OBSERVER Vol. 8 No. 6 December 15, 1997 Page 1 Registration Card Pulling Caused Delays, Aggravation Frustration prompted questions about how to best collect fees Nate Schwartz Arts Exchange New grant will help support Bard-Red Hook arts partnership Stephanie Schneider Parking Problems Bewailed Packed lots, potholes, and towings irk drivers Abigail Rosenberg Page 3 Student Life Committee Report Janice Sandwick Theatre for a New Audience A blab session with director/professor/playwright Jeff Sichel Meredith Yayanos Witness Variety City Bard band has EP on sale at Crazy Bird Records Meredith Yayanos Page 5 In Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Eastwood Fails to Attain Consistent Tone Effort to circumscribe the true-crime novel’s story line causes confusion in the film version Arnie’s Fatality Fest Recorded [Arnold Schwarzenegger] The Zine Scene Dress Code Angst, Biker Solidarity, Lice and More Elissa Nelson and Lauren Martin Page 7 Album Review Don’t Believe the Hype? Joel Hunt Page 8 Erotic Obsessions Stevie Nicks 4-leatha, 4-lace, and 4-eva Leah Zanoni Cartoon Page 9 Rough Waters, Smooth Sailin’ A night with jazz legend Jimmy Cobb Basil Bouris Eschew Individuality, Block it Off With the Trilogy The philosophy of television viewing in deKline Stephanie Schneider Page 10 “Too Clever by Half” Lewonczyk directing Ostrovsky makes sense, but many are curious: what’s with the schlong? Lauren Ciborski Cartoons Page 11 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A betrayal of the martyrs who fought for South Africa’s liberation from a racist government! Michael Canham Please Don’t Kill Yourself Andy Varyu Page 12 The Case Files Life in the Projects David Case DOSO Über Alles Diary of a Madman: The Case Filer details Bard political intrigue Page 14 Classifieds Observer Editorial Policy Page 15 Y Chromosomes are in Doubt Some male sports tend to leave out the man Jeremy Dillahunt Bard Bloodies Brooklyn Men take it hard everywhere but the hoop Jeremy Dillahunt Schedule New Record What came after was even more successful [Bard women’s basketball] Squish Squash Have ye a look at this Eva Bodula and Leila Bandar Page 16 Bot-man Seven Years in Annandale-on-Hudson (continued) Chris Van Dykeand John Holowach "News is whatever sells newspapers; The Bard Observer is free." . - . The Bard Observer ANNANDALE~ON~HUDSON, NY, 12504 DECEMBERI5, 1997 ISSUE 6, VOLUME 8 Registration Card. Pulling Caused . Delays, Aggravation Frustration prompted questions about hOUJ to best collect fee~ By NATE SCtiWARTZ, Design Editor Enteriri.g a dense throng in front of the Student Accounts Office (SAO) on registration -day;­ December 3, one encountered dozens of students whose attempts to clear their accounts before the beginning of registration proper were frustrated by confused, slow-moving lines. One-hundred-and­ ninety registrntion cards were withheld, pending the payment of outsta'nding charges ranging from tuition to library fines; consequently, the SAO was deluged with students seeking information and financial clearance. Many of these students then LET THERE BE LIGHT: During the Festival of Lights, on the evening of December 13. Rabbi Joanna Katz holds went to the professors without their cards and suc­ ceeded in gettin_g on class rosters without officially registering. Parking Formfng an undefined queue which overflowed into the main entrance of tht: Buildings and .'.,:- ,:-...-x --r- - .: -- -. :...:.::·-..!•n. he' l -- -- -- - Grounds building, Sophomore II's, Juniors and · '""l.~ew grant wm p support Seniors vied -for position to see ·Bursar Viki Problems Papadimitriou, hoping to get the cards and still par­ :':;;;~~r4.7-~~il HOOk. a.;rts pa:rtner~hip. : ·. ....,.:.:.··v:.:;-_;;.;";~-.;·.. ;.,;:· "J'' • ;.-;:· ticipate in registration between 11 and 12:30 p.m. ,,,,·,~J4i§Ig~HJY:~tm.. §~@~P~R .. ~ .& .~~~Y¥P~m~~•f?r while students of lower sr;Hus worked towards to the·· Bewailed ubtaining their cards in time for 'their afternoon ·:· :~-~-~~-~tift)pa;triership ProJeef~arde£iaw4;ooo ~ant MNr~at&'Colles~-an.a·Rea HOOk ScliOO!biStricts I}artnersb!PiJrosrarn'tn registration at 1:30-3 p.m. -There were three lines · artietluditiO~WfliChhaS been In cilstence for twelve years and now Packed lots, potholes, which were nearly indistinguishable and it was only :rwill be able t(} invOlve agreater community, including: .&td St:uderits. and tawings irk drivers through students· p<1ssing information along that t:·:>~·~,;,,,.the program,. entitled B.R.l.O .G .E$: {Bard .Co liege .and those at what appeared to be the rear learned .....· ~e,d H9ok C~otrai Sch9ot_l.AtrQdvth)g and Deyeloping Goals By ABIGAIL ROSENBERG, whet}:1er they ought to cut ahead. · ,fqr :E;nti8!!teniJ1g ~nd ~nrich~pg Students through Aft~). is Opinions Editor After several minutes an inquisitive student ..... ·.. :CI~stgn~d ~q tnt~g~ate the -visual arts and the core curricula. ln the found her way to either the two-pronged informa­ ···· Red}look Scb.oois. -· · · · · · Been having trouble parking latdy? tion line where one could obtain data and submit .