Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information INDEX Abbott, Tony, 275 and European diseases, 5, 19, 32 Abeles, Peter, 203 and European invasion, 13 Aboriginal Affairs, Department of, and federation, 145 239 flag, 289 Aboriginal people, 10, 188–90, Freedom Ride, 236 303–5 government policy on, 227–9, Arrernte people, 9 267, 298 art, 14, 289 Gurindji people, 227, 236 and Arthur Phillip, 31 Kamilaroi people, 62 assimilation, 189, 227–9 Kulin people, 67 Batjala people, 69 Kwiambal people, 62 Black Line, 61, 63–6 land rights, 67, 239, 267, 287, and Christianity, 49 288, 304 conflict with European settlers, language groups, 14 39, 49, 55, 56, 59–61, 65 life expectancy, 287 and the Constitution, 231, Link-Up agencies, 229 236 massacres, 60–5, 91, 105, 107 Coranderrk settlement, 106 Native Institution, 49 culture, 3, 13–15, 189, 289 Nglulungbara people, 69 Day of Protest and Mourning, in northern Australia, 105 17, 188 Northern Territory intervention, Dharuk people, 38 298 Djankawa story, 9 Nyungar people, 62 Dreamtime (Dreaming), 9, 14, pastoral workers, 105, 227, 236 16 political movement, 261 elimination of, 106, 146 population, 61, 145, 286 employment, 105, 287 protection of, 65, 105–8, 146 environmental management, 14 reconciliation, 267, 287, 289, Eora people, 14, 39 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information 340 Index Aboriginal people (cont.) appeasement, 186, 187 reserves and missions, 66–8, Arabanoo, 31, 33 146, 228, 287 arbitration, industrial, 177, 249, resistance to European 265, 295 settlement, 39, 61 Arbitration Court, 151, 177, 178, Riratjungi people, 9 206, 223, 238 role in exploration, 56 architecture, 83, 234 self-determination, 239, 287, Argentina, 179 304 armies, secret, 173, 182 separation of children, 146, 228, Armistice Day, 165 267, 289 art, 83–5, 238 sexual relations, 39–42, 149 Aboriginal, 14, 289 town dwellers, 68 literature, 69, 131, 145, 181, treaties, 67 226 view of in Australian history, 5 music, 187 Wajuk people, 14 painting, 69, 76, 120, 131, 132, welfare dependency, 287 145, 181, 226 women and children, 184 see also names of individual Yarra Yarra tribe, 107 artists, 69 Yolngu people, 236 Arthur, George, 63–6, 69, 76 Aborigines’ Progressive ASEAN, 256, 262, 274, 291 Association, 188 Asia, 18, 21, 141, 186, 257, 272, Accord on wages and prices, 248, 291 252 Australian view of, 214, 262 Adelaide, 79, 80, 110, 220 financial crisis, 264, 273 ‘Advance Australia Fair’, 193 Asia-Pacific Economic Advertiser newspaper, 120 Cooperation, 262, 299 Afghanistan, 276, 277 assignment system, 51 Age newspaper, 120 assimilation, 204, 227–9, 238 agriculture, 11, 15, 97, 285 Astley, William, 71 Alice Springs, 105 asylum seekers, 274, 276 All for Australia League, 182 Atomic Energy Commission, 224 Anglican Church Missionary Australia (name), 51, 121 Society, 49 Australia Day, 17, 51, 188, 236 Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 141, ‘Australia Unlimited’, 171 176 Australian Broadcasting anthropology, 4, 11, 189–90, Commission, 187, 193, 219, 289 266 Anti-Communist Labor Party, 217 Australian Broadcasting Anti-Socialist Party, 150 Corporation Anzac Day, 160–2, 168, 176, 195, see Australian Broadcasting 292 Commission Anzacs, 