2015 2015 2015 Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan Gapura di Annual Report Annual Report Laporan Tahunan Annual Report Gapura in New Spirit. New Hope. 2015 Laba Tahun Berjalan Net Income for the Year 54% 53,79 Pendapatan Revenue 9% 1.318,82 Aset Assets 26% 1.004,77 New Spirit. Hope. dalam miliar Rp in billion Rp Cabang Stations 54 GSE Bermotor Motorized GSE 957 Maskapai Airlines 55 Penerbangan Flights 276.564 Ton Cargo Tons Cargo 158.947 Armada Teknologi Mutakhir New Spirit. New Hope. State-of-the-Art Fleet PT Gapura Angkasa Aircraft Towing Ground Power Unit High Lift Loader Bendibelt Tractor Wide Body 180 KVA DAPENRA Building, 1st FL. Jl. Angkasa, Blok B - 12, Kav. 8 4/14 2/8 4/14 1/2 Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Beroperasi/Pesanan Beroperasi/Pesanan Beroperasi/Pesanan Beroperasi/Pesanan Operating/Order Operating/Order Operating/Order Operating/Order Jakarta 10610 - Indonesia Kegiatan operasi penunjang penerbangan di bandar udara sangat kompleks, dan PT Gapura Angkasa menyadari bahwa faktor keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan serta kepuasan pelanggan harus tetap menjadi prioritas utama. In view of the complexity of flight support activities at airports, Gapura recognizes that flight safety and security as well as customer satisfaction must always remain its main priorities. Gapura membukukan kinerja keuangan menggembirakan untuk tahun buku 2015. Namun terlebih penting lagi, 2015 adalah tahun dimana manajemen baru Gapura melaksanakan program-program transformasi bisnis yang bertumpu pada lima pilar utama: People, Process, Premises, Brand dan Technology. Berbagai inisiatif strategis telah dilakukan, termasuk langkah Rebranding yang ditandai peluncuran logo baru Gapura, menggarisbawahi kesiapan Gapura melangkah maju dengan semangat baru menuju pencapaian visi baru menjadi perusahaan ground handling dengan kualitas layanan kelas dunia. New Spirit. New Hope. Gapura posted an encouraging financial performance for 2015. More importantly, 2015 is the year in which Gapura’s new management implemented the business transformation program that is based on five main pillars: People, Process, Premises, Brand and Technology. The Company has carried out various strategic initiatives, including rebranding, as reflected in Gapura’s new logo, which underlines Gapura’s readiness to move forward with renewed vigor to achieve its new vision of becoming a world-class ground handling company. Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report • Gapura Angkasa 1 Daftar Isi Contents Gapura di 2015 18 Wilayah Operasi 34 Laporan Gapura in 2015 Operational Areas Manajemen 1 Latar Belakang 20 Struktur Organisasi Management Tema Organizational Report Theme Background Structure 36 Laporan Dewan 4 Ikhtisar Keuangan 22 Profil Dewan Komisaris Financial Highlights Komisaris Report from Board of the Board of 6 Profil Perusahaan Commissioners Corporate Profile Commissioners Profile 25 Profil Direksi 42 Laporan Direksi 6 Identitas Baru Report from the New Identity Board of Directors Profile Board of Directors 7 Visi, Misi 50 Analisis & Vision, Mission 28 Komposisi Pemegang Saham Pembahasan 8 5-Drivers Gapura Shareholders Manajemen 5-Drivers Gapura Composition Management Discussion & 10 Sekilas Gapura 29 Penghargaan dan Analysis Gapura at a Glance Sertifikasi 52 Tinjauan Bisnis & 12 Jejak Langkah Awards and Operasional Milestones Certifications Business and 14 Produk dan Jasa 30 Peristiwa Penting Operational Review Product and Service 2015 2015 Event Highlights 2 Gapura Angkasa • Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 110 Klien Kami Client List 111 Alamat Kantor Cabang Branch Office 60 Tinjauan Pendukung 90 Direksi Bisnis The Board of 115 Pejabat Senior Business Support Directors Senior Management Review 95 Komite Audit 116 Surat Pernyataan 60 TI Mendorong Transformasi Audit Committee Anggota Dewan IT Driven Transformation Komisaris tentang 99 Sekretaris Tanggung Jawab 63 SDM sebagai Sumber Perusahaan Daya Pertumbuhan atas Laporan Corporate Secretary Human Capital as Growth Tahunan 2015 Resources 100 Kode Etik PT Gapura Angkasa 70 Tinjauan Keuangan Code of Ethics Statement of Financial Review 102 Tanggung Jawab the Board of 76 Tata Kelola Sosial Perusahaan Commissioners Perusahaan Corporate Social Regarding Good Corporate Responsibility Responsibility for the 2015 Annual Governance 105 Data Report of Perusahaan 82 Rapat Umum PT Gapura Angkasa Pemegang Saham Corporate Data 117 Laporan Keuangan General Shareholders 106 Armada Financial Report Meeting (GSM) Fleet 86 Dewan Komisaris The Board of Commissioners Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report • Gapura Angkasa 3 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights Angka pada tabel dan grafik menggunakan notasi bahasa Indonesia Numerical notation in all tables and graphs are in Indonesia (Dalam Rp Juta, kecuali disebut khusus) 2015 2014 2013 (in Million Rupiah, or otherwise stated) Pendapatan Usaha 1.318.818 1.210.443 