Jejak Vol 11 (2) (2018): 263-279, DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v11i2.16050 JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/jejak Utilization and Management Model of Pelagic Fish Resources Herna Octivia Damayanti Regional Development Planning Agency of Pati Regency Permalink/DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v11i2.16050 Received: March 2018; Accepted: June 2018; Published: September 2018 Abstract Pelagic fish was the main raw material for fish processing industry. Rate of fishing that not equivalent with the growth of fish resources, eventually will decrease the catch of fishermen. Aims of the research were (1) to estimate the bioeconomic of pelagic fish resources on MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield), MEY (Maximum Economic Yield) and OA (open Access) conditions; (2) to estimate the optimum utilization rate, (3) arrange the management model of sustainability pelagic fish resources in Pati regency. This research was descriptive quantitative and conducted in March until September 2017. Reseacrh location in Bajomulyo village and Bendar village Juwana Subdistrict with 35 samples. Data analysis : (1) gear standardization, (2) bioeconomic static optimation model approach, (3) bioeconomic dinamic optimation model approach, (4) reconstruction of in-depth interview results. Result of the research are (1) bioeconomic static optimation model approach namely, biomass MEY>MSY>OA, catch MSY>MEY>OA, effort OA>MSY>MEY, profit MEY>MSY>OA; (2) bioeconomic dinamic optimation model approach namely, biomass MEY>MSY>OSY>OA, catch MSY>MEY>OSY>OA, effort OA>MSY>OSY>MEY, profit MEY>>OSY>MSY>OA; (3) pelagic fish management model are input controlling, output controlling and technical provisions. Key words : bioeconomic, static-model, dinamic-model, pelagic-fish How to Cite: Damayanti, H. (2018). Utilization and Management Model of Pelagic Fish Resources. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 11(2), 263-279. doi:https://doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v11i2.16050 © 2018 Semarang State University. All rights reserved Corresponding author : Address: Jl. Raya Kudus - Pati KM.4, Pati, Central Java E-mail: [email protected] 264 Damayanti, Utilization and Management Model of Pelagic Fish Resources INTRODUCTION Sardinella longiceps and others. Thus, the Pati regency is one of the areas in presence of pelagic fish stock is very Central Java Province that supports the important for the sustainability of the fishery marine fisheries production in Central Java. processing industry. In 2015, the production of Pati regency was Utilization of pelagic fish for the ranked in second place compared to 2014 processing industry causes fishermen try to with 16.21% contribution. Rembang regency maximize the catch. The way taken is to was the largest contributor of marine increase the capture effort in the hope of fisheries in Central Java with 20.48%, third obtaining maximum results. However, if the place was Batang regency with 8.61%. The rate of fishing not equivalent with the other areas that contribute to marine growth of fish resources, fish stocks will fisheries, among others Pemalang regency decrease and eventually lead to a decrease in 8.44% and Cilacap regency 4.42% (Central the catch of fishermen. If this condition Statistics Agency of Central Java Province, occurs, it’s in accordance with the statement 2015, 2016). of Sparre and Vanema (1999) known by The amount of wet marine fish produc- overfishing in the term of biology (biological tion in Pati regency is dominated by overfishing) Decapterus russelli, Sardinella longiceps, Overfishing conditions will affect the Upenephelus sulphureus, Caesio erythro- ability of fish resources to regenerate due to gaster, Priacanthus tayanus and Geres excessive exploitation, that will cause fish punctatus. The largest type of catch is stocks to decline and do not have the Decapterus russelli. Decapterus russelli is opportunity to breed. This is stated by one of the small pelagic fish species. The Nikijuluw (2002) that the overfishing status increase in catch percentage from 2014 to of fish resources in a waters is basically 2015 amounted to 422.70%. In 2016, catches related to the intensity or frequency of of Decapterus russelli decreased by 48.20%. fishing effort and the ability of fish resources Some things that may lead to reduced the to regenerate. In addition to the effect on the production include seasonal influences, or decrease of fishermen catch, this will also may be due to the effect of fishing efforts or directly affect the production of processing even fish stocks. Pelagic fish, especially small industries that use pelagic fish as the main pelagic fish is the main raw material for the raw material. industry of boiled fish, curing, salting, fish The problem of fish