·. ':Til~ -~·.r{I.o.qj~:~s:·pr(}gram Is o~e oftwenty-thri!e partner~ You're not alone. The Olin and Kline payment, or to the line which led to Papadimitriou's -· ···$~ip$}ri the state to ~~ei~e such.a ~ant~hich'C•recognlie~ the lots have been filled to capacity on office across the hall from Student'Accounts. In the sllii*gih of the partnership's -program lriarts educatirif} arid its some days, forcing students to park in latter line one had to wait and report payment to ~'"'''Praml.Se'.• asa'mod:ef''farU1e sciit!wide'.edticinloi:iiililiitiailve- aevel­ other lots such as the one at the Fisher State of the.Arts and the State the Bursar or otherwise convince her that it was -,of)eH-h.Y" the-New-York Council Arts Center. On most days, cars arc . :¥ducatlonDep3rhrie!1t," reported a rec~nrpress release. _. parked two rows deep in both the dri­ soon to be made in order to acquire the card. It was :.:A•:.:\i.IA~rding to'afiartlcl(! published in the Fall! Winter issue of veways of the Olin lot, and some stu~ necessary to visit Papadimitriou even if one had ·• ·Adsten~. a p~bli~ation oftne D~td~es$ County Arts Council. Ann dents have taken to parking in paid one of the two staffpeople tending the infor­ .-;t:;:9~~~~; -~~e~, ~~~~~t~~~atit)~}!~is?~· sl!fd ~~f--W~-~~ (}f the handicapped spaces and other illegal ma.tion lines. ,_,,, Prp~~(JliS to in~&r.a.~ .. -~ .?11!> with ~ study of S()~ial .St1Jdies, spots such as the Kline loading dock. Papadimitriou attributed the back-ups to a num­ ::.::.. :tt!~!i?.~:}ff]!i~S!.f~~~~s; .t'J!a~~. ~I!~ ... ~£~~~-~5!. ~o. off~r:.~~den!~, , According to Director of Security ber of f<~ctors. One was the inexperience of her l'piJl~ip1e learn and shm!v they know~" . ways to what Robert Brock, this pr~rking shortage staff-both were spring registration' rookies. ·.·:············· ·.- promote -basic is not attributed to there being more Tt;l~ p~sra#tfori~l.vsthooretical th~-beii~fProfesSional th~i th~ artists "arts can the HudsOn Another was the fact that studenrs were already .. symil01jc arid skllls: from cars on campus. He explains that . -'\!alief region and, students and r.icuJty rrom Bard- College will wofk queued when she arrived in the morning and the because the parking on Ravine Road wtifi the daSsroc>m teachers inimplemllnting the new program." .. lines grew quickly so that at first she had no oppor­ has been suspended due to the con­ tunity to develop a strategy with her staff and soon , ·•···· <B:ill Ro<;k, ~IJpei-intendenf of. the Red Hook. schools, who · ' ! described ihe program as an attempt ro "fuse the am lnt() tpe cur- struction of the Bertclsmann Campus it was difficult to maneuver at all. ,_;;;: riculurn.~ said the grant will go to further training of classroom Center, those cars have had to be In a recent interview the Bursar expressed frus­ .:,::,::4athers~s ~~lLas th~· bringing ri:tore artiSts $Uchas $tOryteUers, redirected to what is referred to as tration concerning the debts about which she sent the "back corner" of the Olin lot ..· ST.Ofl't' C.Ot,'fQf:J[JE.l) .QNJi,o\GE ::! STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 2 THE BARD OBSERVER NEWS MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1997 Registratiol'}- frustration exacerbated by delays ... Arts exchange partnership ... STORY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE clear the way for students who cannot pro~ : _duce the monies immediately. STORY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE reminders to both parents and students. performers and musicians to share their talents with the Red Despite the difficulties on registre~tion "I would like to ask how I can ~t it Hook schools. The grant will also allow the school children to go d<'ly, at press time 67 registration cards were across," she said. "I'm going to send copies of on more field trips to different concerts, theater productions and possession of the Bursar. Among the bil_ls to every student." This was an idea still in the museums, including Bard's own Center for Curatorial Studies. this number some are cards of students tak­ she is considering ClS a respLmse to the large Though Bard students are not currently involved in the pro­ number of students ;vho didn't get their ing a leave of absence or going abroad. gram, the goal for next semester is to get them to participate. In acc;ounts dear before registration day. Nevertheless, many students have yet to set­ late January, there will be a meeting for Bard students interested -She regretted the slow movement of the de their accounts. Some are waiting as long in working in the Red Hook classrooms with the artists-in-resi­ line to see her on registration day but said as possible · to pay and some are even refus­ dence.
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