D-TWfiLVB iKtmrifratn' Enhiitto ilrraUi TOTiroAT,JI3LT80/iflM b"\ \ AVBRAGB DAILY dBOULATIOM ^ M THE WEATHER for the Month o« Jane, 1988 r^f5r ^ A 1 A meeting of the pubUclty com­ waa fined $10 and eoata by Judge §_lt_l ^ A A A 1^ ■ A_,_^ ^ A A A A ’a ' A ^ ^ A . A. ^ 1 1 ^^*® *** ol C. M. Weather Baraao. mittee of the Luther League of the Rairmond A. Johnson in court this A B O U ^ W N Emanuel Lutheran church has been ANOTHER ARRESTED morning. He waa arrested at 9^40 p. m. yesterday at Union and North 5,513 j called for tomorrow night at 7 Member of the Audit CMapbell Council, K. of C., last o’clock at the church hy Herbert Main streets by Policeman John r ttu f ttttin i!if rs lu nlcbt moved the furniture from the Johnson, chairman of the group. FOR LOTTERY SALE Cavagnaro. BaroMi of CIroalatlono roomi in the State Theater bulld- Plana will be made for the outing of A fine of $10 and costs was Im­ Inx that It hae occupied for the the League to be held at Columbia posed on Nick Cerino, 43, of Glas­ tonbury, who pleaded guilty to op­ put seven years. Part of the furni­ Lake next ’Tuesday evening. (Claoslfied AdvertUlng on Page 14.) ture was removed July 14. The erating a motor vehicle with tem­ Bargain Hunters Carnival V0L.LIV.,N0.257. M ANCHESTER, CONN., W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 31,1935 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS William Agostinelli is Charg­ furniture was moved ttf the bouse The meeting of the Executive porary markers which had expired. on Main street which Is to be taken Committee of the Merchants Divi­ 'The fine was remitted after Cerino- over August 1 when Mrs. Anna Glea­ sion o f the Chamber o f Commerce ed With Actual Sale of explained he was driving his em­ MAN IS KILLED son. who has lived there and who which was scheduled for this ployer’s car and the boss should has sold the property to Campbell morning was postponed until Thurs­ have renewed the registration. Wednesday Morning 9 to 12 SUBPOENA OUT SAVING NICKEL He was arrested on East Center RISING PRICES Council will move to Hartford and day morning at 10 o’clock at the Lottery Ticket. make her home. There are some Chamber office. Several Important street yesterday at 9 p. m., by P o­ changes to be made In the house be­ Items of business will be transacted liceman Joseph A, Prentice. Offers Girl Friend His Last ITALIANS GIVE A FLAT fore It will be formally opened as a Come on you bargain hunters! W e’ve gone through the store from cellar to attic and gathered all these FOR EXECUTIVE by the committee. 'The cases were prosecuted by C!oin, Then Tries To Get Ride SEEN A MENACE Another step In tracing the odds and ends of merchandise and marked it at give-away prices. Tables are scattered throughout the store. home for the members. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Free— Falls To Death. course of the forged lottery ticket Charles 3. House, who succeeded to Look for them! Large signs will tell you where they are. Tickets for the annual Chamber on which four local men are alleged Miss Evelyn Johnson of Autumn the office July 1 and were the first OFELEORICCO. of Commerce outing at Columbia to have attempted to collect $1,100. Brooklyn, July 31.— (A P )—A JO R r a RULE street entertained with a personal to be tried by him. Lake on Wednesday afternoon, was taken late yesterday afternoon . £> man who parted with a nickel REFUSAL shower last evening In honor of TO WIDENING August 14, are expected to be plac­ by Stats Policeman Harry Leavitt today to be chivalrous ended by Miss Sally Cross of 245 Highland ed on sale at the Chamber office to­ when he arrested William Agostl- paying with his life. street who Is to bo married on morrow and members arc requested H. C. Hopson Still Missing — Hitler’s Much Publicized Na> nclll, 42, of 137 Oak street, part EXPEa URGE NUMBER William Burke, 34, arrived August 7 to Axel W. Johnson. to make their reservations as soon owner of the State restaurant at Quests were present from Hartford, with Miss Georgians O’Brien at as possible. 007 Main street. Rqi. Patton Explams His Rockville and this town. The John­ the Saratoga avenue station on tional Unity Liable to Be Charged with selling lottery tick­ AT OOTING TOMORROW TABLES 1, 2, 3 and 4 the Fulton street elevated. He GENEVA PARLEY SCOPE son home was decorated In a color M l^ Edith M. Hue of 235 Oak scheme of pink and white, with a ets, Agostinelli was said by the found he had a single 6-cent street has returned after a ten- Finances to the House profusion of cut flowers. Games atatc policeman to have retailed the piece. His companion bad no Split— Factions Springing day motor trip to Nova Scotia. .She 25c Perfumes.............. ..................... 