©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd Alaska Heritage Museum 155 Alaska State Troopers 372 Alaska Hwy 71-2, 287, 304-7, 376, Alaska Tribal Cache 249 433 379, 420 Alaska Vistas 95 Alaska Indian Arts Center 135 Alaska Wild Berry Park 161 Alaska Islands & Ocean Visitor Alaska Zoo 160 Center 241 Alaska-Canada Military Hwy, see Alaska king crabs 326, 335 Alaska Hwy Alaska Marine Highway 20, 40, 44, Alaskan Brewing Company 129 118, 149, 336 Alava Bay 54 Alaska Marine Highway ferry 7, 8, albatross 408 18, 336, 7 Albert Loop Trail 183 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Alcan, the 71-2, 287, 304-7, 376, Refuge 392 379, 420 A Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Aleut People 326, 350, 376, 388 AB Mountain 146 350, 380 Aleutian Islands 7, 343-8, 378, 7 Abercrombie, Captain WR 194, 314 Alaska Native Heritage Center 13, accommodations 346 accommodations 17, 410-11, see also 155, 175, 386, 13 individual regions Alaska Native Medical 156 food 347 B&Bs 410 Alaska Natives 13, 47, 375, 385-90, hiking 346 cabins 31, 79, 97, 83 395, 387, 390 paddling 346 camping 21, 30-2, 411 Alaska Indian Arts Center 135 Aleutian Range 391 caravan parks 411 Alaska Native Heritage Center 13, Aleutian WWII Visitor Center 345 children, with 43-4 155, 175, 386, 13, 169, 388 Alone in the Wilderness 372 hostels 411 Aleut People 326, 350, 376, 388 Alpine Historical Park 313 hotels 411 Alutiiq People 214-55, 388 Alpine Ridge Trail 253-4 motels 411 art & crafts 13, 87, 135, 386-8, 13, Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository 327 wilderness cabins 42, 46, 79, 109, 385, 386 121, 205, 221 Aseuluk People 360 Alutiiq People 214-55, 388 Admiralty Island National Monument Athabascan People 258-9, 350, Alyeska Glacier View Trail 179 130-1, 398 375, 387, 388 Alyeska Resort Tram 179 adventure activities 30-6, see also Chugache People 214 Amalga Trail 120 individual activities culture 382, 385-90 American Bald Eagle Foundation 135 Afognak Island State Park 337 Cupik People 388 amusement parks 160 Age of Exploration 376 Dena’ina People 214 Anaktuvuk Pass 365, 389 Aialik Bay 226 Eyak People 388 Anan Creek 77 air travel 419-20, 421-2 Haida People 375, 387, 388 Anan Creek Wildlife Observatory 92 airlines 419 Haidas People 375 Anchorage 19, 26, 27, 29, 42, 46, airports 17, 419-20 Iñupiat People 13, 350, 368, 375, 153-78, 382, 396, 154, 156, 158, bush planes 11, 421, 11 376, 386, 388, 358 162, 8, 168, 169 flightseeing 34 language 388 accommodations 164-7 floatplanes 10, 27, 31, 43, 77, 82, 85, social issues 388 children, for 42, 160-1 88, 94, 97, 113, 123, 128, 130, 155, Tanana Chiefs Conference Cultural climate 396 166, 246, 277, 340, 342, 410, 421 Programs 289 cycling 157-8 to/from Alaska 419 Tlingit People 71, 85-6, 375, 387, drinking 172-3 within Alaska 421-2 388 entertainment 173-4 Akutan 343 Totem Heritage Center 76 festivals & events 164 Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum 155 Tsimshian People 388, 389 food 167-72 Alaska Bald Eagle Festival 25, 140 Yupik People 350, 375, 376, 388, hiking 159-60 Alaska Botanical Garden 156 388-9 mountain biking 33 Alaska brown bear 19, 337, see also Alaska Peninsula 337-43, 396 nightlife 8 Kodiak brown bear Alaska Pipeline 362 shopping 174-5 Alaska Day Festival 