INDEX Note: Page numbers followed with “n” refer to endnotes. 1 Malaysia Development Aggarwal, Narendra, 180n12 Berhad (1MDB, 1 Malaysia Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, 120 Development Company), Alatas, Ali, 64 112, 113 Al-Azhar University (Jakarta), 1980 (Chinese) Nationality Law 185, 233 (1980 Citizenship Law), 10, Alejandrino, Clark, 204n11 27, 29, 33, 34, 61, 159, 163, Algeria, 83, 84 214, 214, 218, 234, 236, All-China Federation of 237n2 Returned Overseas Chinese 21st Century Maritime Silk Association (ACFROCA, Road, x, 168 中华全国归侨联合会), 29, 160 A Allan Kemakeza. See Kemakeza, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, 87 Allan Achariam, Timothy, 125n25 Ambassador Huang. See Huang Afghanistan, 134 Huikang Africa, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 24, 42, Angeles University, 185 69–89, 92n46, 170, 172, Anglo-Chinese Agreement, 128 173, 203n5 Anifah Aman, 114, 120 Agama Khonghucu (Confucian anti-Chinese violence Religion), 195 causes (factors) of, 4, 227–28 263 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 263 5/1/17 10:09 am 264 Index China and, 102, 213, 227–28 Aung San Suu Kyi, 128, 135–36, in Cambodia, 45, 229–30 229 in Indonesia, 53–65, 159, 208, Australia, 9, 11–13, 60, 70, 231–33 74–76, 80, 81, 89n2, 91n23, in Malaysia, 228–29 148 in Myanmar, 229 Azmi Khalid, 111 in Philippines, 230–31 in Solomon Islands, 35, 69–82, B 161 Bai Suocheng, 129, 130, 132 in Tonga, 78–82 Barboza, David, 152n1 in Vietnam, 45, 98, 231 Barisan Nasional (National Arab countries, 173 Front), 111, 197, 228 Arab Spring, 84–86 Bartholomew Ulufa’alu, 72 Argentina, 15, 16 Beijing Olympics, 4, 35, 39n29, Arman Azha Abu Hanifah, 116 143–52, 161, 216 Armstrong, M. Jocelyn, 181n15 Beijing’s Huashang Conference. Armstrong, R. Warwick, 181n15 See World Overseas Chinese Asian Development Bank, 8 Entrepreneurs Conference Asian Infrastructure Investment Benny Setiono. See Setiono, Bank (AIIB), 8, 21n4, 168, Benny G. 170 Berlatsky, Noah, 66n3 Association of Fostering Chinese Bilahari Kausikan. See Kausikan, Language Teaching 泰国华教 Bilahari 促进会, 192 bilingual policy, 224 Association of Independent Blanchard, Ben, 93n59, 94n61 Members of Parliament Boao Forum for Asia Annual (AIMP), 73 Conference, 180n6 Association of Southeast Asian Border Guard Force (BGF), 129 Nations (ASEAN), 8, 48n2, Brunei Darussalam, 25, 49n4 49n6, 61, 65, 103n2, 169, Bulacan University, 185 225 Burapha University, 185 Ateneo de Manila University, Burhan Uray. See Uray, Burhan 185, 203n2 Burmese Communist Party Atkinson, Joel, 91n23 (BCP), 129, 132 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 264 5/1/17 10:09 am Index 265 C Chinese Nationality Law Canada, 9, 11, 15 (1980). See 1980 (Chinese) Central Asia, 167–68, 170, 173 Nationality Law Chan Chun Sing, 176 Chinese new migrants, 11, 12, Chan, Thomas, 73 28, 70, 71, 148, 178, 192, Chen Dajiang (Sukanta 218 Tanudjaja), 150 Chinese overseas population, 24, Chen Duo, 30 37n4 Chen Shiqiu, 63 Chinese soft power, 4 Chen Yujie, 32 Chinese transnationalism, 34, Chew, Chye Lay Grace, 39, 90, 143–53, 173, 177, 207–21, 91, 203 227, 236 Chiang Mai University, 138n9, Ching, Frank, 39n25 185 Chong Hwa High School Chin people, 139n25 (Kuantan), 197, 204n14 China Dream, 3, 18–19, 168, 174 Chong Koh Ping, 180n12, China