5c Small Lot Assorted Jewelry . , 10c and other social pastimes and a ticket which was later altered to Improvement Association Mem­ money. accompanied her sister and broth­ agree with the winning number. 10c Fancy Bobbie Pins............. 3 for 10c “Take this,” he said, airily Refuse to Discuss Anything buffet lunch were enjoyed. bers Going to Oasis Club— $1.00 Toilet W a t e r ......... ................. 39c Committee On Lobbying. er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold He purchaaed the ticket, accord­ Change Purses ................. .10c each proffering his lone nickel. “ I ’ll Up Now. Farmers Going Off Remington of Suffleld. 15c Perfumed Linit for B ath .......... 5c ing to the police from Leo J. Cleary, Stores Not to Close. Bridge Score P a d s .................... 2 for 5c ride. Walt and see.” at League Conncil Session A daughter was bom yesterday former proprietor of the restaurant, 10c Tooth Brushes.................... 5c a t the Richardson hospital, Quincy, WaahinztoD, July 31.— (AP) Miss O’Brien slid the coin into There will be a meeting of the who was arrested early yesterday Boys’ Books ............................1 0 c Berlin, July 81.— (AP) — The Maas., to M r and Mrs. Edwin ta k ­ $1.00 Box of 12 Cakes of S o a p ......... 25c the slot. Burke descended to Federal Relief Rolls Tall Cedars carnival committee at morning on a similar charge. There Is an Indication that Puzzle Sets ....................................... lOe 'W ith H. C. Hopson, mainspring of ing of Quincy, Maas., formerly of Children’s A nklets......................10c pr. the street and began a 100-foot German government today faced a Except Arbitraton Which 7:30 tomorrow night in the Masonic The alteration of the ticket waa goodly number of the members of this town. Mrs. takin g prior to her Doll Cut-Out Sets........................ .... lOe the Associated Oat and Electric climb up a pillar. Just as he serious threat to ita much publicized Temple. a clever Job, according to the Inves- the Manchester Improvement Asso­ 1 Lot Children’s Underwear . 2 for 25c MAIN FLOOR, BIGHT. was about to 'grasp the plat­ marriage was Miss Nellie Foley. Bjretem, itiU missing, the Senate Kansas City, July 81 — (AP) —«U ef last month and not more than tlgatora. A casual glance would 59c White Gloves, 24 pr. to sell .. 20c pr. form and swing up to It be ‘national unity” In a wide popular Failed Several Weeks Ago ciation will take tomorrow oft and lobby committee today turned a sub­ 600 families are still getting this not reveal It had been tampered slipped and plunged to the dissatisfaction against price In­ Rural middle America ti going off The official board of the Church George L. Grazladlo, local real es­ attend the outing of the association Hand B a g s ............... ........................ 25c One TaUe of Remnants. Half Price. poena for him over to the U. S. aid Howard said. with and only close scrutiny under street creases. relief. of the Naiarene wdU meet tonight tate dealer, today sold for the John MAIN FLOOB, BIGHT. MAIN FLOOR, LEFT marshal at New York. Of 17,000 Minnesota families on — Expect Meeting Tomor­ L. Brown estate, the eight-room a magnifying glass showed the Im­ that Is to be held In Hockanum at He died two hours later at B y thousands, farm families are 'at 8 o’clock at the church. the Oasis Club. The stores In the Meanwhile, Patrick J. Hurley, This spread of dissatisfaction waa relief 1634, almost half —9,000 — cottage house In Talcottvllle on the perfections.- S t M ary’s hospital. becoming self-supporting, aided by north end will not close tomorrow secretuy of war In the Hoover ad­ seen as Nazi Radicals and modern­ again are on their feet through gov­ Mrs. Mabel Ayer of Pittsfield, Rockville .'oad, beyond the rotary Agostinelli was rtlcascd on a better crop conditions, resettlement row to Be Exciting Affair. for the outing, although most of the ministration, said that ’’most anyone ists maneuvered behind the scenes ernment loans to buy horses, cattle 'Mass., la spending her vacation traffic circle, to Andrew and H ar­ bond of $300 for appearance in Po­ of loans and their own efforts an lice Court next Monday morning business houses will be represented. would have sense enough not to hire to gain the upper band concerning and seed and because of better with Mrs. Harold Hue of Oak riet Madden. There Is a two-car Associated Press survey showed to­ crops.
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