T H e: OH I CAPO EAGL, I SOCIETY NEWS (Two Phones) & Miss Susnnim t'ocroft, chairman of Main 4711 Phone Auto 32-4- 33 Lubliner Trinz the now woman's committee of tho Franklin 1822 WHERE TO EAT Owning and Operating the Following High Class Theatres National Security league, presided nt n luncheon at the Union League club, All Over the City: whore plans for a loyalty meeting for TRY IT NOW Devon women of all nationalities In Chicago ARTCRAFT THEATRE, and Clark Streets were discussed. 2433 Lincoln BIOGRAPH THEATRE, Avenue A committee was appointed to wait COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, 2655 North Clark Street upon thoso In charge of tho building CORSIGLIA BROTHERS KEG AND KETTLE, the latest and most KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE, 6225 Broadway of the Hilly Sunday tabernacle and THE oE Chicago's refectories, is located in the MICHIGAN THEATRE, 55th and Michigan reiiuest that the Boulevard tabernacle bo kept Otis Building the southwest of Hallo OAK PARK THEATRE, Oak Park, Illinois for a time for any largo public gath- Famous Italian Restaurant at corner La PARAMOUNT THEATRE, 2648 Milwaukee Avenue erings of vital Interest to Chicago. and Madison Streets. The entrance is from the VITAGRAPH THEATRE, 3133 Lincoln Avenue Tho following were appointed on the Special attention to banquets and main corridor beyond the elevators. committee: Mrs. .1. .?. WEST END THEATRE, No. Cicero and West End Avenues Mitchell, Mrs. dinner parties on short notice. Henton Owsley, Mrs. C. O. Friable, 3 Here arc served tho finest of vintages, brews and Mrs. Charles I.. Derlng, and Mrs. It. HARRY M. LUBLINER JOSEPH TRINZ II. Merrick. HOME COOKING. SPAGHETTI A SPECIALTY. mixtures at modest prices. 510 Westminster Building "Good Every I There is also a luncheon Mrs. Frederick II Hammond, 101G for Taste." service for business men. Horwyn avenue, announces tho en- Everything First Class. 1 Vogelsang gagement of her daughter, Koth-orln- o Every detail measures up to the Standard. Miss Fine Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars Margaret Hammond, to K. Chat-Hol- d Kooglo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Selected Home Alade Wine. Samuel Iredalo Kooglo of Kvanston. 341-343-- ASCHER THEATRES 446-4- 48 Orleans Street W. Illinois Street " f CHICAQO PRESENTING THE UTMOST IN PHOTOPLAYS The Women's Athletic club w 111 have OAKLAND SQUARE THEATRE Drexel and Blvds. charge of a dance on Saturday even- Oakwood ing for which the guests of honor will METROPOLITAN THEATRE Grand Blvd. and 47th St. bo mnn In training at (Ireat Lakes. 521, 41630 Open Until I M. CHATEAU THEATRE Broadway and Grace St. Phones: Ccntrall Automatic A. 4730 Palmer House LAKESIDE THEATRE Shtridan Road. Announcement Is tho en- TERMINAL THEATRE Lawrence and Spaulding Avcs. made of gagement of Miss Agnes Marlon The Old Reliable CALO THEATRE Clark and Balmoral Sts. Daley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, MILFORD New Roma Italian Restaurant THEATRE Milwaukee and Crawford Aves. .1. Daley, U'M St. Lawrence avenue, European Plan Exclusively LANE COURT THEATRE Lane Court and Center St. to Austin 13. Walsh of Camp Grant, COSMOPOLITAN THEATRE Halsted and 79th Sts. Itockford. COLUMBUS THEATRE Ashland Ave. and 63rd St. Second Floor, One Door South of Grand Opera House Our restaurant on parlor floor, for ladies FROLIC THEATRE 55th St. and Ellis Ave. Mr. and Mrs, John A. Spoor ex- and gentlemen, is perfection in every ADELPHI THEATRE Clark and Estes Sts. pect to proceed south In about a fort- 1 17 North Clark Street night. They will make a brief sojourn detail of cuisine and service. Direction ASCHER BROS., 220 South State Street at .lekyll Island, On. Mr. and Mrs. John Kvans Cornell Best Table D'Hote of tho Hyde Park hotel announco the f&PMPiiWT 1 iYa-- - .ST. 7L.T State and Monroe Streets PRODUCTION CIRCULATION engagement of their daughter, Miss Katherlna Spear Cornell, to l.ylo Dinner Harper. Including Wine ADVERTISING VALUE'S CLIMAX Thero will bo n fancy dress party 75 Cents MOVING Saturday evening In tho winter club A?F.DBRUCHMAN Mana Dlrcctors PICTURES nt Lako Forest. Lunch 50 Cents MADE TO ORDER MIbs Klorcnco Lowdcn has returned to Springfield after n fortnight's visit For Churches, Schools, Clubs, Societies with her grahdmothcr, Mrs. George I. Pellegrini, Mgr. vLJm. and for any kind of business for advertising M. Pullman. M Prima Gardens and pleasure. Yourself and your friends put Mrs. Martin A. Ityerson, 1851 Drex- Operated by the Ricnzi Co. into thrillersfor business and social purposes. el boulevard, with hor mother, Mrs. FRED. H. MARX Phone Central 4403 AUG. F. MARX WRITE FOR INFORMATION Charles I.. Hutchinson, will leave Saturday for Arizona to remain until 626 DIVERSEY PARKWAY spring. American