Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03994-9 - Finding a Common Interest: The Story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease Lindie Clark Index More information Index Academy of Sciences building, design and construction, 42–4, Canberra, 6, 30, 32, 185 46–50, 125–6 Actors Equity, 159 project control system, 48, 51 ACTU–Lend Lease Foundation, 127–9, public plaza, 6, 43, 46–7, 125, 159, 208, 258 n.67 238 n.133 actuaries, 140–2, 147 Tower building, 43–4, 48–50, 126, Adelaide Steamship company, 153 237 n.98 Advanced Management Program, Australia Square Training Company, Harvard Business School, 35–7, 80 129 agents, insurance, 144–5, 261–2 n.74 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Allen, Milton, 38, 84, 222 Industry, 113, 114 MLC, 131–3, 136–7, 139, 153, 154, Australian Council of Trade Unions 258 nn.5, 9, 260 n.39 (ACTU), 53, 76, 116, 128, 239 n.3, alliance contracting, 233 n.13 255 n.21 Alpine Way, 197, 201, 203, 273 n.72, Australian Gas Light Company, 179 275 n.124 Australian Institute of Management, 61 AMP, see Australian Mutual Provident Australian Labor Party, 53 Society Australian Mutual Provident Society Anderson, Jim, 140–1 (AMP), 42, 56, 82, 132, 139, 145, annual general meetings, 120–1, 124, 246 n.5, 247 nn.19, 20 226 Australian Student Traineeship Anton, Charles, 273 n.72 Foundation (ASTF), 213 Appletree Hill Estate, 184–7, 193, 196, Australian Ugliness, The, 182, 183, 270 nn.28, 29 184 apprentices, 71, 127–9, 208, 212; see also skills formation; training Baalman, John, 179–80 programs Bank of New South Wales (Westpac), Arbitration Commission, 68; see also 84 Industrial Court Banks, Ted, 140, 145 architects, role of, 29–30, 38 Bankstown Council, 108, 110–11 Australia Square, 10, 41, 42–4, 88, 100, Bankstown Square shopping mall, 110, 103 112, 119 awards, 50 bribery scandal, 12, 106–12, 254 n.4 280 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03994-9 - Finding a Common Interest: The Story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease Lindie Clark Index More information INDEX 281 benefit sharing, 76, 78, 115, 144, 153, business development, 11, 80–105 221–2 business ethics, 7, 8, 12, 106–30, 221–4 Bimbadeen Lodge, Thredbo, 202 Blues Point Tower, 268 n.108 Cahill, J. J., 27, 31 Bolzon, Ron, 211 Calder, Alexander, 47 borrowing, Dusseldorp’s attitude to, Caltex House, 5, 28, 30, 41–2, 45, 52, 90–1, 101 57, 196 Boyd, Robin, 182–7, 190, 269 n.21 design and construction, 82 Bredero’s Building Company, 5, 16, 24, financing of, 56, 84 25, 85, 170 labour relations, 58–63, 65 labour relations, 63–4 Campbelltown, 187–96 Brierley, Ron, 131–8, 139, 153, 260 commercial and community n.31 facilities, 191, 193–4, 206 Builders Labourers’ Federation (BLF), Campbelltown City Council, 191, 192, 53, 73, 166, 237 n.9 193, 194 and Civil & Civic, 4, 62, 68, 72 Canberra, 6, 86, 87–8, 94 and Green Bans, 14, 156–9, 162, 264 Civil & Civic activity in, 30, 95, 185, nn.5–7 251 n.101 building and construction industry, development of, 94–8 9–11, 28, 34, 36–7, 40, 86 labour relations, 64, 68, 243 n.95 collusion in, 36–7, 235 n.53 Lend Lease activity in, 6, 94–9, 100 design and construction, 26–51 caring, 75, 76, 78, 220, 222 industrial