Engineering Company 181n13 中国工程总公司, 85 Chongqing Connectivity China Oil and Natural Gas Initiative (CCI), 176 Group 中国石油天然气集团, chuangye renshi 创业人士, 218 85 Chulalongkorn University, 185, China Railway Building 192 Engineering Company Clark Alejandrino. See 中国铁道建筑工程总公司, 85 Alejandrino, Clark China State Railway Company, Committee for Fostering the 176, 233 Unification of China, China’s Overseas Exchange Thailand, 15 Association, 29, 38n14, 155 Communist Party of China China–Britain Business Council, (CPC), 18, 26, 41, 43–45, 172, 173, 180n9 128, 129, 235 Chinese Nationals Overseas Conference of World Federation 海外中国人, ix, 5, 9, 13, 23, of Huaqiao Huaren 33, 39, 86, 103, 145, 154, Associations (CWFHHA), 19, 155, 236 160 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 265 5/1/17 10:09 am 266 Index Confucius Classroom (CC) Dongfang Wenhua Xueyuan 孔子课堂, 182–85, 236 (Academy of Eastern Confucius Institute (CI), 8, Culture), 192 35, 182–204, 216, 233, Downer, Alexandra, 75 236 Dual Citizenship Law (Dual Congo, 83 Nationality Law), 10, 23, Cook Islands, 70 29–32, 218, 237n2 Coolie pattern. See Huagong dual citizenship status, 23, pattern 30–33 Coppel, Charles, 66n3, 66n5 dual nationality, 26, 30, 32, 151, Cribb, Robert, 66n3, 66n5 159, 213–17, 219, 223 Cui Guiqiang, 203n9, 204n12 Duanhua (端华) School, 188, 189 Cultural Revolution, 28, 29, 43, Duchatel, Mathieu, 94 56, 229 Duiker, William J., 103 Duli Zhongxue 独立中学, 197 D Da Qiaowu Zhengce 大侨务政策, E 161 East Kalimantan, 63 Da Ma huaren 大马华人, 119 Eastern Europe, 173 Eddie Lembong. See Lembong, Damar Harsanto, 66 Eddie Daw Win, 138n15 Egypt, 4, 82–88 Democratic Action Party (DAP), ethnic Chinese, 5, 7, 16, 18, 109, 111, 112, 117, 122, 20n1, 20n3, 31–33, 36, 125n29 39n25, 46, 47, 54, 56, 58, Democratic Progressive Party 59, 63, 73, 96, 97, 103n2, (Taiwan), 75 108, 110, 112, 117, 119, Deng Xiaoping, 7, 9, 27–29, 43, 122, 131, 149, 155, 157, 44, 48n3, 61, 108, 159, 159, 163, 173, 174, 177–79, 214 181n15, 183, 187–88, Deng Yuwen 邓聿文, 138n7 191, 193, 198, 200, 201, Dewi Anggraeni, 66n10 202, 208, 212–14, 216–19, Doi moi (renovation), 97 222, 229, 230–35, 238n12, Dong Jiao Zong 董教总, 189 238n16 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 266 5/1/17 10:09 am Index 267 ethnic tension, 14, 32, 62, 72 G in Cambodia, 229–30 Genniken, Jaap van, 103n1 in Indonesia, 231–33 George Tupou V, 79 in Malaysia, 228–29 Germany, 11, 44, 87 in Myanmar, 229 Gill, Parveen, 122n2 in Philippines, 230–31 Gleeson, Sean, 139n21 in Vietnam, 231 Global Hanyu Malaysia, 186 Europe, 12, 13, 24, 168, 170–73, Green Card system, 38n19, 217 203n5 Gu Xiuhua, 109 evening school (yexue 夜学), guest worker, 13, 83 188, 191 Guo Hong 郭洪, 217 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Guo Qingjiang, 117, 125n34 42, 49n4, 49n5, 98 Guoji Ribao, 165n12, 166n20, Executive Body of the Chinese 196, 204n13 Language Council Guomindang. See Kuomintang International (国家汉语国际 推广领导小组办公室, H also known as 汉办). See Haacke, Jurgen, 140n29 Han Ban Habibie, B.J., 58, 64, 65, 215 haiwai huaren 海外华人, 5, 36n2, F 161–63, 221n9 Fang Xiongpu 方雄普, 37n11 haiwai qiaobao 海外侨胞, 20, 121, Federation of Ethnic Chinese 156, 162, 163, 164n7 Enterprises in Argentina, 16 Hamzah Zainuddin, 114 Federation of Returned Overseas Han Ban 汉办 (Executive Body Chinese Associations