158–62, 166, 191 Australian Capital Territory, 95, ANZUS treaty, 212, 258, 291 208 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information Index 341 Australian Council of Trade baby boomers, 223 Unions, 206, 242, 245, 248, Bali, bombing in, 277 295, 299 Ballarat, 89–90 Australian Imperial Force, 158, Banks, Joseph, 24, 27, 28, 30, 39 173 Barak, William, 106, 107 Australian Institute of Sport, 281 Barton, Edmund, 138 Australian Labor Party, 128, 150, Barwick, Sir Garfield, 241 187, 250, 293 Bass, George, 44 Chifley government, 201–3, Bass Strait, 27 205–6, 248–9, 251–4, 260–2 Bathurst, 47, 55 and the Cold War, 209 Batman, John, 67, 77, 106 and communism, 173 Battle Mountain, 105 Curtin government, 192–3, Baynton, Barbara, 131 198–9, 201 Bean,C.E.W.,160, 161 and the Depression, 180 Beattie, Peter, 280 governments, 178–82 Beazley, Kim, 270 Hawke government, 248–9 Belgium, 166, 210 Jack Lang, 179 Bellamy, Edward, 133 Joseph Lyons, 179 Bennelong, 31–3 Keating government, 260–2 Bentham, Jeremy, 42, 54 split, 167, 217 bicentennial celebrations, 17 tariff duties, 151 Bigge,J.T.,51, 52, 69, 73, 79, White Australia Policy, 143 80 Whitlam government, 231, Bjelke-Peterson, Joh, 239–41, 250, 237–42 280 and World War II, 190 Black Line, 63–5 Australian National University, Black War, 60, 61 202, 224 blackbirding, 104 Australian Natives Association, Blainey, Geoffrey, 60, 267, 283 139, 145 Bligh, William, 36, 45, 46 Australian newspaper, 74 Blue Mountains, 47, 55, 58 Australian Rules football, 219 Boak, Barcroft, 102 Australian Security and Intelligence Bolsheviks, 165, 173 Organisation, 175, 211, 216, Bolte, Henry, 208–9, 239, 279 219 Bond, Alan, 254, 281 Australian Settlement, 152, 155, Bonwick, James, 11 249, 255 Book Censorship Abolition Australian Shearers Union, 123, League, 187 126 border control, 277, 306 Australian War Memorial, 60, 160, borrowing, public, 209, 249, 251 168, 293 Botany Bay, 16, 27, 28, 71 Australian Wheat Board, 296 Boyd, Robin, 234, 235 aviation, 174 Bradman, Don, 185 Ayers Rock, 102, 307 Brisbane, 110, 220 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information 342 Index Britain, 18, 35, 51, 58, 176, 210, Carr, Bob, 279 303 Carter, Angela, 305 atomic programme, 212 Castle Hill uprising, 44, 49 constitutional ties, 157 Catholic Social Studies Movement, dependence on, 156, 167, 176, 216, 219 185, 195, 305 Catholicism, 82, 116, 168, financial links, 176 219 independence movements, 210 cattle, 58, 101, 105, 111 Rum Rebellion, 46 censorship, 164, 175, 187, World War II, 190 198 British and Foreign Aborigines’ Centennial Park, 121 Protection Society, 65 cereal production, 38, 58 British Empire, 3, 18, 168, 170 see also wheat, 38 claim over Australia, 27 Chamberlain, Azaria, 102 maintenance of, 140 Charters Towers, 90, 144 in the Pacific, 19–21, 24, 29 Chartism, 93, 97 severance of ties to, 3, 138 Chi, Jimmy, 289 Broken Hill, 90, 111, 123, 124, Chifley, Ben, 201, 205, 206, 215 153 child endowment, 184 Broome, 144 children, 98, 131, 224–5, 239 Brown, Bob, 285 ‘children overboard’ affair, 277, Bruce, Stanley, 169, 178 279 Builders’ Labourers Federation, 89, China, 187, 237, 256, 291 284 Chinese immigrants, 88, 103, 144, Bulletin magazine, 131, 133, 142, 145 149 