1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 10469 By Mr. RAMSAY: celerated mapping and water resources basic­ United States to the Stockbridge Indians, be­ H. R. 9131. A bill to promote the national data programs to be printed as a House docu­ cause the land is unfit for agriculture and defense, and to insure against shortages of ment; to the Committee on House Admin­ incapable of supporting either red or white petroleum and petroleum products in the istration. men and because the land is part ,of Wis­ United States by promoting the production consin playground and summer-resort at­ and stockpiling of synthetic liquid fuels; traction and the gift of said land to the said to the Committee on Banking and Currency. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Stockbridge Indians would close the area for By Mr. STAGGERS: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private hunting and fishing by the sportsmen of H. R. 9132. A bill to authorize the Secre_. bills and resolutions were introduced and Wisconsin and work a hardship on both the tary of the Interior to prospect for manga­ sportsmen and the resort and property own­ nese and other resources in certain lands in severally ref erred as follows: ers who depend on the sportsmen for their West Virginia; to the Committee on Public By Mr. BAILEY: business, and the State of Wisconsin has Lands. H. R. 9142. A b111 for the relief of Mrs. Rosie spent and is spending huge sums of money to By Mr. BRYSON: Lu Hall; to the Committee on the Judiciary. protect the wildlife and plant trout and pro­ H. R. 9133. A bill to revise and codify the By Mr. CURTIS: tect such property from forest fires; to the laws relating to patents and the Patent Of­ H. R. 9143. A bill for the relief of Humi Committee on Public Lands. fice, and to enact into law title 35 of the Nagano and her child; to the CommJttee on 2262. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Dr. United States Code entitled "Patents"; to the Judiciary. John M. Chang, Ambassador, Korean Em­ the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DINGELL: bassy, Washington, D. C., transmitting an By Mr. NICHOLSON: H. R. 9144. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Olga appeal from the Korean Government relative H. R. 9134. A bill to amend title 46, United Kowalik and Czeslawa Kowalik; to the Com­ to the Korean situation and requesting in­ States Code, section 251; to the Committee mittee on the Judiciary. creasing aid during their national crisis; to on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. By Mr. FEIGHAN: the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. SHELLEY: H. R. 9145. A bill for the relief of Tomoko 2263. Also, petition of A. Borelli, secretary, H. R. 9135. A bill to amend the Career Yamaya; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Interparliamentary Travel Association, Genes, Compensation Act o:! 1949 to provide that By Mr. FURCOLO: France, relative to an invitation to send a certain service rendered by disabled retired H. R. 9146. A bill for the relief of George delegation from Congress to attend the Inter­ officers be computed as double time for re­ M. Sanger; to the Committee on the Judi:. parliamentary Travel Congress to be held in tirement; to the Committee on Armed ciary. Paris toward the end of next November; to . Services. By Mr. HERTER: to Committee on Foreign Mairs. H. R. 9136. A bill to direct the survey and H. R. 9147. A bill for the relief of Jan repair of certain vessels in the national de­ Krizik; to the Committee on the Judiciary. fense reserve fleet; to the Committee on . By Mr. KLEIN: Merchant Marine and Fisheries. H. R. 9148. A bill tor the relief of Josef By Mr. SHEPPARD: Stuchal; to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE H. R. 9137. A bill to authorize the erection By Mr. McDONOUGH: of an addition tp the existing Veterans' Ad­ H. R. 9149. A bill for the relief of Dr. Colo­ TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1950 ministration facility, San Fernando, Calif.; man S. Perjessy; to the Committee on the to the Committee on Veterans' A1fairs. Judiciary. <Legislative day of Saturday,July 1,1950) By Mr. GAMBLE: By Mr. McGUIRE: H. R. 9138. A bill to amend certain pro­ H. R. 9150. A bill to amend the act entitled The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, visions of Public Law 378, Eighty-first Con­ "An act for the relief of Margarita Funa­ on the expiration of the recess. gress; to the Committee on Ways and Means. kura"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Rev. F. Norman Van Brunt, associate By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: By Mr. O'TOOLE {by request): minister, Foundry Methodist Church, H. R. 9139. A bill to amend section 107 of H. R. 9151. A bill for the relief of Giulio