 60-4C , 80-4C , 90-4C SS40,SS40BB , 40CX SS 40BB , 40CX , 46-4C 46-4C , 53-4C VULCAN- 45CX , SS45TV, WAC0-40CX , 45CX , SS40 , MASTER SCALE- P-51 - 4-40 BIPE- SS 25 , SS25BB , LANIER R/C 60XF-4 SS40BB , SS45 , 60TV GB , 90-9C , 1. 20-4C , R12-4C SS30 , SS30 BB , SS40 , TRANSIT- SS25 , SS25BB , 60XF-4 SBD-5 DAU NTLESS- 60TV SS40BB , 46-4C , 53 -4 C SS30, SS30BB , SS40BB , MIDWEST REALSPORTY- 15TV, 19TV, GB , 60XF-4 , 80-4C ,90-4 C T-34 - SS30 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40 , SS45 , 60XF-4 , 40CX , AERO STA R20- 19TV, SS25 , SS25BB AT-6-SS30. SS30BB , SS40 , SS40 BB , 40CX 45CX , 46-4C , 53-4C , 60-4C SS25TV, SS25BB CORSAIR F4 U-1A- 09TV, SS40BB ,SS45 , 40CX , 4-20 - 15TV, 19TV, 21ex CAPRICE-45CX , SS45 , AEROSTAR 40- SS30TV, 15TV, 11CX 45CX , 60TV G8. 60XF-4 AIR SCOUT -15TV, 19TV, 21CX 60XF-4 , 80-4C , 90-4C SS30BB , 40CX , SS40 , RING MASTER R C- SS25 , HELL CAT- SS40 , SS40BB , SUPER PACER- SS25 , PINTO-SS25, SS25BB , SS40BB , 46-4C , 53-4C SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , SS45 , 40CX , 45CX , 60TV SS25BB , SS30, SS30BB SS30 , SS30BB , SS40 , HOTS II-SS30 , SS30BB, SS40 , SS40BB G8 , 60XF-4 ALPHA 15 - 15TV, 19TV, 21 CX , SS40BB , 46-4C , 53-4C SS40 . SS40 BB,SS45 , FW-109-SS30, SS30 BB , SS25, SS25BB P51 SPORT -40CX, 45CX , 40CX , 45CX , 46-4C , 53-4C HOUSE OF BALSA SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , SS40 , SS40BB , SS45 , ALLSTAR BIPE-09TV, 15TV, SUPER HOTS-45CX, SS45 , T-6TEXAN- 15TV, 19TV, 40C X, 45CX . 46-4C , 53-4C 60XF-4, 80-4C , 90-4C 11CX 60-TVGB , 60XF-4 , 60-4C , P-51D-19TV, 21CX COMET- 40CX , 45CX , SS40 , 80-4C , 90-4C , 1.20-4C SIG There are Enya engines SS40BB , SS45 , 60XF-4 , AERO-SPORT 20 -19TV, KADET SENIOR- SS30 , to fit these 46-4C , 53-4C , 60-4C , SS25 , SS25BB , SS30 , SS30BB , SS40 , SS40BB , and hundreds of other 80-4C , 90-4C SS30BB , 46-4C , 53-4C 40C X, 45CX , 46-4C popular models 55" wing span, 21 "length. High start included. Two-channel rudder and elevator control. • Until now, if you wanted a great flying That's because the Silhouette is a straight into pavement to cause damage. sailplane you had to spend weeks, unique sailplane. There's no cutting, carving The high-density foam wing and empennage sometimes months, building ... or gluing. Instead, you use screws, nuts and survive severe impacts. If the wing breaks, • Until now, when a sailplane crashed, wing tape to complete the entire assembly. you won't need to head for the workbench. Repair the foam with five minute epoxy . .. (and eventually they all do), there would be Convenience does not sacrifice right in the field! parts everywhere, requiring days to performance. The Silhouette incorporates Have a great time flying a sailplane that • repair ... the best sailplane technology, including a won't go to pieces when you crash. Ask • Until now, if you wanted to be a model high-!ift Eppler 214 airfoil. Overall low your hobby shop for the Cox Silhouette. sailplane pilot, but had no desire to become weight of 19 oz. results in a very favorable a model sailplane builder, you were w ing loading of 7. 9 oz./sq . ft . (with two­ grounded .. channel radio on board). But now, the new Cox Silhouette The Silhouette is durable. Its fuselage is I 525 E. Warner Avenue enables you to spend your time at the flying a new, blow molded design . This material is Santa Ana, CA 92705 field, instead of at the workbench. so tough you would practically have to dive SIG BALSA ~SIGEr THE LARGEST SELECTION OF AAA AIRCRAFT BALSA ANYWHERE STICKS • 36 " Lengths SHEETS · 18" Lengtho STICKS • 48" Lengtho BLOCKS • 3" Lengtho BLOCKS • 18" Lengtho PLANKS • 38" Lengtho B-001 1/16 X 1/16 .09 8-173 1/32 X 2 . .24 B-061 116 X 1/6 .16 ~25 1 1 X 1 .15 fl.333 1x1 .84 fl.206 1 X 1 1.65 B-00'2 1/16 X 116 .10 B-174 1/1 6 X 2 ...........26 8.()62 1/8 X 1/4 .24 8-252 1 X 2 .29 B-334 1 X 2 1.62 8·207 112 X 2 . ....... 2.21 B-003 1/16 X 3116 .13 fl.175 3132 X 2 . ... 31 B-063 1/6 X 1/2 .35 il-253 2 X 2 .41 8-335 2 X 2 2.20 fl.208 314 X 2 ....... 2.60 8-004 1/16 x 1/4 .16 B-1 76 1/6 X 2 .35 B.Q64 3116 X 3116 .26 B-254 1 X 3 .41 B-336 1 X 3 2.20 B·209 1 X 2 3.25 B-005 1/16 x 316 .20 fl.177 3116 X 2 .... .45 B-065 3116 X 1/2 .43 il-255 2 X 3 .54 fl.337 2 X 3 3.23 8-210 H/2 X 2 3.89 8-006 1116 X 1/2 .24 B-1"78 1/4 X 2 . .57 B.Q66 3116 X 314 .57 B-256 3 X 3 .65 B-336 3 X 3 4.84 8·211 2 X 2 4.40 B-007 1/16 X 3/4 .31 fl.179 318 X 2 .
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