WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1994 irsisiDE Sea Island cafeteria condemned page 3 BCIT let the cafeteria at Sea Island fall into disrepair, until it was con demned. What now? Iggy Pop page 7 Does he need a haircut and a job? Advertising the 7 Deadly Sins page 6 Vancouver's top advertising agencies take a crack at the sin market. Students have 'til 25th to find budget cuts or tuition goes up get and begin to look lor aller- by Paul Dayson nate forms of revenue from, and Domscus Roy increases in parking pass costs On Tuesday March 15 the and industry funding lo a levy on sludents of BCIT were given a staff salaries and concerts on repreve from a 9.5 percent campus. tuition hike for full-time students and up to 11.5 percent for part- McKinley said Ihe adminis• rime smdents. tration couldn't find anywhere else to cut bul the budget was "We can afford to delay our conlingene^n a zero percent vote, we can vote by fax," said increase in provincial fimding. If Board of Governors member funding was increased the Tom Simmons. "They're (the administration would set the provincial government) not money against tuition fees, he going to put us all in jaU for not said. having a balanced budget ready "The Ministry [of Advanced by March 31 St." Education] is ver> sUem on the The Board of Governors, possibility of increa.ses." said voted to table the motion untd j board chair Wynne Powell. But March 30 in order to give the i added the adiidnistration diougfii Student Association time-until they were unlikely. Friday, March 25-to suggest I "Are we going to mm away ways in which the Institute's from those closed doors widioul budget might be cut _ trying again," said one Sea Island student, "The board and the students-we have to think Vice-president of finance and together as a unit and gel the adminstration Clayton McKinley government to give us more presented the budget saying the money." increase in fees was necessary to He also warned that the gov• maintain service levels at BQT. emment might expect BCIT to He cited increases in operat- ' take in more students as part of ing costs including those result• any increase in funding. ing from the constmction of new One Sea Island student ! buildings, compensation increas• said,"You can only put put so j es for staff, legal costs lelating to much water in a bucket and then human rights claims, and its fuir'-suggesring there is a increased promotion of the "Fees are going up 9.5 percent and I'd like to know hmit to the number of students , Institute, BCTT can handle. The tuition increase would what we'll see for that money." help cover the $2 million budget • Nigel Fleming, Sea Island student president shortfall in BCITs $106 million Simmons argued lhat the budget. board should not pass the budget going to the students [to cover ease the burden of tuition Sea Island student president and resulting tuition increase shortfalls]," Boivin said chal• increases on needy students. Nigel Fleming said, "Fees are Alumni Association presi• going up 9.5 percent and I'd hke until the students had a chance lo About 40 students attended lenging the increase in tuition. dent Guy Steves said. "We'd hke to know what we'll .see for that suggest where the budget might the board meeting and voiced He noted that the adminstra• to put our support forward, to money." be cut. despite the suggestion their concerns over tuition tion had increased mtion by 9.75 help out." Offering alumni aid He cited incidents of smdents lhat those cuts could be made increases and Student percent last year-a total of 20 percent over two years. with more ressources to help slu• being forced to drop out at Sea after if possible, Association president Lyle denls in financial trouble dealing Island because of fincancial "The motion is passed and feoivin brought a 1,800 signature McKinley pledged the admin• with higer tuitions. pressures. that's one message, the motion petition asking that tuition nol istration would increase student This did not satisfy many of Students also suggested lhat isn't passed that's another mes• be rai,sed with him,, assistance funding for awards of scholarships and bursaries to die smdents. Ihc Instimte make cuts to its bud• sage," said Simmons, "1 don't agree with always THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY THEUNK'SPOm Baseball Classic mal will see Ihe Leo's play mostly on UNK CLASSIFIEDS Major League Baseball is coming lo Thursday evenings before Labour Day and Saturday nighl games after the LINK CLASSIFIEDS... are $5 for a 3 line ad and $1 tor each line atter-except employ• Vancouver! No you aren'i dreaming, and