of the Chinese Language (FROCA), 35, 157 Council International), 35 Fiji, 70, 80 Han Chiang (College) 韩江, 197 First Indochina War, 96 Han Chinese, 132–34, 137, 147, Fong Kui Lun, 117 219 Fuqing Language and Computer “hands off” policy, 9, 47, 53, 65, School, Mandalay, 186 208 Fuxing Language and Computer Hanyu (Han Language, Huayu) School, Yangon, 186 汉语, 162, 183, 224 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 267 5/1/17 10:09 am 268 Index Hanzu 汉族, 224 156, 159–63, 163n2, 164n7, Hao Mengfei 郝梦飞, 91n34 202, 215–17, 223, 226, 227, Hemy Hamisa Abu Hasan Saari, 234, 236, 237 123n17 huashang 华商, 32, 144, 155–60, Herlijanto, Johanes, 238n16 162, 163n2 hezuo changyi 合作倡议, 180n6 Huayi Card (Huayi Ka) 华裔卡, Hinton, Harold, 48n1 4, 36, 207, 213–20, 220n6, Ho Chi Minh City, 99, 100, 221n11 101 huayi 华裔, 5, 6, 219, 225 homeland minority, 126, 212 Huayu (Mandarin) 华语, 23, 128, Hong Kong, 6, 30, 32–35, 38n14, 131, 168, 185, 189, 192, 38n17, 38n24, 60, 67n18, 195, 198–200, 224–26 68n31, 72, 74, 76, 77, 87, Huazu Xinjiapo ren 华族新加坡人, 90n21, 91n30, 145, 146, 225 157, 161, 209, 210, 217, Huazu 华族, 224, 225 220n4, 220n7 Hong, Carolyn, 123n5, 124n18 I Hooker, Jake, 152n2 Ignatius Jonan, 177 Hu Jintao, 18, 77, 89 India, 3, 128, 173, 218, 221n7 Hua Chunying 华春莹, 105 Indonesia, 4, 7, 9, 11, 25, 45–47, huagong 华工 pattern (coolie 48n1, 49n4, 53–65, 65n1, pattern), 12 66n3, 66n4, 66n5, 66n8, Huang Chaohui 黄朝辉, 220n7 67n11, 67n14, 67n18, Huang Huikang 黄惠康, 113, 67n19, 67n22, 69, 117, 149, 127n22 150, 157–60, 165n13, 167, Huang Zhaoxian 黄昭贤, 203n8 176, 177, 183–85, 193–97, Huaqiao University, 28 201, 208, 211, 214, 215, huaqiao 华侨, 5, 6, 9, 27, 34, 35, 222, 224–27, 231–33, 237n8, 41, 44, 45, 115, 119, 146, 237n9, 238n15 149, 150, 154–56, 159–63, Indonesian Chinese Chamber of 163n2, 164n7, 202, 215, 216, Commerce 印尼中华总商会, 223–27, 234, 236, 237n8 195 huaren 华人, 5, 6, 9, 27, 34, 35, Indonesian Parliament, 169, 115, 146, 148, 150, 154, 232 17 Rise of China Index-2P.indd 268 5/1/17 10:09 am Index 269 International Herald Tribune, Ketuanan Melayu (Malay 68n26, 68n27, 148 Supremacy), 108, 112 INTI. See Perhimpunan INTI Khairy Jamaluddin, 116 Iran, 173 Khmer Rouge, 187, 229 Italy, 11, 14, 87, 173, 221n1 Khon Kaen University, 185 King Taufa Ahau Tupou IV, 79 J Kok, Teresa, 109, 111 Jakarta–Bandung high speed Kokang (Guogan), 127–37, train project, 176, 233 138n2, 139n17, 210, 212 Japan, 9, 11–14, 44, 49n5, 70, Kokang Chinese, 126–37, 137n1, 84, 89n2, 128, 146, 148, 138n9, 138n12, 138n14, 168, 177 139n19, 212, 229 Jiang Yu, 148 Kongzi Xueyuan 孔子学院 Jiang Zemin, 63, 64, 85 (Confucius Institute), 184, Jiangmen, 76, 77 195, 197, 198, 203n7, Jinan University, 28, 189 238n15 Johanes Herlijanto. See Korean War, 7, 45 Herlijanto, Johanes Kostrad (Army Strategic Reserve), Joint Fact-Finding Team (TGPF), 59 58 Kuomintang (KMT), 26, 129, 236 Joko Widodo, 177, 232 Kyrgyzstan, 173 Jonathan Kent. See Kent, Jonathan L Jones, Tony, 91n22 labour migration (laogong yimin) 劳工移民, 12, 13 K Law Sit Han (Lo Xinghan), 131, Kachin, 130, 139n25 132, 138n15 Kachin Independence Army Leaf, Paul J., 104n4 (KIA), 130 Lee Kuan Yew, 27 Kausikan, Bilahari, 119, Lembong, Eddie (汪友山), 195 125n38 Len Xinyu 冷新宇, 93n53 Kazakhstan, 167, 169, 173 Leo Suryadinata.
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