resources becomes meal. This was in accordance with the results one of the important problems in the of the research by Damayanti (2014) development of capture fisheries in realizing mentioned that the common types processed the optimal and sustainable capture fisheries by way of boiled fish is a kind of pelagic fish development. The availability of fish such as Decapterus russelli, Selaroides resources is influenced by the internal factors leptolepis, Dussumieria acuta, Sardinella of fish, especially related to the ability of fish gibbosa, Sardinella longiceps and others. The regeneration to environmental changes both same was stated by Sutanto (2015) mentioned due to natural factors and human activities. that the types of fish used as raw materials of Empirical facts showed that the degradation salted fish such as Decapterus russelli, of fish resources is largely due to human JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 263-279 265 activities in exploiting fish resources that was on the red indicator or has exceeded the exceed the limits of the ability of fish to potential of its sustainable potential (Marine regenerate. Therefore, the demands of Fisheries Research Center, 2014). human needs in exploiting fish resources Therefore, it is necessary to study the (economic interests) must be balanced with pelagic fish management in Pati Regency so the demands of the availability of fish that it is expected to be able to continuously resources in the future (interests of fish manage the pelagic fish resources in Pati resources and the environment) (Directorate Regency. One way that can be used is by General of Capture Fisheries Ministry of doing bioeconomic analysis Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia Bioeconomic fishery comes from three Republic, 2015). words namely biology, economy, and fishery. Pelagic fish catchment area of Pati Biology comes from the word "bio" which regency fishermen are Java sea (Fisheries means life and "logos" which means science. Management Area/FMAs Indonesia Republic Therefore, it is simply interpreted as a 712), Makasar Straits (FMAs Indonesia science that studies the life of biological Republic 713) and Arafuru Sea (FMAs beings, including fish resources. While the Indonesia Republic 718). The capture status economy is defined as the study of human or or utilization rate of pelagic fish resources in community behavior in determining the the fish catchment areas of Pati Regency choice to use scarce resources in an effort to (WPP-RI 712, 713 and 718) was generally in improve the quality of life. This bioeconomic overfishing status. Data from the Fisheries approach is needed in the management of Research Center of 2014 mentioned that for fish resources because management has been FMAs Indonesia Republic 712 Java Sea, the based on biological approaches only when utilization rate of small pelagic fish resources Schaefer introduced the concept of MSY. The in the Java Sea was on the red indicator, MSY concept is aimed at the biological which means it was closed for the addition of approach of obtaining maximum production new efforts. For large pelagic fish, the and ignoring the fish harvesting costs, not utilization rate of large pelagic fish resources considering the socio-economic aspects of has reached the yellow indicator, which the fish resources management and not means it has to be careful in the addition of taking into account the economic value of efforts. FMAs Indonesia Republic 713 unharvested resources. The shortcomings of Makassar Strait, Bone Bay, Flores Sea and the biological approach gave birth to a new Bali Sea, the utilization rate of small pelagic concept of bioeconomic approach. With the fish resources was on green indicator. For bioeconomic aspects of social and economic large pelagic fish, the utilization rate of large become important in management. In the pelagic fish resources was already at full biological approach the main objective is stage (red indicator). FMAs Indonesia biological growth but in the bioeconomic Republic 718 Aru Sea, Arafuru Sea and East approach the main objective is the economic Timor Sea, the utilization rate of small aspect with the constraints of the biological pelagic fish resources was already reached aspect of fish resources (Fauzi and Anna, red indicator or has exceeded its sustainable 2005). potential. For large pelagic fish, the utilization rate of large pelagic fish resources 266 Damayanti, Utilization and Management Model of Pelagic Fish Resources Previous studies have been conducted on RESEARCH METHODS the condition of small pelagic fish resource The research located in Bajomulyo management with bioeconomic analysis such Village and Bendar Village, Juwana Subdis- as : a research conducted by Mulyani et al trict, Pati Regency.
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