ECRWSS HONORING A CHIEF CURTAIN CLOSES FOOD AND FLOWERS PRESORT STD U.S. Postage Former Fire Chief Michael Mooney was The final piece in “Getting Their Act Together” Find out how you can help a local PAID The Gilford remembered at a memorial service last highlights the cast and crew’s finished product. charity. Steamer Page A9 Postal Customer week. Page A3 Page A3 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2008 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Community mourns the loss of two teenagers BY DANIELLE DELISLE crash on April 9. held for the boys. Buses were ceiving hugs from others gether and just hung out,” people.” [email protected] Gilford Police responded available to bring friends and they new.One such circle was said Patrick Bownes, a sen- Bownes said that he and The Gilford community is to the fatal car crash at ap- whole families to the wake. from the multi-media class ior from Laconia High another friend were going to trying to cope with the loss of proximately 4:49 p.m. at Police were directing traffic that both Rowson and Em- School. “I never met anyone help Rowson with an idea he 16-year-old Alexander “Xan- Lakeshore Road near Glen- to give room for all the peo- mond attended for two hours like Xander. He was always had for a movie about kids der” Rowson of Gilford and dale Palace. ple. Circles of friends stood every day at Laconia High having fun. Always laughing. who were lost in the woods. his best friend, Ben Em- On Monday,hundreds sur- together supporting each School's Huot Technical Cen- He liked fishing too. It's real- “He drew inspiration for it mond, 17, of Laconia after rounded the funeral homes other and occasionally giv- ter. ly nice to see a lot of people both were killed in a car where calling hours were ing each other hugs or re- “We went to movies to- here. They touched a lot of SEE MEMORIAL PAGE A8 FPC looks for new architect BY DANIELLE DELISLE meet with the committee do what the board wants us [email protected] during the April 30 meeting to do. We will make a new The Facility Planning to hear from them. Hayes RFP and place it out to ar- Committee will be re-bid- said he didn't want to wait chitects.” ding the police station addi- that long and urged the board This process will take tion project and looking for a to make a decision to accept about six weeks, and another new architect per instruc- the recommendation of the three weeks to finish the tions of the Board of Select- board or re-bid the project. plans. Mull said re-bidding a men. Andy Howe, a member of new contractor might take “This is different than I the FPC, reiterated the re- six to eight weeks, then an- envisioned it going,” said quest as put forth by Hayes other four to six weeks for the Connie Grant, chairman of and stressed that this course committee to finalize the the Board of Selectmen, of action was a unanimous costs of the project. This puts when Selectman Kevin decision of the committee. the project into the end of the Hayes presented the com- Howe also noted if the re-bid first week of September as- mittee's recommendation to the project there would be no suming the timeline holds. try and finish the project way they would make the La- Lessening the load for the with what they had working bor Day deadline. FPC, the Energy Committee hand in hand with Horne “I just want to say that it has agreed to take the geot- Construction. The commit- was not us as a board that hermal part of the project tee had also planned to ac- gave you that deadline,” said from the FPC and come up PHOTO BY KEVIN SPERL cept an offer from the previ- Benavides. “We imposed no with their own research on On the air ous architect, Peter Stewart, deadline on you. If you im- the feasibility and cost of to review the work on a pro pose one on yourselves that's putting geothermal into the Gilford Elementary School's WHOT 99 News Crew Tessa Schrupp, left, Shane Podmore, Patrick McKenna bono basis. fine.” new police station and possi- and Shannon Mercer prepare to go live with Thursday morning's broadcast. See story on A5. Grant suggested they “I still feel we need a com- bly the whole town hall. The plete set of plans,” said selectmen were also interest- Grant. “I would love to have ed in the cost return on geot- this done this year, but that hermal heating. The FPC Health assessment shows no cancer cluster would have to be put on the plans to continue ahead with back burner.” their work using a conven- BY DANIELLE DELISLE things we try to answer.” answers to.” air, indoor air of former res- The selectmen voted to tional system in the plans. [email protected] The report is a detailed The reasons Pinski cited idences, and the surface wa- have the FPC hire a new ar- “This is absolutely the The Agency for Toxic Sub- document that discusses the were lack of available envi- ter, which is Jewett Brook. chitect for the project and sort of research we should be stances and Disease Registry different factors that are as- ronmental data for the site, “There is not an indicator then re-bid the project out to doing,” said Patrick McKen- along with the Department sessed on a site like Liberty since it had gone undiscov- that anything in the air is re- contractors. Benavides and na, chairman of the Energy of Environmental Services Hill to determine the risk to ered until 2004. In ideal cir- lated to coal tar,”said Pinski. Grant voted for and Hayes Committee. presented the recently re- human, animal and plant cumstances a group of expo- A spot in a side channel of voted against re-bidding the This may mean several leased Public Health Assess- life. One of these factors is sure models would be done to Jewett Brook did show ben- project. warrant articles might be ment on Liberty Hill to resi- any potential past exposure the site to determine zene and naphthalene, two of “I don't want to say that we presented to voters in March, dents and officials at a public from the site, which for Lib- strength and extent of past the components of coal tar, can't make it this year,” said one for the FPC project and hearing on April 10. erty Hill would mean a study exposures over time. What were detected. Pinski said Jim Mull. “We are going to one for geothermal heating. “Am I at risk? Is my fami- from the 1950s to present day. this non-regulated federal this was a very small area ly at risk?” asked Dennis Pin- “The things that had to do agency did study was the cur- and it seems to be localized ski, supervisor of the health with past exposure,” said rent groundwater, drinking and also pointed out that this assessment. “These are the Pinski, “We just couldn't get water, surface soil, ambient area of the brook is not used. A person would have to bath Five-person board ‘a directly in the spot everyday for years to even register at Residents want petition response the bottom range of a signif- case of pass the buck’ icant effect. Part of the re- BY DANIELLE DELISLE you would take an open door people start making up their medial plan would require BY DANIELLE DELISLE cussed so far about any po- [email protected] policy. I am asking you to own stories,” said former se- that people could not access [email protected] tential term limits for the po- Several residents, includ- come clean with the issues.” lectman Dennis Doten. that area. In conclusion, Pin- A resident and two former tential new selectmen. ing two former selectmen, A petition was brought “There are just rumors go- ski said that Liberty Hill pos- selectmen of Gilford voiced Dumais went on to say have come forward asking forward by former selectman ing around everywhere,” es no significant health risk their opinions on adding two that the selectmen all knew the current selectmen to go Alice Boucher asking for a said resident Bill Johnson. to the neighborhood. new members to the board. the time the job would take public with as much infor- public explanation of the Johnson asked the board Dr. John Colby, an epi- “I think the idea doesn't when they signed on and if mation they can about the fir- reasoning for the termina- to have a public meeting as demiologist, detailed his make any sense,” said Russ they didn't want to spend that ing of former Town Admin- tion of Juris. soon as possible. study into cancer cases on Dumais, former selectman. time then they should not istrator Evans Juris. Boucher's petition also “Personally, I am not go- Liberty Hill as well. “I can give you several rea- have run. Dennis Doten, an- “Everywhere I go I keep asked for a reversal of the de- ing to commit,” said Chair- An anonymous letter sub- sons why: This is a small other former selectman also hearing 'What's the deal with cision. The selectmen and man of the Board of Select- mitted to the selectmen in town. The bigger the board, spoke against expanding the Evans (Juris)?'” said former the audience had no com- men Connie Grant.
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