Project: Award 96496 – ID 100426 GEF ID N° 5458 - GEF Agency Project ID 5845 Report on the Mid Term Review - (MTR) of the Project Conservation, management and rehabilitation of fragile lomas ecosystems in Lima Consultant: Eduardo Durand December 10th, 2019 Lima, Peru Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima i. MTR DATA Project: de Conservation, management and rehabilitation of fragile lomas ecosystems in Lima MTR Execution Term: August 28th, 2016 – August 28th, 2021 Region - Country: LAC – Peru Focal Area/GEF Strategic Program: Focal Area GEF 5: BD (1,2) y LD (2,3) GEF Strategic Program: Ecosystems and Biodiversity Implementation Agency: UNDP Implementation Partner: National Protected Areas Service of Peru – SERNANP Consultant in charge: Eduardo Durand Front page photo: Lomas de Lúcumo, Pachacamac. EbA Lomas Project site - Info Artes – munipachacamac.gob.pe) Acknowledgments: The MTR consultant acknowledges to the UNDP officials, with special mention of Mr. James D. Leslie and Maria Cebrian, as well as to the GEF, by the confidence placed in his designation to carry out the MTR of the Project. In the same way, to the Project Team led by Edith Fernandez- Baca and Roobert Jimenez, and to all and each one of the distinguished officials and personnel that are referred as interviewed for these purposes in this report, whom facilitated the Project MTR during the mission. Their interest and willingness in providing information, insights and suggestions have been invaluable. The content of this report, notwithstanding, does not necessarily reflect their personal opinions nor the ones of the United Nations for Development Program, its Executive Board or the members of United Nations programs. The report contains and reflects only the views and proposals of the consultant. 2 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima MAP OF LOMAS IN METROPOLITAN AREA OF LIMA From: Project EbA Lomas – GEOLOMAS 3 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima LOMAS OF LIMA Photos: Web page Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. 4 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima TABLE OF CONTENT Page i. MTR Data 2 ii. Map of the Project Area: Lomas de Lima 3 Lomas of Lima Photos 4 Iii Acronyms and Abbreviations 7 5 1. Executive Summary……………………………………………….........……………………….8 1.1. Project Information………………….………………………………………………..………. 8 1.2 Project Description…….. ……………………………………………………………………. 9 1.3 Summary of Project Progress …………...………………………………………………… 10 1.4 Summary of Outcomes and achievements of the Project...………………………….…...11 1.5 Summary of conclusions.…………………………………………………………...……......14 1.6 Summary of recommendations………………………………………………… …………...17 … 2. Introduction …..………………………………………………………………………………..…20 2.1 MTR Purpose and objectives ………………………………………………………….........20 2.2 Scope and methodology: principles of design and execution of the MTR.....……....…..20 2.2.1 Design and execution of MTR.........................…………………………………..….21 2.2.2 Approach, methods for gathering information, limitations of the Project MTR......21 2.3 MTR Report structure…………………………………………………...........…………..…..22 3. Project description and context………………………………………………………..…….23 3.1 Development context: factors relevant to the objectives and the scope of the Project ……………………………………………………………….…22 3.1.1 Environmental, biological, sociocultural and economic factors.............. ………...22 3.1.2 Political and institutional factors..............................................................................23 3.2 Problems addressed by the Project: threats and barriers.............………………………..24 3.3 Project description and strategy: Objectives, products expected Outcomes, territorial environment.....................................................................................................25 3.4 Mechanisms and Project execution scheme....……………………………………...……..27 3.5 Timeframe for execution and level of relative progress…..….………………………...….29 3.6 Entities and institutions engaged….……………………………………………………....…29 4. Proven facts ……………….……………………………………………………………………….30 4.1 Research questions answered ……………..……………………………………………......30 4.2 Project strategy …............….………………………………………………………………....30 4.2.1 Project design…………………………………………………………………………....31 4.2.2 Frame for Outcomes/logic framework……………….…………………………… ….31 4.3 Progress in the achievement of Outcomes………………………………………................32 4.3.1 Progress analysis...................................................................................................32 4.3.2 Remaining barriers to the achievement of the objectives of the Project................38 4.4 Execution of the project and adaptive management........................................................39 4.4.1 Work management and planning mechanisms…..…………………………………..39 4.4.2 Monitoring and evaluation systems……………………….