relations, 1–4, 52–9, 61–9, Carinya Lodge, Thredbo, 202, 275 77, 229 n.6, 239 n.1 n.124 job security, 59–61 Cazenove’s, 90 productivity, 10, 11, 52, 61, 62–5, 66 Chapman, R. H., 248 n.23 Royal Commissions into, 36, 235 Charles A. Ord & Minnett, 84 n.53, 245 n.142 Ciacciarelli, Peter, 67 safety, 60, 69–70 Civil & Civic, 5, 18, 87, 208 unions, 64–9, 157; see also Builders acquisition by Lend Lease, 85, 244 Labourers’ Federation; Building n.99 Workers’ Industrial Union; Design & Construction, 37–8, 93–4 Building Trades Group (NSW Design Services Group, 39 Labor Council) industrial relations, 4, 11, 64, 74 working conditions, 54, 59–61, occupational safety, 69, 70, 244 69–70 nn.104, 105 building materials and methods, 10, 17, productivity agreements, 66–70; 24, 33–4, 40, 41, 48–9, 240–1 n.27 see also Lend Lease productivity Building Trades Group (NSW Labor agreements Council), 65 projects: Academy of Science, 6, 30, Building Workers’ Industrial Union 32, 185; Caltex House, 56, 57, 62; (BWIU), 58, 60, 66, 68, 70, 239 in Canberra, 95, 185, 234 n.19, nn.7, 8, 10 251 n.101; Connaught apartment business, partnership with government, building, 3; Loreto convent school, 172, 175, 213 93–4; in Melbourne, 234 n.19, 244 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03994-9 - Finding a Common Interest: The Story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease Lindie Clark Index More information 282 INDEX Civil & Civic (cont.) corporate social responsibility, 7, 8, n.105; Middle Cove development, 113, 124, 174, 187, 222–4 172–4; Regent Hotel, Sydney, 3; County of Cumberland Plan, 168, 188 State Bank, Sydney, 3; Sydney Crackenback Valley, 196, 198, 199 Opera House, 28, 31, 34; in ‘Crossed Blades’ sculpture, 47 Thredbo, 199 Crow, Ian, 151 sub-contractors, 73–4 Cull, Alan, 49, 72, 236 n.81, 238 training programs, 70–2; see also n.125 Lend Lease, skills formation and culture, corporate, 9, 15, 72–3, 173 training Cumberland County Council, 168, Clancy, Pat, 58, 59, 61, 66, 68 191–2, 194 clients, 8, 93–4, 104, 114, 220, 230 Cuzzocrea, Frank, 3, 73 n.19; see also consumers Coach House Inn, Thredbo, 199 de Vries, Jan, 24, 84, 247 n.15, 248 codes of conduct, 113 n.23 collusion in the building industry, 36–7 Deane, William, 34 communication, 72, 120–2 Deer, Fred, 258 n.5 Communist Party of Australia, 58 democracy, corporate, 76, 78 communities, building, 182–206 demonstration villages, 184–6 community of interest: Department of Main Roads, NSW, 168, in business practice, 9, 127, 129, 222 203 and corporate social responsibility, 8, Design & Construct, 37–8, 41, 82–3, 124–9 93–4, 104, 235 n.60 creation of, 7, 14, 167, 221–3 design and construction in the building in industrial relations, 54–6, 60–9, industry, 26–51, 235 n.58 73–4, 76–9 Design Services Group, Civil & Civic, between investors and employees, 39 115–19, 255 n.28 Domain Park flats, Melbourne, 185 in public–private sector relations, Dowling, Mark, 260 n.40 167–81, 187–96, 199–200 Drucker, Peter, 217 and resolving conflicts, 155–67 Dunphy, Dexter, 223 in satisfying clients, 93–4, 230 n.19 Dunphy, Milo, 184, 269 n.14 between stakeholders, 6–7, 114–15, Durack, Elizabeth, 184 124, 167, 211, 220, 222–3 Dusco Group, 214–15, 