1.092.668 Operating Revenues Beban Usaha 1.233.475 1.195.408 1.038.202 Operating Expenses Laba (Rugi) Usaha 85.344 15.035 54.466 Income (Loss) from Operations Penghasilan (Beban) Lain-lain - Bersih (7.458) 47.925 14.857 Other Income (Expenses) - Net Laba Sebelum Pajak 77.885 62.960 69.323 Profit Before Tax Beban Pajak (24.089) (27.769) (25.670) Tax Expenses Laba Tahun Berjalan 53.796 35.191 43.652 Net Income for the Year Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain 8.746 13.698 - Other Comprehensive Income Jumlah Pendapatan Komprehensif 62.542 48.889 43.652 Total Comprehensive Income Jumlah Aset Lancar 382.949 335.070 282.011 Total Current Assets Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar 621.818 461.127 463.520 Total Non-Current Assets Jumlah Aset 1.004.767 796.197 745.530 Total Assets Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 249.020 202.871 255.442 Total Current Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 355.776 255.897 183.906 Total Non-Current Liabilities Liabilitas Sewa Pembiayaan 176.422 Lease Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 604.796 458.768 439.348 Total Liabilities Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor 215.040 215.040 215.040 Issued and Fully Paid Capital Komponen Ekuitas Lainnya 184.931 122.389 91.142 Other Components of Equity Jumlah Ekuitas 399.971 337.429 306.182 Total Equity Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 1.004.767 796.197 745.530 Total Liabilities and Equity Arus Kas Diperoleh dari Aktivitas 64.492 (47.036) 101.138 Cash Flows Provided by Operating Operasi Activities Arus Kas Digunakan dari Aktivitas (14.590) 13.227 (118.372) Cash Flows Provided by (Used in) Investasi Investing Activities Arus Kas Diperoleh dari (Digunakan (24.000) 21.260 - Cash Flows Provided by (Used in) Untuk) Aktivitas Pendanaan Financing Activities Rasio Ratios EBITDA Margin (%) 10,9 10,0 10,7 EBITDA Margin (%) Marjin Laba Usaha (%) 6,5 1,2 5,0 Operating Income Margin (%) Marjin Laba Bersih (%) 4,7 4,0 4,0 Net Income Margin (%) Tingkat Pengembalian Aktiva (%) 6,7 4,4 5,9 Return on Assets (%) Tingkat Pengembalian Ekuitas (%) 13,4 10,4 14,2 Return on Equity (%) Rasio Lancar (%) 153,8 165,2 110,0 Current Ratio (%) Debt to Equity Ratio (%) 101,2 136,0 143,4 Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Debt to Asset Ratio (%) 50,3 57,6 58,9 Debt to Asset Ratio (%) 4 Gapura Angkasa • Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Pendapatan Usaha (Rp juta) Laba Tahun Berjalan (Rp juta) Operating Revenue (Rp million) Net Income for the Year (Rp million) 53.796 1.318.818 1.210.443 1.092.668 43.652 35.191 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Jumlah Aset (Rp juta) Jumlah Ekuitas (Rp juta) Total Assets (Rp million) Total Equity (Rp million) 399.971 1.004.767 337.429 796.197 306.182 745.530 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report • Gapura Angkasa 5 Corporate Profile 01 Management Report Management Discussion & Analysis Business Report Corporate Governance Corporate Social responsibility Corporate Data Financial Report Identitas Baru New Identity Shared Success Kami percaya bahwa dengan menyediakan Our Distinguishing Beliefs solusi layanan kelas dunia, kami dapat We Empower our customers to achieved high memberdayakan para pelanggan untuk performance. Collaboration spirit; our customer’s mencapai kinerja terbaik, sekaligus memastikan success is our success. Our progressive culture ensures pertumbuhan laba dan bisnis berkelanjutan bagi we deliver cutting edge solutions. People are our Gapura. greatest asset and backbone of our organization. 6 Gapura Angkasa • Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Menjadi penyedia jasa ground handling Visi dan jasa terkait lainnya di bandar udara Vision dengan kualitas layanan kelas dunia (To Provide World-Class Airport Services). To be a service-oriented organization that is the catalyst that enables our customers to deliver their service promises every day. Misi Sebagai perusahaan penyedia jasa ground handling dan jasa terkait lainnya di bandar Mission udara, guna berkontribusi positif dalam integrasi bisnis jasa penerbangan nasional Providing professional world-class ground handling services that delight our customers, deliver growth and profit for our stakeholders, and help progress the airport service industry. Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report • Gapura Angkasa 7 Corporate Profile 01 Management Report Management Discussion & Analysis Business Report Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Data Financial Report 5-Drivers Gapura 5-Drivers Gapura PEOPLE PROCESS Perseroan terus membentuk Perseroan terus sumber daya manusia mengembangkan organisasi dengan karakter “passion, yang mampu “multi tasking” responsive, sincere, dengan “simplified business affable, consistent” melalui process” guna meningkatkan rekrutmen, pelatihan kecepatan, efisiensi dan dan pemberdayaan yang akurasi
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