Commercial Film Co. Corner Broadway and 110 South Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carquovillo of Marx Beer Tunnel Clark Street Highland Park plan to remain In Cali- fornia until early next month. Telephones And RESTAURANT Lake View III and 806 CHICAGO J. D. CLARK, Pro. W. F. HOEFT, S.c'y and Treat. EAGLETS. Perfection Bedding Co. William H. Weber always made a Sea Food a Specialty Illinois Felt Co., Inc. good public record. Sterlized Hair Mattresses Judge John K. pnnatrllle it miklsi N. W. COR. DEARBORN and MADISON STS. CHICAGO Upholstered Box Springs a iplendld record on the Municipal broad-aalnde-d WHERE? Court bench. He Is aa able, the Loop' Cotton' Felt Mattresses Judge. "All Over Feather Pillows and Juit 2501 WEST 48TH STREET, Near Western Ave. John Z. Vogelsang, tnn great res taurateur, deservedly stands In the Tl.phn HoKtnler 8117 CHICAGO front rank of the restaurant and hotel NICK DOHRN Chas. Weeghman's en of Chicago. Manufacturer of Fine Cigara HARRISON 622 ' PHONES ' HARRISON 623 Rivers McNeill, the popular and eff- and Hazen LUNCH ROOMS icient Collector of Customs, reflects El Cordia Gen. Perfectos great credit on President Wilson's witmmmAComplete line! of 531 North Claremont Avenue John J. Qoraghty, tho well known Phone West 4436 LOOK FOR THEM OFFICE button and badgo manufacturer, now makos his headquarters at his big The Standard for Purity and Quality of Food QUICK SERVICE FURNITURE factory, 3035 West Lako stroot. I 410 S.Dearborn SUB? Chicago ALL PHONES CANAL 2948 BUSINESjJOPICS NEW and USED Established I860 Phones Superior 2793 Care of the Feet. Superior 671 The LeQrand Foot Parlor. Auto 33327 Powolla-Grlo- r, T. P. HENDERSON. President and Trcaturer ESTABLISHED Madamo Floroncia A. T. JULIAN J. PLEAS, Secretary 1899 who owns The Le Grand Foot Lawrence Ice Cream Co. Parlor at 1311 North Clark street, haB CHICAGO UNION LIME WORKS CO. for hor patrons tho best pcoplo on tho North Sldo. Sho Is tho original Dis- Ice Cream QUALITY and Ices Thomas J. Sauerman (MANUFACTURERS PRODUCERS DEALERS coverer of Comparative Scientific Woodless Chiropody. Tho Lo Grand QUICK-LIM-E CHICAOO and CRUSHED STONE Foot Parlor has boon at 1314 and 1348 COMMON and PORTLAND CEMENT N. Clark St. for tho past ten years and AND BUILDINQ MATERIALS Twenty-Fir- st twonty-olgh- t Sangamon (Si years on tho North Sldo. Street, Street Buffet QUARRIES AT OENERAL , Restaurant OFFICES: Madamo Powella-Grior- M, C, S. C, 19th and Lincoln Sti ., CHICAOO 19th and LINCOLN STREETS Doctor of Chiropody, successfully Canalport Avenue and Peoria Street and McCook, Illinois Telephone Canal 388 soro good. makes foot Soro feet aro 548-55- 0 N. CLARK ST CHICAOO mado Good Feet at tho Le Grand Foot Parlor, 1314 N. Clark street. Tele- CHICAGO phones: Suporior 5991, Automatic Corner Ohio CHICAGO Dr. Abraham Sogolow, n licensed chiropodist, (EL and a mombor of tho ITALIAN GREEK State and National Chiropody Associa- tions, is now employed as assistant In tho Lo annul Foot Parlor, 1311 N. PRODUCTS CO. 11 JQL II AtSBBmJ Clark street. Kloctrlcnl and com-pi'osso- d EMILIO LONGHI. Prop. air treatments aro given In connection with tho conipnruttvo sci- entific method of removing callous skin from tho foot. Drexel Cafe What the Bell System Northeast Corner Is Doing Out of Focus. Cottage Grove Ave. 39th St. If you havo head aches your oyos and aro possibly out of focus. essential element of the times is the If your oyos smart and, burn or tho SPISBD hour. movlos blurr, your oyes aro out of The telephone operator is n trained public focus. servant. Before she is allowed to take her place at If tho lottors run whilo you nro After Dinner DANCING for our Patrons systematic course the switchboard she undergoes a reading or If you don't seo all things AT OUR ANNEX of instruction, so arranged as to develop alertness clearly your oyes aro out of focus. of thought, concentration on the work in hand, re- If your child is palo and norvous Every Evening from 8:30 till 12:30. sourcefulness in emergency, and speed of action. tho chancos aro its oyos aro out of To handle the great volume of business pass- focus. ing over its long distance lines alone, the Hell Duck & Itnynor's main storo at System has specially trained 12,000 operators in Stato and Madison has an oxport who long distance methods and practices. will gludly oxamlno your oyos with- out cost or obligation and frankly ESTABLISHED 1863 handling messages, de- Upon the speed in toll you if you neod to wear glasses WJ veloped by these thousands of operators, depends or not. Thoso of our readers who aro , "C.ll.f.NO' mwtm Wm the usefulness of the Bell System to the Govern- now wearing glasses aro invltod to 4V MX. A tt f efeH-w-Tra- r w'Wtoii) ment and to the public.
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