…………........................30 4.4.3 Financing and co-financing………………………………………………….………….42 4.4.4 Stakeholder involvement…………………………………………………………...…...42 4.4.5 Information and communication…..………………………………….........................43 5 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima 4.5 Sustainability.....……………………………………………………........................................43 4.5.1 Financial risks…….............………………………………………………….……....….43 4.5.2 Economic risks………..………………………………………………………..……..….44 4.5.3 Institutional and governance risks…..........................……………………………......44 4.5.4 Environmental and social risks ……………………………………….……………......44 5. Project alignment to the CPD, UNDP Strategic Plan and SDG……..………………..……….45 6. Conclusions and Recommendations………..………………………….......…………...………..45 6.1 Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………......……...………45 6.2 Recommendations …………………………………………………………………......… …….49 Figures: Figure 1. Project Organizational Scheme……………………………………………………..…....28 Figure 2. Accumulated Execution.................................................…………………...................41 Figure 3. Total Comparative accumulated……………………….…………………………….......41. Tables: Executive Summary: 1.1 Project information table…….. ……………………………………………………………….......8 1.4 Summary of Outcomes and Achievements............……………………………………….…....11 1.6 Summary of recommendations table......……….......………………………………………......17 Main Report: Table 1. Comparative of PRODOC Budget vs Real Expenditure……………………………........40 ANNEXES A. Outcome Progress Matrix (Table 1 in TdR) (Eng.) B. MTR Terms of Reference (Spa.) C. Evaluation matrix (Spa) D. List of documents examined (Spa.) E. Questionnaires for interviews (Spa.) F. Itinerary of evaluation mission and persons interviewed. (Spa.) G. Tables of Co-Financing (Spa.). H. UNEG Conduct Code signed. (Spa.) I. Approval of Final Report form. Special annexes: X. Audit Trail Y- Tracking Tools 6 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima Acronyms and Abbreviations ACR Regional Conservation Area, for its Spanish acronym of the national protected area category of SERNANP. BD Biodiversity CAM Municipal Environmental Commission, for its Spanish acronym . D.S Supreme Decree from the Govern of Peru GEF Global Environmental Facility GoP Government of Peru LD Land Degradation MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru MINAGRI Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru MINAM Ministry of the Environment MVCS Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru MML Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (Province) MTR Medium Term Review NIM National Implementation Modality PCM Office of the Ministerial Cabinet Presidency PIF Project Identification Form PIR Project Implementation Review (annual) PRODOC Project Document PRODUCE Ministry of Production of Peru SEDAPAL Water and Sanitation Service of Lima SDG Sustainable Development Goals SERFOR National Service of Forestry and Wildlife, ascribed to MINAGRI SERNANP National Service of Natural Protected Areas, ascribed to MINAM SERPAR Parks Service of Metropolitan Lima SBN Superintendence of National Real State TdR Terms of reference UNALM–CDC National Agrarian University of La Molina – Conservation Data Center UNDP United Nations Development Program UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Frame UNMSM San Marcos National Major University 7 Mid Term Review - MTR Report on the EbA Lomas of Lima 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Project Information Conservation, management and rehabilitation of fragile lomas Project Name ecosystems in Lima - EbA Lomas UNDP Project ID (PIMS#): 1845 PIF Approval date 24/012014 GEF Project ID (PMIS#): 5458 CEO Authorization date 18/07/2016 ATLAS Unit Dossier Project Nr‐ ID, Date of signature of the Atlas ID 96496 (Award # Project. ID) Project Document - PRODOC 22/08/2016 Award #100426 (starting date of Project) Date of recruitment of the September Country/Countries Peru Project Coordinator: 2016 Region: LAC Date of Inception Workshop: 15/12/2016 GEF 5 Date for completion of the Mid Focal Area Ecosystems and 12/12/2019 Term Review (MTR): Biodiversity GEF 5: Strategic objectives of the Focal Area BD-1, BD-2 Expected date for completion 22/08/2021 LD-2, LD, 3 Fiduciary Fund [indicate GEF TF, In case of revision, new date N/A LDCF, SCCF, NPIF]: proposed for completion UNDP Peru / Executing / Implementing Partners SERNAP - National Natural Protected Areas Service of Peru/MINAM At the time of CEO At the time of MTR Project funding Authorization (USD) (USD) Administrated by PNUD GEF 1,983,799 1,983,799 PNUD 135,000 135,000 Sub-Total 1 2,118,799 2,118,799 Co-financing: SERNANP 178,174 178,174 DISTRITAL MUNICIPALITIES 12,611,688 12,611,688 NGO 375,000 375,000 OSC 223,753 223,753
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