25, 110 Alaska Public Lands Information sights 153-5 Center 31, 289, 397 Alaska Department of Fish & Game tours 161 33 Alaska Railroad 26, 44, 176, 377, travel to/from 177 Alaska Experiment, The 384 378, 423 travel within 177-8 Alaska Folk Festival 22 Alaska Range 391, 392 Anchorage Lightspeed Planet 160 Alaska Raptor Center 107 Anchorage Museum 18, 26, 153 Alaska SeaLife Center 43, 218 Angel Rocks Trail 298 000 Map pages Alaska State Capitol 115 Angel Rocks-Chena Hot Springs 000 Photo pages Alaska State Fair 24, 188, 23 Traverse 298 Angoon 130 Battery Point Trail 137 boat travel 7, 8, 7 434 animal rights 383 Bear & Raven Adventure Theatre Alaska Marine Highway ferry 7, 8, animals, see individual species, 160 18, 336, 7 wildlife Bear Country Music Festival 331 cruising 28, 37-41, 44, 28, 39 Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel 208 Bear Island 384 MV Tustumena 7, 8, 336, 7 Anton Larsen Pass 330 Bear River Glacier 88 Rainforest Islands Ferry 89 Anvil Mountain 354 bear viewing 7 to/from Alaska 421 ANWR, see Arctic National Wildlife Homer 242-3 within Alaska 422 INDEX INDEX Refuge Katmai 339-40 Bold Ridge Trail 185 Arctic Alaska 361-70 Ketchikan 77 Bomber Glacier 187 Arctic Bicycle Club 32 Wrangell 92-4 Bonanza Mine Trail 320 A-C Arctic Brotherhood Hall 144 Beardslee Islands 132 books 51, 373 Arctic Circle 12, 362 bears 7, 17, 19, 47, 77, 263, 326, 337, Bore Tide 179 Arctic Interagency Visitor Center 363 402, 414, 7, 393, 402 breweries 25, 129, 142, 329 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 47, 50, safety 17, 414 Bridal Veil Falls 316 365, 372, 373, 374, 399 Beaver Creek Canoe Route 68, 68 Bristol Bay 399 Arctic warblers 286, 408 Beaver Lake–Herring Cove Loop 108 Brooks Falls 19, 339 area codes 417 beavers 63, 78, 183, 198, 232, 262, Brooks Range 47, 391, 393 arts & crafts 385-7, 385, 386, 387 404 brown bears 19, 337 Aseuluk People 360 Becharof Lake 337 Brynteson, John 355 Aspen Flats 59 beer budgets 16 Athabascan People 258-9, 350, 357, Alaskan Brewing Company 129 Bunker Hill 345 375, 387, 388 Great Alaska Beer Train 25 Bureau of Land Management 31, 397 cuisine of 18, 21 Haines Brewing Company 142 bus travel Atigun Pass 364 Kodiak Island Brewing Co 329 to/from Alaska 420 ATMs 415 Behm Canal 54 within Alaska 422 Audubon Society 329 Belanger Pass & Syncline Mountain Buschmann, Peter 71 Auke Bay 120 Trail 312 bush planes 11, 421, 11 aurora borealis, see northern lights beluga whales 21, 164, 178, 230, 234, automobile associations 422 372, 406 Bush, the 47, 349-70, 393, 396, 351 Beluga Point 179 bushwalking, see hiking Benny Benson Memorial 219 business hours 411 B Bering Land Bridge National Preserve Byers Lake Loop Trail 281-2 B&Bs 410 360 Byron Glacier View Trail 182 backcountry conduct 32 Bering Sea 41, 343 backpacking 30-1, see also hiking Bering, Vitus 375, 376 bald eagles 408, 408 C Bernard Moore House 144 cabins 31, 79, 97, 83 Balls Lake Trail 89 Berners Bay 120 Ban Island 337 Caines Head State Recreation Area Bettles 365 220 Baranov Museum 327 Betton Island 78 Campbell Creek Trail 159 Baranov, Aleksandr 71, 376, 377 Big Delta State Historical Park 305 camping 21, 30, 30-2, 411 Barnette, ET 287 Birch Creek Canoe Route 302 Canada geese 408 Barometer Mountain 329 Birch Lake Military Recreation