VI. Section 6: VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Page# A. OVERVIEW 601 B. RESOURCES The 13 Kinds of Support Needed for a Victim 602 of Human Trafficking to Become a Survivor Taken From Hands That Heal NCA-NW Recommended Resources 604 Anti-Human Trafficking Volunteer Opportunities In 607 Seattle And Portland Identifying Child Victims of Commercial 611 Sexual Exploitation of Children Document from the State of Washington Identifying and Responding to 616 Victims of Human Trafficking Document from the State of Washington C. AFFILIATE REPORTS Aurora Church of the Nazarene 637 600 INTRO TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING – FACTS AND DEFINITIONS District Assembly Workshop 2015 WORKSHOP SUMMARY Come and learn about Modern Slavery, also known as Human Trafficking. Become aware of the facts of one of the world's most rapidly growing industries--albeit illegal-- the sale of another human being for profit: children in third world countries being trained to kill with AK-47's, sweat shops with indentured child slaves or the flourishing child sex tourism industry in Asia. We might be less aware of the 300,000-800,000 juvenile girls being bought and sold in the U.S. today. Learn what is being done by churches in the WAPAC District, and how you can become a modern abolitionist. Leah Wheeler, moderator, Lindsay DuBois, Charmaine Sanders BIOS OF PRESENTERS • Lindsey DuBois is the wife of Worship Arts Pastor, Brenden DuBois, from Aurora Church of the Nazarene and is a fellow worship leader. She is passionate about the anti-human trafficking movement & has experience working with survivors. • Charmaine Sanders, manager of a large 55+ park, joined the fight against modern slavery through Washington Engage. She is a core leader of Southwest King Coalition Against Trafficking and of Federal Way Church of the Nazarene. • Leah Wheeler is a missionary at Kelso Church of the Nazarene and has years of experience working and training against human trafficking in several countries. 601 B. RESOURCES THE 13 KINDS OF SUPPORT NEEDED FOR A SURVIVOR OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING TO SURVIVE Taken from Hands that Heal: International Curriculum to Train Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors, by F.A.A.S.T. (Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking), 2007. 1. ADMINISTRATION 2. EDUCATION & LITERACY 3. LEGAL COUNSEL 4. LIFE SKILLS TRAINING 5. MEDICAL 6. MICRO ENTERPRISE 7. POLITICAL ADVOCACY 8. PRAYER 9. REPATRIATION/REINTEGRATION 10. SOCIAL WORK/COUNSELING 11. SPIRITUAL FORMATION 12. THE ARTS 13. VOCATIONAL TRAINING WHERE DO YOU CONNECT INAFTERCARE? The curriculum [of FAAST] is not about the agenda of any one organization, ministry or denomination, rather it is about the work of our Father’s Kingdon on earth. The global horror of trafficking of women and young children for sexual exploitation is now far bigger than any one organization, no matter how global. Organized crime around the world is networking together for the destructive purposes of sexual exploitation. How much more should we as people of faith around the world be working together to accomplish God’s purposes of healing and restoration? In the face of this exploding crime, the response of people of faith around the world be working together to accomplish God’s purposes of healing and restoration? In the face of this exploding crime, the response of people of faith must be greater, more coordinated, and more collaborative than anything we’ve ever attempted before in order to challenge this horrendous evil and bring hope to its hurting victims. 602 The 603 RESOURCES TO INFORM ACTION AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING Gathered by Margaret Scott NATIONAL and/or INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS POLARIS PROjECT: By successfully pushing for stronger federal and state laws, operating the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline (1-888-373-7888), conducting trainings, and providing vital services to victims of trafficking, Polaris Project creates long-term solutions that move our society closer to a world without slavery. http://www.polarisproject.org/ EXODUS CRY: Exodus Cry is built on a foundation of prayer and is committed to abolishing sex slavery through Christ-centered prevention, intervention, and holistic restoration of trafficking victims, produces films http://exoduscry.com/ EUROPEAN FREEDOM NETWORK (EFT) is a strategic network of the European Evangelical Alliance that connects active and emerging ministries and other stakeholders across Europe. Includes downloadable curriculum for churches. A major player in EFT is a graduate of Northwest Nazarene University, jennifer Roemhildt Tunehag. http://www.europeanfreedomnetwork.org/ FAITH ALLIANCE AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING: (FAAST) is a Christian alliance working in collaboration to eradicate human trafficking and restore survivors: http://www.faastinternational.org/ SHARED HOPED INTERNATIONAL: (Christian) many different ministries including establishment of “Villages of Hope” http://sharedhope.org/ THE DEFENDERS USA is a coalition of men across the United States who fight the commercial sex industry. http://sharedhope.org/join-the-cause/become-a-defender/ THE A21 CAMPAIGN exists to abolish injustice in the 21st century through a comprehensive system of preventative measures, victim protection, prosecution of violators, and strategic partnerships. http://www.TheA21Campaign.org/ WEST COAST ORGANIZATIONS WASHINGTON ENGAGE, building community coalitions (called CATs) to prevent human trafficking in Washington State, founding Director, Rose Gunderson from Mt. View Nazarene, Olympia (a site with multiple links):http://www.waengage.com/ SEATTLE AGAINST SLAVERY (secular):http://www.seattleagainstslavery.org/ SEATTLE UNION GOSPEL MISSION, WOMEN & CHILDREN’S SHELTER: http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_emergency - For women 604 REAL ESCAPE FROM THE SEX TRADE (REST) has several ministries include a 24-hr hotline and a woman’s shelter. http://iwantrest.com/ KING COUNTRY SECURITY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES. Police officers who give pro-bono assistance to locate and retrieve runaways, helping victims of domestic violence or human trafficking, provide training programs, http://www.kcsguards.net INTERCOMMUNITY PEACE & JUSTICE CENTER.IPJC acts for justice in the church and in the world and is sponsored by sixteen religious communities and collaborates with Catholic, ecumenical, interfaith and other organizations in this mission. http://www.ipjc.org/links/trafficking.htm GENERATE HOPE offers a real way out to San Diego's trafficking victims www.generatehope.org AWARE, Inc. is a non-profit youth program serving Clark County since 1997 and now serves Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Yakima, Benton and Kittitas Counties. We are building a national presence as school districts from around the US to share in their schools using the film called “Chosen” and the in-school curriculum called “Deceptions” and trains presenters in WA. http://awareprogram.net/ ASLAN ACADEMY, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) boarding school (IN PROCESS) that provides a home environment in a safe and secure location. Girls can now begin to rebuild their lives thru education, recreation, and the arts as well as having classes in self-defense, self-reliance, hygiene, and personal grooming. The academy is planned to house 64 rescued girls ages 11 thru 17 years old, 5th to twelfth grades. http://www.aslanacademy.org/ NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT SEX ECONOMY IN SEATTLE: http://www.kplu.org/post/seattles-underground-sex-economy-explained-five-points VIDEOS/FILMS: (there are many! Almost all the non-profits have videos on their sites) • Trading the Innocents”, Justice needs a hero – be one. http://tradeofinnocentsresources.com/ • “Nefarious, Merchant of Souls” (2011) is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends of modern-day sex slavery; provides an in-depth look into the human trafficking industry. For free viewing or purchase athttp://store.exoduscry.com/index.php?product=NMOS-DVD&c=2 • Edenhttp://www.edenthefilm.com/ • Sara’s Story Copy 2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iiGy9QRavc CAMPAIGNS & EVENTS (there are many, many of these, too) • NOT IN MY CITY DECLARATION: http://www.waengage.com/Not-In-My-City- Declaration • RUN FOR THEIR LIVES: http://www.freedom424.org/r4tl/ 605 SPECIFIC TO NAZARENES • OPEN DOOR FOUNDATION Bucharest, Romania: Only shelter for women in Romania. Monica Boseff, Director. It has only one source of income, Ann Glow, Nazarene in Scotland and was featured in the March newsletter of EFN:http://www.europeanfreedomnetwork.org/blog/2014/02/partner-spotlight- open-door-foundation/ • DOWNLOADABLE FREE RESOURCES from NMI include lessons on Human Trafficking:http://www.livingmission.com/nphweb/html/lm/freebies.jsp • CENTER FOR SOCIAL jUSTICE AT TREVECCA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY, Nashville, TN:http://engagemagazine.com/content/qa-what-biblical-social- justice • POINT LOMA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY’S abolition website www.abolishhumantrafficking.com 606 ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES IN SEATTLE AND PORTLAND • Api Chaya (http://apichaya.org/c5/get-involved/volunteer/) “API Chaya seeks to end systemic violence in our communities. We have served thousands of people and worked with dozens of community groups for community organizing and education regarding prevention of sexual and domestic violence, exploitation, and human trafficking. We understand the cultural normal and stigmas associated with such violence and believe in the inherent strength and potential of each person and our communities to address situations in which there has been systemic emotional and/or physical violence. Our services are free, confidential,
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