SWAZILAND (GOVERNMENT (GAZETTE VOL. XXIX] MBABANE,Friday, September 27th., 1991 [No. 822 CONTENTS Page GENERAL NOTICES 58. Notice of Intention to Submit Wage Regulation Proposals ou. wu. ee wee on MISCELLANEOUS Notice of Applications under the Road Transportation Proclamation, 1963 see ee 639 654 CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT PART C — LEGAL NOTICES 104, The Regulation of Wages (Road Transportation) Order, 1991. ww.... 105. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary ou. oc. cee cee ce ste ste tee 106. Appointment of Acting Commissioner of Police ue cece see sete cuss sen PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 638 GENERAL NOTICE NO.58 OF 1991 THE WAGESACT,1964 (Act No.16 of 1964) NOTICE OF INTENTICN TO SUEMIT WAGES REGULATION PROPOSALS (Under Section 11(2)) In accordance with the above Act, the Security Services Wages Council, having made such investigations as it deemed fit, hereby publiskes its intention to submit proposals to the Honourable Minister for Labour and Public Service as to the minimum wage and condi- tions of employment which should te applied to the employees in relation to whom the council operates. Copies of the proposals may be obtained from Department of Labour Head Quarters, during normal working hours. Written representations with regard to the proposals must be sent to the Secretary, Security Services Wages Council, P.O. Box 198, Mbabane within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice. K.J. DLAMINI (MS) Secretary|Wages Councils 639 SWAZILAND NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS (Given under Section 10 of the Road Transportation Act No. 37 of 1963) 1. Theapplications for Road Transportation Service Permits mentioned_in the Schedule to this notice have been received by the Road Transportation Board. 2. Interested persons may examine the applications in the office of the Secretary to the Road Transportation Board at the Ministery of Works and Communications, Mba- bane. 3. Any persons objecting to an application shall within 14 days after the date of publica- tion of this notice:— (a) Lodge with the Secretary to the Road Transportation Board P.O. Box 58, MBA- BANE,Swaziland and:- (b) send to the applicant by registered post his objection in writing, together with all groundsof the objection. MAKHOSONKE DLAMINI Chairman Road Transportation Board Mbabane, 27th September, 1991 APPL: NO. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PARTICULARS FOR APPLICATION 02490 Luke R.M.Dlamini P.O. Box 361, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 02490 operating a Non-Scheduled Ray’s Taxi MBABANE. Taxi Service. Based at Mbabane. 04237 Abednego Ndlovu P.O. Box 15, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Non-Sche- Timamba Transport MANZINI. duled passenger service between Big Bend/Mateta and Lavumisa Border Post. Up atid Down. To be based at Big Bend. 04239 Luke Masilela, | P.O. Box 588, Grant of a Road Trahsportaticn Service Permit to operate a Scheduled Everite Bus Service MANZINEI, passenger service between Mahlanya/Bethanhy/Matsapa and Manzini. To be based at Mahlanya, 02108 Tranship (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 8, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 02108 operating 2 Non-Scheduled BIG BEND goods service throughout Swaziland. Based at Nsoko. 00569 E.N. Dlamini, . P.O. Box 309, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00569 operating a Non-Scheduled Muhle One Way Bus Service MBABANE., standby Bus which operates incase of a breakdown. Based at Mbabane. 04035 Andrew Sciolla P.O. Box 20, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 04035 operating a Scheduled passe- Lusiba BusService. BIG BEND. hger service between Big Bend Matata/Nsoko/ Maloma/ Mbulugwane Ehotela and Nhlangano. Based at Big Bend. ors 04004 Andrew Sciolla, P.O. Box 20, Grant of a Rehewal of Permit No. 04004 operating a Scheduled passe- Lusiba Bus Service BIG BEND. nger service between Sivunge/Big Bend Matata/Nsoko/ Maloma/Hlu- shwana/Hluti/Ngolelweni/ Sindandlala/Mabeza/ Mhlosheni/ Hotela and Nhlangano. Based at Big Bend. 04241 Meshack Mayisela, P.O. Box 957, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Non-Sche- Sangcotho Esimhlophe Taxi MANZINI, duled Taxi Service. To be based at Manzini Market. 04240 Meshack Mayisela P.O. Box 975, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Non-Sche- Sangcotho Esimhlophe For Hire MANZINTI. duled goods service. To be based at.Manzini Market. 04242 Mlala (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 55, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Non-Sche- Mlala Transport ENTFONIJENT. duled passenger service between Pigg’s Peak and Mbaoanhe. Two Kombis to be purchased. To be based at Pigg’s Peak. 00030 Wilson J, Nhlabatsi, P.O. Box 201, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00030 operating a Non-Scheduled Mantini For Hire. HLATIKULU. goodsservice. Based at Hlatikulu. 09454 E.G. Mamba, P.O, Box 294, Grant of 2 Renewal of Permit No. 09454 operating a Scheduled passe- Special Bus Service. MBABANE., nmger service between Mbabane/Mahlahya Motshahe and Oshoek. Based at Mbabane, 01742 E.C. Mamba P.O, Box 294, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01742 operating a Scheduled passe- Special Bus Service MBABANE. nger service between Mbabane/Ezulwini .obamba/Mahlanya/Matsapa ahd Manzini. Based at Mbabane. 