Site canoeing 34, 34-5, see also kayaking, Barrow 12, 366-70, 358 305 paddling, rafting accommodations 369 Bird Ridge Trail 178 Cantwell 284-5 birdwatching 368 birds 408, 198, 408, see also Canyon 272 food 370 individual species Captain Cook State Recreation travel to/from 370 birdwatching Area 234 Barrow Arctic Science Consortium Barrow 368 Cape Chiniak 334 367 Copper River Delta 22, 204, 205 car travel 15, 17, 420, 29 Barrymore, Drew 384 Cordova 204 automobile associations 422 Bartlett Cove 132, 133 Bishop’s Beach Trail 242 dangers 424 Bartlett River Trail 132 black bears 402 fuel 422 baseball 383 Black Rapids Glacier 314 gravel highways 297 basketry 387 Blind River Rapids Boardwalk insurance 422-3 100 road trips 15, 29, 29, 15 Blockhouse 105 RVs 424 000 Map pages Blueberry Festival 24 scenic drives 20 bluethroats 350, 408 000 Photo pages to/from Alaska 420-1 vehicle rental 297, 423 commercial fishing 374, 335 Ship Creek Bike Trail 158 within Alaska 422-4 consulates 412 Skagway 146 435 caravan parks 411 Cook Inlet 237 Tony Knowles Coastal Trail 158 caribou 47, 263, 403, 301, 403 Cook, Captain James 214, 377 Caribou Creek Trail 319 Cooper Lake 59 D Carl E Wynn Nature Center 242 Cooper Landing 228, 395 Dall porpoises 45 Copper River Delta 46, 189, 190, 207, Carlo Creek 270, 273 Dall sheep 404, 405 Carrie McLain Museum 352 189, 190 Dalton Hwy 361-4 INDEX Carroll Inlet 79 Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival 22, 204, 205 Dan Moller Trail 119 Carter Lake Trail 217, 228 Dawson City 309 Carter, Jimmy 380 Copper River Hwy 15, 20, 201 Deadhorse 361, 363, 364 C-D Cordova 46, 201-8, 202 carving 386-7 Deadliest Catch 79, 343, 347, 348, accommodations 205-6 Castle Hill & Totem Square 105 372, 384, 335 birding 204 Castle Hill 105 Deep Creek 237 cycling 204 caving 90 Deer Mountain Trail 59, 77 drinking 206-7 cell phones 17, 416-7 Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery & Chatanika River 291 food 206 Eagle Center 76 Chena Dome Trail 66, 298, 66 hiking 203-4 Delaney Park 155 paddling 204-5 Chena Hot Springs 43, 47, 299, 299 Delta Junction 305-7, 314 shopping 207 Chena Lakes Recreation Area 305 Delta River Canoe Route 285 sights 201-3 Chena River 291, 298 Dena’ina People 214-55 skiing 204 Chena River State Recreation Area Denali Hwy 20, 29, 284-6, 301 travel to/from 208 398 Denali National Park & Preserve 6, mountain biking 34 travel within 208 14, 19, 258-75, 392-3, 398, 257, Chester Creek Bike Trail 158 Council 357 260-1, 262, 14 Chickaloon-Knik Nelchina Trail 312 courses accommodations 267-72 Chicken 308-9 Alaska Mountaineering School 278 backpacking 265-7 Chief Kowee 376 Denali National Park & Preserve children, for 42, 268 267 Chief Shakes Island 92 climate 396 Craggie Creek Trail 34, 187 children, travel with 42-4 courses 267-8 Crater Lake 203 amusement parks 160 cycling 266 Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl hiking 43 food 272-3 Refuge 287 Childs Glacier 20, 29, 46, 201, 199 highlights 47 Crescent Creek Trail 228 Chilikadrotna River 338 hiking 30, 264-6 Crooked Creek & Whiskey Island Chilkoot Pass 52 Railroad 289 itineraries 19, 26, 27 Chilkoot Trail 52-3, 71, 146, 378, 52 Cross Admiralty Island Canoe Route Park Rd 260-6 Chitina
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