Chisholm, Caroline, 81 bunyip aristocracy, 92, 121 Christianity, 2, 48, 60, 71, 138 Burke, Robert O’Hara, 57, 101 Christmas Island, 276 Burma–Thailand railway, 196 Church Act, NSW, 81 Bush, G. W., 275–7 Church of England, 48, 82, bush legend, 131, 132 116 bushranging, 74, 76, 99 churches, 81, 82, 117–20 see also religion, 81 Cairns, 144 Churchill, Winston, 192 Cairns Group of agricultural Clark, Manning, 238 producers, 257 Clarke, Marcus, 71, 112 Call to Australia, 219, 220 class, 112, 129, 136, 153, 181 Calwell, Arthur, 202–5, 226, 237 ‘Clever Country’, 252 Cambodia, 257, 274 climate, 30, 31, 130, 286, 298 Cameron, Mary, 126 Cold War, 201, 209, 211, 217, see also Gilmore, Mary 255, 258 Canada, 19, 167, 179, 305 Collins, David, 36 Canberra, 149, 168, 182, 208 Colombo Plan, 214 capital, mobility of, 246, 251 Colonial Office, 67, 73, 92, 93, Carboni, Raffaelo, 89 139, 143 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information Index 343 commodities, production of, 108, Coombs, H. C. (‘Nugget’), 201, 176, 178–80, 246, 247, 249, 207, 235 307 Coopers Creek, 101 see also primary producers, 108 Coranderrk, 106, 107 Commonwealth, British, 176, 198, Corowa, 139 210 Costello, Peter, 265, 294, 299 Commonwealth Bank, 179, 207 Council for Aboriginal Commonwealth of Australia, 137, Reconciliation, 289 147 Council for Civil Liberties, 187 Commonwealth police force, 165 Country Party, 169, 171, 239 communications, 95, 101, 102 coalition governments, 169, 183, communism, 173–4, 181, 209, 185, 217, 231, 243, 258 211, 258 Country Women’s Association, and the labour movement, 181, 219 183–7 Court, Charles, 240, 279 threat of, 214, 220, 233 Crete, 191 Communist Party of Australia, cricket, 107, 185, 229, 281 173, 181, 206, 211, 217, 218 crime, 135, 245 banning of, 192, 215, 217 Crocodile Dundee, 132 Conder, Charles, 133 Cullinlaringo, 105, 107 confidence, public, 281 culture, 3, 118–21, 238 Congress for Cultural Freedom, see also art, literature, music, 3 219 Cumberland Plain, 31, 38, 47, 58 Congress of Aborigines, 49 Curr, Edward, 106 conscription, 163–6, 197, 231, currency, 183, 240, 246, 248, 276 237 Curtin, John, 194, 196, 198, 201 constitution, Commonwealth, 138, 145 Darcy, Les, 185 preamble to, 138, 271 Darling, Ralph, 73 Constitutional Convention, 271 Darling Downs, 55, 122 constitutional crises, 93, 242 Darling Downs Pastoralists constitutions, state, 92, 93, 97 Association, 122 Contemporary Art Society, 187 Darwin, 144, 191, 193 convict system, 35, 53, 54, 70, 73, Davis, Jack, 289 76, 80 Day of Protest and Mourning, 17, convicts, 17, 29, 42–6, 69, 72 188 assignment system, 51, 69, 72 de Quiros, Pedro, 21 discipline, 43, 47–9 Deakin, Alfred, 141, 142, 147, 155 emancipation, 43, 55, 83 federation, 138, 141 pardons, 47, 69 Maritime Strike, 123, 125, 129 punishment, 50, 54, 69 White Australia Policy, 142, 149 Convincing Ground, 59 Deane, William, 272 Cook, James, 1, 25–8, 30 democracy, 93, 97 Cook, Joseph, 157 Democratic Labor Party, 217 Coolgardie, 90 Deniehy, Daniel, 92 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51608-2 - A Concise History of Australia, Third Edition Stuart Macintyre Index More information 344 Index Dennis, C.
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