ment listings for which the first 3 lines are FREE. To place a classified ad contact TTie you did read il correclly. There is one September long weekend /jnfc at 432-8935. calch though, it's nol permanent. The change comes after the Lions' head A handful of the leagues stars will be in office mailed out surveys to season dcket EMPLOYMENT WORDPROCESSING cont. town for a couple of days to show their tal• holders, asking when they'd Uke lo see die Experienced Cab Drivers now being ents, before regular season. team play. The overall consensus? WORD PROCESSING hired by north Shore Taxi. Apply in per"- This pre-season format wUl allow some Saturday evening games after Labour Day. Resumes. Temi Papers, Theses, son to the rear of 250 Pemberton Ave, ball clubs to venture into areas where Uve "We're convinced that we have secured Correspondence. North Van. anytime. baseball would otherwise not been seen. die best schedule in Itie BC Uons history Professional Documents Produced with So exacUy who is going to be playing at which accomodates bolh Lions fans and QuaUty Laser Printer. BC Place on Uie Easter weekend? Both of die team itself," said Owner BUI Comrie. WORDPROCESSING 5 Minules to BCfT and SFU. Pick-up and Canada's leams will play in front of Lions fans wUl lie first in die league to DeUvery Available. WORD PROCESSING, GRAPHIC Vancouver fans on Apr 1. Montreal will see die Las Vegas Posse on Mon June 10 Call Irene at 298-5859. DESIGN & DESKTOP PUBLISHING battle the Jays on Friday, 5pm. Other in pre-season action. The other Lion pre• essays, term papers, resumes, proposals, games arc as foUows: season game is in Calgary June 28. newsletters, advertising Fri April 1 12pm Colorado vs SeatUe Leo fans wUl see every team in the CFL COURSES FREE TfTLE PAGE • RUSH & Sal April 2 10am Toronto vs SeatUe take on the orange and black-except MODEL MUGGING OVERNIGHT SERVICE • DELIVERY Sal April 2 2:30pm Montreal vs Baltimore. Full-force Self -defense for Women EDITING • UNBEATABLE RATES Colorado The first regular season home game is Leam how to knock out an assailant by YOUR WORK STORED ON against Winnipeg, Fri July 8. practicing on a fuUy padded mugger Leos plan new season Other noteable games. Defending A PERSONAL DISK April 12, 14, 20, 26&28 Grey Cup champions Edmonton Eskimos AU work done on Macintosh at the Open Leaming Agency The BC Lions unveiled their regular CALL FRONT PAGE GRAPHICS season schedule ttiis week. The new for• on Sat Sept 17 and the final regular season 623-2395 home game versus Calgary, Sat Nov 5. FOR PROFESSIONAL AND EFHCIENT SERVICE RECREATION AND ATHLETICS 420-4695 (MESSAGE) LINE DANCING BLADE RUNNER Thursdays March 24 to May 12 Wednesday. March 30 CAMPUS & COMMUNITY EVENTS 6 to 8pm $27.00 for 8 sessions 12:00 lo 1:00 weaUier permitting New Participants welcome! Prizes: tst place $100 Campus Events is a calendar column open for the advertisement of events 2nd place$75 and fiinctioDS on ail of BCIT's campuses. Submissions should be dropped off at 3rd place $25 INTERMEDIATE GOLF CLINICS j Ihe Lmk offices or sent through campus maU. Deadline for the next paper, pub- more spot prizes hshed Wednesday April 6th, is Thurs. March 31st. Saturday, M.irch 26 or Saturday, April 30 Rules: leams of 3 9:30am to 4:00pm Runner -2 laps around circuit I FRIDAY. MARCH 25 $32.oo for 8 hours of lessons (1.7 mi.) (1025 GranvUle St.) Gordon's getting a Plus $12.00 for balls & green fees RoUeiblade-lS laps around tennis table near Uie dance floor at 7pm. Join us Some sets of clubs available dirough BCTT Annual Logger Sports Competion. Noon courts (1.4 mi.) to Dusk on Uie Logger Sports field. BBQ for a beer. The band is always "interest• Recreation Services Mountain Bike-2 laps around fitness ing "Maybe we'll drift to the Odyssey L^gley Golf Course and Bzzr Grdn. T-shirts for sale. All pro• trail (1.4 mi.) ceeds to send BCFTs team to CONCLAVE after?? (538-8686 or 434-5734, local 5301) Emphasis on stroke improvement ^ (We supply the roUerblades) Entrance fee $21 .OO l>efore Fri, Mar 18 (3ianmpionships in the US. SATURDAY. MARCH 26 $33 after Fri, Mar 18 GALA-BCIT. Pub night at the Royal Logger Sports Competion contines. 9am to Dusk on the Logger Sports Field MONDAY, MARCH 28 GALA-BCIT- Biweekly meeting of Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals of Why work for peanuts BCIT held in the regular room 12:30-1:30. Call Gordon (BCIT 434-5734, local 5301 or home 538- 8686) for room location and details when you can sell them? ConOibute your ideas about a per• manent shared home for our group and other student resources.
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