the Intern~! Revenue Code; to the Commit­ Blengino; to the Committee on the Judi­ Washington, D. C., offered the following tee on Ways and Means. ciary. prayer: By Mr. ELLIOTT: By Mr. PETERSON: We bless Thy name, O Thou Almighty H. R. 9140. A blll to authorize paym~nt of H. R. 9152. A bill for the relief of Arthur B. endowment policies of national service life Kline; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Everlasting God, for the inspiri~g insurance in tlie form of annuities; to the !By Mr. SADOWSKI: struggle which is the story of Thy people Committee on Veterans' Affairs. H. R. 9153. A bill for the relief of Janina to find the way to truth and light. For By Mr. COOLEY: Wojciechowska; to the Committee on the those who have held high the torch of H. R. 9141. A bill to encourage the im­ Judiciary. provement and development of marketing truth in perilous times and have brought By Mr. TEAGUE: it through to triumph at great costs, facilities for handling perishable agricultural H. R. 9154. A bill for the relief of Mrs. commodities; to the Committee on Agricul­ Hana Bolton; to the Committee on the Judi­ we give Thee thanks. Now at the cross­ ture. ciary. roads of history where decisions of By Mr. KLEIN: By Mr. YATES: mountainous proportions must be made, H.J. Res. 503. Joint resolution to restore to H. R. 9155. A bill for the relief of Masaka. we pray for that stamina to stand in the President all powers of the Price Con-· Tsutsumi; to the Committee on the Judi­ this hour. When the odds are high let trol Act of 1942, including those of ration­ ciary. ing or allocation; to the Committee on Bank­ us turn to Thee knowing that truth is ing and Currency. rooted and grounded in Thy holy will. By Mr. PLUMLEY: PETITIONS, ETC. Thus, may we not falter, but, with great H.J. Res. 504. Joint resolution to provide Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions faith, go forward knowing that- that the housing developments known as and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Westview and Southview in the town of and ref erred as follows: "Though the cause of evil prosper, Springfield, Vt., shall for the purposes of Yet 'tis truth alone is strong: the Seventeenth Decennial Census be treated 2259. By Mr. PLUMLEY: Resolutions of as a part of the village of Springfield, Vt.; Chelsea Grange; Essex Center Grange, No. Though her portion be the scaffold, to the Committee on Post Office and Civil 155; Lakeview Grange, Danville; Mirror Lake And upon the throne be wrong; Service. Grange, No. 393, Berlin; Prospect Grange, No. Yet that scaffold sways the future, By Mr. MACY: 331, Lincoln; Sutton Grange, No. 252, Sutton; And behind the dim unknown H.J. Res. 505. Joint resolution to provide Vermont and Lyndon Unit, No. 30, American Standeth God within the shadow for voluntary agreements with respect to pri­ Legion Auxiliary, opposing any form of com­ Keeping watch over His own.'' ority allocation and inventory control of pulsory health insurance or any system of steel and steel products, and for other pur­ political medicine; to the Committee on In­ Amen. poses; to the Committee on Banking and terstate and Foreign Commerce. THE JOURNAL Currency. 2260. By Mr. RABAUT: Resolution unani­ By Mr. BATI'LE: mously passed by the Common Council of On request of Mr. LuCAs, and by H. Con. Res. 243. Concurrent resolution to the City of Detroit at its regular formal ses­ unanimous consent, the reading of the favor a Pacific pact and United States par­ sion on July 5, 1950, relative to the Korean Journal of the proceedings of Monday, ticipation therein; to the Committee on For­ situation; to the Committee on Foreign Af· July 17, 1950, was dispensed with. eign Affairs. fairs. By Mr. KLEIN: 2261. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Reso­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ H. Res. 694. Resolution to authorize an in­ lution of Janesville Conservation Club, Janes­ APPROVAL OF BILLS vestigation of profiteering and the cost of ville, Wis., opposing passage of H. R. 3843, living; to the Committee on Rules. a blll providing for the transfer of some Messages in writing from the Presi­ By Mr. PETERSON: lS,000 acres of submarginal land which con­ dent of the United States were commu­ H. Res. 695. Resolution authorizing the tain some of the finest trout streams and nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one printing of the manuscr1pt relative to ac- some of the best hunting land in the entire of his secretaries, and he announced 10470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 18 that the President had approved and . H . J. Res. 502. Joint resolution to suspend Inc., for the fiscal year ended December 31, signed the following acts: certain import taxes on copper.
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