219–20, 225 community title, 205–6, 219 Dusseldorp, Anne (née van der Kroon), company title, 177–8 21, 22, 23–4, 25, 198 conditions, work, 53–4, 59–61, 69, 74 Dusseldorp, Carolus, 19, 90 conflict resolution, 166–7 Dusseldorp, Gerardus Jozef (Dick): consumers, 146, 223; see also clients Advanced Management Program, contingency plans, 90 Harvard Business School, 35–7, 80 Conway, Jill Ker, 222–3 approach to business development, Cooma, housing for Snowy Mountains 11, 78, 80–105 Authority, 17–18, 25, 28, 63, 170 approach to industrial relations, corporate democracy, 76, 78 54–5, 57–8, 60–5, 75–9 corporate governance, 106–30 arrival in Australia, 5, 16–18 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03994-9 - Finding a Common Interest: The Story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease Lindie Clark Index More information INDEX 283 attitude to leasehold, 251 n.90, 272 Dusseldorp, Tjerk, ix, 23, 125, 208, n.53 210, 213, 227 aversion to borrowing, 90, 91, 101 Dusseldorp Skills Forum, ix, 15, 211, Bankstown Square bribery scandal, 213, 216, 218, 220, 228 106–12 Caltex House, 52–3, 57, 59–61 education system, 208–10, 212 Campbelltown, 187–96 Electricity Commission, NSW, 179 Canberra, 94–9 Elsworth, David, 248 n.23 Chairman of Lend Lease, 4, 119–25, Employee Investment Trust, 118 248 n.23 Employee Share Acquisition Plan, 118, Chairman of MLC, 138–43, 145–8, 255 n.21 151–2 employees, 8, 69–79, 114–15, 220 communications, 72–3 , 120, 121 benefits, 76, 78, 115, 144, 153, community of interest, 115, 124, 221–2 129; see also separate entry for participation, 75–6, 117–18 community of interest share issues, 69, 76, 117–20, 147, death, 220, 227–8 153 education, 20–1 Encina, Gregorio, 166–7 employee share issues, 69, 76, ‘English scheme’, 216, 218, 220, 278 116–18 nn.51, 52 ‘English scheme’, 216, 218, 278 Entertainment Centre, Sydney, 2 nn.51, 52 Erharter, Leonard, 199 and General Property Trust (GPT), ethics, business, 7, 8, 12, 106–30, 100–4, 114 221–4 and Green Bans, 155–65, 265 n.28 Evatt Foundation, 208 life before arrival in Australia, 18–25 long-term perspective, 15, 125–6, Featurism, 183, 269 n.5 225 financial institutions, 100; see also philosophy, 9, 13, 15, 116 Bank of NSW; Cazenove’s; insurance post-retirement activities, 15, 214, companies 216 financial services industry, 134 retirement gift, 15, 207–14 Fleming, Keith, 84, 170 ‘State of the Nation’ addresses, 72, Frank Russell company, 149, 150, 262 121, 139, 145 n.95 strata title, 176–81 Freehill, Hollingdale & Page, 84 Sugarloaf Peninsula, Middle Freeland, John, 49 Harbour, 169–76 Friedman, Milton, 113, 124 Tahiti, 80–1, 226 funds management, 104, 148–51 Theatre Royal, Sydney, 155–67 Thredbo, 196–204 Galleria, The, Crystal Run, wealth creation, 11, 173 Middletown, NY, 216 Dusseldorp, Hank, 21, 22, 25 General Property Trust (GPT), 12, 81, Dusseldorp, Martina, 19, 20 90, 101–5, 114, 115, 132, 218, 252 Dusseldorp, Riet, 24, 25 n.120, 253 n.133 Dusseldorp, Teya, 226, 227 Gimesy, Oscar, 37 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03994-9 - Finding a Common Interest: The Story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease Lindie Clark
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