04243 Sipho H. Ginindza, P.O. Box 736, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to cperate a Non-Sche- Mambalendze For Hire. MANZINI. duled goods service. To be based at Manzini. 04244 Genesi R. Langwenya, P.O. Box 1270, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Scheduled Landvwako Transport. MANZINI. passenger service between Mbhlaleni/Khoza and Manzini. To be based at Manzini. 00006 Fred Dlamini, P.O. Box 1270, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00006 operating a Scheduled passe- Inyoka Beyihlohla Bus Service MANZINI. Niger service between Manzini/Luve/Balegane and Mhlume. Based at Manzini. 02640 Alpheus Langwenya, P.O. Box 1270, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 02640 operating a Scheduled passe- Lekelela Bus Service. MANZINI. nger service between Ngwahe Park/Mhlaleni/Ndlunganye/ Salora/Las Cabanas and Kwaluseni. Based at Manzini. 01160 Priscilla Sihlongonyane P.O. Box 1270, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01160 operating a Non-Scheduled Kuyobuye Kulunge For Hire. MANZINI. goods service. Based at Manzini. 00709 Musawenkhosi Lukhuleni, P.O. Box 15, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00709 operating a Scheduled passe- MasheyaBusService. MHLUME., heer service between Bekwena/Mhlume/Ngomane/ Hlane/Mbadlane/ gogola/Mafutseni/Hhelehhele and Manzini. Based at Mhlume. Tp9 03600 Jeremiah Mchobokazi P.O. Box 1066, Grant of an Ametidment of Permit No. 03600 operatitig a Non-Schedu- Insele Taxi MANZINI. led Taxi Service. Amendment to increase the fleet by one vehicle. Based at Manzini. 03470 Richard S. Dlamini, P.O. Box 1335, Grant of a Renewal and Amendment Permit No. 03470 operating a Mntwana Bus Service. MANZINI. Scheduled passenger service between Manzini/ Khoza/Ndlunganye and University. Amendment to increase carrying capacity to 71 passengers. Based at University. 04093 HomuM.Dlamini, P.O. Box 1120, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 04093 operating a Non-Scheduled Bayahhomzela Taxi MANZINI. Taxi service. Based at Manzini. 03654 Sizakele Mabila, P.O. Box 631, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 03454 operating a Scheduled passe- Sizakele Express MANZINI. nger service between Mbhlume/Tshaneni/Mananga/ Madlangampisi/ Dvokolwako/Mliba/Luve/Sihhoye and Manzini. Rased at Sihhoye. 04245 Franson L. Mavuso, P.O. Box 316, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to onerate a Non-Sche- Lidzangamane Bus Service PIGG’S PEAK. duled passenger service between Ndzingeni/ Millsite /Pigg’s Peak/ Mhlatane/Kwakheni/Mzimnene/ Rocklands Malandalahle Genyevu and Ndeva. Up ahd Down. To be based at Pigg’s Peak. 00214 IntandoInkosinathi, P.O, Box 824, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No, 00214 operating a Scheduled passe- Maswati Transport (Pty) Ltd. MANZINI. nger service between Manzini; Mankayane/Nhlangano/Hluti/Lavumisa and Sidvokodvo. Based at Manzini. 00435 Samson Sifundza, P, GEGE. Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00435 operating a Scheduled passe- Masihambisane Bus Service nger service between Singeni/Eric/Doctor/Sangomeni/Gege/Lugodweni Border and Mazembeni. Based at Gege. 01075 Isaac Tsabedze, | P.O. Box 148, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01075 operating a Scheduled passe- Colisani Izinhliziyo Bus Service MANZINI. nger service between Manzini;Matsapha Indutrial Site and Police Colle- ge. Based at Manzini. 04246 Dumisane E. Hlophe, P.O, Box 78, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to operate a Scheduled Zinyane Bus Service NHLANGANO. passenger service between Lavumisa/Contweni/Stofu, Matsanjeni/ Hlushwana/Hluti/ Mgazini; Mhlosheni/ Hotela and Nhlangano. To be based at Lavumisa. 03153 Edward Dlamini, P.O, Box 886, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 03153 operating a Scheduled passe- Thula Ukhalelani Bus Service MANZINI, nger service between Manzini/Siphofaneni/Big Bend/Matata, Express Based at Manzini. 01582 Edward Diamini, P.O, Box 886, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01582 operating a Non-Scheduled Suka Sambe For Hire MANZINI. goods service. Based at Manzini. cro 04043 Lawrence Matsenjwa, P.O, Box 1245, Grant of Renewal of Permit No. 04043 operating a Non-Scheduled Silomo Transport MANZINI. passenger service between Manzini and Sidvokodvo/ Express. Based at Manzini, 03534 Nelson M. Gina, P.O. Box 160, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 03534 operating a Non-Scheduled Phumelele Taxi SITEKI. Taxi Service. Based at Siteki. 00695 E.N. Dlamini, P.O. Box 309, Grant ofa Renewal of Permit No. 00695 operating a Scheduled passe- Muhle One Way BusService MBABANE. nger service between Oshoek/Mbabane/Mahlanya/Luyengo/ Mankaya- ne/Gege and Nhlangano, Based at Sidwashini. 00177 Vincent D. Mhlanga P.O. Box 360, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00177 operating a Non-Scheduled Nxola Taxi MBABANE. Taxi Service. Based at Mbabane, 01397 Lawrence Masina _ P.O. Box A313, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No.
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